Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar
The Life of White Nationalist Thug
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Brief Biography (1798-1859) 1.
Born in 1798 at Louisville, GA and raised on his father’s plantation Fairfield near Milledgeville, GA.
Joins the George M. Troup administration in 1823 as his secretary and lives in Troup’s household. By Ed
Afterwards in 1828 moves to Columbus and founds the Columbus Enquirer.
In 1835 moves to Texas and joins the Texas insurrection.
In 1837 elected president of the Republic of Texas.
Retires from electoral politics in 1841 but continues to speak out on political issues.
In 1857 Appointed minister to Nicaragua.
Dies 1859 at his plantation near Richmond, Texas.
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Crimes Against Humanity 1. Ethnic cleansing of Native Americans from Georgia. 2. Ethnic cleansing of Native Americans from Texas.
3. Life long efforts to defend slavery in Texas and all the American slave states. 4. Creation of the slave republic of Texas from abolitionist Mexico.
By Ed Sebesta
5. Attempted invasion of New Mexico to make it part of a slave republic and to create a slave empire. 6. Sympathetic to filibusters to Cuba to make a new American Slave state. 7. Owner and seller of slaves. 8. Racist threats to subjugate Nicaragua. By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Ethnic Cleansing of Native Americans from Georgia • Was secretary for Georgia Gov. George M. Troup regime, living in his house hold, giving tracts to newspapers and speeches to support Troup. • The Troup administration defied the federal government’s attempts to defend the Native Americans rights to the land. Ed • The Troup administration stold the land of the CreekByNative Sebesta Americans and expelled. • Troup stated that Georgia would never allow racial equality to Native Americans and they would sink to equality with African slaves. • Lamar was involved with raising a militia to block the federal government defending the rights of Native Americans. • Lamar in an 1844 letter to Georgians praises Troup as a hero for defying the federal government’s attempts to protect Native Americans. By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Ethnic Cleansing of Native Americans from Texas 1. His administration conducted the infamous Council House Massacre against Native American peace negotiators. 2. Launched groups of Rangers to carry murderous campaigns of looting against Native American settlements. 3. Called Native Americans “wild cannibals of the woods.” By Ed Sebesta
4. In his 1839 message to the Texas Congress he called for “an exterminating war upon their warriors, which will admit of no compromise and have no termination except in their total extinction or total expulsion.” 5. Conducted a campaign which resulted in the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans from Texas. That is why you don’t find Indian Reservations in Texas.
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Published Columbus Inquirer in Georgia,1828-1835.
Jan. 12, 1833. Runaway Melford.
Apr. 20, 1833. From top to bottom Runaways, Nancy, Harry, and Joe.
Jan. 12, 1833. Runaway Bill.
Jan. 12, 1833. Runaway Washington.
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
By Ed Sebesta
Published Columbus Inquirer in Georgia,1828-1835. From the Jan. 14, 1832, page 2. The vitriol just pours out the editorial whose column nearly runs the length of the page. A selection: “While we yield to none in devotion to the fairer part of God’s creation, we must be permitted By Ed to say, that there is upon all the earth Sebesta nothing which we regard with more utter abhorrence than those same said mongrels. Woman’s sphere is not to be found amid the tumults of political contention.”
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Published Columbus Inquirer in Georgia,1828-1835.
Nov. 16, 1833, page 2. The editors of the Enquirer have obtained an abolitionist newspaper and a pamphlet.
The abolitionists they state, “are fools, or knaves, or By Ed both.” They are horrified that they advocate abolishing Sebesta slavery in Washington D.C. and interstate commerce in slaves. The editors warn “Thus the Fanatics will proceed, from one step to another,” and that these steps are, “the ominous prelude to other encroachments.” By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Worked to defend slavery. In his Dec. 10, 1838 Inaugural Speech as President of the Texas Republic is against Texas annexation since he fears for the safety of slavery in the United States.
But on the contrary a long train of consequences of the most appalling character and magnitude, have never failed to present themselves whenever I have entertained By Ed Sebesta the subject,
The reason is that he fears the abolitionists in the USA. … a tributary vassal to remote and uncongenial communities; communities as widely separated from her in pursuits as in distance, who are known to be opposed to her peculiar and essential interests, and who are daily sending forth their denunciations against her from the fire-side, the pulpit and the council chamber; By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Worked to defend slavery. In 1844 he reverses his position and publishes a letter in favor of annexation because he fears British abolitionists will make Texas a free state and it will help defend slavery in the South. He defends slavery:
I believe the system of servitude as it exists in the Southern States, and in Texas, is the best relation By which Ed Sebesta has ever been established between the laboring and the governing portions of mankind. There is an unint[el]ectual toil to be performed, and menial service to be rendered; and it is infinitely better (whenever it is practicable) to assign those duties to that class of our species whom Providence has so signally fitted for the task, … That there shall be in society such a division as master and servant is a law of God ; and He has clearly indicated the line of distinction between them by colour and character. By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Supported the Expansion of Slavery
1. Was an insurrectionist in the establishment of a slave Republic of Texas torn out of abolitionist By Ed Mexico. Sebesta 2. Without Texas congressional approval sent off an expedition to conquer New Mexico for Texas.
3. Was sympathetic and supportive of the filibuster to make Cuba an American slave territory.
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Threatened the Nation of Nicaragua In a letter to the Nicaraguan Minister for Foreign Relations, Gregorio Juarez, Lamar threaten that if the Nicaraguans didn’t accede to American demands for rights of transit they would eventually be overrun. By Ed After much menacing language Lamar finally says.
Throughout my remarks I have carefully abstained from the use of menacing language; yet it may be useful to let Nicaragua understand distinctly – that the Transit route will be opened without her consent ..
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Slave Owner
Lamar owned a plantation near Richmond, TX and he bought and sold slaves.
Whereas Mirabeau Lamar has his name splashed across the By Ed landscape on Sebesta streets, schools, universities and elsewhere, these slaves’ are given no names in the census.
Lamar died in 1859, and some of his slaves may have been sold after he died. However, the 1860s Census of the Richmond Plantation shows his widow, Henrietta Lamar, is still the owner of thirteen slaves. They are inventoried like livestock in the census with only age and sex given.
By Edward H. Sebesta 2020
Summary • To Mirabeau Lamar non-whites, whether Native Americans, Latinos, Africans, existed only to be expelled, exterminated, or enslaved. He was a serial criminal in the commission of crimes against humanity. • The fact that there are schools, streets, a university, By Ed a Texas county named after him is a sign of a depraved Sebesta indifference to the humanity of Native Americans, African Americans and Latinos. • If Texas identity is no longer to be based on white nationalism and be a white nationalist concept, it will be necessary to recognize the white nationalist named landscape of Texas and to deracialize it, and ridding the landscape of the practice of honoring Lamar would be a good place to start. By Edward H. Sebesta 2020