Auto Repair Near Bronxville NY, Call: (914) 423-5715
Our skilled auto mechanics at Merit Auto Body care for every vehicle as if it were their own. We hold ourselves to the same high standards that we know our customers will not tolerate anything less than excellence. We take great care to protect your future safety and restore your vehicle to pre-accident condition at our family-owned and -operated shop, which takes pride in providing excellent customer service and unmatched craftsanship. I-Car Gold certification, the industry standard for shops that carry out secure, high-quality repairs, has been given to Merit Auto Body. We provide round-the-clock, 24hour, seven-day emergency towing services. Simply give Merit Auto Body a call, and we'll take care of everything. If you're bringing your damaged car to a our shop.
Contact Merit Auto Body today to get your thorough, no-obligation auto repair estimate. | (347) 674-0376