Jerusalem And Islam Ultimately Time - Thought 14_

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Jerusalem And Islam Ultimately Time - Thought 14 Mystery Babylon sits on seven hillsides. In ancient occasions Mystery Babylon was known as "the town of seven hillsides" In Thought 12, 13, and 17 scripture states that Satan and also the Antichrist has seven heads. Scripture continues to state in Thought 17:9 the seven mountain tops which Mystery Babylon sits would be the seven heads of Satan and also the Antichrist. Thus the earthly Jerusalem, is Mystery Babylon, and it is the main city of Satan and also the Anti-Christ. The Ten Horns would be the Ten Islamic states across the river Euphrates. Satan transfers all his energy and authority towards the Anti-Christ whose chair is within Mystery Babylon. What we should see developing from the Middle East is really a kingdom of Islamic states organized by Jerusalem right into a global political energy. The Islamic states, in league with Israel, will rule the planet within the last days. Half way through his administration, the antichrist kingdom will attack and destroy Israel. The whole world will eat Jerusalem, and burn her using the fire from the judgment of God. This is actually the abomination of desolation. Mystery Babylon switched from Christ to exalt Satan. The Ten States reign using the animal for just one hour. The life time from the animal is seven years. Only 144,000 from the sons of Israel will escape the wrath and judgment of God. What they are called of tribes from the 144,000 is going to be top quality in to the wall and first step toward the brand new Jerusalem. Jesus includes a special relationship using the 144,000, since they're the only real kids of Jacob to worship Jesus of Nazareth, as the best True and living God. The 144,000 glorify and exalt Jesus as King of Israel, as the relaxation of Israel exalts Satan, and also the Anti-Christ and produce upon the desolation designed in Daniel, due to their abomination of worshipping Satan. It of Thought is really a prediction in regards to the last hour of human civilization. In Thought 1 hour equals to 1 week or seven years in Daniel prediction. There's silence in paradise to have an hour or for 3.five years. Throughout this era of silence in paradise the antichrist is harming the chapel of God. Following the 30 minutes passes, judgment is put in to the earth. For 3.five years the animal is going to be persecuting the chapel. Then your hopes and worship from the chapel, received by Jesus, is put out upon the planet by means of divine judgment. The earthly Jerusalem continues to be defiled by Satan, the Anti-Christ and False Prophet. The sin of Mystery Babylon should be cleared in the earth. The finish time destruction of Jerusalem and also the demonic trio is a vital feature within the return of Christ to set up His earthly kingdom. The earthly Jerusalem getting been polluted using the filth of Mystery Babylon brings about the jealous wrath of God. The earthly Jerusalem was said to be the town from the great king. The earthly Jerusalem was said to be the mount Zion which God loved. The earthly Jerusalem ended up being to be home of God, but it is a town of bloodstream. The earthly Jerusalem has turned into a town of murderers. Wherefore the time is right for that angels from the wrath of God to thrust within their sharp sickle. Mystery Babylon, was said to be the area unto which all nation arrived at worship Jesus but it is now now get to be the chair of Satan. In Matthew 23, while looking at mount Olivet, looking over Jerusalem, Jesus, with tears in the eyes prophesied the disaster of Jerusalem. Jesus stated: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who get rid of the

prophets and stone individuals delivered to you, how frequently I've wished to collect your kids together, like a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you weren't willing. Now your property is left unto you desolate and you will not see me again before you cry saying: Fortunate is he which come within the title from the The almighty. Now Jesus is sitting on the mountain from the heavenly Jerusalem, using the hundred forty and 4, 000, from the remnant of Israel, commanding His angels to thrust within their sharp sickle, reap the harvest of the world, and trample it within the winepress from the wrath of God. The earthly Jerusalem is just about the dwelling place, not of God, but of Satan, the Anti-Christ, and False prophet. The ultimate verdict around the world is released by Jesus with respect to the hundred forty and 4, 000, from the remnant of Israel. The hundred forty and 4, 000, from the remnant of Israel, is easily the most beloved of God, simply because they was firm in Christ against all of the evils from the earthly Jerusalem. The hundred forty and 4, 000, from the remnant of Israel, rejoiced to worship Jesus at the time of temptation and persecution. The hundred forty and 4, 000, from the remnant of Israel, sought out a Jerusalem whose builder and maker is God. Sitting on the precipice from the destruction of Jerusalem and all sorts of world, the hundred forty and 4, 000, from the remnant of Israel, breaks out singing a brand new song and because they are singing the angels of God are flying in paradise stating the everlasting gospel to preach on earth. Because the remnant of Israel, is singing the brand new song, an angel having a noisy voice says Fear God, and provide glory to him for that hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made paradise, earth, the ocean, and also the rivers of waters. Because the remnant of Israel, is singing the brand new song, another angel states, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, exceptional city, because she made all nations drink from the wine from the wrath of her fornication. Because the remnant of Israel, is singing the brand new song and rejoicing in Jesus, another angel adopted saying: If any guy worship the animal and the image, and receive his mark, exactly the same shall drink from the wine from the wrath of God, that is put out without mixture in to the cup of his indignation and that he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the existence of the holy angels, as well as in the existence of the Lamb: And also the smoke of the torment ascends up forever and ever: and they've no relaxation day nor evening, who worship the animal and the image, and whosoever receives the objective of his title. Another angel adopted saying: This is actually the persistence from the saints: listed here are they that keep your rules of God, and also the belief of Jesus for fortunate would be the dead which die within the The almighty, for they'll relaxation using their labors as well as their works do follow them. And the other angel Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for that time is come for thee to reap for that harvest of the world is ripe. Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the groupings from the vine of the world on her grapes are fully ripe. The sickle was thrust in to the earth and cast it in to the great winepress from the wrath of God. The winepress was trodden around Jerusalem, and bloodstream arrived on the scene from the winepress, six ft high for 200 miles. But I only say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right oral cavity, use him another also. And when any guy will sue thee in the law, and take off thy coat, allow him to have your pants also. And whosoever shall compel thee to visit miles, opt for him twain. Share with

him that request you, and from him that will borrow individuals turn not away. Ye often hear it hath been stated, You will love thy neighbor, and hate your enemy. But I only say unto you, Love your opponents, bless them that curse you, do best to them that hate you, and pray on their behalf which maliciously use you, and persecute you That ye might be the kids of the Father that is in paradise: for he makes his sun to increase around the evil as well as on the great, and transmits rain around the just as well as on the illegal. (Pad 5:39-45) Very much beloved, avenge not her, but instead give place unto wrath: for this is written, Vengeance is mine I'll pay back, the The almighty. If your enemy hunger, feed him if he thirst, provide him drink: for by doing this you heap coals of fire on his mind. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. (Rom 12:19-21) Jesus vindicates the remnant of Israel simply because they believe and rely upon him. As a result Jesus died and rose again to produce a New Jerusalem. He gushed bloodstream on the mix to produce a new paradise and new earth. He declared upon the confession that i'm God, which with me at night there's not one other, I build my chapel. When Jesus could recommend none greater, he swore by Themself, saying blessing, I'll appreciate it. Jesus stated I provide you with the sure mercies of David. ramadan

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