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crosswalk the official publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina

November-December 2003

81st Diocesan Convention embraces unity, plots next steps in mission page 7) professed the diocese’s will to remain committed to Christian mission despite profound differences of opinion over issues of sexuality, was adopted by a vote of 249–48, with one abstention. An amendment to the resolution calling for Canon Robinson to step down for the good of the Anglican Communion was

As the season of Advent approaches, Upper South Carolina is embarking on yet another new venture: reaching out to the unchurched in the diocese with billboards in five strategic locations and urging all Episcopalians to become “instant missionaries” by putting Upper SC bumper stickers on their cars. The campaign, the brainchild of the diocesan Communications Committee, is aimed at the many non–churchgoers who, consciously or unconsciously, recognize their longing for God and for spiritual community in acute and unexpected ways as the madness of the secular Christmas season gets under way.

Two bumper stickers, designed by Semaphore, Inc., of Columbia, offer two “looks” and two slogans—”Soul searching?” and “Welcoming all God’s children”—and both include the tag line “The Episcopal Church,” directing the “called,” as well as the merely cu-

EVANGELISM MADE EASY . . . “Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?” “I will, with God’s help.” God’s help might just come in the form of a bumper sticker! Order yours now by going to page 13 or by visiting!


rious, to the diocesan Web site, www. No phone numbers or mailing addresses are included, because, in today’s world, the Internet is the preferred information-gathering venue for the vast majority of the unchurched. The “Soul searching?”


Permit No. 848 Columbia, SC

Remembrance of things past: Paper-lace hangings created by Nancy Chinn for Upper SC’s Great Gathering adorn the worship space at the 81st Annual Diocesan Convention. Pictured here before the beginning of Morning Prayer on day one are Bishop Henderson and the Rev. Michael Bullock, rector of the host church, St. Martin’s-in-theFields (photo by Eric Schnaufer).

Upper SC reaches out to unchurched with billboards, bumper stickers By Peggy Van Antwerp Hill

defeated by a narrow margin: 141–159. “We are very closely divided,” Bishop Henderson said, “but we’re going to maintain our unity. It’s our commitment to mission that’s keeping us together.” Emblematic of that commitment, the

Nonprofit Org. U.S. POSTAGE

As promised, the 81st Annual Diocesan Convention, held October 25 and 26 at Columbia International University in Columbia, was unlike any of its predecessors in a variety of ways—increased attendance, greater youth participation, Power Point prayers, mission-oriented talks, workshops, and opportunities to brainstorm, and some very serious issues to consider following last summer ’s consent to the consecration of the Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson as the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop. Day one, devoted to mission leadership training, of fered an orchestrated mix of addresses, resources, and individual and group reflection time, culminating in each congregational delegation’s formulation of an (atleast-three-step) action plan for presentation and implementation on their return home. Mary MacGregor of the D iocese of Texas, Bob Schoor of Twenty-First Insight Strategic Consultants, and the Rev. J. Blaney Pridgen III of St. Mary’s, Columbia, led a trio of m ission-minded workshops, with M acGregor stepping in to oversee progress of the whole day. The Rev. Dr. John Westerhoff, expected to be the keynoter, was unable to attend following emergency surgery the week before convention.

Day two was given to the traditional business of the diocese, including consideration of resolutions proposed by the General Convention Response Committee, appointed by Bishop Henderson to seek “a method of expressing our corporate feelings and convictions (about controversial actions of General Convention).” Also proposed for consideration were two amendments to the diocesan canons prompted by consent to Canon Robinson. Neither proposed amendment to the canons passed. The first, offered by 50 members of various congregations throughout the diocese, requested that ownership of property pass to the individual congregations and organizations, which now hold that property in trust for “this Church and the Diocese of Upper South Carolina.” The amendment was ruled out of order because it was in violation of the constitution of the national Church. The second proposed amendment, seeking to redirect diocesan funding away from the national Church, failed in a vote by orders: 84– 132 (lay order) and 27–51 (clergy). From the work of the General Convention Response Committee, chaired by the Rev. Canon Charles Davis, Jr., of Trinity Cathedral, came the proposed resolution that was adopted to express the diocese’s corporate response to actions of General Convention. The resolution, which in essence (full text on

Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina 1115 Marion Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201

By Peggy Van Antwerp Hill

............................................................... November-December 2003

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The consecration heard ’round the world The Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson becomes NH’s bishop-coadjutor By Peggy Van Antwerp Hill On November 2, at the University of New Hampshire’s Whitmore Center in Durham, a congregation of some 3,000 people came together to witness the consecration of the Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson as bishop-coadjutor of the Diocese of New Hampshire. The consecration marked another milestone in an intense, emotional series of events that began with the 74th General Convention’s consent to Robinson’s consecration in August, making the Episcopal Church USA and the worldwide Anglican Communion key figures on the global religious scene. CELEBRATION AND PROTEST The three-hour service, a glorious mixture of music and wise and humorous words addressed to the new bishop, was not without formal protests offered in response to The Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson becomes a bishop of the Church (photo: Matthew Davies/ACNS)

crosswalk Official Publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina 1115 Marion Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 (803) 771-7800/(800) 889-6961 (803) 799-5119 (FAX)

Crosswalk E-mail Address Bishop The Rt. Rev. Dorsey F. Henderson, Jr. Archdeacon and Assistant for Mission and Ministry The Ven. Frederick C. Byrd Canon for Christian Formation The Rev. J. Philip Purser Missioner of Youth Ministry The Rev. L. Sue von Rautenkranz, Deacon Director of Communications, Editor of Crosswalk Peggy Van Antwerp Hill Executive Assistant for Operations Jane B. Goldsmith Assistant to Bishop Henderson Julie Price Assistant to Archdeacon Byrd Bonnie Blackberg Assistant for Christian Formation, Manager of Diocesan Resource Center Roslyn Hook Assistant for Finance and Insurance Cynthia Hendrix Bishop Gravatt Center

Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold’s request that anyone knowing “any reason why we should not proceed” come forward. After three speakers, including a priest from the Diocese of Pittsburgh who attempted to unsettle the congregation with a graphic description of homosexual sex, registered their opposition, Bishop Griswold remarked that, although he welcomed the objections from brothers and sisters, the consecration would proceed. “We are learning,” he said, “to live the mystery of communion at a deeper level.” INTERNATIONAL REACTION International reaction to the consecration came quickly. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams issued a statement in which he noted that “The divisions that are arising are a matter of deep regret. It is clear,” he went on, “that those who have consecrated Gene Robinson have acted in good faith on their understanding of what the constitution of the American church permits. But the effects of this upon the ministry and witness of the overwhelming majority of Anglicans, particularly in the nonwestern world, have to be confronted with honesty.” African leaders generally reacted harshly, with Archbishop Please send all Crosswalk address corrections, deletions or additions to: Trevett’s Labels and Mailing Service, LLC 2217 Lake Murray Blvd. Columbia, SC 29212 Phone: (803) 781-3150 Fax: (803) 732-1393 email:

Peter Akinola of Nigeria announcing “a state of impaired communion [that] now exists both within a significant part of ECUSA and between ECUSA and most of the provinces” of the Anglican world and Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi of Kenya declaring that “The devil has clearly entered the Church.” But there were moderate, and even positive, voices as well—Archbishop Gregory Venables of the Province of the Southern Cone in South America, who declared this a “time of separation and thinking. We are not having a divorce yet,” and retired Ugandan Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo, who stated that “The consecration is God’s way of making the Church come to terms with homosexuality. Bishop Robinson did not elect himself, he was elected by others. To me it seems God inspired them to vote that way.” And, as he has in the past, Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane of the Province of the Church in Southern Africa struck a conciliatory note, offering congratulations and prayers to Bishop Robinson. COMMISSION TO SEEK MIDDLE WAY All eyes now turn to the commission appointed by Archbishop Williams as a result of the October meeting of the primates in London. The 16-member commission, named in late October, is charged with reporting to the archbishop, by September 30, 2004, “on the legal and theological implications flowing from the decisions of the Episcopal Church (USA) to appoint a priest in a committed same-sex relationship as one of its bishops, and of the Diocese of New Westminster [Canada] to authorise

services for use in connection with same-sex unions. . . .” The commission has also been asked to produce “practical recommendations (including reflection on emerging patterns of provision for episcopal oversight for those Anglicans within a particular jurisdiction, where full communion within a province is under threat) for maintaining the highest degree of communion that may be possible,” and to “make recommendations . . . as to the exceptional circumstances and conditions under which, and the means by which, it would be appropriate for the Archbishop of Canterbury to exercise an extraordinary ministry of episcope (pastoral oversight), support and reconciliation with regard to the internal affairs of a province other than his own for the sake of maintaining communion with the said province and between the said province and the rest of the Anglican Communion.” Archbishop Robin Eames of Ireland has been appointed to chair the commission. He was head of a similar commission formed in 1988 when the issue at hand was the ordination of women. This article is based on reports from the Episcopal News Service (ENS) and the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS). To read the full reports, go to ENS, http://, and ACNS, http://www.anglicancom Our diocese online!

A letter from Bishop Henderson

8 National Merit honorees named at Heathwood Hall

Advent 2003 Sisters and brothers, dearly beloved:

Heathwood Hall class of 2004 National Merit honorees include two Commended Students, a National Achievement Semifinalist, and 5 National Merit Semifinalists—the top one percent of high school seniors in the nation as tested on the preliminary SAT. Over the past five years, Heathwood Hall has produced more semifinalists than any independent school in Columbia and the highest percentage of semifinalists among local senior classes, public and private. Pictured, front row (left to right): Carmen Keck, Commended Student; Shawn Blake, National Achievement Semifinalist; J.B. Tharp, Commended. Back row: Semifinalists Matt Hiltner, William Ellerbe, Jennie Motto, Derrick Stuckey, and Patrick Rogers.

Setting the record straight about St. Gabriel’s In the article “New mission planted in northeast Columbia,” in the October Crosswalk, the start date given for St. Gabriel’s—September 2000—is incorrect. St. Gabriel’s held its first service in September 1998 and its last service in the fall of 2002.

Faithfully yours in our Lord,

Dorsey F. Henderson. Jr. The Rt. Rev., the Bishop



ALL WELCOME For more information contact HIV/AIDS Committee member Felicia Smith, (803) 734-8767.

January 9–11— “Dynamic Spiritual Leadership for Vestries”; keynoter and coordinator, the Rev. Dr. Philip C. Linder, dean of Trinity Cathedral, Columbia. January 29–31—“Christianity and Islam: Reconciliation through Understanding, co-sponsored by Kanuga and the Community of the Cross of Nails, examining the cultural and religious barriers to be overcome. March 2–4—“Fiction and Faith: An Invitation to Spiritual Renewal through Film,” the Bowen Conference, with keynoter the Rev. Dr. William Willimon, dean of the chapel and professor of Christian ministry at Duke University.

The ECW of St. Michael and All Angels, Columbia, is offering Christian symbols. They are ready for decorating. The cost is $1.00 per symbol, or $40.00 for 44 symbols, plus postage. Contact Eleanora Cox for prompt mailing, (803) 782-7805.


Please join me in continued to prayers for all of our young people, their parents and teachers.


As we live into our vision of being “One Body with One Mission: Changing Lives,” it occurs to me that we must include in that body the hundreds of young people served by our Episcopal schools, as well as their parents, teachers, and administrators. We have two diocesan schools, Christ Church Episcopal School in Greenville and Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia, that enroll nearly 2,000 young people. Mead Hall in Aiken and other parish schools enroll hundreds more. Obviously, our Episcopal schools are in a position to reach young people far beyond the hours of Sunday school and EYC activities. They are in the business of “changing lives” daily and their common values are clear: academic, spiritual and physical development, as well as diversity, inclusion, and social justice. In addition, as the Rev. Jonathan T. Glass, associate executive director of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, points out: “The experience of Episcopal Schools is of increasing value to the whole Church. Episcopal school programs and leaders can potentially be helpful as trainers, teachers, and consultants in the enhancement of youth work, for our staffs work every school day . . . with students at each of the stages of their development.” Our own Upper SC schools are enthusiastic about participating in the life of the diocese and we must find a way both to support and to be supported by them. I have put together a task force to look at ways to incorporate the work of our Episcopal schools into the work of our diocese, to look at the value and meaning of an Episcopal education, and to find ways of combining our resources to fulfill the goals of our long-range plan as it pertains to our youth. One of the first things we must do is to celebrate together the work and ministries of our Episcopal school, as well as find ways to educate ourselves and our people about the unique opportunities available for young people at our centers for learning. As your bishop, I encourage those of you with school age children and grandchildren who are looking for an independent school environment to consider the Episcopal Schools in our diocese. What a wonderful opportunity to provide a faith-based education to guide your child through his or her journey to adulthood! When visiting our Episcopal schools, I always am impressed with the nearly tangible excitement for learning that is demonstrated through the attitudes and behaviors of students and faculty. I think you would be, too.

November-December 2003 ...........................................................................

Episcopal schools change lives . . .


............................................................... November-December 2003

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The canon comments on . . .

Advent By the Rev. Canon Philip J. Purser

Ready to wait: (front row) Senior warden Ralph Houst, Dwayne Dove (on his lap), Sarah L. Goodwin (and in back) junior warden Colvin Woodard, and Deacon Judy Ewing show off St. Thomas’s new crèche. (But you’ll have to wait till Christmas to glimpse the baby, of course!) (photo by Pam Steude)

Handmade crèche enriches Advent season at St. Thomas, Eastover . . . but

Where’s the baby? By Pam Steude St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Eastover has recently become the fortunate recipient of a lovely crèche—the gift of the Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Ireland and the ceramic artist who created the nativity scene, Mrs. Joyce Riddick, of St. Thaddeus, Aiken. In 1999, volunteered by her son, Riddick created a crèche for St. Thaddeus that came to the Irelands’ attention during their ministry at Camp Gravatt, where Riddick served as camp nurse for many years. Inspired by visiting churches and cathedrals on a recent trip to Italy, the Irelands asked Riddick to create a crèche for St. Thomas, Eastover, where Clyde Ireland has been serving as priest in charge for four years. On the first Sunday of Advent this year St. Thomas will display 18 of the 19 pieces of their new nativity scene and settle in to wait for the baby to arrive. As it is at St. Thomas, in many Episcopal churches and households a crèche

is set up on the first Sunday of the new Church year. The crèche may include Mary, Joseph, a donkey, but no baby. As Advent continues, especially during the week before Christmas, shepherds and sheep can be added. On Christmas Eve, the excitement builds and sometime during that night the baby Jesus is born and the angels arrive. In many families, it is an honor to be the one to place the Baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve. In many churches all over Christendom, Christmas Eve is a time of formal procession for the placing of the Christ Child in the manger during the midnight mass. So as the world around us starts celebrating Christmas before the Halloween decorations are out of the stores, let’s join St. Thomas in waiting and preparing to receive the greatest Christmas gift. Pam Steude, former editor of Crosswalk, is a member of St. Francis of Assisi, Chapin.

Here we go again . . . Advent, the beginning of a new Church year! And what might we do to let the holy speak louder than the Chaos? How about focusing on Christian formation for an Advent full of purpose and meaning? Christian formation is instruction, practice and experience, and reflection. One way we live into the moment and discover the holy is by our worship, at home and in our church community. I do not know about you, but my first real “Episcopal” discovery was the Advent wreath. This is where the instruction comes in. You have to have a wreath, round to proclaim that life with God is eternal and has seasonal cycles, with four candles for the four Sundays in Advent, one lit each week until all four are burning on the last Sunday. The candles can be the same color as the altar hangings in your church— purple or a deep Advent blue. Just go to an Internet search engine and type in “Advent wreath” to find out about its history, how to make one, and what liturgies might be used for lighting the candles. Now here comes the fun, the practice, and experience of Christian formation. Set aside a time each day, or at least once a week, and come to the wreath, as an individual, a family, or a group of friends. Light the number of candles in accordance with the Sunday in Advent most recently celebrated in church. If you have children around the wreath, they are energized about lighting and putting out the candles. You may read the Advent story form the Bible, in Matthew or Luke, or even in John (in their first chapters), and say the prayer for the most recently celebrated Sunday in Advent to begin your worship. You might say, “Christ is the Light of the World,” and add other prayers from the Prayer Book, or you might want to make up your own prayers and rituals, according to what is meaning-

ful and helpful for those gathered. It is the time spent alone or with others, focused on the holy, that helps open our hearts, minds, and eyes to the eternal presence of God. Experiences of the holy beg reflection. How is it that we seem to come back around to the same experiences time and time again? What is God trying to say to us that we need to hear, or see for the first time or again? What would life be like if it were dark all the time? For what reason do some people say, “I really like the Bible, because it has a lot of the Prayer Book in it”? Which one of the stories in the Bible, about Advent, or Jesus’ coming, speaks the loudest to you? How is life changed by what God did in Jesus, then and now? What does worshiping at home have to say about our worship at church and in the kingdom yet to come? What part of God did you see this Advent; was it God’s face? There is a book entitled September 12th, written and illustrated by the first-grade students of H. Byron Masterson Elementary in Kennett, Missouri (ISBN 0-439-44246-X), that reveals the power of repeated ritual for all ages, the strength that comes from routine, and the wonder of sharing of love. This little book shares the voices of children and lets all of us “know that things will be all right” even in the Chaos, because we are surrounded by the Holy One. Blessings to you and yours this Advent season. The Rev. Canon Philip J. Purser is Upper SC’s canon for Christian formation. Contact him at the Diocesan House, (803) 771-7800, or by e-mail to Advent on the Web . . . Try these sites! Features/Advent/default.asp

Advent, Spartanburg, launches Adventure Kingdom Church school will never be the same! By Chris Lynn Heavenly King, our Loving God: as our Lord Jesus entrusted the keys to your kingdom to Peter and to all who would faithfully follow as your Church – entrust these keys to us by the power of your Holy Spirit. Today, and all days, may your blessing be upon these keys to our Adventure Kingdom that open a place of learning and love to our children and teachers, whom you have so richly gifted to share in the knowledge of you. May you bless them to be keys to all our hearts, that your presence in and among us will know no barrier; for we pray in the name of the one who came among us, and remains with us always—Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen —The Rev. Marilyn Sanders With this wonderful prayer offered by Advent associate rector the Rev. Marilyn Sanders, more than 1,500 keys were blessed on September 7,

Bring on the popcorn! Young Advent parishioners take their places at Faith Quest, the Adventure Kingdom’s new video room. 2003, as the doors to Adventure Kingdom at Church of the Advent, Spartanburg, officially opened. Children in grades 1–6 will now be able to experience a totally new way of encountering Scripture. Nine new classrooms have been

transformed—literally—into learning environments. Under the direction of chief designer and artist Marsha Jennings, a talented corps of volunteers have applied pipe joint compound to walls, created murals, draped pillars with cloth, remade living room curtains into stage curtains, and spray-painted chairs. Donations have been made of everything from keys to empty milk jugs to tennis balls to chairs to pillows and fabric. Most generous of all have been the donations of time and talent, both in transforming the rooms and in creating a curriculum. Downstairs is the music room, where children sometimes learn songs, sometimes play games. In the art room the keys we blessed became wind chimes, one key for each of the Ten Commandments, plus the great commandment: love God; love your neighbor. The smell of pizzas cooking in Miracle Café competes with the smell of popcorn coming from Faith Quest, the video


Evangelism . . . in my own words

The Episcopal Church welcomed ME!

evan • ge • lism \ n (ca. 1626): the winning or revival of personal commitments to Christ. So says the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition. And what do you say? As we in the diocese continue our journey together, guided by the vision statement “One Body . . . One Mission . . . Changing Lives,” more and more people are talking about evangelism and what exactly that means in the life of a faithful Christian—especially a faithful Christian of Anglican stripe in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. Crosswalk wants to hear from you—your experiences, positive or negative, as evangelist or evangelized, your reflections on how we keep that promise made in the Baptismal Covenant to “proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.” Send your story to Crosswalk, 1115 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 29201, or to All contributions must include author’s name, home church, and contact information.

What is it about the Episcopal Church that told you, you were “home”? Whether you’re a cradle Episcopalian or a seeker who’s recently found your place, Upper South Carolina wants to know your story. Yours is, perhaps, the most important story of all as we as One Body seek to live into our One Mission, which is Changing Lives. Send your story to Crosswalk, 1115 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 29201, or to All contributions must include author’s name, home church, and contact information.

Welcoming evangelism is everyone’s responsibility By the Rev. Richard H. Norman, Jr.

By Cynthia Gilliam quently about those things that give me joy. I cherish the fact that Episcopalians can disagree with heat and passion and yet come together for worship in friendship. I am relieved to know that I am expected to doubt and question and continue to search for answers along with each member of my parish family. And to accept that the answers may not be immutable, but are subject to our growth and deepened understanding. For me, the Episcopal Church is all about struggling to become a real disciple of Jesus Christ and realizing that it will take a lifetime and beyond. I am thankful, every day, that the Episcopal Church ambushed me.

think to myself was, “Go figure.” As soon as Adrienne returned, we decided that lingering about that parish hall was not going to do us any good, and so we headed out into Charleston in search of brunch. Outside the church, as we prepared to get our car, an older couple from the congregation came up to speak to us. We enjoyed our conversation with this interesting couple. Later in the day, as we drove home to Greenville I began to feel as if I had been robbed. We had been strangers in a city we did not know. While in Charleston we sought to worship God with others, and we were excited about doing so with a parish community we did not know, and we looked forward to some good old-fashioned Christian hospitality. Our experience at that church left us asking ourselves many questions; as well, we began to wish we had chosen to worship elsewhere. I don’t know why the good people of that Charleston church were disinterested in a youngish couple with a child. In many Episcopal churches parishioners would trip over one another to meet such a family after the liturgy. Perhaps that Charleston church is quite

happy just remaining who they are with the folks they have, with no desire to welcome and incorporate visitors. Our Charleston experience reminds me we need always to be on our toes. We don’t want to get too complacent by thinking that we are already doing a great job at welcoming visitors and we don’t need to worry about anything. We need to be careful that we don’t succumb to the notion that “they” will greet the newcomer at the door. (Have you ever wondered who the “they” is in church—are they the same “they” at every church or does each church have their own “they”?). We are the “they.” Christian hospitality—welcoming evangelism—is the responsibility of all of us. Each visitor has the potential of being someone in search . . . in search of a church to call home, in search of fellowship, in search of some connection with others who share Christ as their Lord and Savior. With God’s help and our enthusiam and intentional efforts, we may be just that place.

Cynthia Gilliam is a member of St. Michael & All Angels, Columbia.

The Rev. Richard Norman is rector of Church of the Redeemer, Greenville. This article is reprinted from the church newsletter, Echoes.


Th e E p i s c o p a l C h u rc h a m bushed me. Invited by a dear friend to attend his confirmation, I went along to St. Michael and All Angels’ Episcopal Church in Columbia. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was struck by my emotional reaction to the occasion. Every part of that service spoke directly to my heart and to my head. It seemed as if the event was planned for me and where I was at that time in my life. I learned so much from that first sermon by Father Philip Whitehead and I have not stopped learning from him for all of the 15 years I have been a member. Most every Sunday, I feel as if he is speaking directly to me: addressing the issues and concerns that trouble me; shining a great white light on my ignorance and speaking elo-


Last summer my wife Adrienne and my son Hudson joined me at a national Church conference held in Charleston. We were excited about the conference because we had never been to Charleston—as well, we were excited because we would be in Charleston on a Sunday morning, which meant we would be able to sit together in a pew and worship as a family. The last time Adrienne and I had sat beside one another on a Sunday was while we were still in England (I came to Upper SC in 2001), so that gives you an idea of how long ago that was. Truly, we were looking forward to our time in church together as a family. We decided to worship at a church in an old section of Charleston (for reasons that will become obvious I cannot reveal too much about the church in question). We arrived just as the service had begun and in typical Anglican fashion we made our way to a pew towards the back of the church. The church was beautiful, the liturgy flowed nicely, and the choir sang well. After the service, while we gathered up our bits-’n-pieces, I rather expected the family sitting in front of us to speak. They did not—they hustled out of their pew in haste. “No big deal,” I thought to myself—on to the line to greet the rector. He was delightful and very engaging. As I was in mufti, he was not to know I was priest until it came up in our conversation. Once he knew I was a priest he continued to be enthusiastic and engaging, which pleased me because it told me he welcomed all (lay and ordained) warmly and enthusiastically. We decided to go the parish hall for refreshments. To get to the parish hall we had to join a queue at a side

door in the church. While we were standing in the queue no one spoke to us for sometime. Finally the man in front of us asked if we were visiting Charleston and then promptly wanted to know if our church was as “high” as his church. He made no further enquiries about us until he discovered I was a priest—but then again, his conversation was all about liturgical style and whether or not my Church of the Redeemer in Greenville was “higher” or “lower.” I reckoned we had stumbled upon an individual whom we used to refer to back home as a “sacristy rat.” As we approached the door leading to the parish hall there was the curate, greeting folk. We received a rather stock greeting and he showed no real interest—at least until Mr. Sacristyrat mentioned to him that I was a priest. Immediately the curate’s demeanor changed—he was interested and effusive. My guess is that we had then begun to receive the “clergy welcome for clergy.” Wink, wink . . . nod, nod. Finally on our way to the parish hall! A dear lady greeted us in the hallway and directed us to the hall. We arrived in the hall and picked up a glass of juice each (oddly, no one serving the juice spoke despite our “Good mornings”). We sipped our juice and looked about the hall. After a bit Adrienne excused herself in search of the ladies’ room. Hudson and I took this opportunity to wander about the parish hall and admire the old photographs mounted on the walls. Still no one approached us. The father of the family that had been seated in the pew in front of us walked by us three times and nary a word was said to me nor was a coo directed toward one-year-old Hudson. Hudson was getting heavy. I chose a seat near all the action in the hall. Still no one spoke, or nodded, or even recognized our presence. All I could

Happily ambushed

November-December 2003 ...........................................................................

Crosswalk forums


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The sermon at Evensong, October 25, 2003 War and peace . . . By the Rev. Dr. Charles S. Foss LISTEN TO THIS SERMON VIA THE DIOCESAN WEB SITE, WWW.EDUSC.ORG. The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good, and the evil person out of evil treasure produces evil. For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. Why do you call me Lord? Lord, and do not do what I tell you? In the name of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. AMEN. Today we honor the West Saxon King Alfred the Great—a man of war and a great king who died in 899—and we remember, above all, his desire for peace for England. It is about war and peace that each of us knows this day. I can barely speak. I have been in bed for a week, and that has everything to do with the war and peace that has been in our beloved Church since August. I’ve tried every weapon that I could to fight this “war”—that is the concept, I have noticed, that we’ve used to interpreting our current dis-ease. It’s war. And, in war you don’t take prisoners and you only concern yourself with being right or wrong. WEAPONS OF “WAR” I’m a liberal on issues facing the Church today—on all of the issues. I would have gladly voted to confirm Bishop-elect Robinson. And when I woke up the third day, after the vote at General Convention, and felt like a donkey had kicked me in the gut, I realized that this was so much bigger than what I had expected. And I responded by using the weapons that liberals use: I began to call those who quoted Scriptures easily “stupid” . . . and “ignorant.” And I began to use the homophobic card—it’s so easy—such are the weapons right at hand when you’re a liberal. I watched the conservatives in my church, in the convocation, in the diocese, in the communion, in the world, among all the pundits, and they began to use their strong weapons too—the ugly words from our ancient tradition, like heretic and apostate—ugly, hideous words that we should have put in the closet and burned centuries ago. BEING “RIGHT” . . . LOSING SLEEP . . . AFRAID I thought that the only way that you could win a war is to be right. But, why was I not joyful? I knew I was right. I could quote chapter and verse. I just knew, of course, as my liberal right, that it was my job to instruct the hoi polloi on the finer points of Scripture. And guess what? The hoi polloi

“I THOUGHT THAT THE ONLY WAY THAT YOU COULD WIN A WAR IS TO BE RIGHT. BUT, WHY WAS I NOT JOYFUL?” didn’t want to be instructed. The hoi polloi fought back. And I began to lose sleep. Many of you out there did the same? And I began to be afraid— afraid for the first time in my life that I, a cradle-born Episcopalian, might lose my Church. And then I began to listen to my conservative brothers and sisters and realized that they were afraid of the same thing. THE WAY FORWARD The way forward, I began to understand, was not being right. Because the situation we face is not a war like the wars Alfred fought when he did battle with my Viking ancestors. They were heathen, he said. And the first thing Albert made the great Danish king do when he finally conquered the Vikings was to be baptized, with 29 of his counselors, so that they would stop plundering the monasteries and torching the churches and stealing the crosses and burning the sacred texts. But in our “war,” we are all speaking the same language. All of us love the Church—every single one of us. All of us love the Scriptures—every single one of us. All of us believe in the tender mercies of the Lord Jesus. And all of us tremble with the privilege of being baptized ministers in the mission of this Church. Yet despite these riches, we felt no joy. I saw more people acting out— acting out toward other Christians—in the first month than I had seen in

“THE WAY FORWARD, I BEGAN TO UNDERSTAND, WAS NOT BEING RIGHT.” a lifetime. I lost my cool, verbally in sermons and in personal conversations, more than I had ever lost it in my life, and I started noticing that conservatives were doing the same. We have all been grievously wounded. And we have been listening and we have been eating and we have been drinking fear—anger, fear, threats. And I could hold no more. I got sick. I know many of us are going to get sick. Many of us are going to need our therapists. Many of us are going to need our Prozac. Because there is no way forward if the way is based on right or wrong. Oh, I tried lobbing my liberal articles at my very conservative senior

warden. He was the convenient target for my war. And, I would lob my mainstream articles over the Maginot line at him, and, lo and behold, he would lob his evangelical articles back at me. And the shells went—and neither one of us listened a wit. Until we began to notice that we still loved one another, and that as senior warden he still prayed for me every

“WE HAVE ALL BEEN GRIEVOUSLY WOUNDED. AND WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING AND WE HAVE BEEN EATING AND WE HAVE BEEN DRINKING FEAR—ANGER, FEAR, THREATS.” day, and that, because he was my senior warden, I was praying for him. And we began to remind ourselves that we cared more about the ministry of our parish than we did for being right and wrong. We still played the game—we’re still lobbing shells every once in a while; those kind of wars take a long time to die down. But, I began to listen. Isn’t it interesting? Even liberals can listen. I began to listen to myself, began to listen to the Scripture, began to watch. THE POWER OF POWERLESSNESS There is no power in anger, except to vent and make you feel good. But, there’s no power in it to bless or heal or change. There is no power in fear or worry or in any of the dark, dark things that we are always tempted by at three in the morning or ten at night, or in the heat of the battle at church or at work. And I began to realize that I needed you. I needed the Body of


Christ more than I have ever needed anything. And I can bear testimony, as I know you can too, that I have seen more grace in the last two months than I have seen in many a year because my eyes have been opened by utter need. I went to clergy conference a few weeks ago. I thought that we were going to fight, because that is what Christians do, don’t they? We’ve been doing it for 2,000 years—calling each other ugly names and claiming the causes of faithfulness and obedience. We quote Scripture to each other and we fill our ears with God talk—silly, empty, boring, deadly God talk. And I was expecting the bishop to chart a course. Somehow he was going to square the circle. He was going somehow to take the two virulent, powerful forces of liberal and conservative in our diocese and somehow get it right. I was disappointed, but I understood, more deeply even than before, that none of us is going to get it right. What the bishop did on the second day of clergy conference was to stop talking, get on his knees, and he asked his brother and sister clergy to anoint him with holy oil and pray for him. A more powerful experience of the power of God I have not seen or felt in many a moon. PAPA, PAPA . . . In this war, brothers and sisters, we are not fighting flesh and blood, St. Paul tells us. The Rev. Canon Gene Robinson is not your enemy, if you’re a conservative. Bishop Duncan is not your enemy if you’re a liberal. We’re not fighting with flesh and blood. Although we are tempted by our fear and our anger and our worry and all of the other darkness to reduce one another to two-dimensional cartoons, as we reduce the Scriptures to shells that we lob at each other. This is not going to get us there. You can’t get there in this way. You can

“ . . . YOU WILL NOT GET ANYWHERE, YOU WILL NOT GET THE PRIZE OF THE UPWARD CALL IN CHRIST JESUS IF YOU THINK THAT YOUR TASK IS TO BE RIGHT, BECAUSE THAT IS NEVER THE TASK.” only get there, as the bishop showed me—oooh, it’s such a cliché, but it’so true—you can only get there on your knees. In this war you will not get anywhere, you will not get the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus if you think that your task is to be right, because that is never the task. It is not about whether you are right or true or holy or good. It is about the one who died on the cross who is holy and true, and who has the power to



It was adopted by the 81st Diocesan Convention by a vote of 249 to 48, with 1 abstention. Whereas we face a crisis of unity in the Church because of the votes on the confirmation of the bishop-coadjutor-elect of New Hampshire, and the recognition of same-sex blessings as being within the bounds of our common life; Whereas Provinces have been urged by the Primates of the Anglican Communion to avoid precipitous action for twelve months, during which time the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission will study means by which to strengthen the unity of our Communion and report its findings to the next meeting of the Primates; Whereas we support our Bishop, his leadership, and his commitment to unity not only in the Diocese but within the Anglican Communion; Whereas we do not want polarization around these issues further to interfere with the ministry, mission, and unity of our Diocese; Therefore, be it resolved that we set aside all other resolutions dealing with the actions of the 74th General Convention, and that, as the Diocese of Upper South Carolina: • We join with the clergy of this Diocese, the Diocesan Executive Council, and the General Convention Response Committee, in supporting our Bishop, his Pastoral Letter, and his teaching and expectations dealing with human sexuality and stewardship; • We will, in the midst of this time of painful challenge and opportunity, move forward in mission and faithfulness to God and to one another as ONE BODY, ONE MISSION, CHANGING LIVES; • We implore the Bishop, clergy, and lay leadership of this Diocese and our parishes, missions, and institutions to lead us—by their example, by their witness, and by their teaching—to deeper unity, more profound love, and more faithful discipleship. Furthermore, we ask all to support in prayer our Diocese and its mission and to respond to our present situation with patience, faith, and charity for all. We affirm that God’s grace is more than sufficient for these times.

Convention—A youth take By Katharine Stafford October 24–26 was DYE (Diocesan Youth Event) and the 81st Annual Diocesan Convention. It was great fun and a wonderful learning experience. As a DYE planner and elected delegate to convention from my congregation, the process began for me months before the actual weekend. I attended many planning meetings for DYE and convocation meetings to become informed on the proposed Statement of Mission and the resolutions and canonical changes being proposed by the delegates to convention. On Friday night, the youth began their DYE by discussing “mission” and sharing what it means to us. Our youth missioner Sue von then explained

Resolutions proposed by the Upper SC’s Episcopal Peace Fellowship and adopted by Convention Subject: Capital Punishment We the delegates to the 81st Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina do hereby resolve to recognize and affirm the Church’s long-standing opposition to the death penalty, which continues to be an unjust form of sentencing at both state and national levels. Subject: Peace and Justice Education We the delegates to the 81st Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina do hereby recognize and affirm the resolution of the 73rd General Convention of 2000 that the Church promote a culture of nonviolence which values love, compassion, and justice, and rejects violence as a means of solving problems. Furthermore, we strongly support peace and justice education as part of the fundamental mission of the Church.

the format for the program day on Saturday and the business sessions on Sunday and how we would be able to participate in convention. On Saturday we attended worship, presentations, and workshops and had lunch with the bishop. It was a lot of fun. Saturday night, DYE participated in the dinner at convention host church St. Martin’s-in- the-Fields; we had a fantastic time dancing, especially doing the limbo. Sunday the youth participated in the business sessions and Eucharist of convention. As a delegate for my church, I had seat, voice, and vote. Being one of two youth delegates in the diocese, I received many responses to the youth being present and representing congregations at convention. While I experienced a few negative responses and shocked expressions, most were very excited that the youth were now participating in the present church decisions. It was very scary having to vote on very important decisions that were being made by the Church. I prayed and asked God to speak to me and help me choose what I believed was right for the Church. Overall it was a wonderful weekend and learning experience. Katharine Stafford is a member of St. Alban’s, Lexington.

Have you remembered the diocese in your will? Please keep in mind that before you make any decisions, you should consult with your attorney and financial advisors.


Mr. David Hill Keller, Christ Church, Greenville ELECTION #5 TRUSTEES THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH HOME FOR CHILDREN (YORK PLACE) Persons to be nominated for three (3) year term by the Board of Trustees of the Episcopal Church Home for Children and elected by Convention. Ms. Kathryn Sommer-Gough, Church of the Nativity, Union Ms. Susan B. Wallace, Church of the Resurrection, Greenwood The Rev. Carolyn West, Christ Church, Greenville Ms. Kathy Harris Wood, St. Christopher ’s, Spartanburg ELECTION #6 BOARD OF DIRECTORS STILL HOPES Persons to be nominated for three (3) year term by the Board of directors approved by the Bishop, and confirmed by Convention Persons to serve their first three (3) year term beginning March 2004: Richard Roche, Christ Church, Greenville Patti Johnson, St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia Persons to serve their second three (3) year term beginning March 2004: George E. Mitchell, Church of the Advent, Spartanburg Allen S. Guignard, Trinity Cathedral, Columbia ELECTION #7 UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH LAY ORDER One (1) lay person to be elected for a three (3) year term. Mr. Doak J. Wolfe, Good Shepherd, Columbia

This resolution was presented by the General Convention Response Committee appointed by Bishop Henderson following General Convention’s consent to the consecration of the Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson as bishop-coadjutor of the Diocese of New Hampshire.


ELECTION # 1 DIOCESAN EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (DEC) CLERGY ORDER Three (3) members of the clergy canonically resident within this diocese for a term of three (3) years. The Rev. J. Fletcher Montgomery, St. John’s, Columbia The Rev. Canon Michael R. Sullivan, Trinity Cathedral, Columbia The Rev. Janet Ellen Tarbox, The Episcopal Church of the Ridge, Edgefield-TrentonRidge Spring ELECTION #2 DIOCESAN EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (DEC) LAY ORDER Three (3) confirmed adult lay communicants in good standing who are members entitled to vote in congregations in this diocese for a term of three (3) years. Ms. Angela McIntosh Daniel , St. John’s, Columbia Mr. Duncan Cairnes Ely, St. Philip’s, Greenville Ms. Rudy Canzater, St. Luke’s, Columbia ELECTION #3 ECCLESIASTICAL COURT CLERGY ORDER One (1) member of the clergy canonically resident for a term of four (4) years. The Rev. Howard Maltby, St. Alban’s, Lexington ELECTION #4 ECCLESIASTICAL COURT LAY ORDER One (1) confirmed adult lay communicant in good standing who is a member entitled to vote in congregations in this diocese for a term of three (3) years.

GCRC recommended resolution

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Bishop Henderson’s address By the grace of God we are prepared, united, challenged, and we will be faithful Sisters and Brothers, I borrow from St. Paul: To all God’s beloved in Upper South Carolina, who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. In the sermon at my consecration on February 3, 1995, Bishop William Stevens, my mentor and friend, included this prophetic counsel: “Dorsey, there will be times when you will have no choice but to hunker down like a mule in a snowstorm.” Beloved, this is such a time—not only for me, but for all of us. For whatever our convictions about the issues with which we are confronted, and wherever we are on the spiritual journey which is our life, we are now in a proverbial snowstorm. But we have choices. We can seek shelter and pray that the storm passes. Or, with faith in God, we can “hunker down” and continue the journey. We can do what Christians have done since the beginning, under the direction and in the power of God the Holy Spirit: continue to spread God’s Kingdom despite the issues—and trust God, through that Holy Spirit, to shape and guide Christ’s Church in all things. We learn from the


example of the Apostles themselves: when in disagreement, we press on with mission, even as they did, ever mindful of our Lord’s prayer the night before he died: that we be one, even as he and the Father are one. We may disagree with one another about issues of sexuality, as we frequently disagree about many issues. But there is no disagreement that God’s will is that all should come to Him through Jesus Christ, that we be united in Christ’s mission. Thus we are called, Beloved, to focus on God’s call to be the Church in mission, on next steps in mission. ONE BODY, ONE MISSION: CHANGING LIVES. By the grace of God, we’re prepared for mission: • By recognizing the importance of our Lord’s last commandment to his disciples, the Great Commission, embracing it as our mission—a call to be disciples making disciples; • By transforming the structure of our diocese to be more efficient for mission; • By developing a spiritual vision-action plan: “One Body, One Mission: Changing Lives”; • By forming the Great Commission Commission to “drive” our plan; • By the Great Gathering, celebrating our progress and taking a giant step in training for mission; • By training congregational consultants for Christian stewardship; • By training “coaches,” presently assisting 13 congregations in development, growth, and mission; • By providing all congregations, through Mag-

netic Church Conferences, new looks, new ideas and new strategies for mission; and access to Percept, with statistics and other data invaluable in devising strategy for development and mission; • By networking with individuals and dioceses, other than our own, which are committed to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom, and participating in Vision 20/20—a national commitment to double the membership of the Episcopal Church by the year 2020; and, • By reformatting our convention schedule and agenda to open involvement to young people and others whose circumstances of life preclude their being present on weekdays. By the grace of God we are prepared for mission, for the next steps in mission. ONE BODY, ONE MISSION: CHANGING LIVES. By the grace of God, we are united for mission. We are blessed in Upper South Carolina with collegiality and good will. Oh, we have our differences; and we are diverse in every way that human beings are diverse. But we are united in purpose—to honor God by faithfulness to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. We


Scenes from the 81st Conven

Helen Pridgen admires some of the great stuff at the Cange exhibit.

Convention secretary Wilmarose Davis chats with York Place chaplain the Rev. Susan Hardaway at registration (photo: Eric Schnaufer). The team from Redeemer, Greenville, gathers on the lawn to work on their action plan.

Wearing those inspiring “Mission Possible” t-shirts, DYE (Diocesan Youth Event) participants put to good use their seat and voice at convention, brainstormed on their own, and joined their congregational delegations for final planning time. Mary MacGregor explains day one’s activities as the Rev. Michael Bullock, rector of the convention host church St. Martin’s-in-theFields, looks on (photo: Eric Schnaufer).

Individual reflection on convention’s opening sessions prepares participants for actionplanning with their team in the afternoon.

to the 81st Convention . . . know that we are called to spread God’s Kingdom, and to love God with everything that we are, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. In other words, we are united in our call to Christian mission and to the nurture of Christian community—the twin cornerstones of our long-range vision plan. Our own remarkable collegiality and unity for mission can only be attributed to the grace of God and the faithfulness of countless lay people, deacons, priests, and bishops, past and present. For that I give thanks to God and to Bishop Beckham every day, in prayer and thought, if not in vocal expression. Sadly, such unity is not uniform throughout the Church. By the grace of God, we are united for mission, for the next steps in mission. ONE BODY ONE MISSION: CHANGING LIVES. By the grace of God, we are challenged in mission—and in unity. We should not be surprised by challenge. To be sure, it has ever been so with God’s people; after all, Satan never rests. Ancient Israel often yielded to the temptation to worship other gods, and frequently became so self-centered and exploitative that they ignored God’s call to mission and to justice. The Apostles themselves squabbled over the issues of their day. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity was refined only after hundreds of years, a controversy characterized not only by prayer and deliberation, but also by animosity, judgmentalism, condemnation—even mutual excommunications. For a time the early Church was dominated by those who denied the divinity of Christ, and orthodox Bishops like Athanasius fled into the desert to escape their wrath. Yet the Church survived, unity was preserved in the face


Dancing all night long at the St. Martin’s Saturday Night Soirée: (left) Hayley Moore of St. David’s, Columbia, takes to the floor with the “Dancing Bishop”; (right) Diocesan Executive Council vicepresident Rogers Stinson, St. Philip’s, Greenville, enjoys a slow dance with his wife Annetta.

“I CLAIMED THAT WE ARE BLESSED WITH UNITY. BUT ARE WE? EARLY ON, WE RESOLVED TO BE A DIOCESE WHICH IS MISSION-DRIVEN, NOT ISSUE-DRIVEN. THE VERY FIRST TEST IS ANYTHING BUT ENCOURAGING.” of error, and the Trinitarian faith prevailed. I claimed that we are blessed with unity. But are we? Early on, we resolved to be a diocese which is mission-driven, not issue-driven. The very first test is anything but encouraging. As important as doctrine and ethics are, the issue of sexual orientation seems, presently, to attract all of our attention, to possess all of our energy. I pray that I am wrong, and, thankfully, there is indication to the contrary: for I hear calls, too, to redirect the energy expended on sexuality issues to our previous resolve. Your clergy and Diocesan Council both adopted resolutions which support the bishop’s present positions on sexuality and urge a renewed focus on mission; that is heartening indeed. If it is by the grace of God we are challenged, it is by the grace of God that we will respond to that challenge. I have already affirmed my determination to be faithful to the Resolution of Lambeth Conference, 1998—thus our adherence to the Church’s traditional teaching on sexuality (unless and until the Holy Spirit teaches otherwise). But Lambeth made another commitment: the inclusion of all people, specifically homosexual people, within its life, and to dialogue with them on sexuality issues. As soon as practically possible after this Convention, I intend to appoint a diverse and representative group to prepare guidelines for us on matters of inclusion and dialogue, within the context of mission. I intend to utilize gifted people and resources from all disciplines, theological and scientific, with expertise appropriate for the task—consistent with our reliance upon all three sources of Christian authority: Holy Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. It is under this category of challenge that I am compelled to tell you that we would be ill-advised to make any far-reaching decision regarding the way we function as congregations and as a diocese while in the heat of any moment. It is never wise to make sweeping changes regarding basics in order to “fix” a single problem. I refer specifically to proposals effecting structure, titles to property, and stewardship. Such decisions are reached only with extraordinary care, and always within the context of Christian faith and practice as comprehended within worldwide Anglicanism—lest we inadvertently throw out the baby with the bath water.

“THERE IS, BELOVED, A GREAT SILVER LINING TO OUR PRESENT STRESS—AND THAT IS A REVIVAL OF PASSION FOR HOLY BASICS.” There is, Beloved, a great silver lining to our present stress—and that is a revival of passion for holy basics. Across our diocese, and beyond, I detect renewed and deepening interest—especially in the study of Holy Scripture—and this is a blessed development. I find this to be true among people who oppose as well as those who support the controversial actions of the General Convention. God does not abandon God’s Church and, so, is present in our current life. What does God want us to learn about the study of Holy Scripture, life under the Spirit, and stewardship

of His gifts? Therefore I heartily recommend to our clergy and our lay teachers concerted and concentrated efforts to respond to this opportunity for increase in our knowledge, understanding, and faith. By the grace of God, we are challenged in mission and unity.

“WE HAVE STEPPED FORWARD IN MISSION, AND WE ARE TAKING THE NEXT STEPS.” ONE BODY, ONE MISSION: CHANGING LIVES. By the grace of God, we will be faithful in mission. We have stepped forward in mission, and we are taking the next steps. The following are only a few examples of recent progress within the six categories of our long-range vision action plan: • Evangelism: On September 1, the Rev. Leslie Barker arrived to plant and organize All Souls Church in northeast Columbia, another step forward under the guidance of the Great Commission Commission. We are blessed that we were able to keep the commitment which I made last year to this convention and to the people of St. Gabriel’s who labored so faithfully. I look forward to the return of the communion silver to that congregation during our worship today. Other missions will follow. • Christian Formation: The Diocesan School for Ministry opened this fall. It is designed especially for all lay people who want to deepen their knowledge and understanding of Christian faith and practice, and to enrich their ministry. It also serves as a “seedbed” for those seeking to identify their call, whether lay or ordained. The Rev. Phil Purser’s acceptance of the call to serve as canon for Christian formation is a sign of continued commitment to Christian transformation for all of us, “from the womb to the tomb.” • Youth Ministry and Young Adults: Our commitment to young people, part of the Church today, as well as its hope and promise for tomorrow, continues to grow. Recognizing that we are one in Body and in Mission, our Episcopal Schools have organized their heads, chaplains, and other representatives to enhance our common life. Diocesan youth events, all of which include an element of intentional Christian formation, continue to be enriched by the leadership and involvement of young people and their youth ministers. In recognition of our commitment to congregational development, Deacon Sue von will be available more and more to assist congregations in the enrichment of their local programs. Canterbury Communities for young adults exist on eight college campuses, and another is based at Christ Church in Greenville. We continue to train peer ministers for Canterbury, including young adults at Voorhees College. However, a significant challenge is to incorporate into campus leadership those youngsters who have been active in their churches while in high school. Archdeacon Byrd continues his ministry with these groups. • Communication: Crosswalk continues to win national awards, this time for its series, “Evangelism in my own words.” Our director of communications, Peggy Hill, continues to re-design Crosswalk consistent with our vision action plan. The actual and potential effectiveness of our Web site is reflected in the increase of “hits”—from 6,000 a month in June, 2001, to


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Book review Giving one’s heart to the transforming journey Girl Meets God: On the Path to a Spiritual Life, by Lauren Winner, Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2002. Reviewed by Calvert B. Klopp Spiritual autobiographies are not new, but ones written by “twenty-somethings” are a bit out of the ordinary. That alone makes Girl Meets God: On the Path to a Spiritual Life by Lauren Winner an unusual book. Add to that the author’s amazing faith journey, remarkable depth of wisdom, and easy-flowing, almost conversational style of writing and you have a very enjoyable book. In fact, the stories she tells will be floating around in your head long after the reading is over. The conversational tone of Girl Meets God makes the book a delight to read. The book’s jacket compares Ms. Winner’s writing to that of best-selling author Anne Lamott, and I would think that those who enjoyed Traveling Mercies will enjoy Girl Meets God. Both have a relaxed, friend-next-door tone, but while the chapters in Traveling Mercies sometime seem self-sustaining, (reminding me of columns in a monthly magazine), the chapters in Girl Meets God build on one another, advancing toward a conclusion that integrates Winner’s “split-spirituality” so that her Jewish past and Christian present become dovetailed. Born the child of a Reform Jewish father and a lapsed Southern Baptist mother, Lauren Winner was a member of Congregation Beth Israel in Charlottesville, Virginia, during her childhood. She was there often. In fact, it was a place so central to her life that she says, “I remember the finger paint and the honey and the fasting lessons, and then I am happy that I was formed at Congregation Beth Israel.” Her intense studies of Judaism led to a conversion to Orthodoxy in her freshman year at Columbia University. But, gradually, beginning in her sophomore year, she began a journey of doubt and searching that led her away from Judaism and toward Christianity. In her confusion she sought counsel from trusted mentors, once calling on one of the university chaplains, pouring her heart out to him and explaining that she felt called in some mysterious way by Jesus. His response seemed dismissive—you can’t “just divorce Judaism.” It was a hurtful encounter, but the divorce metaphor was one she found useful in her struggle to comprehend the faith transformation going on inside her, and one she pain-

fully returns to throughout the book. The chapters of Girl Meets God are designed to have a circular flow like our Church year, beginning and ending in Advent. In between are stories — wonderful accounts of a journey that leads Winner from her Jewish childhood to the Episcopal Church. Along the way we hear anecdotes from her many celebrations of the holy days, both Jewish and Christian. The stories weave together in a crisscross manner throughout the book. In the beginning, this approach can be disconcerting as the author abruptly jumps from past to present and then back to the past, but it is a clever way to draw us into the gradual integration of her two spiritual halves. As we read we experience the parallel movements of the two faiths, for example, celebrating Ru B’Shevat during Epiphany, then Passover in Holy Week, and Shavuot in Pentecost. It is in the stories of Pentecost near the conclusion of the book that we see Winner complete her embrace of her past and the gifts that come with it. She gains a new perspective on the pain she has experienced as a result of the choices she has made. Early in the first chapter, Winner, almost frenziedly, gives all her Jewish books away as she embraces her newly found faith of Christianity. In an almost purging tone she writes, “The more Christian I became, the more I needed to have nothing to do with Judaism.” But the more we read, the more we realize she is unable to let go of her Jewish self . . . unable to purge herself of her past. Mid-book a friend asks Winner if she is really willing to give up all that she will be asked to give up when she converts. “I thought she meant giving up the seders. I thought she meant the singing and the Haggadah and the ritual and even the joy. . . . I am not sure I understood what all the losses would be.” It is only afterward that she realizes the highest costs. She will lose friends, people who mean the world to her—intimate, faith friends— when she leaves the Jewish religion. As the book reaches its conclusion, we realize that the story has come full circle when Winner writes of rebuilding her once-cherished Jewish library, saying, “I can’t remake all those relationships, but I can rebuild my library.” She is making new friends, building a new life, but never forgetting the costs that came along with her transformation.

Girl Meets God is all about transformation. It’s a book that intrigues me, and a book I want to share with others and talk about with others. At first glance it might seem crazy, for there is a tremendous age difference between the author and myself, and certainly, completely different faith journeys. Despite these differences, though, there is much in Lauren Winner ’s journey that I, and, I believe, each reader, can connect with. We are all embarked on a spiritual journey. We all experience pain during faith crises. We all have family issues, life concerns, friends we lose and grieve over. Winner writes near the end of her book, “Living the Christian life . . . is about a promise to believe even when you don’t. . . . The Latin credo means literally ‘I give my heart.’ . . . Faith . . . is not about propositions, but about commitment. It does not mean that I intellectually subscribe to the following list of statements, but that I give my heart to this reality. Believe, indeed, comes to us from the Old English belove, making clear that this too is meant to be heart language. To say, ‘I believe in Jesus Christ’ is not to subscribe to an uncertain proposition. It is a confession of commitment, of love.” Calvert B. Klopp is a member of Trinity Cathedral, Columbia.

Prayer Book study series published by Morehouse As central as the Book of Common Prayer is to Episcopalians and Anglicans around the world, its breathtakingly beautiful and delicately nuanced language can become rote with constant repetition. With its new series Focus on the Prayer Book: An Adult Study, Morehouse Publishing provides congregations and others with the perfect vehicle to recapture the timeless meaning and significance of the BCP. The first two volumes in the series—along with a facilitator’s guide—are now available through bookstores, online booksellers, or directly from Morehouse. Each book is intended

to be used in six one-hour sessions. The first two study books in the Focus series are Words in Threes and Phrases in Threes. Each examines six prayers that contain those groupings, delving into their meaning through guided discussion, study, and meditation. Among the prayers studied in Phrases in Threes, for instance, is the collect for the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, which includes the phrase “constantly speak the truth, boldly rebuke vice, and patiently suffer for the truth’s sake.” Participants will seek to understand what those actions meant to John the Baptist and what

they mean for us today. An example from Words in Threes comes from the Great Thanksgiving, where participants ponder the phrase “and serve you in unity, constancy, and peace,” looking for ways to put those words into action in their homes, their congregations, and beyond. The 48-page books are priced at $7.95 each to make purchases of multiple copies easier on the budget. The Facilitator’s Guide costs $6.95. For more information about the Focus on the Prayer Book series visit www.morehouse

— Our diocese online!

By Christina Laurel

Trisha Ganner (left) and co-worker Faye Wilson celebrate Cinco de Mayo at Christ Church Episcopal Preschool. Church/Christ Church Episcopal School teens have been helping with Spanish worship services offered at the church “on the hill” to the 7 to 15 attendees. St. James will be producing a Nativity play in Spanish. Ganner states that Taylor and St. James have been very welcoming to Christ Church involvement. While Ganner resided in Colombia in the 1960s, she attended an Episcopal church which, when she next visits that same church as a member of the diocesan Hispanic

Ministry Committee, she will be looking at its potential as a sisterchurch, another opportunity for mission and ministry. She is excited about the possibilities that exist in the now-vacant school adjoining the church. “We could bring them back home into a family of faith,” Ganner states. ¡Vaya con Dios, Trisha Ganner! Go with God. Christina Laurel is director of communication for Christ Church, Greenville. This article is reprinted from the Christ Church Messenger.

Greenville’s Christ Church, First Baptist Chur ch, and the Anchorage, a Gr eenvillebased ministry of spiritual direction and retreats, together The Rev. Margaret are sponsoring Guenther a retreat featuring guest speaker, spiritual director and author, the Rev. Margaret Guenther. The program will be offered at Christ Church on Saturday,

December 13, from 9:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. The retreat will feature meditations on “listening to God’s voice in a noisy world” and a celebration of Holy Eucharist. Cost ($15) includes lunch. On Sunday, December 14, Guenther will preach at the 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. services at Christ Church. Guenther is professor emerita of ascetical theology at the General Theological Seminary, and associate rector for spiritual formation at St. Columbia’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC.

She has also served as director of General Seminary’s Center for Christian Spirituality. Guenther is the author of Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction and Toward Holy Ground: Spiritual Directions for the Second Half of Life. Her most recent book is The Practice of Prayer. She holds an A.B. and M.A. from the University of Kansas, a Ph.D. from Radcliffe College, and an M.Div. from General Theological Seminary. According to Cathie Powell, founder of the Anchorage, Guenther “took over the leadership of the Cen-

If you’re going . . . For more information, or to pre-register, call Christ Church, 864-271-8773, ext. 137. Pre-registration is required by noon, December 9. ter for Christian Spirituality in the mid to late 1980s when spiritual direction was not as common as it is now, especially for Protestants.”

Sewanee offers unique scholarship to college-bound students High school students completing their college applications for 20042005 should consider applying for a Lilly Scholarship offered by the University of the South located in Sewanee, Tenn. The Lilly Scholarship Program gives individuals a

unique opportunity for service and vocation. The scholarship will be awarded to two first-year students entering the university’s Class of 2008, who have outstanding records of service during their high school years and an interest in Our diocese online!

theological, service-oriented, or values-based careers. Funded through a grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc., the scholarship will provide half tuition support and room and board at the university. The scholarship will also support summer internship opportunities. As an added benefit, Lilly Scholars who choose to enter a seminary within two years after graduation from the University of the South would be supported financially for the first year of theological study.

Interested individuals must complete and submit an application form, admissions materials and a 1,000-word essay by January 10, 2004 (postmark date). For a copy of the application packet or more information about the Lilly Scholarship, contact the Lilly Office at (931) 598-1869 or Further details about scholarship benefits and requirements is available at scholars.


Guenther to lead retreat at Christ Church, Greenville


For Trisha Ganner, language comes easily. “For some people, they can play music by ear. For me, it’s language. It’s a r eal gift.” Ganner, parishioner, entrepreneur, mother, and CCEP Spanish teacher, first became immersed in the language and culture of Colombia, South America, as a 16-year-old foreign exchange student. She obtained her master ’s degree there, and is planning another trip to Colombia this December. “One of my prayers about my gift has always been: ‘God, what am I supposed to do with it?’” Ganner ’s prayers are beginning to be answered. In September she began a Spanish for Ministry class at Christ Church; in December she will be scouting a sister-church relationship in Colombia, and within the year hopes to launch a GED class for Hispanic mothers of young children. “I love the language,” Ganner exclaims repeatedly. The first Spanish for Ministry class welcomed 15 students with varying degrees of linguistic familiarity; some took Spanish years ago, others had never spoken a wor d. What they have in common is a desire to be, as Ganner puts it, “the Spanish eyes,

ears, and hands of Jesus.” Whether the students are greeting newcomers to Christ Church, reading Scripture in their native tongue, or helping mothers complete an education, Spanish for Ministry is a way to reach out and make our Hispanic neighbors feel welcome. Utilizing the Greenville County School System’s Adult Education Lifelong Learning manual, Ganner and the students have been learning the language and how to pronounce the words of the Nicene Creed, Psalms, and Lord’s Prayer in Spanish. The manual is also helpful in introducing Latin American culture, so that, as Ganner states, “We do not commit a faux pas.” During the week, students are encouraged to use their fledgling skills, even while dining out together at Greenville’s El Rancho Restaurant, which specializes in Colombian cuisine. When the GED classes are up and running, the students will be able to read children’s books in Spanish to their young charges. During the day, Ganner is busy teaching Spanish to the Christ Church Episcopal Preschool students through adaptations of songs, blessings, and vocabulary. Working cooperatively with St. James, Greenville (where diocesan Hispanic missioner the Rev. Robert Taylor is based), several Christ

November-December 2003 ...........................................................................

Spanish for Ministry class offered at Christ Church, Greenville

............................................................... November-December 2003

crosswalk ......................................................................................................

ECW . . . Get that light out from under that bushel! Episcopal Church Women do a lot of good works for others, and we do them quietly. The ECW of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina wants to spread the word about the many wonderful things the congregations are involved in through the women of the church. In order to spread the word, we need the news from all of you . . . to publicize your events in the diocesan newspaper Crosswalk, in the Province IV newsletter, and in Communiqué, the national ECW newsletter. Check out the Web sites listed below during the year, and keep up with the Episcopal Church Women throughout the world. § § § §

The Province IV newsletter and Communiqué are published on a quarterly basis. You can subscribe to receive a copy through the mail for a small fee. Crosswalk is automatically received through your church’s mailing list. The diocesan Web site is and the ECW link is The Province IV Web site link is http:// The link for the Communiqué’s Web site is http://

Please send me articles about the many things going on with your local ECW group. Let us take advantage of the tools to make our works known; your ideas may inspire others to inquire about the projects for their area. Donna Holt 19 Knee Run Spartanburg, SC 29307 e-mail:

Upper SC ECW calls for Bena Dial Scholarship applicants The Episcopal Church Women in the Diocese of Upper South Carolina will offer one or more scholarships to students in our diocese for the school year 2004-2005. The recipient of a Bena Dial Scholarship will use it to attend as a full-time student any accredited college, vocational school, or graduate school. Criteria for selecting a BENA DIAL Scholar is as follows: 1. 50% - Academic and Extra Curricular School and/or Community Activities 2. 25% - Church Activities 3. 25% - Financial Need © The applicant must be an ACTIVE Episcopalian and a resident of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. © He or she must have at least a “B” average from high school or college; he or she must submit an official transcript of this school record. © The applicant must also submit official test score results from the SAT or ACT for high school and college students; the GRE for Graduate students. The applicant shall submit: 1. The Bena Dial Application Form; 2. A personal letter of intent and

financial assistance information; 3. Three (3) letters of reference a. one from his or her priest; b. one from a teacher, principal or professor, and c. one from an adult in the community, reflecting the character of the applicant as well as his or her chances of success in higher education or professional life. The Bena Dial Scholarship is a one-time award and the number available is dependent on the money received from individual contributions, as well as money designated and received from the congregational branches of the EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN in the diocese. It is generally anticipated that one or more scholarships of $1,000.00 will be awarded. Recipients will be announced in May 2004.


The Third Annual Advent Quiet Day on the Internet November 30–January 6 Waiting Expectantly for the Unexpected— Illuminations for the Advent Season Coordinated by Sandra Kelley, Worship Chairperson Produced by Donna Holt, Promotions & Publicity Chairperson Written by Sue Perrin, President This unique online quiet day is meant to be a reflection for individuals as well as for groups. Invite your friends and family, men’s and women’s church groups—everyone. Don’t forget to share this quiet day on the Internet with your friends around the world by forwarding the following hyperlink:

Still Hopes celebrates achievement of pre-sale goal Prospective residents of Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community in West Columbia celebrated their “lucky number 88” at the Columbia Museum of Art on Tuesday evening, November 4. Eighty-eight is the lucky number, because that’s the number of reservations required to reach the 70 percent pre-sale goal set for the retirement community’s ambitious $45,000,000 residential expansion program. According to Executive Director Danny Sanford, the Marketing Office kicked off the reservation program on March 19 and announced the 88 pre-sales to the Board of Trustees on September 25. Achieving the 70 percent goal prepares the way for Still Hopes to go to market with the revenue bonds which will be sold to finance the construction of the two new apartment buildings. Site work is expected to begin in January 2004, according to the contractor, C.F. Evans Company of Orangeburg.

For further information about reservations in the new apartments, please call (803)739-5040.

Helen Bryan of Grace Church, Camden, and her son Jamey Bryan, celebrate the Still Hopes expansion project 70 percent pre-sale milestone at the Columbia Museum of Art on November 4.

All women in the church are invited to attend . . .

82nd Annual ECW Convention SATURDAY, JANUARY 24TH, 2004 Church of the Advent 141 Advent Street, Spartanburg, SC 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

All information should be sent directly to the BENA DIAL CHAIRPERSON and must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2004.

Registration fee $10; includes lunch; registration must be returned by January 14, 2004

For additional details or to receive a scholarship packet, contact BENA DIAL CHAIRPERSON: Mrs. Eunice Robinson, 4039 Pinecone Drive, Columbia SC 29204, (803) 754-2489.

to share our experiences and visions for all Episcopal Church Women

Please join us as

“Women Gather at the Well”

If you have questions, please contact: Robin LeRoy, 125 Fernbrook Circle, Spartanburg, SC 29307 (864) 597-1720

Adventure Kingdom

Have you remembered the diocese in your will? Please keep in mind that before you make any decisions, you should consult with your attorney and financial advisors.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 r oom generously furnished by Advent’s Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Our computer room will be up and running soon, as will Good News Broadcasting, a space for cub reporters to create and produce the news of the day in Jer usalem, Bethlehem, or Capernaum. Also downstairs are three classes for preschool. Upstairs, Adventure Theatre has opened its season. The puppet stage has gotten a workout with two productions already and the main stage will open soon. Costumes and props are proudly displayed and there are provisions for recording the productions for later use. Mary and Martha’s Bed and Breakfast happily welcomed the first guests during the rotation on The Big Ten (commandments) in late October. The temple, our storytelling room, has delighted

visitors with its murals, pillars, Oriental rug, and pillows. Guests can cozy up to hear the Bible story or listen to experiences from Advent’s mission trip to St. Paul’s Chapel at Ground Zero in November of 2001. In case you might wonder how the young adventurers are responding to the change in both curriculum and space, we found one child crying on September 7. When asked what had upset him, he replied simply, “Mommy came too soon; I want to stay.” Thanks be to God for all His goodness—and thanks be to the volunteers of the Church of the Advent for making Adventure Kingdom a reality for our children. Chris Lynn is director of Christian formation at Church of the Advent, Spartanburg.

Upper SC reaches out CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

bumper sticker design has been chosen for billboard display. Billboards will be located downtown in Columbia, the Aiken area, the Greenville-Spartanburg area, and the Rock Hill and Anderson areas. The bumper stickers are designed to highlight two noteworthy characteristics of the Episcopal Church: the spirit of inquiry and spiritual journey and the opendoor attitude that bids all seekers come in. In tune with the Advent campaign, the Communication Committee’s call to arms these days is “A bumper sticker on every car!” Displaying a sticker is an easy way to claim every Christian’s God-given role as an evangelist who proclaims, in the words of the Baptismal Covenant, “by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.” Displaying a sticker is also an important reinforcement of the diocesan Advent billboard campaign. (Please see below to find out

how to order stickers for yourself, your family, your congregation.) As a next step for those who are captivated by either bumper sticker or billboard, the diocesan Web site ( will offer several new features, including a special “Seekers” section, explaining the basics of the Episcopal Church and offering MapQuest links and service times for every congregation in the diocese. The diocesan Office of Communications will be tracking Web hits, but we are depending on congregations, on the front lines of mission, to help us assess the impact of the billboard/bumper sticker campaign. Please strive for a bumper sticker on every car in your congregation, and be prepared to greet, in the warmest Episcopal fashion, those who might have been moved, by the sticker or the billboard, to spend a Sunday morning at your church.


81st Diocesan Convention CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

convention service of Holy Eucharist, which concluded the proceedings, r ecalled in style and atmosphere worship at last year’s Great Gathering—inspiring music (the gift of the host church St. Martin’s-inthe-Fields, Columbia), the glorious paper-lace hangings fashioned by Nancy Chinn for the 2002 event, a

baptismal font surrounded by rosemary branches, and a multitude of other blessings. For more convention material and stories, additional resolutions adopted, and election results, go to pages 6–9 .

Bishop’s Cup winners . . .

$1.00 each, or $.75 each for orders of 50 or more Name __________________________________________________ Church ________________________________________________ Mailing address ________________________________________ ________________________________________ E-mail __________________________ How many bumper stickers? ______ _______ Soul Searching? _______ Welcoming All God’s Children Amount enclosed ________________ Checks payable to Diocese of Upper SC (DUSC), “Bumper Stickers” on the memo line. Send to Office of Communications, 1115 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 29201. Indicate “Bumper Stickers” on the envelope.

The foursome from St. Alban’s, Lexington, victors in the Fifth Annual York Place Bishop’s Cup golf tournament. Special thanks from York Place to our corporate sponsors and hole sponsors and also to Mel Priester, chair, and to the men and women of All Saints’, Cayce, who volunteered on the course during the tournament.

Order bumper stickers online at




Adventure Kingdom’s temple, the storytelling room complete with murals, pillars, Oriental rug, and pillows.


November-December 2003 ...........................................................................



............................................................... November-December 2003

crosswalk ......................................................................................................


Check out these Web Sites!

SC Christian Action Council designated Jubilee Center

From the national Church, a useful compilation of fact sheets and other resources, including links to helpful post-General Convention info: menu=menu21225 From the Diocese of Virginia, a free resource including newsletter articles, links, and other tools “to build and grow your church”; sponsored by the diocese’s Commission on Congregational Development: http:// From the GTNG (Gathering the Next Generation) Network, a site designed, sustained, and managed by Generation X Episcopalians (born 1961– 1981) to connect people (not just GenXers) and resources to further the mission of Christ: Christianity: Religion and Spirituality Directory, comprehensive links to all kinds of resources for Christian denominations, http:// See especially Anglican ( and Episcopal ( Episcopal.html) links.

Upper SC deacon John Mill (center), diocesan Jubilee officer, formally presented the designation “Jubilee Center” to the SC Christian Action Council at their recent board meeting. To Deacon Mill’s left are Action Council executive minister Brenda Kneece, treasurer Arlene Andrews, and secretary Ida McCaskill. To his right are Archdeacon Fred Byrd, AIDS ministry director Elizabeth McLendon, and Action Council associate director Julia Sibley-Jones (photo by Pam Steude). Jubilee Ministry is a grass-roots network of community-based centers dedicated to improving the lives of the poor and oppressed through social, economic, and community development.

l Bishop Henderson’s address to the 81st Convention . . . CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 “hits”—from 6,000 a month in June, 2001, to 12,000 a month in June 2002, to 3,000 a DAY presently. Consistent with “next steps,” Dr. Hill is available for consultation with congregations regarding their own communications systems. • Diocesan Effectiveness: Beloved, if we are to be effective as “One Body…Changing Lives,” my staff must be people who serve because their gifts match our needs—yours and mine. If we’re serious about “One Body…”—and we are—then the bishop and the bishop’s staff must have those gifts which assist congregations to develop their abilities for each of the six goals of our plan. Anticipating the change in ecclesiastical “DNA” required by “One Body…,” and with the encouragement of the Diocesan Council, I initiated last winter a lengthy process to determine precisely what staffing we need to meet your needs for mission and ministry. Without belaboring you with details, the process involved extensive consultation throughout the diocese. Then Tom Stepp, communicant of St. Martin’s and secretary to the Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina, assisted by the University’s vice president for human resources—Jane Jameson—studied our plan, our structure, the clergy’s recommendations—and interviewed many. Their advice included the addition two major positions: a diocesan administrator/financial officer, and a specialist in congregational development. Unfortunately, recent developments in the economy and the effects thereof on our congregations, deemed that ambitious, but practical, proposal unattainable. Accordingly, with the assistance the Rev. Dr. Dennis Smith, we have devised a “second choice,” but one which is, nevertheless, a workable alternative. Thus, the Statement of Mission which you will consider today provides for the addition of only one major staff position—for Congregational Development. It also provides for one support

position—an administrative assistant to provide clerical and technical support for two staff members presently without assistance: the youth missioner and the director of communications. Beloved, I deem these two positions to be essential if we hope to accomplish the goals of “One Body…” I implore you to approve the Statement of Mission in order to equip our congregations for “next steps in mission.” • Outreach: We now have trained, ordained, and placed deacons in six congregations, commissioned to lead the Church more fully into the servant ministry of Christ. Our Matthew 25 Committee is more and more active in developing and coordinating the broader servant ministry of the Church, the so-called Social Gospel, caring for the needy in our world. Archdeacon Byrd—who is also responsible for our mission congregations, the ordination processes, and clergy deployment—provides oversight for the Matthew 25 Committee. By the grace of God, we will be faithful in mission. ONE BODY, ONE MISSION: CHANGING LIVES. By the grace of God, we have the grace of God for mission and in mission. “Go therefore,” Jesus said, “make disciples… baptizing…teaching…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” And again, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of truth…he abides with you, and he will be in you.”

“BELOVED, OUR MISSION IS DAUNTING, AND OUR CHALLENGES ARE GRAVE. BUT WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS STRUGGLE. . . .” Beloved, our mission is daunting, and our challenges are grave. But we are not alone in

this struggle, for our mission is God’s mission. Just so, God is in our struggle, for it is His struggle. His presence and his grace are ours for mission and for all of life. Grace, you know, is not simply God’s good will toward us-—though we have that, and we give thanks for it. But as the prayer of Holy Confirmation attests, “grace” also means power—God’s divine power, imparted to us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. “Defend, O Lord, thy servant with thy heavenly grace. . . .” And every time we are nurtured through any of the sacraments, that grace, that power, is strengthened within us. The Holy Spirit’s presence, good will, and power have been our comfort and strength since the foundation of our diocese. Indeed, our Founding Bishop, Kirkman Finlay, assured Upper South Carolina at its first convention in 1922, at that time a bishop and a diocese faced with an uncertain future, with these words: “God the Holy Spirit is with us!” Beloved, God the Holy Spirit has seen us through challenge after challenge, crisis after crisis, step after step, and has upheld us and strengthened us through every one. God the Holy Spirit is with us now, in every aspect of our struggle, whether with issues, life, or mission, “and ever shall be, world without end.”

“. . . STEP BY STEP, NEXT STEP BY NEXT STEP, CLINGING ALWAYS TO THE OLD RUGGED CROSS. . . .” Delegates and others present in Convention: By the grace of God we are prepared for mission, united in mission, challenged in mission, faithful in mission, and we have God’s grace in mission. In thanksgiving, let us pray: O God, you give life, grace, and mission. We give thanks “that we are ever walking in your sight,” and pray that we may “do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us to walk in” throughout the spiritual journey of our lives of love and mission, step by step, next step by next step, clinging always to the Old Rugged Cross, until we exchange it someday for a crown. In the Name of the One whose love, Body and mission unite us, Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN

By Kimberley Higgins Katherine Brigman-Derrick, a local artist in the Batesburg-Leesville area and member of St. Paul’s, Batesburg, recently bestowed the wonderful gift of an original oil painting of St. Paul’s to church members. The original oil was dedicated to the memory of her father, George Brigman.

Brigman-Derrick always felt that there were certain buildings that just begged to be painted and that Episcopal churches in particular seem to have a “signature look,” St. Paul’s being no exception. When she first started the project it was with this idea, but as she painted she realized this was more then just another painting. As she worked she found herself remembering all the things her father had told her

National Christian formation conference coming up in January 2004

tor and writer for the acclaimed Texas “Discovery Series.” He is a founding member of the Sophia Network, a national organization for those interested in spirituality, scholarship, and liturgy. For more information on the conference, contact NAECED vice president Gillian Barr, (619) 9916663,, or go to the Web site, events.html, to download a registration brochure.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 unlock the gates of hell and bring us before the throne of his heavenly father and teach us to call God Abba, Papa. We will never get there by beating on each other—we just can’t get there. And so on my sick bed this week I had been meditating on Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians that when I am weak then I am strong—something that a white male usually doesn’t want to think about, weakness. We fight a battle that has curious rules. When our so-called enemy slaps us on one cheek what are we supposed to do? You know the answer! Shout it out! Turn the other. And for people who wish to persecute and to use us—what do we do? We pray and we bless them. Only that way will we show the world that we are children of the heavenly Father. We will not show anyone anything by fighting over property, fighting over theology, beating up on each other, using the ploys of our various camps. THE GOOD NEWS There is only one army. There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, whether I, as a liberal, like it or not. We are all in the Lord’s army and the war we fight cannot be won by you or me. That’s the good news. The struggle’s not going to be won by bishops, priests, deacons, or laypeople who somehow get it right. But we are still all so upset. If I were a cynic, or a Jay Leno, I might see the Episcopal Church as an endless source of humor—black humor. We have primates over in Africa telling us about Satan taking over the United States. We have bishop-elects wrapping themselves in the mantle of knowing absolutely the word of God, like some Mormon prophet. We have conservatives who quote the Scriptures as if they, and they alone, have a lock on the capital T objective Truth! Why aren’t we happy then? Why are so many of us grieving? We are moving. We are in a process. We are all still grieving and we are all hurting. I’m remembering Scriptures that I learned as a young man that were so precious to me that I had forgotten—remembering how Paul reminds Timothy in his second letter that God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but a sound mind and love. God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, which that means that when I wallow in fear and want to beat you up, I don’t have to listen to

Some of her paintings have been displayed at Mae’s of Lexington and Batesburg-Leesville and she has recently had paintings shown at the Palmetto GBA Building and the Columbia Arts Council Building in Columbia. Both shows were sponsored by the Columbia Arts Council. Kimberley Higgins is a member of St. Paul’s, Batesburg.

that voice. I don’t have to give way to that spirit. Conservatives are not my enemy as a liberal. And conservatives out there, liberals are not your enemy. The good news is that Jesus is your friend. That’s the good news that we’re going to tell the world. Much of the rest of the Christian world still wants to get it right. They want to divide the world into those that have the truth and those who don’t. We have become a mockery, at least in my city. Many of my parishioners tell me about the sermons that are being preached about our Church in the pulpits of Rock Hill. So be it. So be it. Fear and judgment and anger and self-righteousness will never win any Christian’s war with sin and death. Only the cross, only the resurrection, only the power of the Holy Spirit can do so—and they do not belong to any of us wholly, completely. But each of us belongs to Him, wholly and completely. So, are you going to lose it in the next month? Probably. Am I going to lose it in the next month? Am I going to continue to be a horse’s patooty? (Of course, there are some who would say I have always been a horse’s patooty!) Yes. We’re not very good at fighting this “war.” It means we

“. . . WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO BASICS TIME AND TIME AND TIME AGAIN.” have to go back to basics time and time and time again. I was able to tell our bishop at our most recent Diocesan Executive Council meeting that this crisis has done strange things to this pagan heart—after eleven hundred years, I am still a pagan. I pray that I might one day be Christian. A BIG CHILL PILL We’re getting there—slowly. We’ve got a way to go. And we won’t get there by fear. But we will get there together. And we are promised we won’t get there any other way. Only if we become like little children who run to God, Abba, Papa, will we ever reach the Kingdom. Not being right and powerful and strong in our own position, but humble and naked and vulnerable, even sick. Yielding ourselves to the One who knows us better and deeper than we’ve ever known ourselves and who calls all of us, I think, to take a great big chill pill—”Be still and know that I am God.” The Rev. Dr. Charles Foss is rector of the Church of Our Saviour, Rock Hill.


l Sermon at Evensong . . .

More than just a painting: St. Paul’s, Batesburg, by Katherine BrigmanDerrick.


“Formation & Liturgy: Making the Connections,” the 2004 annual conference of the National Association for Episcopal Christian Education Directors (NAECED), will take place January 29–31 in San Diego. Keynote speaker will be the Rev. Paul Fromberg, from St. Andrew’s, Houston. This year’s conference will focus on helping families claim the liturgical aspects of daily living and routines; experiencing liturgy as a child; helping children experience liturgy; and helping Christian formation directors work more closely with liturgy planning. Keynoter the Rev. Paul Fromberg is a member of the Liturgy Commission for the Diocese of Texas. Most recently he has served as edi-

about wanting to become a minister in the church and not becoming one because he didn’t feel God had given him that “calling.” As Brigman-Derrick painted “all these little things about him started coming back,” so therefore I decided to dedicate this painting to him.” She felt that she was being guided by the hand of God in this endeavor. “Not only was I having some help, because it went so fast, within two weeks from taking the photographs I had finished the painting,” the artist explained. “I imagine I sat at this canvas three, four, maybe five times at the most in two weeks.” When she put the brush down she knew without a doubt it was finished. “I wanted to present it to the church to the Glory of God and to the honor and remembrance of my father,” Brigman-Derrick said. “Not only did our Heavenly Father have a hand in it, but my real blood kin father, here on earth, did. It is a very special painting for me. I hadn’t been quite ready to tackle this project until recently. I said a little prayer before I started it and a thank you after I was finished.” Brigman-Derrick taught English in public schools for 25 years, 18 of which were spent at Irmo Middle School. She is now a fulltime artist working from her home studio in Batesburg. She currently studies art under the supervision of Dale Mastro from Lexington.

November-December 2003 ...........................................................................

Local artist presents oil painting to St. Paul’s, Batesburg


St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia, 7th Annual Healing Service for Persons Living with AIDS, November 23, 4:00 p.m.—See page 3 for details. Holy Trinity, Clemson, Annual ECW Bazaar, December 6, 10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m.—Some of the items offered at this year’s annual Holy Trinity ECW bazaar include hand-knitted Christmas stockings, homemade baked goods, jams and pickles, ornaments, gift baskets, crafts, plants, and “white elephant” items. A delicious lunch will be available as well. Directions to Holy Trinity are on the church Web site, Contact the church office for more information, (864) 654-5071. Grace Church, Anderson, Advent Lessons and Carols, December 7, 5:00 p.m.—Festival of Advent Lessons and Carols with Advent Procession, Advent Responsory, and the “O” Antiphons sung by the parish choir of men and women and the junior choir of boys and girls with members of the Greenville Symphony. Billy Fallaw is choirmaster and organist. For more information contact Grace Church, (864) 225-8011. Christ Church, Greenville, one-day retreat with the Rev. Margaret Guenther, December 13.—See page 11 for details.

St. Andrew’s, Greenville, Solemn Evensong and Benediction, December 14, 6:00 p.m.—Bishop Henderson will officiate at Solemn Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A light supper in the Parish House will follow. For more information, contact St. Andrew’s, (864) 235-5884, or visit the Web site,

Christ Church, Greenville, Theatre Ministry presents The Long Christmas Dinner, December 19–21.—Directed by parishioner Jack Peyrouse, Thornton Wilder’s The Long Christmas Dinner will be produced by the new Christ Church Theatre Ministry on December 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m., with a 2:00 p.m. matinée on December 21. All performances are open to the public; dessert following the play. For more information contact Christ Church, (864) 271-8773.

Christ Church, Greenville, WinterClassics Concert Series, beginning January 14, 2004.—The Christ Church WinterClassics concerts begin Wednesdays, January 14, 21, and 28 and continue through February 4, 11, and 18. The 12:10–1:00 p.m. concerts offer a cultural experience (with lunch available after) within walking distance to businesses, and for seniors who cannot venture out at night. For a complete listing of artists for the free, open-to-the-public concerts, call (864) 271-8773 or visit the Web site,



............................................................... November-December 2003

Out and about in Upper SC



27–28 30


DEC meeting, Diocesan House Bishop’s visitation to St. John’s, Clearwater HIV/AIDS healing service, St. Martin’s-in-theFields, Columbia Diocesan House closed for Thanksgiving Bishop’s visitation to Advent, Spartanburg

10 14 17 21 25-31

Bishop’s visitation to Christ Church, Greenville Bishop’s visitation to St. George’s, Anderson Bishop’s visitation to Trinity Cathedral, Columbia Bishop’s visitation to Good Shepherd, Columbia Diocesan House closed

JANUARY 1 19 23–24 24 31

New Year’s Day. Diocesan House closed. Martin Luther King Day. Diocesan House closed. DYLTC Conference, Gravatt ECW Convention Advent, Spartanburg Diocesan Basketball Tournament

PLEASE NOTE: The next Crosswalk will cover convention and appear in mid-November. Deadline for submissions: October 24.

Please contact Jane Goldsmith at the Diocesan House (803-7717800, if you have information for the calendar.

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