Dream with your eyes open your journey starts here
Virtual Reality Classroom
Introducing an ingenious virtual reality classroom, a complete VR education package for your school.
All-in-one VR Headsets
Content Fitted to Australian Syllabus
Online Classroom Control System
EduTech Aust's all - in - o n e c o m p ac t
EduTech Aust's in t erac t ive VR
Edutech Australias' VR
h ead set is d esig n ed t o ren d er 360 -
c o n t en t is alig n ed w it h Au st ralian
m an ag em en t p o rt al c an allo w tteac h ers t o c o n t ro l m u lt ip le
c lassro o m
deg ree o f t ru e - t o - life im m ersive VR
syllab u s. It fu lly en g ag es st u d en t s
learn in g exp erien c es w h ile
an d in c reases k n o w led g e ret en t io n .
h ead set s at t h e sam e t im e an d
m in im ise eye st ress. Eac h h ead set
Ou r VR c o n t en t is c at eg o rised b y
m an ag e VR c lass p ro c ess w it h ease .
c o m es w it h a c o m p at ib le c o n t ro ller
su b jec t an d is availab le fo r
Th is p o rt al c an b e easily ac c essed
fo d r en h an c ed in t erac t ivit y .
d o w n lo ad t o all h ead set s.
o n an y sm art p h o n e , t ab le t , lap t o p an d d esk t o p c o m p u t ers.
VR Classroom Solution
Customised Classroom Option EduTech Australia's Technology can customise different VR classroom solutions for your school or institution.
Mobile VR Classroom
Integrated VR Classroom
EduTech's VR technology is available for hire.
EduTech's VR classroom is also available for
We will bring our technology to your doorstep
purchase for your long-term VR teaching needs.
on demand. Our team will set up and pack up
We will set up a VR classroom at your school or
all equipment, giving your school maximum
institution and you will have complete freedom of
flexibility and minimum cost for a VR class.
teaching VR classes at any time. Our team will provide complete technical support for installation, training and maintenance.
All-in-One VR Headset 5.5" Super Fast TFT LCD Screen 2560x1440 Resolution 70 Hz Refresh Rate Outstanding Display Performance
3 Degrees of Freedom Controller
EduTech Australia's headset is perfectly
Each headset comes with a 3DoF
designed to render 360-degree of true-tolife immersive VR learning experiences. It
controller which allows students to
can minimise eye stress with the help of
interact with our VR content. The
display picture colour fine-tuning and
controller can track hand movements or
Myopia adjustment from 0 to +8.0.
gestures without error, guaranteeing precise control with ease.
Ultra Lightweight EduTech Australia's headset is only 440g and is designed to be compact and
Other Features
lightweight with no wires or the need for
CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 821.
a computer or phone.
Battery: Li-Ion 3500 mAh battery
The all-in-one design means there's no
Memory: 4GB RAM
Up to 3 hours of continuous use.
limit to where you VR classroom can go, or how it can get there.
32GB ROM Up to 128GB Micro-SD card. Built-in microphone and audio. Support WIFI and Bluetooth 4.2.
Curriulum aligned content
Library of VR Content
Supplementary Materials
EduTech Australia has over 165 VR modules
EduTech Australia's will provide study plans
readily available for schools and educational
and worksheets for our VR content. These
institutions with more to come. Partnered with
supplementary materials are made with the
leading virtual reality content creators around
help of
the world, our content is visually stunning and
classroom teaching or independent learning,
covers a wide range of areas including
these materials will be a great guidance.
Biology Physics Geography Chemistry History and more
Customised Content Package You can pick and choose VR modules based on your teaching needs. EduTech Australia will package the modules for remote download for your convenience.
educators in Australia. No matter it is
Easy Classroom Control
Simultaneous Control
Command Mode for Focus
EduTech Australia's online classroom
EduTech Australia's online control is featured
management system is a simple way for
with command mode which locks headsets to
teachers to manage VR class process.
the VR module chosen by teachers for focus
Teachers can download VR content to multiple
and concentration. Free mode allows students
headsets at the same time. The online system
to choose and interactTeachers can switch
also allows teachers to launch VR content on
freely between the two modes for better
more than 30 headsets simultaneously with a
teaching effect.
simple 'Play' button. Our classroom management system is simple to learn and easy to use, teachers are only a few clicks away from an effortless VR class.
Your VR modules will be organised into different categories in the system, making it easier for teachers of different disciplines to locate the resources they need.
Worksheets are accessible on the online system for teachers.
The management system is available across platforms on all devices, all you need is the internet.
User Guide Controller Guide
Back Button Click to return to previous menu
Volume Button
Swipe navigation Click to confirm
Home Button Long press to calibrate the screen Click to return to main menu
If indication light is - Blinking fast (every 0.1 seconds): low battery - Blinking slowly (every 0.5 seconds):Â waiting to connect to Bluetooth - Stops blinking: connected to Bluetooth
Indication Light
Battery Compartment is located on the back of the controller
User Guide Headset Overview Focus Adjustment Button
Power Button Home Button Select Button
3.5mm Headphone Outlet Microphone View Lens Face Padding
Power Light
Volume Button
Speaker Micro USB Port
Proximity Sensor
Australia - New Zealand, Canada, UK, USA and The Middle East
EduTech Australia EduTechAustralia.com info@EduTechAustralia.com 61
889 69Po Broadway 2007