1 minute read
Museum and tourism development
from Muzejs 2025 (en)
by edvardsss
Museums in the regions and attracting tourism is topical not only in the context with exploring the history and story of the place, but also in terms of regeneration and economic potential of the place.
A successful museum in the region is a tourist attraction magnet, ensuring also economic profit for a place or a region, not merely helping the museum to grow visitor numbers for statistical needs.
The objective is to render museum and its versatile resources as an integral tourist attraction site in the region. The more attractive the offer or historical experience is, the more time the tourist would spend in the particular place or region, thus also ensuring profit for local catering enterprises, hotels, etc. Ideally, money generated by tourism stays in local communities, and is reinvested in their entrepreneurial activity. This could also certainly be one of the arguments for local government regarding the role of the museum and its economic potential.
An attractive museum and, especially, the development of the local tourism industry, in the times of a significant drop in international tourism, can also be a significant step towards developing a sustainable local community, creating the sense of belonging, being proud of one’s place and raising awareness of the meaning of the museum in the wider regional context.
It must be concluded that one of the largest challenges for Museum 2025 in regions would be to balance out the offer among the locals and the tourists.