How to transform a classroom t raining into training?
• In an e-learning environment, a learner will scan or skim through the contents on a page. It is primarily learner-led situation. While traditional classrooms are instructor-led, e-learning courses are self-paced. Online courses do away with about 25% of the time from an equivalent traditional classroom session.
• Smaller sessions per day are planned; though they may stretch over a longer period. Online training courses are more structured and less dependent on the type of instructor. This leads to consistency across online courses.
Effective online training • Determine the performance goals and learning objectives before you embark on developing online training courses. Choose a method of delivery that best suits the trainees – mobile format, app-based or regular online training sessions. • Effectively use short chunks of information. It is essential to be brief and focused in the text. Avoid rambling or meandering. This might work in a traditional classroom.
• Put bullet points, sub-headings, bold text and highlighted text to best advantage to draw attention to vital topics.
• Use graphics to represent information, concepts and tasks. Icons, symbols, photographs etc. add to the overall message. Don’t overdue the visuals to the point of distraction.
• Create interactive learning sessions that encourage active participation. Games, presentations, online quiz, different scenarios etc. seek to involve the online learner and prevent boredom. • It is a good idea to provide facilitators to guide the learners and maximize their learning experience. • Follow up each online session with reinforcement through emails or online discussion groups.
Online Certification • Online certification courses and online universities are the new learning playgrounds. You no longer have to be confined to attending classes within stipulated timings and locations.
• When you sign up for an online course at a reputed institute or university, you can arm yourself with a good qualification that enables you with sufficient information, testing and evaluation. Such online training courses cater to the diverse learning needs of students.