Sometimes a child will tell a teacher or another adult they are being abused. More commonly, children show signs of potential abuse or neglect that may include: Changes in behavior or school performance Difficulty learning or concentrating Untreated physical or medical problems Acting as though on the lookout for something bad to happen Unusually passive, withdrawn, or submissive behavior The child doesn’t want to go home The child avoids a certain person Parent and child don’t look at or touch each other Parent and child admit mutual dislike Parent or caregiver signs of potential abuse or neglect may include: Blames the child for problems in school, or denies there is a problem Tells caregivers to use harsh discipline with the child Sees the child as a burden, or bad, or evil Doesn’t care about the child Has unrealistic standards for the child to meet Uses the child to meet their own emotional needs
If you or a loved one has been the victim of childhood sexual abuse, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. For more information or to consult with an experienced NYC child sex abuse attorney, please call Gersowitz Libo & Korek, P.C. at 1-646-798-1535. (212) 385-4410 | INFO@LAWYERTIME.COM | WWW.LAWYERTIME.COM 111 Broadway, 12th Floor New York, NY 10006