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Personal Stories 3|Page
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My Dog
Lewis to add text here talking about the dog, etc. Lewis to add text here talking about the dog, etc. Lewis to add text here talking about the dog, etc More text More text MORE text More text
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Life at College Life at college is wonderful I would not change a thing about it; I have been at college for a few years now and would tell people you are never too old to learn. You can make new friends and take part in many things such as the college football or the student association which I was part off. My life is a lot better and I’m doing it for myself and my family. I would not have come to college if a friend did not tell me about a course in a local community centre which I did go to, look at me now. There are many courses that you can do. If I can do it anyone can do it, all you have to do is to believe in yourself and go for it. There are many rewards at college. College is a cool place to be and learn.
College life be part of it will change your life for the better and be proud to show people. It easy to reply for. All you need to do is to start new things go for it all.
REPORTER Paul Kelly (Insert pic of Paul) >> 15/1/2015
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Elmwood college open day I was 18 when I wanted to go to college and do something with my life. I always had an interest in farming ,so when my mum took me down to Adam smith college to find out how to go about going to college and to do farming, that’s when the lady said I have to go to Elmwood college in Cupar. I went for an interview and was accepted. Half way through the year the college has an open day and the tutor ask me if I would like to help out with the open day and help with milking the cows. I jumped to the chance since I was going out to the farm on my afternoon off to help milking the cows. When I told my mum, dad about the tutor asking me and going to do it, they were happy that I was excited with the news. On the day the dairy farmer and me got everything ready and when it was time to bring in the cows for milking , I just got my head down on got on with it till my tutor told me that my mum and dad was here and they was watching me standing under the cows and placing the machine on to the udder. When all the milking was done and all the cleaning was done I went out looking for my family , that was the day that my parents was really proud of me 22years later I still think about that day of how I felt knowing how proud my parent was, especially my dad since he has passed away 20 years ago Emma brown
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Think before you go swimming‌ 9|Page
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‌ about people going swimming after you. Emma Brown, Health Technologist
Life 10 | P a g e
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Weight loss!!!!!! Can’t lose weight?? Yes you can!! I said the same thing for years, I said “I’ve tried everything nothing works, it doesn’t matter what I eat I never lose weight and I have tried all the diets” but after I had a talk with a medical professional and was told I had to lose weight for my health I choice to make a change to my life style NOT A DIET!!. I began by looking at the amount of calories in the foods I was eating on a day to day basis and I was in complete shock, I then decided I was going to eat 1500 calories a day, cut down on sugar and to stop eating processed foods along with a 1 hour walk daily. It worked!! Something as simple as looking at calories in my food and asking myself “do I really need this??” paired with a 1hour walk daily I lose 2stone 4pound in 9months and haven’t looked back. I am now 2stone 4pound lighter and continue to have a healthy lifestyle and look at what I am eating before just aimlessly shovelling it into my mouth. I am very happy and comfortable in my skin and so proud of myself. I would never go back to how I was. My Advice to anyone wanting to lose weight is the age old saying eat less exercise more trust me it works!
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