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Pentecost 2010

Crosswalk The official publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina

inside 4

Q & A with USC VIII On the eve of his consecration Bishop-elect Waldo reflects on life, faith, the future, and more.


Apostle, chief priest, and pastor Thoughts on the essentials of episcopal ministry


Symbols of office Vestments, ring, cross & crozier—why bishops wear them and what helped Bishop Waldo choose his


1+1=1 Love, “God’s algorithm,” and life abundant—the joyous consecration sermon by the Rev. Mark E. Waldo, Jr.

Cover photo by John Mobley

View the consecration online

“Make Andrew a bishop in your Church . . .”



Bishop’s Desk


Here we are, at the jumping off point of our shared journey in faith as bishop and people in the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina. I’ve spent much time in prayer and reflection on what God is calling us to do and who we are called to be in the years ahead. Though, as Paul puts it, we see things dimly, Christ Jesus has long since given us our “rules for the road.” Jesus has pointed us toward and graced us with the strength and skill to undertake those things that bear witness to the Kingdom of God and build up the community of those who believe in him. Which things we do and who God is calling us to be in this time and this place will emerge as the journey unfolds. Things take time.


Official Publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina 1115 Marion Street Columbia, South Carolina 29201 803.771.7800/800.889.6961 803.799.5119 fax Crosswalk E-mail Address Bishop The Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo

That things will be different is true only because I am who I am and our way of being together will be different, just as it has been different every time you’ve called a new bishop. Russell Crabtree, writing in A Fly in the Ointment, has said, “The capacity to see one season of your life as precursor to another is the critical factor for healthy change. It does not deny the preciousness of the previous season. But neither does it claim it as its destiny.” I’ve always believed that those who’ve gone before me in life have prepared and planted a garden whose fruits I get to enjoy, and for me, this has been especially true as I come into this diocese and give thanks to God for Bishop Henderson’s episcopate. My task is to work beside you to continue, expand, and nourish the garden into which you’ve all put so much love and effort over the years. Our task is to see that our garden bears fruit worthy of repentance, reconciliation, renewal. Finally, I remain deeply honored and humbled by the call you have given me in Christ Jesus to be your bishop. I am in awe of the task our Lord has set before us. And yet, I have confidence in God’s call to each and every one of us as brothers and sisters that we will truly “walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” Together we will build Christ’s church. Your brother in Christ,

Executive Assistant to Bishop Waldo Ms. Jane B. Goldsmith Canon to the Ordinary The Rev. Michael Bullock Director of Ministry Development The Rev. d’Rue Hazel Assistant Dean, School for Ministry Ms. Roslyn Hook Canon for Finance and Administration Ms. Julie Price Director of Finance and Insurance Ms. Cynthia Hendrix Canon for Communications, Editor of Crosswalk Ms. Peggy Van Antwerp Hill Canon for Liturgy, Leadership Development and Formation The Rev. L. Sue von Rautenkranz Director of Information Technology Ms. Bethany Human Archdeacon Emeritus The Ven. Frederick C. Byrd Administrative Assistant Ms. Bonnie Blackberg


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Upper South Carolina VIII

Around the Diocese Diocesan Leadership Days call forth “ONE THING” “What is the ONE THIING you or your congregation can achieve to strengthen the ministry of Christ’s Church in Upper SC?” Participants in “Share the Hope,” the five Diocesan Leadership Days that brought Upper SC congregations together from April to June in groups organized according to church size, returned home to ponder the question, accept the challenge, and share news of the process and outcomes with others in the diocese by e-mailing their stories to Canon for Communications Peggy Hill ( for inclusion in diocesan publications. Imagine if 26, 000 Episcopalians in Upper SC realized just ONE THING, as individuals and as congregations, for the Body of Christ! Ask the question, take the pledge, and share the good news. ONE THING really does make a difference.

Goldsmith, Hill to retire from bishop’s staff

Jane Goldsmith, executive assistant to the bishop, and Peggy Van Antwerp Hill, diocesan canon for communications, have announced plans to retire at summer’s end. Goldsmith and Hill joined the bishop’s staff in 2001, within weeks of each other. They are both members of St. Simon & St. Jude, Irmo. “It has been a great blessing and privilege to serve on the bishop’s staff and to have a ministry that has made it possible for

me to get to know so many people in the diocese and throughout the Episcopal Church,” Goldsmith said. “The work of the bishop’s office can be demanding and the pace can be hectic, but the rewards are many, and great.” The good news is that Goldsmith will not be a stranger but Goldsmith will be taking on some part-time tasks at Diocesan House. In her leisure time she plans to spend more time in the North Carolina mountains. Hill says that, although she will miss colleagues and friends from all over Upper SC, she’s looking forward to traveling with her husband in the U.S. and beyond and having more time to work Hill as a freelance editor and consultant. (See her message, “From the editor,” on page 15.)

Upper SC receives seven national Episcopal Communicators’ awards Upper South Carolina’s communications ministry was honored this year with seven Polly Bond Awards, given annually the national Episcopal Communicators organization. This year’s awards ceremony took place at the organization’s 2010 annual conference, in March in Salem, Massachusetts. —continued on page 13



Meet Mary Halverson Waldo By Peggy Van Antwerp Hill


ary Halverson Waldo is a woman of many talents and she’s just added a new role to her impressive repertoire that includes musician, teacher, writer, wife, and mother—and now spouse of the eighth bishop of Upper South Carolina.

Faith and community

Mary Waldo was born and raised in Duluth, Minnesota, overlooking the cold shores of Lake Superior. Hers was an active church-going Methodist family. “We never missed a Sunday,” she remembers, “not even during family vacations.” Among those who influenced her on her journey was a high-school and college friend, later an Episcopal bishop himself, who drew her into what she describes as “an active life of faith and community.” In the 1970s she began attending the Episcopal Church and in 1979 she became a member.

A musical life

Music has been one of the constants in Mary Waldo’s life. “I was raised,” she says, “in a continual wash of good quality sounds—concerts, recordings, church and school choirs, piano and voice lessons.” She received a Bachelor of Music with Teaching Certificate from the College of St. Scholastica, a Benedictine institution in Duluth, and a Master ‘s degree from the New England Conservatory of Music (NEC) in Boston. Her years in Boston were life-changing in more ways than one. It was there that she came into contact with the Society of St. John the Evangelist, an Anglican religious order that welcomes all seekers, which Mary Waldo cites as a powerful influence on her spiritual growth. It was there too that she met fellow NEC student Andrew Waldo and invited him to join her for the Easter Vigil service at the Church of St. John the Evangelist. The rest, as they say, is history. The couple has three sons, all devoted and talented musicians: Jonathan, married to Amber Houck Waldo and an information security analyst for a bank; James, in graduate studies at The New School of Music; and Benjamin, a student at the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities who is planning a career in architecture.

Like her husband, Mary Waldo is a lover and accomplished performer of early music (before 1750). Her instruments are the recorders and transverse flutes of the Renaissance and Baroque eras, and she has performed with the Bach Society of Minnesota, a baroque orchestra with chorus and soloists, and in a variety of chamber music settings in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

A teacher’s calling

Another of Mary Waldo’s passions is teaching. She has taught recorder and flute to children from age three through high school and worked with students from a multitude of backgrounds and nations worldwide. The Suzuki Method, an international pedagogical philosophy in which young students learn music in a nurturing environment, in the same way that they learn their mother tongue, has been a mainstay of Mary Waldo’s teaching career. Currently one of only three Suzuki Recorder Method teacher trainers in the world, she has taught at festivals and institutes throughout the United States, Canada, and South America. Her student body is nothing if not diverse: “I’ve had the privilege,” she says, “of working with students and teachers from the Andes Mountains, with very few financial resources, as well as blind children and blind teachers in Bogotá. “ She has also served as a board member of the American Recorder Society and as editor of an educational column for American Recorder magazine.

The work of the Church

It should come as no surprise that Mary Waldo’s numerous ministries in the secular world have plentiful counterparts in the life of the Church. Over the years she taught Sunday school, sang in the choir, served as lector and Eucharistic visitor, worked with young children in music, led a weekly intergenerational instrumental group, and supported ministries of hospitality. Closest to her heart, however, was what she describes as “her special ministry”: “pulling fringe people into the active life of the parish.” Mary Waldo is looking forward to her new role as our bishop’s wife. “I plan to accompany Andrew on as many of his visitations as I can,” she says, “in order to meet the people of the diocese face to face and hear their stories, as individuals and communities. I have a special affinity with clergy spouses, and I look forward to meeting and supporting them.”

Balancing act

Mary Waldo (stage left in front) at work

How does Mary Waldo find balance in her busy life? “By keeping careful proportions of time,” she says, “in being with people, and time being alone in silence.” And she has fun. “I enjoy being outdoors in the beauty of nature—watching birds, hiking, gardening. I also love yoga, reading, dancing cooking, knitting, and entertaining.” Describing her new life in Upper South Carolina as “at the same time exotic and very much like home,” Mary Waldo says that the area has surprised her with its diversity and “wonderfully cosmopolitan population” and with new experiences that she treasures—especially “seeing folks wave, not only to friends, but to total strangers. That’s beautiful.”




Q A &

A conversation with Upper SC VIII On the eve of his consecration as the eighth bishop of Upper South Carolina, then Bishop-elect Waldo sat down with Crosswalk to talk about the day-to-day, the road ahead, the contemplative value of N-gauge railroading, and more.

CW: B-e:

How do you keep spiritually invigorated?

I take time each day to pray from the Psalter and the Office, and to express my gratitude to God for the blessings and challenges I face. On a fairly regular basis, I use the Anglican rosary to reflect on and bring specific joys, sadnesses, and concerns into my prayer life in a more contemplative spirit. On a different tack, I stay spiritually energized by reading “the literature.” Books I’m currently spending time in are Justo González’s History of Christian Thought, Walter Brueggeman’s An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon and Christian Imagination, and I’ve just begun Diarmaid MacCulloch’s new book, Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years. I picked up the González book again after many years, knowing that reflecting on the controversies that have come and gone throughout Christian history would provide a fresh perspective on the controversies we now face. The resilience of the Church and its witness to the love of God in Christ Jesus as it has lived through hard times in the past is deeply reassuring. I’ve always loved Walter Brueggeman’s biblical scholarship and his ability to challenge us with provocative questions, even as he holds the larger trajectory of biblical faith close. I was intrigued to see how he would handle that larger trajectory in a text intended for seminarians, and have not been disappointed as I’ve read his Old Testament survey. That these (and the next ones in the stack) are all sweeping overviews is therefore no accident, but a reflection of the larger perspective to which I’ve been called upon to bear witness as bishop. Of course, sometimes I self-empty and re-create in other ways: I disappear into worlds on a 1:160 scale and devote all energy to figuring out how to make something that is too small to make. Nineteenth-century decorative brick work is especially complicated at 1:160, requiring long and deep contemplation. And it’s amazing how tracks disappearing into the distance have a metaphorical quality about them.



What do you consider your greatest gift for ministry?


My spiritual director, one of the monks of the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and I reflected on precisely that question during my pre-consecration retreat at the beginning of May. He called me to look at it from the perspective of the cantus firmus of one’s life, using an image from Michael Mayne’s book, The Enduring Melody. In music, a cantus firmus is a tune often played in slower, long-held notes, over and around which a composer weaves other melodic strands, providing the stronger, identifying thread that gives the composition its color, character and often its emotional power. J. S. Bach often used this method with Lutheran chorale tunes. In reflection on this concept as metaphor, I came to see that the cantus firmus around which my life has been woven is the love both that God has shown me through countless people whose paths I have shared or crossed and the love that God has given me for other people—making room for abundant joy in others’ gifts and accomplishments and a spirit of reconciliation. I’ve been grateful for that gift all my life.


Tell us something about your time of preparation as a new bishop. What educational and formational programs have helped you prepare to become our eighth bishop?


The most comprehensive support for the education and formation of new bishops is a program of The Episcopal Church known as the College for Bishops. The program works to create collegial relationships among all new bishops, but especially those in a given “class” constituted of all those bishops elected in a given year. In January of each year, the College offers a fourday retreat for those elected the previous year that covers

photo: Dorian del Priore transition issues for bishops and spouses. This includes a range of issues, including personal (moving, financial, family, etc.) and vocational (e.g., new things to expect from within and without the diocese, best transition practices, working in the House of Bishops). Another goal of the program is to build a community of prayer, fellowship, and support among the new bishops as well as among the spouses. Concurrently, the program appoints an active bishop from another diocese who serves as a 90-day mentor immediately following election, and who is there to answer whatever questions the new bishop has (“There are no dumb questions…”). At the end of the 90 days, the College for Bishops appoints another active bishop as a coach who works with the new bishop as that bishop begins to move in programmatic directions and as that new bishop develops a rule of life that can nourish and sustain him or her spiritually through the rigors of the office. Over the next three years, the program includes yearly week-long residencies with bishops in other classes, both ahead of and behind, to work on subjects as varied as leadership practices, canonical issues, organizational development instruments, disciplinary concerns, property, communications, staff dynamics, critical incidents, vision, and engaging the larger Church. Finally, there are short courses offered a day ahead of each House of Bishops meeting.



CW: What resources would you like to see in

the diocese to help lay and ordained Upper South Carolinians live a fuller gospel life?

B-e: I’d like to see us develop a training and leadership development plan carefully coordinated with a larger strategic plan. That plan should address the Church’s needs in areas of discernment, deployment, growth in Christian discipleship and spiritual life, teaching, stewardship, and mission. Much excellent work is already happening in these areas through various programs and commissions and in local congregations. My hope is that we can step back to get a pragmatic look at it all from a 30,000-foot perspective. I think that will go a long way toward making it more possible for us to coordinate, collaborate, and share resources, knowledge, and skill in purposeful and strategically thoughtful ways.


You’ve served congregations in both the North and the South. Have you experienced any cultural differences that affect ways of doing ministry?


There are far more similarities than differences, but I especially appreciate the persistent joy that Southerners take in gathering to eat, play, celebrate, and do something really worthwhile at the same time. And I can’t wait for us to have a diocesan-wide barbeque cookoff in the next year or two and raise some serious money for something we all really care about! I promise not to be haughty about what real barbeque is…


Our diocese has not experienced internal conflict to the degree that we’ve seen in other dioceses, but there are Upper South Carolinians unhappy with the direction of The Episcopal Church. How can we continue to stay together?

Lighter moment: At pre-consecration festivities on May 21, the bishop-elect receives a “barbeque mitre” honoring his culinary expertise (note the labels and the visor!). The presenter is Kevin Riley, a parishioner from Trinity Church, Excelsior, Minnesota.

Following his consecration, Bishop Waldo and his extended family receive a rousing Upper South Carolina welcome (photo: Robin Smith).

B-e: The more I reflect on historical tensions the

Church has survived over the past two millennia—some of them extraordinarily virulent and life-denying, even utterly deadly—the more I’m convinced that our Lord’s deepest challenge is for us to live in faithful koinonia, in the Spirit of that first Pentecost when people of so many different tongues could—in astonishment—hear and understand each other. Koinonia, or fellowship within the Body of Christ, is described in the New Testament variously as involving sharing, giving up for one another, loving one another, abiding in each other, and all centered in our common faith in one Lord, Jesus Christ. Collectively, we have a relatively small legislative voice in the bigger picture, but a very real, personal, and consequential voice in the choices we make here in our diocese to live fully into the koinonia to which Christ calls us. Too often, we choose to be dismissive of those who disagree with us. How many times have we heard our detractors make scoffing and disdainful comments or noises in response to something we’ve said, resulting in anger, resentment or both? Not to mention separation in the Body and the breaking of fellowship. We seem to have little shame about our own behavior in this regard, preferring righteous indignation, which, if we are honest with ourselves, gives us an unhealthy and deceptive dose of the endorphins that we seem to like and seek. I believe that the way to stay together is to strive for a completely new and highly disciplined set of norms for how we treat one another when we disagree—even, and perhaps especially, when someone says something we think is unfaithful or outrageous. Of course, the norms are not after all so new. We can open our Bibles and rediscover them once again. And, every time we get too attached to what has always been, we remember that Jesus challenged the rules. Every time we act as if the rules no longer apply, we come face to face with Jesus’ obedience.

Even without the current tensions in the Church, staying together in faithful koinonia is the perpetual challenge of all of us who confess faith in Christ crucified and accept God’s claim on our lives. And it ever shall be. That is, until that day when we no longer see in a mirror dimly or know only in part. When finally we do see clearly and know fully, even as we are fully known, we’ll look back on all this with unimaginable joy and say, “Oh, now I get it!”


Numerous studies have indicated that mainline Christian churches, including our own, are steadily declining in membership. Is this a situation from which the Church can “recover” or is the issue more one of the need to “transform” the Church? What might be a first step?

B-e: Frankly, I don’t waste a minute fretting over the

decline thing. We are where we are. God has put each of us here, in this time, in this place, to use our gifts now, and wringing our hands is utterly fruitless. So as far as I’m concerned, our task is to be faithful to the now that God has given us and to trust the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to shake us up a bit. One thing I know for certain is that the best programs are worthless without faith and trust that God will lead us toward our deepest vocation (“that which keeps making more of [us]”—Gail Godwin).


What would you like us to pray for as you begin your new ministry?


For all of us to have the courage to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and to have only compassion for each other when we fall short of expectations. And, that we’ll have a really joyful time doing it!




Apostle, chief priest, and pastor

The bishop’s ministry bishop: From Middle English bishop, from Old English bisceop, from Late Latin episcopus, from Greek episkopos, “watcher, overseer,” from epi- “over” + skeptesthai “look at. “ Given a specific sense in the Church, the word also was used in the New Testament as an informal descriptive title for elders. By Rogers S. Harris Apostle and overseer

Our catechism states, “The ministry of a bishop is to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as apostle, chief priest, and pastor of a diocese” (BCP, p.855). We begin with the bishop as apostle. In the New Testament the word apostle means “one sent,” as on a mission. Jesus Christ is the Apostle of God, for though he eternally had the nature of God (Phil. 2:6), he was sent into this world on God’s mission to redeem the world. This is the apostolate of God, sending the eternal Word of God to reconcile all people to God and to each other. The crucified and risen Christ then sent his Church to the world as apostles to represent the risen Savior, to witness to his resurrection, to proclaim to all people the good news of the reign of God. As the apostolic Church, our Great Commission is “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . . .” (Matt. 28:19). From very early times the Christian Church has chosen some to lead this apostolic church in mission. The New Testament word for this mission leader is episkopos, which means “overseer.” First of all, therefore, the bishop is to oversee the apostolic mission of the Church. —continued on page 12

“The bishop is ‘at home’ in every parish of the diocese and is the chief priest in all of them. Today we are recovering this traditional teaching in our Prayer Book, where the first act of a newly consecrated bishop is to celebrate the Eucharist with the congregation (BCP, p. 522)” (photo: John Mobley).

The making of a bishop . . .

The rite of ordination On May 22 many of us participated in the ordination of the Rev. W. Andrew Waldo as the eighth bishop of Upper South Carolina. The rite of ordination in which we took part has ancient roots, but it has been updated to reflect the current understanding of the roles of the orders of ministry in The Episcopal Church: “lay people, bishops, priests, and deacons” (to quote from “The Catechism” in The Book of Common Prayer 1979). In particular (according to Marion J. Hatchett, an authority on the American prayer book), this rite reflects the belief that ordained ministers are called to ministry within rather than over the church. Still, even though it has been updated, a number of questions emerge when considering this liturgy.

“Ordination” / “consecration”


The rite used is titled “The Ordination of a Bishop,” although some may remember similar ceremonies being called consecrations. In fact, in the previous prayer book, this service was called “The Form of Ordaining or Consecrating a Bishop.” A quick check of a dictionary reveals that these two words are similar, referring to conferring “holy orders” in the case of ordination, and admitting or ordaining “to a sacred office” in the case of consecration. In the current prayer book, all the rites that create ordained ministers are called ordinations. Within each rite there are prayers which depict the particular ministries associated with the specific order, and there is also a section devoted to the consecration of the person or persons being ordained. Within each rite there are also specific roles for representatives of all the other orders of ministry, including lay people, to underscore the mutuality of the four orders of ministry in responding to God’s call to all baptized members to continue Christ’s ministry. In the midst of this rite of ordination, other acts and symbols may benefit from explanation. The Presiding Bishop or her representative presides at this liturgy, but there must be at least two other bishops to present the bishop-elect for ordination. All bishops in attendance then join in the laying on of hands at the time of consecration, as do all priests at priestly ordinations. The bishop alone lays hands on deacons to signify that deacons are supervised directly by their bishop.

The Presiding Bishop and other bishops attending the consecration lay hands on our bishop-elect: “Therefore, Father, make Andrew a bishop in your Church . . .” (photo: Robin Smith).

Vest, declare & sign

As with ordination to the other orders, the bishop-elect is not fully vested when the service begins. Rather the rubrics specify that the bishop-elect is to be “vested in a rochet or alb, without stole, tippet, or other vesture distinctive of ecclesiastical or academic rank or order.” A rochet is a white vestment similar to an alb that is typically only worn by bishops. It has long sleeves with pleats or ruffles at the wrists. Early in the liturgy, the bishop-elect is presented by clergy and lay people from the diocese, and then testimonials of the election are read. This is followed by the bishop-elect’s declaring that he believes “the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation” and promising to “conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of The Episcopal Church.” He then signs this declaration in the presence of all those assembled. It is then our turn as we vocally affirm our support for our bishop-elect. All of this comes before the Liturgy of the Word, which is followed by the Examination and Consecration of the new bishop, and the presentation of gifts symbolizing his new office. The service continues in a familiar way with the celebration of the Eucharist with the new bishop. Story by the Rev. Dr. Caroline Litzenberger. Reprinted with permission from Oregon Episcopal Church News, Spring 2010.



It takes a village . . .

to dress a bishop

By Peggy Van Antwerp Hill On May 22, after the prayers, the laying on of hands, and the people’s resounding Amen, it was time to vest the new bishop and to present symbols of his office—a culminating moment that was the result of much thought, much planning, and the work of many hands given over to a labor of love. Vestments, ring, pectoral cross, and crozier were offered as outward and visible signs that the episcopate of the Rt. Rev. W. Andrew Waldo, and a new chapter in our diocesan life, had officially begun.

Many hands

Bishop Waldo’s vestments, presented by his wife, sisters, and sons and given as a gift by his parents, were designed by his sister, Anne Louise Waldo Gillilan, a professional designer of ecclesiastical vestments and altar hangings and owner of Angelwork Designs in Kenai, Alaska (, who spent weeks away from home leading a tireless team of four additional artists and stitchers working to create the new bishop’s stunning chasuble, cope, stole, and mitre. (See the box at bottom.)

An apostolic bond

The episcopal ring that Bishop Waldo will wear, displaying the diocesan seal, was the gift of the people of Trinity Church in Excelsior, Minnesota, where he served as rector from 1994 until February 2010. Every bishop receives an episcopal ring, and it remains a part of his attire until his death, at which time it is often melted down or buried with the bishop. Bishop Waldo’s pectoral cross, a gift from his siblings, is a St. Cuthbert’s cross, named for a seventh-century bishop of Lindisfarne, England. The pectoral cross is said to serve to proclaim the bishop’s office as successor to the apostles and to remind those who see it of the power of the cross of Christ.

Celebrating community and call

“You are their bishop. You are our bishop. You are my bishop.” With these words Bishop Henderson presented his successor with the crozier, the gift of the clergy of the diocese and the sign of Bishop Waldo’s authority as chief pastor of the diocesan flock. The crozier, designed and modeled on the 11th-century crozier of the abbots of Clonmacnoise, one of the most important monasteries and centers of learning in Ireland in the first millennium, was created by awardwinning sculptor Alexander Tylevich ( in consultation with Bishop Waldo. The crook, or curved portion of the crozier, is hand-carved in wax according the Celtic design of the original and cast in bronze. A lion’s head, representing for him, Bishop Waldo says, “the Gospel of Mark, whose symbol is a lion, and the immediacy of the call to go into the world to proclaim the gospel,” appears at the head of the crook, where the original had a bearded human head. Beneath it is the figure of St. Andrew, who replaces the figure of a bishop on the original. Bishop Waldo chose his patron saint to adorn the crozier because, he says, “Andrew responded right away to Jesus’ call to follow him and fish for people. Ever since my original call to ministry St. Andrew’s response to Jesus’ call has been one I felt I had to live into, both in its urgency and its consequence.” At the base of the crook are found the letters “W A W EDUSC VIII.”

“Cloud of witnesses”

Bishop Waldo’s crozier is the result of his desire to “have something that resonated in some artistic way with the vast ‘cloud of witnesses’ that have gone before,” a desire that led him to explore older, historic croziers. “I have always loved the way Celtic knot work represents the way we are bound together in community and evokes the rich symbolism of the Trinity.” For a bishop who, in his early contacts with the diocese, has stressed the importance of koinonia, the inextricable bonds and intimate fellowship to which Christ calls us in the Great Commandment, as a model, the design of the new crozier says it all.

Team effort

Bishop Waldo’s chasuble of splendorous colors, brought to life by a team of five led by his sister Anne Louise Waldo Gillilan (see above, “Many hands”) began with some 620 three-inch diamonds cut from eight colors of silk dupioni to make up the garment’s drape. The diamonds are arranged in gradually lighter colored rows with the deepest color, plum, at the outermost edges and the lightest color in the design, gold, at the neck. Four trapezoids in varying colors of silk underlie a Celtic-inspired triquetra, or trinity appliqué with diamond points, adorning the back of the chasuble. The theme of these design elements, along with the graduation of color, is mirrored in the bishop’s cope, stole, and mitre. The team invested more than 600 hours in creating Bishop Waldo’s vestments. The Alexander City, Alabama, family room of Dr. Mary Waldo Battistella, another of Anne Louise Waldo Gillilan, sister of the the bishop’s sisters, served as the work room, where sofas acted as keepers of garments-inbishop, at work on the chasuble. progress, and drawing, cutting, and sewing tables took center stage. Sketches and color charts, taped to the walls and cabinets for reference, aided in the organized flow of labor during the three-week construction process. Dr. Battistella’s husband Bob fed the crew, and a dear family friend, Kamala McLemore of New Site, Alabama, provided the respite of regular afternoon tea in addition to helping with design placement and sewing. Dr. Battistella drafted diagrams and patterns for the projects and assisted with stitching, too. Also assisting was Ms. Gillilan’s friend and colleague, Susan Morse of Portland, Oregon, who flew in to help with the piecing and stitching of the chasuble and cope and to enjoy the Alabama spring . . . from the basement window. The crew was joined by Betsy Iler of Huntsville, Alabama, for an afternoon as well. —Anne Louise Waldo Gillilan




G od ’ s


On May 22, with biblical hospitality, Christ Church, Greenville, welcomed the larger Church, the diocesan family, and the family of the bishop-elect, whose brother delivered the following sermon. Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori, Bishop Parsley of Alabama, Bishop Duracin of Haiti; Bishop Henderson; visiting bishops; ecumenical clergy, clergy of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina, dignitaries, good people of this diocese, friends, and family: I am deeply honored and utterly delighted to be here. And proud. And excited. For Andrew, for our family, for this amazing diocese.

On the eve of the consecration the bishop-elect receives a hug from his father, the Rev. Mark E. Waldo, Sr. (photo: John Bethell).

Mystery solved

While it’s not the most important thing today, it’s worth noting that the question that has been on the minds of a generation—throughout this diocese and beyond—has been finally answered. We can ask it this one last time, dispensing of the mystery. That question is, of course, “Where’s Waldo?” Friends, you found him. Mind you, there’s a passel of them here today; you just have to spot the one in purple. For Andrew’s sake, I’m confident that that question need never be asked again. Our eldest brother Sam called me a few weeks ago after having taken part in the consecration of Ian Douglas as bishop of Connecticut. “So, Mark, you know this is a pretty big deal, this consecration. You know who preached here for Bishop Douglas’s consecration? Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu. So, how’s your sermon going? No pressure or anything.”

Stories to tell The Rev. Mark E. Waldo, Jr., brother of the bishop-elect, takes the pulpit (photo: John Bethell).

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t fretted about what I’d say today. Without intending to sound overly selfdeprecating, it’s true that Andrew might very well have asked someone of some renown to speak today, many of whom are here with us now: bishops, missionaries, cardinal priests, seminary faculty, scholars. These are people whom Andrew has long been in dialogue with and inspired by. But he asked me to preach. My credentials are as a brother: a brother by blood, water, and calling, connected forever by our family heritage, our baptism, our priesthood. Basically, it means I’ve got some stories to tell. But here’s the thing: what you all have seen in Andrew, the personality and qualities that called you to elect him as your bishop, have been evolving ever since he was a child.

A catalyst


Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori receives communion from the Church’s newest bishop (photo: John Bethell).

As long as I’ve known Andrew, which is, indeed, my entire life, I’ve always looked up to him (current perspective from this pulpit notwithstanding). I think our parents, as well as our siblings Sam, Mary Sims, Peter, and

Anne Louise would agree that Andrew was and still is a catalyst. His colleagues and congregations in Minnesota, Georgia, and New Hampshire might vouch for that, too. Andrew has a history for stirring things up, not for the sake of disruption, but honestly because of his deep appreciation for abundance; engaging life utterly, joyously, faithfully for the sake of a joyous and faithful life. Andrew and I graduated from different seminaries a week apart, were ordained deacons, then priests within a week of each other; shared sermon ideas, ministry programs, bishop woes (true). We have had—and continue to share—a remarkable journey of life and ministry together. Honestly, there has been no greater joy than to watch his passions and gifts lead to this moment. I am excited for him, for Mary, and their amazing family. They will be profoundly blessed to share in the dynamic service and faith of this diocese, so that the abundant, engaged, joyous, faithful life here will be a shared journey.

Life abundant

Jesus reminds the disciples in Matthew’s Gospel that he came that they might “have life, and have it abundantly.” The Greek word for abundance implies an amount that exceeds capacity, that “runneth over.” Some of us are happy and blessed to engage that which comes our way. Andrew lives and moves and has his being as close to the source of that abundance as possible, and will take anyone who is willing to go with him! Based on what I’ve heard about this diocese, Andrew is in good company. There’s a history here of living in and sharing out of the abundance of life that is ours in Christ Jesus. The joy is palatable, the love bold. Your service in Cange in Haiti, working to bring stability and health to a people who have suffered so much, shows willingness to see that the abundant life is enriched when we serve others.

God’s algorithm

Us Waldos were raised in the backdraft of Sputnik— the first satellite to reach orbit, launched by the Soviet Union and causing worry in an edgy West. The national response was an escalation in the arms race, a clamor to put a man on the moon, and an educational curriculum that would give impetus to technological superiority. Part of that new curriculum was called “New Math.” This system of teaching re-conceived elementary school arithmetic as a paradigm of axioms, theorems, diagrams, and new base constructs that was hard to teach, and harder to learn. Befuddling to students and, apparently, teachers alike—never mind parents!—it ultimately was canned, not because it was wrong. It was brilliant. It was just too difficult to grasp. The Gospel can be like that. It, too, can be difficult to grasp. In our reading from John 17, Jesus shares his “farewell discourse” with his disciples in the upper room before his betrayal and arrest.

Listen to the sermon by The Rev. Mark E. Waldo, Jr.



The sermon preached by the Rev. Mark E. Waldo, Jr., at the consecration of William Andrew Waldo as eighth bishop of Upper South Carolina, May 22, 2010. “Utterly, joyously, faithfully one”

The oneness about which he spoke is the sum of who God is: love, life, and light; hope and holiness; freedom and salvation. Jesus’ farewell prayer was that we would be one, as he and the Father are one. That we would know love, life, light; hope, holiness; freedom and salvation. That we might be utterly, joyously, faithfully one in him. That was his gift. A couple of weeks ago, Andrew told me about a conversation he had had with a friend helping him to prepare for this day. The friend asked Andrew what the cantus firmus of his life is. Cantus firmus is an ancient musical term that refers to the melodic line around which all variations and harmonies are based. So the question to him was, what is the consistent theme that has run throughout your life? His answer tied into something a high school faculty advisor said to him in a tone that revealed some surprise. He said to Andrew, “You really do love people, don’t you?”

A lover of people

An example of how he lives out this love: since he was a child, he has loved trains. Years ago, Andrew inherited our grandfather’s handmade N gauge model railroad. While Andrew may describe it differently, it went something like this: he wanted to reassemble the layout on the general plan of our hometown of Montgomery, Alabama. Never mind that he designed a scale model of Union Station that has the same number of bricks as the real station, same number of trestles, rivets, and threads in the rivets. I’m sure there’s a diagnosis for that. But, more important, in researching period buildings and railcars, he discovered remnants of the old track system with workshops and more. He was so intrigued that he eventually set up a non-profit organization to promote the preservation of the system, as well as a museum dedicated to the old transportation system, the economic and cultural systems that were influenced by the rails, and the stories of people who helped build and maintain that world. Sure, he loves trains, but ultimately he loves the people who worked the trains and stations and paint shops and bridges even more. He’s traced these people back into rural back roads of Alabama, met them, befriended them, eaten with them, interviewed them, and honored them. He loves trains, but he really loves people more.

Irrational, radical, creative

It’s what God calls us to do, to be one as the Father and Christ are one with the Spirit. We’re called to live in that Oneness, that irrational, radical, creative way of being. We may not understand it, but we know it when

we see it. As Anselm, the Archbishop of Canterbury, taught us back in the eleventh century, “God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived.” We think of the greatest love we have ever known—do that: just think for a moment of the greatest love you have ever known, ever experienced—and know that it is but the smallest measure of God’s love for us. The same is true for abundance: Think of the greatest abundance we have ever experienced, and know that God’s abundance is so much bigger that we can not even wrap our minds, our hearts, our souls, or our strength around it. Andrew, today is not about you. We are profoundly grateful for you, your ministry, your gifts, your infectious joy, your barbeque sauce; but today is about God and the ministry God has given to us all. Nor is today just about you, the people of this diocese. You are an amazing diocese with a heart of compassion and faithfulness. You are spectacular in your hospitality, your ministries, your deep appreciation for the holy. But today is not about you, either. Today is about God, and the ministry that God has given to all of us, and how we are coming together to share in the ministry, out of the abundance of God’s love: his exquisite, eternal, embracing love. The truth of the Oneness of God becomes ever more conspicuous as we focus not on what divides us, but on what unites us. And what unites us is God’s exquisite, eternal, embracing love.

Two of Bishop Waldo’s sons, Benjamin (mandolin) and James (cello) play music at communion (photo: Dorian del Priore).


To the people of this diocese, know this: Andrew wants to share ministry with you. Andrew, know this: This diocese wants to share what God has done and is doing with you. This is a ministry to share, to build, to create, to nourish, to embrace: all out of the abundance of God’s love for us. And so this is my charge to you, Andrew, my beloved brother, as you begin your ministry as the eighth bishop of Upper South Carolina: LOVE! Remember, you can only do this if you share your ministry out of God’s abundance. Work together with these people. Honor their gifts. Share your toys with them. Glorify God in all that you do. Together. And to you, the people of this diocese, this is my charge to you: LOVE! Remember, you can only do this if you share your ministry out of God’s abundance. Work together with your new bishop. Honor his gifts. Share your toys with him. Glorify God in all that you do. Together. Our prayer today is the same as Jesus’ prayer that he prayed over his disciples. That you all may be one. After all, that is God’s algorithm. 1+1=1. Amen. The Rev. Mark E. Waldo, Jr., is rector of St. Michael and All Angels’, Millbrook, Alabama.

online at Section 5, 33:25

At home in the bishop’s chair (photo: Robin Smith)

The new bishop greets a member of his flock following the service (photo: Dorian del Priore).




H a i t i The earthquake

By Earl Burch

In the small villages, towns, and rural areas of Haiti outside of Port au Prince, life goes on today much as it did before the January 12 earthquake. Mothers and fathers get up each morning, wondering how they will feed their children, how they will see that their children receive an education in a country where illiteracy is 80 percent, how they can provide even minimal health care in a country where 12 percent of children do not live past the age of five, how to find a job in a country where 80 percent are unemployed. Yes, life goes on, but in many ways it is even harder than it was prior to the earthquake. Prices have risen substantially in a country in which the average earnings are less than $2 per day for those few who have jobs. Hospitals and schools in Port au Prince have been destroyed and tens of thousands who lived in the capital city have poured into outlying villages and towns, drastically increasing the usual food and water shortages as well as the demand for medical care and educational facilities. Most all of the people in Haiti lost family members and friends in the earthquake. The sense of loss and sadness, the shock, and hopelessness are almost palpable. The church at Cange as it was used for triage following the January 12 earthquake

An exponential increase

A cry for help from the devastated streets of Port au Prince


The village of Cange and surrounding areas in the Central Plateau that are at the heart of Upper South Carolina’s 30-ministry in Haiti have received hundreds of displaced families, increasing the already stressed local water and food supply. In early May Jackie Williams, a parishioner from Christ Church, Greenville, who has taken up permanent residence in Cange, wrote: “As for new folks in Cange, I’d hate to quote figures, but daily there are crowds of unfamiliar faces, and I hear folks with houses are being approached about renting rooms. Certainly there is inflation. A bottle of 3 star Barbancourt was 300 gordes, then 350, now 400 ($6.00, $7.50, $10.00). The last rice I saw brought in was from Guyana, not Arkansas or Louisiana. Bon Sauveur School has taken in some 70 students from Port au Prince and Pleaiades School likewise. Toilet paper is no longer available. Prices have risen about 10 percent. No propane gas last week. Can’t get detergent for laundry. Occasionally one finds an item, but not the next week. We’ll have to go all over Port au Prince tomorrow for necessities. Oh yes, no soap to wash the hospital patients. We’re chins up and coping, but it’s hard.”


The hospital at Cange is the best hospital left standing in Haiti. Before the quake the hospital worked at it very limits to meet demands for health care; since the quake the demand has increased exponentially and the variety in the types of health care needed has drastically changed as a result of earthquake-related injuries. In the immediate aftermath of the disaster the Episcopal church in Cange was used for triage and the school to house hospital patients. Again, Jackie Williams, writing in late April: “Our general feeling at present is somewhat relief that the worst of the earthquake crisis for Cange has past. Our church has been restored to us, and the bell peals out again for services. We had a fine wedding there Saturday. But our library has been turned into a medical depot. After weeks of orthopedic surgical teams we now see prosthesis experts and therapies. But the quake is never far from our minds. Beautiful Corrine who lost her left arm is always at church, stylishly dressed, head up. Everyone has tales of losses. Williw, who keeps the internet working, lost his ‘femme’ and still grieves.” And a few days later: “Today begins Mental Health Week in Cange. We have Haitian Dr. Jude, who says prior to January 12 mental health was not a high priority, but now so many people need serious help coping with appalling losses—of homes, friends and relatives, of limbs. . . . Also with us is Haitian Tatiana who has her B.S. in psychology. She’s in beginner’s English and is one very bright young lady. And Kathy is back, training our people how to help victims get out of depression.”

There is hope.

Times in Cange are hard after the earthquake as they are in the rest of Haiti. But there is a difference, a fundamental and critical difference. There is hope, born of a long-term partnership between our diocese and the people of the Central Plateau. There is hope because the village has a water system that continues to provide lifegiving water.There is hope because there is a beautiful church where the people can worship the God they love led by the amazing Episcopal priest Father Fritz Lafontant. There is hope because there is a school where children receive education through high school and nutritional meals that have helped eradicate malnutrition around the village.



is over, the crisis is not

graduates and for local families. Among the first offerings will be training in plumbing, electricity, masonry, metalwork, and carpentry. There will also be classes in economics, management, and entrepreneurship with the possibility of developing secondary trades for the women. Agricultural training will promote new, modern techniques, farming practices, seed and soil culture, and training in good stewardship of the land. To date, the first floor of the school has been completed.

Making a difference

Every Upper South Carolinian can make a real difference in the lives of our Haitian brothers and sisters by giving to the Bread and Water campaign. Please consider giving sacrificially. “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” Dr. Earl Burch is chair of the diocesan Bread and Water Campaign and a member of Holy Trinity, Clemson. Post-earthquake photos are courtesy of Dr. Harry Morse, also of Holy Trinity.

A post-earthquake patient at Cange receives assistance with her new prosthesis. There is hope because there is a 104-bed hospital in Cange that offers exceptional medical care. There is hope because there are an outstanding eye clinic and dental care facility in the village. There is hope because there is an artisan center where women can learn new skills and earn a living. There is hope because many of the teachers and medical personnel in the village were once students in the school at Cange who have retuned to help their own people. Yes, there is hope, because years ago the people of the Diocese of Upper South made a long-term commitment to the people of Cange and over the last 30 years helped to build and maintain the water system, the school, hospital, church, and other facilities at Cange. There is hope because our Haitian brothers and sisters know that we will continue to honor this commitment in the future.

Gifts of Bread and Water

Last year our diocese launched a capital funds drive, the Gifts of Bread and Water, to address two imminent crises that had arisen prior to the earthquake and become increasingly urgent as a result. The goal is $1.6 million. At this point we have raised approximately $1.3 million.


The first crisis calls for complete replacement of the worn out, inadequate water system that is the foundation for everything that has been accomplished in Cange. The water system is 30 years old, built when the village, which now has 8,000 to 10,000 people, had only 800. And the expectation, in part due to the earthquake, is that the population will double very soon.


With the collapse of most of the educational institutions in Port au Prince, the dream of building a vocational/trade school in the Central Plateau has become even more urgent in order to provide education and employment (and thus “bread”) for

A young patient receives treatment in the church-turned-hospital at Cange.

Give to the Gifts of Bread & Water Campaign

• online at • via snail mail to EDUSC 1115 Marion St. Columbia, SC 29201 FOR: Haiti Bread & Water Fund Attn: Julie Price




The bishop’s ministry

—continued from page 6

Peter, Paul, et al.

Throughout the history of the Church there are some wonderful examples of bishops fulfilling their apostolic calling to lead the Church in mission to all people in the world. The apostles Peter and Paul began the world mission. Both gave their lives as martyrs in Rome during the persecution under the emperor Nero. We also remember Augustine who was sent by Pope Gregory I as missionary bishop to England, Patrick who was missionary bishop to Ireland, and Boniface to Germany. For the Episcopal Church in the 19th century this apostolic role of bishops was revived on the frontier. Philander Chase was sent as our apostle to Ohio and Illinois. Jackson Kemper was missionary bishop to Missouri and Indiana. Benjamin Bosworth Smith and James Hervey Otey, though not sent from outside, were certainly missionary bishops to Kentucky and Tennessee. Once the Church is established in an area, we often forget our primary reason for existing, which is mission to those outside the Church. Maintenance is so much easier than mission. The primary role of a bishop is to lead a diocese in apostolic mission to all people whom God loves very much, but who do not yet know the love of God.

Chief priest

The classic statement of a bishop’s priestly ministry was written by Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, who died as a martyr there in 115 a.d. Ignatius wrote: “Only that eucharist is to be considered legitimate which is celebrated under the presidency of the bishop or under that of one the bishop appoints. There where the bishop appears let the community be, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the whole church.” In the first several centuries, this close relationship between the bishop and the Christian community was easy to see. Then a bishop, assisted by deacons and priests, was shepherd to all the Christians in a town. This began to change in the year 312 when the emperor Constantine was converted to the faith. The Church began to grow rapidly. Ministry of bishops extended to multiple congregations spread over surrounding towns. This developed gradually into the modern diocese, with each bishop as chief priest over a wide geographical area.


Today it is more difficult for the average Christian to see the bishop as the unifying provider of sacramental life in the diocese. Most see their bishop in this role only at a local-church visitation once every year or two. Many will consider their bishop a visiting dignitary, sometimes welcoming the bishop cordially with the hope he or she might come to visit again sometime. A more accurate way to think of the bishop’s visitation is the practice of one parish rector who called it “the bishop’s homecoming.” This is correct, for the bishop is “at home” in every parish of the diocese and is the chief priest in all of them. Today we are recovering this traditional teaching in our Prayer Book, where the first act of a newly consecrated bishop is to celebrate the Eucharist with the congregation (BCP, p. 522). And when the bishop is present for a baptism, then the bishop “ is expected to preach the Word and preside at the Baptism and the Eucharist” (BCP, p. 298). Most Eucharists and baptisms in a diocese will be celebrated by those whom the bishop has appointed, not by the bishop personally. But it is the bishop who, with advice from the Commission on Ministry, selects those to be made postulants for ordination. And it is the bishop who, with consent from the Standing Committee, makes them candidates and ordains them to be deacons and priests of the Church. It is the bishop who assigns the newly ordained to a congregation. When a parish is without a rector, it is the bishop and the bishop’s deployment officer who advise the vestry on the calling process. It is with the bishop’s consent that the vestry may call a priest.

[The] perfect model for [a bishop] is Christ Jesus: the Apostle of God, the High Priest forever, and the Good Shepherd of his Church.


Chief priest: One of the ways in which the bishop functions as chief priest is in conferring Holy Orders. Here Bishop Waldo is pictured at his first ordination. He lays hands on Richard Galloway and next will lay hands on Susan Prinz. The two were ordained to the transitional diaconate on June 3. (See the story in “Around the Diocese,” page 13.) Then it is the bishop, or one appointed by the bishop, who installs the new rector. In all these ways the bishop functions as the chief priest of the diocese.


The word pastor comes from Latin for “to feed.” Originally it referred to a shepherd, one who leads and feeds a flock. So when our risen Lord commanded Peter, “Feed my sheep,” Peter is receiving one of the primary responsibilities of the bishop. The model which all clergy must hold as the ideal for their vocation is of course the one who says, “I am the good shepherd,” though none of us can come close to his perfection. The Good Shepherd knows all his sheep by name. The flock will follow his leadership because they know the shepherd is willing to die for the flock. Our Lord sets the example of pastoral leadership by the way he was constantly teaching his disciples. So the bishop must be constantly feeding his people by teaching, preaching, writing, and other means of communicating the Christian vision. This role can only be filled by one committed to Christ as Lord and Savior. Therefore the bishop must be a person of faith, constantly seeking strength through prayer and study.

Faith and leadership

After faith, the skill most necessary for a clergyperson is leadership. Bishops need skill to lead clergy and laity in the apostolic mission of Christ to the world. About 50 years ago I remember reading some advice from a very wise man, one then known as “advisor to presidents.” He wrote that a leader must always be out in front of those he would lead. One cannot lead from the rear. But, he cautioned, the leader must not be so far out in front that he loses touch with the people. The good shepherd is forever ahead of the flock, but always close enough to call them individually by name. At ordination a new bishop is told by the presiding bishop, “With your fellow bishops you will share in the leadership of the Church throughout the world.” Every bishop will share this pastoral responsibility in provincial synods, church conventions, and at the Lambeth Conference which, once a decade, brings together Anglican bishops from nations all around the world. It is a very important task of all bishops to teach their dioceses that the mission of Christ is worldwide. Christ died for all people of all nations and all races and all cultures on earth. Therefore the bishop must always pastorally lead the Church out of narrow parochialism into mission which is universal and catholic. So the ministry of a bishop is to be apostle, chief priest, and pastor in the mission of Christ’s Church. Our perfect model for all this is Christ Jesus: the Apostle of God, the High Priest forever, and the Good Shepherd of his Church. The Rt. Rev. Rogers S. Harris is retired bishop of Southwest Florida. He is assisting Bishop Waldo in Upper South Carolina and from 1985 to 1989 served as suffragan bishop of our diocese.

Crosswalk A

Around the Diocese Communications awards Awards of Excellence were given for front cover design—Crosswalk, Lent 2009 issue; for a series of articles on a single topic—pieces by Felicia Smith (St. Simon & St. Jude, Irmo), Susan Conway (Christ Church, Greenville), and Betsy Neal (St. John’s, Congaree) on desert spirituality (Crosswalk, Lent 2009); and for inspirational/devotional writing—“Failing Lent,” by Amy Sander Montanez (e~DUSC, April 2, 2009). An Award of Merit for front cover design went to Crosswalk’s Advent 2009 issue, “Upper South Carolina’s bishops.” Alice Haynes, vicar of St. Matthias’, Rock Hill, received Honorable Mention for her Lent 2009 book review, “Acedia—Naming a desert foe,” as did Amy Sander Montanez for “Evangelism” (e~DUSC, February 19, 2009) and Peggy Van Antwerp Hill for the December 2009 interview with Bishop-elect W. Andrew Waldo (e~DUSC, January, 7, 2010). Since 2004 our diocese has received more than 40 national communications awards. For five years running, Crosswalk was recognized among the top three diocesan publications nationwide—Thanks to many, many Upper South Carolinians throughout the diocese who have generously shared their gifts and talents.

—continued from page 2

First- and second-place winners for front cover design

(photo: Jimmy Martin)

Presiding Bishop celebrates with St. Philip’s, Greenville It is Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s custom to visit and celebrate Holy Eucharist at a local congregation on the Sunday following a consecration at which she presides. Since large urban consecrations often get prime time, the PB makes a point of asking the new diocesan bishop to suggest a “strong, smaller congregation with whom to worship,” which landed her at St. Philip’s, Greenville, on May 23.

Diocese welcomes newly ordained priest, transitional deacons On April 30 the Rt. Rev. Rogers Harris ordained Roxanne Ruggles to the priesthood on behalf of the Rt. Rev. Stacy Sauls, Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington. She is serving as assistant to the rector at St. James’, Greenville.

Three Upper SC seminarians honored for excellence




Susan Moore Prinz, a 2009 graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Waldo on June 3 (see related story above), has been named recipient of the St. George’s College Prize for study at St. George’s College in Jerusalem. Thomas Edgar DiMarco, a second-year seminarian at Sewanee, and David Sibley, in his second year at General Theological Seminary, were selected to represent their institutions at this year’s Preaching Excellence Program, sponsored by the Episcopal Preaching Foundation at Villanova University, May 30-–June 4. Are these guys great, or what?

Pictured at right with the ordinand and Bishop Harris: are two of her presenters the Rev. David Boyd (rector of St. David’s, Austin, Texas, to her right) and the Rev. S. Chadwick Vaughn (rector of St. Francis’, Macon, Georgia).


Bishop Waldo with his “firstborn” ordinands, Susan Prinz (from St. Timothy’s, Columbia) and Richard Galloway (St. Peter’s, Greenville). The two were ordained to the transitional diaconate June 3 at St. Mary’s Columbia.

Haitians, Upper South Carolinians mourn Mme Lafontant

On Saturday, May 29, Mme Yoland Lafontant, wife of the Episcopal priest at Cange, the Rev. Fritz Lafontant died as a result of a stroke she had suffered the day before. Known as “Manmito,” or Little Mother, she worked tirelessly alongside her husband and the many from our diocese who visited Cange to improve life for her people. Writing from Cange on the last day of May, Jackie Williams, who manages the Artisans’ Center there, said: “Manmito has been a true mother to all the population and my mentor for the last 25 years. The most eloquent quotation from Manmito stays with us always: ‘We would like them to have a better life.’” —continud on next page



Crosswalk A

Around the Diocese Upper SC ministries in Haiti receive 2010 UTO grant For the second consecutive year Upper South Carolina’s ministries in Cange and environs on Haiti’s Central Plateau have received a United Thank Offering (UTO) grant from the Episcopal Church Women. This year’s grant of approximately $70,000 is earmarked for the vocational school Upper South Carolina is currently building at Cange. Last year’s award of more than $60,000 went to the ongoing restoration and enhancement of the aging water system that is the foundation of all the life-giving ministries under way at Cange. The 2010 funding will advance the vocational school project—the first floor of the facility is already in place—by providing classrooms where Haitian women will receive training in the production of Nourimil and Nourimanba, two super-nutritional products now being used to combat the ever present problem of malnutrition in Haiti. The training will ultimately create jobs for the women, who will also receive training in home economics and instruction in correct nutrition and hygiene.

Artisans’ Center quilt wins recognition in international 2011 “Dream Rocket” competition. By Jackie Williams The Artisans’ Center at Cange, an outgrowth of our 30+ years of diocesan ministry on Haiti’s Central Plateau that offers employment to local seamstresses and artists, has been recognized for its recent submission to the global “Dream Rocket” project. The project is sponsoring an international competition whose goal is to create a massive quilt that will wrap around a replica of NASA’s historic Saturn V Rocket standing in front of the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Entrants were asked to submit a 2’ x 2’ quilt square representative of their dream for a better future. The Artisans’ Center contribution depicts a simple Haitian scene —a little house, palm tree, animals—and expresses the dream “as a longing just for a normal life, away from the squalor and rubble of earthquake-ruined Port au Prince. All we ask is a simple home, a bit of shade, a pig, a donkey....” The entry will be displayed at many sites, virtual and otherwise, including on facebook ( The Dream Rocket quilt in its entirety will be unveiled in May 2011, in commemoration of President John F. Kennedy’s May 25, 1961, pledge to “land a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.” Christ Church parishioner Ms. Jackie Williams now makes her home in Cange, where she manages the Artisans’ Center.

Midlands congregations raise more than $20,000 for Cange By Mary-Gray Rauscher and Eleanor Whitehead With less than two months between its first meeting and the actual event, the committee to plan a benefit for Cange, Haiti, established two goals and a four-part challenge. The goals: to raise awareness of the critical needs in Cange, where Upper South Carolina has been in ministry for more than 30 years, and to raise $5,000, or if possible $10,000, for the diocesan Bread and Water Campaign for Cange. And the challenge: Think boldly ~ Pray boldly ~ Work hard ~ It will happen.


A group of eleven members from churches in the Midlands Convocation set about thinking and praying boldly and working hard. Enthusiasm spread, and essentials quickly fell into place. Donations to cover the expenses of the event were received immediately. Churches offered their facilities and the assistance of members. Andrella Brunson, kitchen coordinator at Trinity Cathedral, offered her services in food preparation with a team of helpers. Carrie Graves, director of the Trinity Bookstore, offered to set up and staff a display of Haiti-related books and other items for sale. Robin Smith, of Art By Robin, designed the poster and other publicity materials and gave additional assistance. Harry Morse, M.D., who has led medical work trips to Cange since 1983, and Earl Burch, chairperson of the Bread and Water Campaign, agreed to dash to Columbia between professional obligations to speak at the benefit, sharing up-to-the-minute photos and information about the circumstances and urgent needs at the village of Cange. Specifics of the plan emerged. The committee would host a Wine and Cheese Benefit at St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia, on May 16, with the theme of “All Life Requires Water.” Right away two committee members offered to obtain the wine. Another donated funds for live music and secured the Roger Pemberton Trio to play. Others offered to provide food. Paul Palmer, photographer and graphic designer, donated his services to take photos of the event. (See them at A team of workers from St. Martin’s and St. Michael and All Angels’ volunteered to set up and clean up the parish house, and others joined them. The committee continued to think boldly and to pray boldly, and to work hard. Then from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 16, it happened. Guests celebrated past accomplishments of the work in Cange. The speakers reviewed the dire status of the aging water project and described the critical need for clean water. Hearts were touched. A spirit of generosity was evident. Bishop-elect Andrew Waldo addressed the crowd and closed his remarks with a prayer of thanksgiving and a blessing. By press time, the total that had been generated for the Bread and Water Campaign was $20,514.33. Gifts continue to arrive. Members of the committee wish to thank all who made the benefit for Cange a success, with appreciation to all who attended and supported the event. Mss. Mary-Gray Rauscher and Eleanor Whitehead co-chaired the Benefit for Cange.

York Place celebrates Founders Day, welcomes bishop-elect By Phyllis Webb What does a bishopelect do before his consecration? He gets to know his diocese and anticipates taking on his role as bishop. Founders Day at York Place, Sunday, May 2, helped him with both. Founders Day celebrates a ministry that God Bishop-elect Waldo and Mary Waldo pose with the Rev. Michael G. Hub, chair of the York Place Board of Trustees, at Founders Day. has richly blessed. It honors York Place’s founding in 1850 as a home for widows and orphans in Charleston. In 1910 the Orphans’ Mission moved to its current location in York. It remained an orphanage until 1969 and now is a residential treatment center for boys and girls with emotional disabilities. York Place serves not only children but also their families. This Founders Day not only celebrated the alumni, children, and staff of York Place, but welcomed the Rev. W. Andrew Waldo, our bishop-elect, and his wife Mary, as well. Participants in the day were blessed to have him as celebrant for the Holy Eucharist. He was able to see the children, hear them play bells during communion, and do their spiritual dance. A very special guest was a 92-year-old woman who is an alumna of the orphanage.


Around the Diocese She lives in the area and is active in her support of York Place. Her recognition was a tribute to all the alumni present who hold York Place close to their hearts. Parents and children interacted at the delicious Founders Day picnic. After the picnic it was time for more celebration at the York Place Awards Ceremony, a time to recognize and reward the faithful staff and the winners of the annual poster contest. It was heart-warming and amazing to see staff members recognized for from five years of service to 25 years of service. The delight on the children’s faces was unforgettable as they received awards for top prizes in the poster contest. Another highlight was the awarding of the Henry B. Richardson Award. This year’s honoree was Deborah Gentry Shiflet, wife of York Place president John Shiflet. She was honored for her tireless work with and for the children of York Place. She travels with husband to churches in both dioceses in the state to tell the York Place story. York Place is blessed to have the team of Debbie and John Schiflet who so strongly believe in this ministry. Ms. Phyllis Webb, who serves as York Place Board member and diocesan ECW president, attends Redeemer, Greenville.

York Place launches Carruthers Cottage initiative to ready special-needs children for school Do not let the term “cottage” mislead you! Carruthers Cottage is a large brick structure near the Hillside Lane entrance to the York Place campus and is named for Thomas Neely Carruthers. Fondly remembered by those he confirmed, mentored, and ordained and by the countless people he served, he was the 10th bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina from 1944 until his death in 1960. Designed to be a residence, Carruthers Cottage has been awaiting a new use since York Place’s Richardson Treatment and Evaluation Center— which includes living space—opened two years ago. The plan is for Carruthers to be converted into a spacious learning center with classrooms, media center, library, and computer lab. It will be in Carruthers that the trained staff from York School District together with trained York Place staff will work with children whose needs require that they have special attention before they can attend area public schools. This initiative needs the support of all Episcopalians in the state of South Carolina to become a reality. Estimates indicate it will cost approximately $250,000 to complete the conversion and to outfit the learning center for use. Since this summer marks the 50th anniversary of Bishop Carruthers’s death, won’t you consider making a contribution both to honor him and to provide this vital space to children of God so deserving of the advantages the learning center will provide?

From the Editor

“For everything there is a season”: at times we recognize the truth of this scripture in a most profound and compelling way. For our diocese this is indeed one of those times, as we begin the next leg of the journey with our eighth bishop. For me personally as well this is a time of transition, looking back and looking ahead and experiencing the myriad emotions that such pivotal moments evoke. The Crosswalk that you hold in your hands is the last from my hand. At the end of the summer I will be joining my newly retired husband in a retirement of my own, wrapping up my tenure as diocesan communications officer and editor of Crosswalk. It’s a whole new day, and, with the communications landscape everywhere changing at the speed of light, it would be impossible, even foolhardy, to speculate on what new and exciting venues will emerge for diocesan communications. Stay tuned.



Call Kathy Grier (803.684.4011 x 1013) with questions you have about the Carruthers Cottage Initiative. Your tax-deductible contributions can be sent to Ms. Grier’s attention at York Place (234 Kings Mountain Street, York SC 29745). Please specify “Carruthers Cottage” on your gift.

Healthy Church Initiative continues to transform Grace, Camden By Jim Wiley and Howard Wallace According to average Sunday attendance statistics, Grace Church Camden is a transitional sized church. Since we started our Healthy Church Initiative (HCI) program as part of a diocese-wide project launched in 2006, we like to think of ourselves as a transformative church. We have a plan for effective discipleship; our leadership is focused, challenged, and energized, and we have a process in place to insure accountability. We are beginning to bear different kinds of fruit not yet experienced at Grace Church, Camden. Our new organizational approach based on our HCI experience kicked off in February of this year. The new organizational structure consists of seven committees (Administration/Finance, Building/Grounds, Christian Formation, Evangelism, Communication, Organizations, Outreach and Planning), each with a chairperson and corresponding vestry liaison. Goals and budgets were agreed upon for each committee, freeing the teams to utilize their creativity and resources within agreed upon parameters. If somebody has an idea or needs something they no longer are directed to the rector but to the appropriate committee chair. The committee chair has the flexibility and authority to make financial and operational decisions within their agreed upon goals and budgets. Our new organizational structure was put to the test at the outset. Our rector encountered some health challenges at the beginning of Lent, leaving our faith community without supervision while he was on medical leave and challenging us to carry on with our plans and trust each other. The Lenten program we planned was the most successful ever experienced at Grace in terms of attendance, drawing some 100 participants, 20 of whom came from outside the parish. We also produced a Jazz Mass to coincide with our community’s Jazz Festival. Initially, there was resistance to the event because it was something different and was perceived as irreverent by some of our members. The Mass, however, was a great success. It’s still early in the unfolding of our HCI process, but an informal survey has revealed a positive response to our new approach. The consensus seems to be we are more dynamic and engaged as a community. We are slowly learning to trust the process and each other. A common mantra we espouse is “Process before personality”—this attitude has helped us avoid many potential conflicts. “It’s not about me or you; it’s about us moving forward and growing together.” Messrs. Jim Wiley and Howard Wallace are members of Grace, Camden.

My heartfelt thanks to all those Upper South Carolinians —writers, photographers, artists, and readers—who have made Crosswalk so special and the editor’s job such an uncommon pleasure. I treasure the many, many diocesan friends I’ve made in my near-decade of communications ministry and I leave my post with a warm and grateful heart. It has been challenging, rewarding, and a gift indeed to be in ministry with you. ¡Vayan con Dios!


Lent2010 2009 Pentecost

Crosswalk The official publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina

Diocesan Calendar

“You are their bishop; you are our bishop; you are my bishop.”

—Bishop Henderson presenting the crozier to Bishop Waldo, May 22, 2010



photo: Robin Smith



Diocesan House closed


Diocesan House closed


Bishop’s visitation to St. Philip’s, Greenville


DEC meeting

Reedy River Chili-Cook Off, Holy Cross, Simpsonville

Midlands Convocation meeting


DYLC meeting


Cursillo #117, Bishop Gravatt Center


Bishop’s visitation to St. Bartholomew’s, N. Augusta


Diocesan Convention, Trinity Cathedral, Columbia

Bishop Duvall’s visitation to St. Barnabas, Jenkinsville



Catawba Convocation meeting

Bishop’s visitation to St. Matthew’s, Spartanburg 25


Bishop’s visitation to St. Stephen’s, Ridgeway


Catawba Convocation meeting

22 23-24

Diocesan House closed “Under the Tent”: An Evening to Benefit Gravatt Camp

Piedmont Convocation meeting


DYLC orientation, Bishop Gravatt Center


Junior High Fall Retreat, Camp Gravatt

Piedmont Convocation meeting


Bishop’s visitation to St. John’s, Columbia


ECW regional meeting


Bishop’s visitation to St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, Columbia


Bishop’s visitation to Our Saviour, Rock Hill


Midlands Convocation meeting

Bishop’s visitation to Grace Church, Anderson


Gravatt Convocation meeting

Reedy River Convocation meeting

Gravatt Convocation meeting


Bishop’s visitation to St. Paul’s, Batesburg

Piedmont Convocation meeting

Bishop Waldo on vacation

Reedy River Convocation meeting

ECW Board meeting


Fall Clergy Conference, Bishop Gravatt Center

15-30 18

and Conference Center, Columbia, SC “24,” Camp Gravatt

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Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina 1115 Marion Street Columbia, SC 29201

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