Economics Sample Paper Of Icse Board Economics Sample Paper Of Icse Board Q1. What is the major source of human illness of suffering ? Q2. Do you think that consumer awareness is necessary. Q3. Why ground water is overused? Q4. What is the main objective of implementing NREGA, 2005. Q5. In how many districts of India is the right to work been implemented? Q6. What do you understand by primary sector? Explain. Q7. Which organization conducts employment and unemployment surveys? Q8. Give examples of disguised unemployment prevailing in urban areas? Q9. How we calculate total production of a sector for a particular year?
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Q10. Inspite of an increase in production, share of tertiary sector in employment has not increased. Explain. Q11. ‘Final goods and services are considered for the estimation of GDP and not the intermediate goods’. Explain. Q12. Distinguish between open unemployment and disguised unemployment. Q13. How is tertiary sector different from other sectors? Q14. Differentiate between economic development & human development. Q15. What conclusions you draw while looking at individual aspirations and goals? Q16. How the globalization leads to interdependent at the international level? Q17. What role does information technology play in globalization? Q18. Discuss the role of money in an economy of the country? Q19. Mention any three factors which cause exploitation of consumers. Q20. Mention the aspirations or development goals of: (A) Landless rural labourer (B) A rural woman having own piece of land (C) Urban employed youth Q21. How WTO has led to the adverse effects in the economy? Q22. Why sustainable development is important? Q23. How does public sector contribute to the economic development?
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