Session 1 Introduction to Memory. Time – (100 Minutes) 60 - 75 Minute lecture with 30 Minute Q&A.
This course will serve as an introduction to all the other courses which could be taken individually. Covered would be the purpose of memory, some of the basic theories of skill acquisition and how to develop habits to effectively take advantage of the rest of the course.
Session 2 Effective Study Techniques. Time (75 Minutes) 60 Minute Lecture with 15 Minute Q&A
In this course we will review how to study to learn the most effectively. To learn the most in the least amount of time. Covering when, where and how to study and also showing that passion and determination are often more important than talent for success.
Session 3 Remember Names and Faces. Time (75 Minutes) 60 Minute course with 15 Min Q&A.
This is one course that can be easily taken as a standalone. We will cover how to remember people's names and facts about them.
Session 4 Learning Languages. Time (75 Minutes) 60 Minute Lecture. 15 Minute Q&A.
The focus in this course will be to develop a methodology to learn a new language and also provide a list of mostly free tools to aid in language development.
Session 5 Remembering Dates, Directions and more. Time (90 Minutes) 60-90 Minute Lecture with Q&A.
We will use some of the advanced techniques learned earlier to remember dates, directions, how to memorize a deck of cards and how to know what day of the week of any day in history.
Session 6 Memory Champ edition V1. Basic Mnemonics Time (120 Minutes) 90 Lecture with 30 Minutes Q&A.
We will explore easy Peg Lists that can be used to memorize a series of items in order. The use of peg lists will be important in the development of the more advanced techniques in lessons 5 and 6.
Session7 Memory Champ edition V2 – Advanced Mnemonics. Time (120 Minutes) 90 Minute Lecture 30 Minute Q&A
We will take mnemonics even farther with the advanced techniques Memory Champions use to memorize long lists of words and numbers
Session 8 Remember Anything Method of Loci and Advanced Mnemonics Review. Time (120 Minutes) 90 Minute Lecture 30 Minute Q&A
We will learn the ancient Greek method of Loci system for remembering anything. And I will show how this can combine with other forms of basic and advanced mnemonics to develop even more memory power.
Brain Health Time (120 Minutes) Â Preserve your Memory for Life.
I'm thinking this course could be two 90 Minute sessions with 30 Minute Q&As. The first on Diet and Nutrition and the next one the other four factors.