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Cost Accounting Books Cost accounting plays the most important role in accounting. Costing helps to increase profitability. The fundamentals of costing provides deep explanation of the essentials needed to carry out this critical role. Buy Cost Accounting books from a wide range of Accounting books in India. Exclusive deals on Cost Accounting books at the online book store of Avail Free Shipping for any purchase above Rs. 250/Financial Accounting Books Financial statements are used to compile the accounting data of people outside the organization or not involved in the daily activities of the company. Financial accounting books provides accounting information to help managers make decisions for the management of the business. Management Control Systems (12th Edition) Books This well-known and authoritative text-and-cases helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required of today 's managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design, implement, and use planning and control systems to implement business strategies. Instructor are allowed maximum flexibility in case assignment and organization due to the variety of cases provided.
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