Gujarat Board Social Science Previous Year Question Paper Gujarat Board Social Science previous year question paper The Social Studies paper of the Class 10 of the Gujarat board is of three hours with a total of 100 marks. There are total 18 questions in this paper. The question paper is divided into four sections. Of these four sections, the first section is the objective type with 4 options in each question of which only one is the correct one and the total marks carried by this section is 50. The rest of the 17 questions is distributed among the three sections of the paper. All these questions are subjective type. Social Science
Class 12
Q.1. Mention any four measures taken by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan to modernise the Muslim Community? Q.2. Explain the importance of the Sangam literature in the history of South India. Q.3. Name the terminal stations of ‘North-South’ and ‘E ast-West’ corridors. Q.4. Define the term ‘Tsunami’. Write two causes of gen eration of tsunami. Q.5. Why is Raja Rammohan Roy called the father of mode rn India? Give two points. Know More About :- Maharashtra Board Hindi Sample Papers
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Q.6. Why is conservation of natural resources necessary ? Give two reasons. Q.7. Why is dense railway network found in the great pl ains of India? Give two reasons. Q.8. Explain the two components of liberalisation. Q.9. Explain any two reasons responsible for the unfavo urable sex ratio in India. Q.10. What steps have been taken by the Government of In dia in the interest of ‘Other Backward Classes’ (OBC)? Explain any two steps. Q.11. Suggest any four measures to protect buildings fro m flood. Q.12. Name the grand architectural structure of the ‘Mugh al Period’ given on page 99 and also write any two characteristics of it. Note: The following question is for Blind Candidates onl y in lieu of Q. No. 12. Name the building which is described as ‘the dream in marble’. Write any two of its characteristics. Q.13. What is Child Labour? State three provisions made in the Constitution of India for the protection and development of children. Q.14. Examine the role of the Revolutionaries in the Fre edom Movement of India. Or Explain the contribution of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in the Indian Freedom Movement. Q.15 Distinguish between ‘dry land farming and ‘wet lan d farming’ by stating four points. Or Why is subsistence agriculture still practised in c ertain parts of the country? Give four reasons.
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