Chapter 17 Echoes of the Confederacy

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White supremacy is never far from the thoughts of Bivins and in this chapter which is the 2nd to last chapter of the book she revisits the topic in this chapter towards the end of the book. There aren’t footnotes in the book so the sources of this material isn’t clear and sometimes known. Notice in the Henry Grady item on pages 176177 the threat of violence. On page 176 she compares those white people who supported the multi-racial democracy of Reconstruction with those European national leaders, Laval of France, and Quisling of Norway who collaborated with the Nazis. To her being a patriotic Southerner is to be a supporter of white supremacy. Those white Southerners who don’t support white supremacy are traitors of the very worst type. Again on pages 178-179 we have AngloSaxonism.




Immigration 3


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