Oil and Gas Innovation Spring 2015

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Spring 2015


Business Information. Industry Solutions.




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www.oilandgasinnovation.co.uk Spring 2015

Spring 2015


CEO Matthew Patten

Business Information. Industry Solutions.



Managing Editor Simon Milliere


Publishing Director Edward Findlay edward@oilandgasinnovation.co.uk Commercial Director & Advertising Enquiries Nicholas Parker nparker@oilandgasinnovation.co.uk Technical Director and Website Valters Skrupskis web@oilandgasinnovation.co.uk Office Assistants Janet Elseberg admin@oilandgasinnovation.co.uk Mylene Daugan mylene@oilandgasinnovation.co.uk Contributing Journalist Emma Patten Business Development Executives Luigi Palasco Market Researchers Mylene Miguel Kiefer Reddy Melissa Phanjoo Jesse Wiafe Dasol Moon

Emery Hill Media 86 Seacon Tower 5 Hutchings Street London E14 8JX Tel: +44 203 239 1581

£14.95 €18.95

It may be the end of the oil price drop. Well what a quarter it has been. Obviously it’s hard to ignore the elephant in the room, the price of oil. When we last published the price of oil was at $49.94. Today, $64.77. That’s right, despite all the bad news, the worry in the last three months, the oil price has gone up $14.83. Massive? No. But is it a sign that the oil price collapse of 2014/15 is finally over. Some think so, and I think so too. The previous quarter’s oil was dropping around 50% per three month period, so I think it’s safe to say we may be out of the woods. Does that mean we’ll be back up to $120 soon, probably not, but many traders think we have “bottomed out.” according to John Kilduffnat Again Capital, who spoke to Bloomberg last week, “The falling rig count and the reduction we’re starting to see in output shows that the bottom has in fact been installed ... A [lot of] people are throwing in the towel.” The main problem has of course been US oil stocks has soared to its highest level seen in decades due to the shale revolution happening in many parts of the US including but not limited to too, the Bakken formation in North Dakota, Eagle Ford in Texas and many plays in Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. This has caused the total amount of US oil barrels and all other petroleum products to soar from 1,761,030 thousand barrels in January 2014 to 1,874,262 thousand barrels in January 2015, leading to the so called “oil glut”. But with that issue we have seen some light at the end of the tunnel in the case of the depleting US rig count. Baker Hughes has said, “Back in January that during past oil downturns, the number of rigs has declined by about 40%-60%.” This of course will lead to decreased production and therefore should be a partial explanation of the rebounding price this quarter. That is supply, but there have also been issues on the demand side. Troubling signs pointed to the slower growth predicted and seen in places like China, but even that picture may be turning around. Paul Reed, who heads up BP’s oil trading arm, and Ian Taylor, chief executive of Vitol spoke to the FT last week and said “demand could reach as much as 1.5m barrels a day this year”. “We’ve seen very strong growth in the first few months of this year,” said Mr Reed, speaking about a surge in demand from India. “Countering that you have economies that are petro driven and struggling [such as Brazil and Algeria],” said Mr Reed. “But even when you add plus and minus up, you get around 1.5m b/d,” he added. The FT said in its report: In its monthly oil market report released last week, the International Energy Agency -- the wealthy nations’ energy watchdog -- revised its demand growth forecast for 2015 by 90,000 b/d to 93.6m b/d in 2015. This is up 1.1m b/d from the year before. Mr Taylor went on to say “gasoline is coming back with a vengeance” adding that greater demand for the motor fuel might be behind the stronger refinery margins in recent months. “Europe is showing signs of growth.” So it’s my assessment there are reasons to be positive. But when will we go back to 100$? It will probably be a couple of years. Demand will continue to grow in the developed world and that’s a promising sign, but places such as the UK and possibly even Eastern Europe are poised to jump on the shale revolution which will put even more pressure on the price from the demand side. Please Enjoy The Spring 2015 Edition of Oil and Gas Innovation. Yours Sincerely,

Simon Milliere Managing Editor

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CONTENTS COVER STORIES & SPECIALS Why It’s Time to Switch to an Automated System


OGI’s Emma Patten speaks with Simon Smith, President of Northwestern Support Professionals Inc. (NWSP) to discuss how this simple yet effective pipe inventory system can seriously increase efficiency.

The Future of Safety



Glen Raven speaks about how garments not only save lives, they’re also leading the way as high-performance, high-tech fabrics. Workers in the oil and gas, electrical, and chemical industries are now concerned with comfort in addition to safety.



North America MENA


South America Africa



16 20

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Illustrating Well Barriers


Wellbarrier makes diagrams well barrier schematics available to the industry, Using Norsok standards. They explain how the help oil and gas companies.

Petrobras Releases Audited Financials and Results for 2014


After recent problems, the Brazilian oil giant releases numbers and also many of the penalties and accusations against them. They have reported a loss and many of the fines and what not levied against them.

Interview with Regular Contributor Stanley Elsmore From Genco EEC


The company commenced manufacturing A.C. generators in 1988. Original designs were of the slipring type, but soon after brushless designs were produced to match customer’s requirements.


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Fluorocarbon Goes HPHT

Regular contributor Fluorocarbon explains to readers that the market frequently suggests “The easy oil has gone” so exploration and production must develop fields in hostile locations and conditions.

MIDSTREAM & PIPELINES Curtiss-Wright Develops New Subsea Fastener Coating


Regular contributor Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies presents a new coating which is set to help the industry deal with UV degradation, amongst other issues.

TITAN Containers Explains How to Manoeuvre Through These Tough Times

36 42 38


Due to the depressed market conditions for shipping containers (following the 2008 financial crisis) the offshore DNV container market has seen a plethora of new suppliers. This has seen some new innovation in the DNV container market based upon the ISO container industry.

NEB recommends NGTL’s North Montney Mainline Project


The National Energy Board (NEB or Board) today released its recommendations and decisions Report regarding an application by NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) for the North Montney Mainline Project (the Project). The Project includes the construction and operation of new facilities and a 301 km sweet natural gas pipeline.


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Key oil and gas events from around the globe.



Pipe Inventory: Why It’s Time to Switch to an Automated System In this special feature OGI’s Emma Patten speaks with Simon Smith, President of Northwestern Support Professionals Inc. (NWSP) to discuss their solutions, including Tallys, and how this simple yet effective pipe inventory system can seriously increase the efficiency of not only pipe-yards in Western Canada, but all over the world. Many pipe yards are turning to an automated system and here at the magazine were keen to discover why this is the case. Tallys of course offers such a system and we wanted to investigate why and how it is such an advantage over the tradition manual systems of doing inventory.

Emma Patten, Investigative Journalist

OGI: Could you start by explaining North West Support Professional’s (NWSP) credentials and experience in terms of pipeyard inventory management in the Oil and Gas sector? Could you tell our readers the breadth of your experience, how long you have been active, and your reach? Simon: Although the NWSP name is relatively new on the scene, our flagship product, Tallys, has been the industry standard for pipe-yard inventory management in Canada for over two decades now. Originally conceived by Pelican Software, Tallys has been maintained and supported by NWSP since we took the reins from them in 2011; that being said, the core team at NWSP is comprised of many of the same people who have been maintaining and supporting Tallys since long before the advent of the NWSP name. Since its inception in 1995, Tallys development has focused on a user-centric design model: a model in which close relationships with the Oil and Gas sector form the cornerstone of the software design and maintenance processes. In this fashion, input from our partners within the Industry is arguably the most crucial component in the continued improvement of our software. By relying on input from industry leaders, Tallys has avoided the pitfalls of becoming too restrictive or limiting to the end-user, while at the same time enjoying continued growth and a steadily increasing market-share. OGI: One of the issues a pipe stockist or manufacturer runs into is lost time and revenue manually performing inventory on a huge yard. How does Tallys help their clients perform this operation with more efficiency? Simon: In any business, regardless if it’s in the


Oil and Gas sector or not, there’s really no comparing manual inventory control systems with automated ones. With Tallys, every joint of pipe that arrives in a storage facility is measured and racked in a first-in-last-out manner: yard managers and dispatchers know in which position, on which tier of which rack, each-and-every joint of pipe in their yard is located. This means that measurements need not be taken when pipe is shipped out of the yard, increasing efficiency and saving money on every transaction. Many of our customers run 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, and this method is especially appreciated when trucks are being loaded at night. Industry rules are built right into NWSP software to ensure proper work flow, both in the office and out in the yard. Standardized output provides reports and load slips that are easily recognizable by anyone in the industry.

OGI: From our own investigation, we found that some of the primary problems associated with the lack of efficiency at a tube yard were a result of mistakes being made in the inventory itself and also on the data being entered into the existing system. One of the major contributors of this issue was the manual systems we seen that were in place, which of course opened up the system to many potential errors. In what way does the Tallys solution cut down on these errors, and how much more efficient is a yard after this system is implemented? Simon: Eliminating opportunities to introduce erroneous data into inventory is where Tallys really shines, and it often pays for itself within days of having been implemented. Most of our customers use a laser measurement system to gather joint lengths upon receiving

pipe at their facility. These measurements are imported directly into an inbound transaction, increasing efficiency and completely eliminating a key step in the process where human-error can be introduced. Moreover, length entry on a per-joint basis is also subject to automatic verification that the pipe being received meets the specification requirements assigned to the rack(s) being tiered. This means that flags are raised automatically if stray pipe with incorrect specifications has made its way into a transaction; this equates directly with less-time being spent checking that pipe meets rack specifications. When building a new rack, specification definitions are selected from yard-managed drop-down menus which further minimize keystrokes and ensure that standard OCTG tracking conventions are followed. Nothing can be changed or corrected without a paper trail, effectively implementing strong accountability where little-to-none existed before. In addition to these benefits, our customers have tellingly reported that time spent completing paperwork related to in-andoutbound shipments is cut in half following the purchase of our solution.

Tallys System Applied. “Before Tallys, we were probably spending an hour every day checking for errors. Every transaction was taking 2 minutes. With Tallys, we’ve cut that time in half, and we’re not spending any time checking for errors. It’s hard to put a number on the savings, but it’s pretty significant.” - T Bar 1 Transport

The Learning Solution. ..input from our partners within the Industry is arguably the most crucial component in the continued improvement of our software.

NWSP Team left to right: Nathan Sugden, Simon Smith, Craig Reimer, David Hanowski

OGI: Could you explain to our readers what an OCTG Inventory Management System is and how much more efficient it is to use an automated system rather than a manual system? Also if you could, elaborate on the Tally system in terms of its user friendly language? Simon: There are many off-the-shelf inventory control and point-of-sale systems available which attempt to be as generalized as possible in an effort to accommodate as many industries or business models as they can. By striving to achieve a broader market share, these programs often lack special features and introduce compromise which can be disastrous for the end-user. The end-user often ends up trying to fit a proverbial square peg into a round hole. Often times, this exacerbates problems that the user wanted to avoid in the first place, and can even reduce efficiency by introducing new ones. Data often ends up being stored in fields which are incorrectly labelled, or does not comply with industry-specific standards. It’s surprising to a lot of people to find out exactly how much information is stored about each-and-every pipe in a pipe-yard. It’s vitally important to keep track of it all because sending the wrong pipe out can be an expensive, timeconsuming and sometimes dangerous mistake. Tallys was designed for the OCTG storage and distribution industry, with direct input from long-time industry experts. All contextual information for data entry, as well as field names and transactional code descriptions are intuitive to anyone with a background in managing pipe for use in oil and gas exploration and production. Using an automated system with built-in checks and balances, as well as industry-specific terminology and standards, is a huge step forward in regards to efficiency and profitability. OGI: Finally, can you provide an example or case study for our readers of a case study or story where a company’s operations were helped by using a the Tally’s? Simon: We believe that our success is tied directly to the success of our clients. That’s why, when we heard that T Bar 1 Transport had won Business of the Year in Lloydminster, we couldn’t pass up the chance to talk to them about their history, about their current operations, and about their use of Tallys. Earlier in 2014 we spoke with Jason Newman, who along with his father, owns T Bar 1 Transport. How Tallys Solved Their Problem Before Tallys, the team at T Bar 1 Transport had been using a complicated system of excel spreadsheets to manage their inventory. Jason explains that it was less than perfect. “Tubing would get delivered, so we’d write it in the dispatch book. Then the joints would need to go on the rack and be counted, tallied. Then we’d bring that count in and enter it into


the excel system we built. We’d have to enter it manually every time. Then when joints left the yard, we’d have another sheet where we marked outgoing joints. We always had to remember that when we added a record to the out goingsheet, we’d have to remove those joints from the inventory sheet. It was a lot of work. With that old system, there was just so much room for error. In the end, we created a third sheet, to mark down every job that happened, so if all of a sudden something was missing, we had a third one to back check on. Then we had someone in the back office checking for errors. There was a lot of manual checking and adding. A lot of room for mistakes.” Jason talks about the difference Tallys made in their day-to-day operations. “With Tallys, it allowed us to have a system where, once you have the name of the company you’re sending joints out to or getting joints from, it does all the work for you. Tallys helped us, because it shortened the amount of time we had to spend on entering things into the system, so it increased our efficiency, and there were way fewer mistakes. It was a really beneficial thing. Before Tallys, we were probably spending an hour every day checking for errors. Every transaction was taking 2 minutes. With Tallys, we’ve cut that time in half, and we’re not spending any time checking for errors. It’s hard to put a number on the savings, but it’s pretty significant.” Business of the Year In 2013, T Bar 1 Transport was named Lloydminster’s Business of the Year. When we asked Jason about the award, he says it comes back to family and community. “We’re a family run business. Besides me and Dad, there’s 5 other family members here. 7 out of 35 people here are family. I think that puts us on the map as being different. We’re from here. When people know who you are, to see you take a company that started with one truck, and to grow it yourself, to grow it in 11 years to 35 people and 20 units on the road. I think people recognize that. And we try to give back to the community.

We give back to a lot of groups around Lloydminster. I think any time you give back to the community, it’s not just about giving jobs to people that live in the community, it’s about making the community stronger” Jason lists off literally dozens of groups: 4H and the Agricultural Society, Minor hockey, Relay 4 Life, and the Terry Fox Run are just a few of the organizations they’ve contributed to over the last 12 months. He estimates about $50,000 in charitable contributions Jason also attributes the recognition to the changes in their operations in recent years. He acknowledges that Tallys was a big part of what allowed them to be more competitive, and a contributor to their current success. We had done a massive change. We used to run with a lot of owner operators. After a massive restructuring, we decided to buy all of own equipment instead. That made us more competitive with the trucking, as a complement to our pipe yard. Tallys was part of that. Once we added Tallys, we were suddenly a viable option for the major oil companies in Lloydminster. Basically, in a matter of two and half years, we turned it around to be a major competitor.” T Bar 1 Transport is showing no signs of slowing. The company is currently exploring expansions for their pipe yard, looking at an additional 10 acres. It’s a response to customer demand, Jason says. It comes from running an efficient operation, and focusing on customer service. “People like to deal with us because of our customer service and efficiency. They get their pipe on time, they get it at a reasonable price, and they get to deal with good people.” •

Northwestern Support Professionals Inc. +1 877 661 9990 (toll free) simon@nwsp.ca www.tallys.ca

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FR Workwear: Innovative Textiles and the Future of Safety Safety standards in hazardous environments where arc flash and flash fire are present are of utmost importance. Today’s FR garments not only save lives, they’re also leading the way as high-performance, high-tech fabrics. Workers in the oil and gas, electrical, and chemical industries are now concerned with comfort in addition to safety. Protective fabrics producers, like GlenGuard FR®, are responding to the demand in new, innovative ways. A History of Safety


he protective fabrics industry was stagnant until the early 2000s. There were two main drivers that kicked the modern protective textile industry into gear. First, national regulations, such as the NFPA 70E and NFPA 2112, were adopted and included requirements for safe work practices in environments where arc flash and flash fire hazards are present. Second, the United States Military was concurrently developing new fabrics to protect soldiers serving overseas. Federal research trickled down to the private sector and quickly lead to a boom in FR workwear development.

Multiple Fiber Blends One of the largest indicators of this swell in FR innovation is the advancement of multiple fiber blend fabrics, which created new kinds of fabrics and a new frontier of exploration. Traditionally, FR gear would consist of a dual-fiber material like blended cotton/nylon. Today, modern FR fabric blends can include up to five different fibers. New laboratory testing technologies, in addition to the innovation of new fibers and new yarn spinning techniques, have opened up the door to unlimited potential. Textile manufacturers now experiment with many different combinations of fibers to influence end-product factors of weight, breathability, moisture wicking, and level of protection. Ultimately, modern FR workwear has achieved safety standards and can now concentrate on an important new factor: Wearer comfort.

Engineering Comfort When it comes to comfort, GlenGuard FR begins with the fibers chosen. Their fabrics mainly utilize Kermel, an aramid fiber with a more circular cross-section than most aramids. The result is less protruding fibers, which decreases irritation of the skin. FR modacrylic and anti-static fibers are also incorporated for safety and lightweight characteristics. GlenGuard yarn is ring spun, creating a smoother yarn by aligning the fibers in a more parallel fashion. Weave is also taken


Fabric constructions and their respective treatments are not for the sake of simply being lightweight. The intent is to optimize performance.

into consideration. “We’ve looked into weave patterns to increase the strength and protection of the fabric while reducing the weight of the fabric. It’s based on yarn size and construction. But you have to do enough testing to figure out how to do that,” says GlenGuard Vice President of Product Development, Gary Zumstein. “How you manage all of these factors is key. Weight is not the only factor that makes the difference in comfort.”

Where Protection Meets Comfort GlenGuard ARC 1 4.5 oz. and ARC 2 6.4 oz. meet and exceed all safety regulations and have long since focused research and development efforts on creating lighter weight fabrics that manage moisture and allow for breathability. It’s a delicate manufacturing balance of fiber blends, yarn composure and weave. All of these efforts are in the interest of keeping wearers more comfortable without sacrificing protection. Fabric constructions and their respective treatments are not for the sake of simply being lightweight. The intent is to optimize performance - the same way athletic materials are made to enhance athletic performance. Textile research institutes and university research programs now incorporate measures for comfort, in addition to testing moisture wicking properties, body burn and flash

Workers in the oil and gas, electrical, and chemical industries are now concerned with comfort in addition to safety.

comparison. But lab testing can only tell researchers so much. As Zumstein confirms, “At the end of the day, it comes down to how comfortable the person wearing the garment thinks it is. It’s in the eye of the beholder.”

Can Comfort Enhance Safety? The FR workwear industry demands safety but now expects comfort as well. However, these two factors may be more mutually beneficial than previously thought. A more comfortable worker may be less distracted and able to concentrate on the task at hand.

globe. ATPV ratings are sure to increase, and body burn percentages will decrease. “It’ll be quite interesting to see how the market develops,” says Zumstein. “You’ll continue to see a lot changing.” Even related industries such as nanotechnology, color chemistry and surface modification can be used to help push protective fabrics forward in the name of wearer safety, comfort, durability chemical resistance, and colorfastness. With the innovative technologies and breakthrough development that companies like GlenGuard are continuing to consistently improve upon, workers will be kept safer and more comfortable while on the job. For more information on GlenGuard FR, visit GlenGuard.com.

Constant Innovation The future of FR workwear is projected to continue on an arc of ever-increasing technological capabilities. New fibers are yet to be invented and incorporated into textiles. Lighter weight fabrics with unique multiple fiber blends are sure to continue to evolve. Inherent anti-stat properties are currently very popular in Europe, and the trend is soon to catch on in North America and across the

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Statoil’s Annual and Sustainability Reports for 2014 Statoil is presenting the annual and sustainability reports for 2014 today, 19 March, together with the new payments to governments report. “In 2014 we continued to deliver solid operational results. Our production efficiency improved significantly, we are on track with our improvement programmes and we continued to deliver good safety results. However, the profitability of our industry continues to be challenged and Statoil’s financial results are highly impacted by the fall in oil prices,” states Eldar Sætre, president and CEO of Statoil ASA, when commenting on the reports presented today. Statoil delivered annual equity production of 1.927 million barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2014. This is a result of improved production efficiency and start-up of new fields. The increased production represents a growth of 4% from a rebased 2013 level. Statoil continues to be among the leading exploration companies in the industry and strengthened the reserve base through exploration, adding 540 million barrels of expected resources. The serious incident frequency (measured as incidents per million hours worked), including Statoil’s employees as well as our suppliers’, decreased from 0.8 in 2013 to 0.6 in 2014. However, this solid result is overshadowed by two fatalities in the contractor workforce in the US onshore operations. Sustainability matters Statoil also publishes today its sustainability report. Statoil continues to have high sustainability ambitions. One ambition is to be recognised as the most carbon efficient oil and gas producer. The results presented in the sustainability report confirm that Statoil is currently one of the world’s most carbon efficient oil and gas companies. Statoil’s goal for 2014 was to identify measures that would cut 250,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions from our production. Measures were identified that actually will cut 339,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions. In addition steady progress was made towards meeting the 2020 carbon efficiency targets. “Statoil takes an active and industrial approach to sustainability. To us, sustainability is a business matter, where the need to remain highly competitive is combined with and strengthened by our efforts to accelerate the development of more carbon-efficient solutions. Being a trusted company with a long-term social license to operate will enhance future business opportunities,” says Sætre. Revenue transparency In December 2013, the Norwegian Parliament adopted a new law that requires disclosure of payments to governments per project, country and government receiver. The purpose of the legislation is to enhance transparency in the extractive industries and to combat corruption. Similar legislation has been adopted by the EU. Statoil will be the first major oil and gas company that reports in accordance with the new regulations. “This report, a first of its kind, represents a milestone in transparency efforts both by the Norwegian government and Statoil. Statoil has invested considerable resources to establish new processes and systems for this reporting,” says Sætre. The payments to governments report is published on Statoil’s website today and contains detailed information about payments related to the company’s extractive operations in all countries. •

Wood Group Wins Major Total contract Wood Group wins major Total contract Wood Group has been awarded a five year, US$ multi-million contract by Total, which includes the option for two, one year extensions. Under the contract Wood Group PSN (WGPSN) will deliver engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning services to four offshore assets and two onshore facilities in the UK continental shelf (UKCS). The contract, effective immediately, continues WGPSN’s 12 year history of providing these services to the Alywn, Dunbar, Elgin and Franklin platforms and the St Fergus Gas Terminal. It also covers support for the Shetland Gas Plant (SGP), the onshore receiving facility for Laggan Tormore, which will start production later this year. Dave Stewart, UK managing director of WGPSN said: “Our knowledge and in-depth understanding of this key client’s needs, and our strong commitment to working safely, collaboratively, innovatively and efficiently to maximise productivity of these assets, helped us to secure this contract. We look forward to continuing our long-standing partnership with Total in the UKCS.” WGPSN has UK offices in Aberdeen, Glasgow, Runcorn and Hull.


Nylacast Returns to OTC for Fifth Year in Response to Growing Use of Polymer Solutions in Offshore, Oil and Gas Sector

Growing use of engineered plastics in oil and gas applications will see international polymer solutions specialist Nylacast exhibiting at the Offshore Technology Conference in May for the fifth year running. Benefits of engineered plastic components that have become increasingly attractive to the sector include less maintenance and lower whole life costs. Polymers also weigh less, suffer from less corrosion and can deliver better performance than steel, aluminium or other metals. Tailored to application and working conditions, their durability and reliability mean they can contribute to greater safety in drilling and other dangerous environments. Houston-based Nylacast will showcase its ability to develop bespoke engineered materials and component manufacturing capabilities for offshore, oil and gas sector applications with examples of a range of tailored components that have been developed for use in applications across the industry from subsea tiebacks through to ROV and offshore components. Mussa Mahomed, Nylacast Group CEO, said: “The advantages that engineering polymers provide to the oil & gas industry have made this a significant and growing market for us in the US and further afield. As a market leader in offshore and subsea engineering solutions, our team work with leading oil and gas companies to ensure their success in projects involving polymer based materials and components.” Case Study In an industry beset by harsh environment, weight penalties and difficult maintenance, engineered polymers deliver significant advantages over metallic components, as demonstrated in three Nylacast launch and recovery system applications in the offshore, oil and gas environment. 1. With low mass, Nylacast sheaves deliver similar load capacity to conventional metal sheaves without the need for paint or anti-corrosion protection. Nylacast sheaves typically weigh less than half their metal equivalents, and lower mass means less load on the A frame and increased lifting capacity. 2. Driven by demand for reduced maintenance costs, Nylacast Nylube has been introduced for wear pads and sliding bearings, bringing bearing life 25 times longer than phosphor bronze, thanks to low friction. 3. For rope spooling, Nylacast spooling shells provide a low mass alternative to steel for the consistent and effective layering of rope, with easier installation, lower weight and no requirement for anti-corrosion treatment. Nylacast has been based in Houston, Texas, since 2010 in response to growing demand from the offshore, oil and gas sector for its polymer solutions, which combine durability with light weight and are tailored to individual applications. Its team of engineers, designers and chemists work with corporations in the oil and gas sector from concept through research and development to engineering and testing components. The company’s R&D laboratory allows development of both engineered designs and engineered polymers bespoke to the application, environment and conditions. Founded in 1967 in the UK, Nylacast has more than four decades of experience in the development of engineered plastics. The Houston arm of the business, located on Westheimer, opened in 2010 and the company’s international growth is accelerating. With continuous investment in R&D, Nylacast is regarded as a world leader in the development of engineering polymer components. This level of experience, combined with the ability to produce high volume products and complex one-off components has seen Nylacast involved in a number of worldwide projects extending from the North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf through to the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa.


Les PéTroles Global Inc. Fined $1 Million for Gasoline Price-Fixing in Quebec Les Pétroles Global Inc. has been fined $1 million by the Quebec Superior Court in Sherbrooke today for its role in fixing the price of retail gasoline in Victoriaville, Sherbrooke and Magog, Quebec. The Ontario company was charged in June 2008 following an investigation by the Competition Bureau and found guilty of price-fixing in August 2013. This case was part of a wider Bureau investigation that resulted in charges being laid against 39 individuals and 15 companies in 2008, 2010 and 2012 for their role in a gasoline price-fixing conspiracy in four local markets in Quebec. In addition, four companies pleaded guilty in 2012 to fixing the price of gasoline in three local markets in Ontario. To date, 33 individuals and eight companies have pleaded or were found guilty with fines totalling over $4 million. Of the 33 individuals who have pleaded or were found guilty, six have been sentenced to terms of imprisonment totalling 54 months. “Businesses that conspire to fix prices drive up costs for consumers. Pursuing those who fix prices is a top priority for the Bureau. This fine demonstrates that the risks and penalties of not complying with the law can be very damaging.” •

Nylacast Returns To OTC For Fifth Year In Response To Growing Use Of Polymer Solutions In Offshore, Oil And Gas Sector Growing use of engineered plastics in oil and gas applications will see international polymer solutions specialist Nylacast exhibiting at the Offshore Technology Conference in May for the fifth year running. Benefits of engineered plastic components that have become increasingly attractive to the sector include less maintenance and lower whole life costs. Polymers also weigh less, suffer from less corrosion and can deliver better performance than steel, aluminium or other metals. Tailored to application and working conditions, their durability and reliability mean they can contribute to greater safety in drilling and other dangerous environments. Houston-based Nylacast will showcase its ability to develop bespoke engineered materials and component manufacturing capabilities for offshore, oil and gas sector applications with examples of a range of tailored components that have been developed for use in applications across the industry from subsea tiebacks through to ROV and offshore components. Mussa Mahomed, Nylacast Group CEO, said: “The advantages that engineering polymers provide to the oil & gas industry have made this a significant and growing market for us in the US and further afield. As a market leader in offshore and subsea engineering solutions, our team work with leading oil and gas companies to ensure their success in projects involving polymer based materials and components.” Case Study In an industry beset by harsh environment, weight penalties and difficult maintenance, engineered polymers deliver significant advantages over metallic components, as demonstrated in three Nylacast launch and recovery system applications in the offshore, oil and gas environment. 1. With low mass, Nylacast sheaves deliver similar load capacity to conventional metal sheaves without the need for paint or anti-corrosion protection. Nylacast sheaves typically weigh less than half their metal equivalents, and lower mass means less load on the A frame and increased lifting capacity. 2. Driven by demand for reduced maintenance costs, Nylacast Nylube has been introduced for wear pads and sliding bearings, bringing bearing life 25 times longer than phosphor bronze, thanks to low friction. 3. For rope spooling, Nylacast spooling shells provide a low mass alternative to steel for the consistent and effective layering of rope, with easier installation, lower weight and no requirement for anti-corrosion treatment. Nylacast has been based in Houston, Texas, since 2010 in response to growing demand from the offshore, oil and gas sector for its polymer solutions, which combine durability with light weight and are tailored to individual applications. Its team of engineers, designers and chemists work with corporations in the oil and gas sector from concept through research and development to engineering and testing components. The company’s R&D laboratory allows development of both engineered designs and engineered polymers bespoke to the application, environment and conditions. Founded in 1967 in the UK, Nylacast has more than four decades of experience in the development of engineered plastics. The Houston arm of the business, located on Westheimer, opened in 2010 and the company’s international growth is accelerating. With continuous investment in R&D, Nylacast is regarded as a world leader in the development of engineering polymer components. This level of experience, combined with the ability to produce high volume products and complex one-off components has seen Nylacast involved in a number of worldwide projects extending from the North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf through to the Gulf of Mexico and West Africa.



Shale Oil Production in Bakken, Eagle Ford Rose 1% in March: Platts’ Bentek Energy Oil production from key shale formations in North Dakota and Texas increased by 17,000 barrels per day (b/d), or 1%, in March versus February, according to Bentek Energy, an analytics and forecasting unit of Platts, a leading global provider of energy, petrochemicals, metals and agriculture information. In South Texas, Eagle Ford basin crude oil production averaged 1.6 million barrels in March, up 344,000 incremental barrels per day (b/d) or 28% from March 2014, according to Sami Yahya, Bentek energy analyst. Additionally, crude oil production in the North Dakota section of the Bakken shale formation of the Williston Basin averaged 1.2 million b/d in March, Bentek data showed. This was 215,000 b/d higher than the year ago level. “Producers in both the Eagle Ford and Bakken basins are still maintaining their production levels by high-grading their acreage and pushing for better efficiencies,” explained Yahya. “The current average economic return for the two basins is 17%. However, the downside risk is that some producers may elect to increase their number of drilled-but-uncompleted wells in the near term—until they figure out their cash flow status—which will further flatten or bring down production levels.” Bentek analysis shows that from March 2014 to March 2015, total U.S. crude oil production has increased by 1.3 million b/d. “Prices of both Eagle Ford and Bakken shale oil have been on an upward trajectory since mid-March and reached a year high in early April,” said Jacqueline Puig, Platts associate editor of Americas crude. The Platts Eagle Ford Marker, a daily price assessment launched in October 2012 and reflecting the value of oil out of the Eagle Ford Shale formation in South Texas, is up 25% since mid-March, with an average price of $53.30 per barrel (/b) for the year. The marker has ranged between $46.22/b and $62.20/b since the beginning of January. The price of oil out of the Bakken formation at Williston, North Dakota, is up 36% since mid-March, with an average price of $46.81/b for the year, according to the Platts Bakken assessment. It has ranged between $38.43/b and $57.45/b since the beginning of January. The Platts Bakken, introduced April 22, 2014, is a daily assessment of price for oil closest to the wellhead prior to determination of transportation by rail or pipe. The assessment reflects a sulfur content of 0.2% or less and an American Petroleum Institute (API)** gravity of 42 or less, similar to the nature of North Dakota Light Sweet crude. The Platts Eagle Ford Marker reflects the value of a median 47-API Eagle Ford crude barrel, based on the crude’s product yields and Platts product price assessments, adjusted for U.S. Gulf Coast logistics. Platts introduced the world’s first independent daily price reference valuing crude oil produced from a shale formation in May 2010 when it began assessing Bakken Blend shale oil injected into pipelines at Clearbrook, Minnesota, and Guernsey, Wyoming. For more information on Platts price assessments methodology visit these links: Details of Platts Bakken and Platts Eagle Ford Marker. Bentek Energy’s shale oil production figures are derived from proprietary data models using publicly available data. Platts will publish monthly updates via press release on Bakken and Eagle Ford shale oil production and price data. •



Woodside Discards Morocco Opportunity Chariot Oil & Gas Limited, the Atlantic margins focused oil and gas exploration company, today provided an update on its Rabat Deep, Loukos and Mohammedia permits, offshore Morocco. Rabat Deep (Chariot (50% Operator), Woodside (25%), the Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (“ONHYM”) (25% carried)): - Woodside has not exercised its option to take operatorship and fund well costs for a further 25% equity stake; it will remain a partner on the licence with a 25% working interest - Drilling is now anticipated to be in 2016/2017, subject to securing an additional partner Loukos and Mohammedia (Chariot (75% Operator), ONHYM (25% carried)): - Material potential oil prospects identified in both the proven Jurassic and Neogene plays - Dataroom to open following completion of 3D interpretation Rabat Deep Chariot announces that its partner in the Rabat Deep Offshore permit, Woodside, has not elected to take operatorship and fund the drilling of an exploration well in return for an additional 25% equity stake. As a result, Chariot will remain operator with a 50% equity interest, with Woodside retaining a 25% equity interest and ONHYM a 25% carried interest. As part of its two-tier partnering process, Chariot is currently at near zero cost in its Moroccan acreage and will seek an additional partner to participate in drilling on the Rabat Deep permits. As previously announced JP-1 is the focus prospect and contains 618mmbbls of gross mean prospective resources as estimated by Netherland Sewell and Associates on the 2D seismic data. This prospect remains technically robust on the 3D seismic and a Competent Person Report will be undertaken following the interpretation of the recently received pre-stack depth migrated data. Whilst market conditions are challenging, the large scale of the prospects in Chariot’s portfolio means that drilling success would create transformational value even at current oil prices. A dataroom for Rabat Deep will open in due course and, subject to securing a partner, drilling of this prospect is now anticipated to occur in late 2016/2017. Loukos and Mohammedia The interpretation of the pre-stack time migrated 3D data acquired in the 2014 seismic campaign has also generated several material prospects within the Loukos and Mohammedia licences, including the JP-2 prospect in the Jurassic play. Recent work has also identified further oilprone prospectivity within the Neogene. In line with Chariot’s focus on risk management, partners will be sought for these licences to either participate in the drilling of the prospects already located, or to further the 3D seismic campaign across the permits. A dataroom will be opened once the Chariot team is satisfied that it has a full description of the prospectivity within the licences to maximise the understanding of the value proposition for potential farminees. An independent audit of the prospective resources associated with the 1,700km2 3D seismic campaign on these permits will also be carried out once Chariot has completed its internal evaluation of the pre-stack depth migrated data. Larry Bottomley, Chief Executive of Chariot, said: “It is disappointing that Woodside has not exercised its option, but we remain optimistic regarding the potential of the Rabat Deep permits and particularly that offered by the JP-1 prospect.” “These are challenging times for oil and gas companies and investment decisions are being affected as a result. As mentioned previously, partnering is tougher, but we also believe that this climate can be an opportunity for those who are looking to take advantage of high potential assets, such as those within our portfolio. Whilst the nature of the market is cyclical, the prospectivity that we see within our licences remains transformational and Chariot’s strong cash position will enable us to take advantage of opportunities to further enhance our asset base. We look forward to continuing to work with Woodside and ONHYM on the development of the Rabat Deep permits.”

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Petrobras: Oil and Natural Gas Output for March

Petrobras’ oil and natural gas output in Brazil and abroad, in March 2015, was 2,764,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed), down 1.3% from February 2015 (2,801,000 boed). Of this total, 2,574,000 boed were produced in Brazil and 189,900 boed abroad. The output of 2,764,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) is 8.3% higher than the March 2014 output of 2,551,000 boed. Oil and gas output in Brazil In March, total oil and natural gas output in Brazil was 2,574,000 boed, down 1.4% from February (2,612,000 boed), and up 10.4% year-on-year (2,331,000 boed). Total oil and natural gas output operated by Petrobras in Brazil, which includes the volume operated for partner companies, was 2,834,000 boed, down 0.7% from February (2,854,000 boed). Petrobras’s exclusive oil output in Brazil was 2,108,000 barrels per day (bpd), down 1.8% from February’s output of 2,146,000 bpd. Oil production operated in Brazil was 2,297,000 bpd, down 0.9% from a month ago (2,319,000 bpd). The drop in output in March is largely due to the temporary shutdown of platform P-58, which started-up on March 17, 2014 and is currently undergoing final tests and adjustments to its production systems. Petrobras shut the unit down from March 18, 2015 to April 8, 2015 to conduct preventive maintenance and improve the operational efficiency of certain systems, in compliance with current norms and guidelines of Brazil’s National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP). In March, natural gas output in Brazil, excluding liquefied volume, was 74 million m³/day, in line with last month’s output. Non-liquefied gas output, including the share of partner companies, reached 85.5 million m³/day. The utilization of produced gas remained high at 95.9% in March. Pre-salt’s production in March increases 70% compared to the same period of 2014 In March 2015, output operated by Petrobras in the pre-salt layer of the Santos and Campos Basins, which includes the share operated for its partner companies, broke a new record and averaged 672,000 barrels of per day (bpd) a month, up 0.5% from the previous record of 669,000 bpd set in January 2015. This volume represents a 70% rise from March’s 2014 output of 395,000 bpd. Innovative pre-salt technology – On March 26, Petrobras startedup the first riser (ascending pipe) set up in the Santos Basin pre-salt using the Steel Lazy Wave Riser (SLWR) concept. It entails a steel pipe equipped with a set of buoys that form a bend at a particular section of the equipment aimed at buffering impacts caused by the production platform’s movement. This is just one of the technologies comprising the set of innovations employed by Petrobras in the pre-salt and recognized by the OTC (Offshore Technology Conference) Award 2015, conferred upon the oil and gas company making the greatest contributions to the technological development of the worldwide offshore industry. SLWR was set up on well 7-SPH-007, at a water depth of 2,140 meters, a record depth for this type of technology. The equipment connects well 7-SPH-007 to FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela, in the northern section of Sapinhoá field in the Santos Basin pre-salt. This well has reported the highest output per well in the pre-salt layer at a flow of approximately 40,000 barrels per day. In March, 189,900 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) were produced abroad, up 0.6% from 188,700 boed produced last month. Average oil output in March was 101,900 barrels of oil per day (bpd), up 1.6% from 100.400 bpd produced last month mainly due to the start-up of new production wells at Saint Malo and Lucius in the United States. Average natural gas output abroad, excluding liquefied volume, was 15 million m³/d, remaining stable when compared to February’s

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Market Reporting Consulting Events


Fugro Wins Total Congo Contract Fugro has been awarded a five-year contract with an estimated value of US$100 million by Total E&P Congo. The agreement is for ROV services and remote subsea tooling in the Moho Nord field, situated around 75 kilometres off the coast of Pointe Noire in the Republic of Congo. Fugro will supply four 200hp FCV 3000 work class ROV systems and innovative BOP tooling which will be installed on board three mobile drilling units and one field support vessel. Three ROV systems have been mobilised from Fugro’s Singapore base and are now operating in Moho Nord. Two of them are on board ultra-deep water drill ships and will be working in water depths of approximately 1,200 metres. The fourth system will be installed on a semi-submersible vessel, which is under construction in China and expected to join operations with its ROV later this year. A central task is subsea BOP intervention and testing, using an ROV equipped with a BOP skid specifically designed for this project by Fugro. Primary responsibility for controlling the BOP lies with the rig, but the ROV operated BOP skids are also used to operate the BOP in accordance with Total’s requirements. When a subsea BOP is installed, under Total’s test procedures various rams are operated and tested on a regular basis. The ROVs also routinely inject glycol into the BOP to prevent hydrate build-up. “Moho Nord is the first major field in which rig BOP test closures have been carried out using Fugro’s new BOP skid system,” said Richard Mathieson, Fugro Subsea’s ROV services project manager. “This uses a special high-flow pump on the ROV to drive further pumps located on the BOP skid, allowing the transfer of large volumes of water-based fluid from the skid reservoirs into the rig’s BOP hydraulic rams when directed.” Other ROV tasks include setting up regular fluid injection, drilling re-entry, bullseye checks and routine video monitoring, inspection, cleaning and intervention tasks on and around the BOP, as well as alignment control during manifold installation. The ROV on board the field support vessel recently installed transponder arrays on the seafloor to accurately position the drill ship at its drilling location. Each operational drill ship carries three ROV personnel for 12-hour coverage, and this can be increased to six people and 24-hour coverage for certain operations such as BOP installation and recovery. Fugro is expanding its existing Pointe Noire base to provide operational, maintenance and repair services and also training on FCV ROVs and tooling for expatriate and Congolese personnel. Fugro creates value by acquiring and interpreting earth and engineering data and providing associated consulting services to support clients with their design and construction of infrastructure and buildings. Fugro also supports clients with the installation, repair and maintenance of their subsea infrastructure. Fugro works around the globe, predominantly in energy and infrastructure markets offshore and onshore. It employs approximately 13,500 employees in over seventy countries. In 2014 Fugro’s revenue amounted to EUR 2.6 billion; Fugro is listed on Euronext Amsterdam. Fugro Subsea Services Ltd (FSSL) specialises in providing ROV support vessels, ROVs, trenching systems and remote engineering services to its clients in the North Sea, Mediterranean and West Africa. FSSL is located in Aberdeen, UK and comprises a large office, warehouse and engineering workshop, which provides maintenance of the company’s ROV systems as well as carrying out in-house testing and assembly of FSSL’s own tooling and equipment. The onshore team of 186 personnel provides round the clock project and engineering support for offshore operations. FSSL is part of Fugro’s Subsea Services business line which provides services through a global network of strategically placed offices and an experienced team of over 1,600 onshore and offshore personnel. Globally, we focus on the sustainable energy and offshore oil and gas markets and support our clients’ construction, drilling, completion, inspection, repair, maintenance and intervention activities. As part of the Fugro Group, FSSL has direct access to the worldwide fleet of over 53 Fugro vessels and 159 ROVs, ROTVs and AUVs. •


Total Completes US$1 Billion of Onshore Divestment in Nigeria Total has completed the divestment of its stake in onshore Oil Mining Lease (OML) 29 to Aiteo Eastern E&P, a Nigerian company, for $569 million. Together with the recently completed divestments of OML 24 and OML 18, Total’s share of sale proceeds from these three onshore Nigerian blocks amounts to over $1 billion. “The sale of these non-operated onshore blocks in Nigeria is yet another example of our strategy of dynamic portfolio management, achieved at attractive valuations,” said Patrick de La Chevardière, Chief Financial Officer at Total. “These transactions also reduce our exposure to non-operated blocks onshore Nigeria, and allow us to focus on our core, operated developments, such as the Egina project.” Total holds a 10% stake in several onshore blocks in Nigeria via the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) Joint Venture alongside the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (55%), SPDC (30%, operator) and Nigerian Agip Oil Company Limited (5%). Since 2010, Total has divested its interests in eleven onshore blocks to Nigerian companies, in line with the Federal Government of Nigeria’s aim of developing Nigerian companies in the sector. Total Exploration & Production in Nigeria In 2012, Total celebrated fifty years of its presence in Nigeria. The Group’s production in Nigeria was 257,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) in 2014. Deep offshore developments are one of Total’s main growth avenues in Nigeria, where the Group operates the Akpo field in OML 130 and launched the development of the Egina field in the same lease in 2013. Offshore production also comes from OMLs 99, 100 and 102, which are operated by the Group as part of a joint-venture with NNPC. The main fields in these leases are Amenam-Kpono, Edikan and Ofon. On Ofon, Total completed the flare-out in January 2015 which will allow for the gradual increase of production towards the 90,000 boe/d production target. Total’s onshore production comes from OML 58, which it also operates as part of its joint-venture with NNPC. A project is underway to increase the lease’s natural gas and condensate production capacity to supply the domestic market. In addition, Total has significant equity production in Nigeria from its interests in non-operated ventures, particularly the SPDC-operated joint venture (10%) and the Bonga field (12.5%). Total also has a 15% interest in Nigeria LNG, which operates six LNG liquefaction trains on Bonny Island with a capacity of 21.9 million metric tons per year. Total deploys an active policy to create in-country value in Nigeria - the Group is helping Nigerian contractors to build deep offshore expertise, especially in the Niger Delta, a region that is home to more than half of Total’s Nigerian employees and most of its operations in the country. Local content accounted 90% for the onshore OML 58 projects, and is likely to reach 75% for the deep offshore Egina development. •

Saipem announces joint venture with Dangote Group in Central and West Africa

Saipem has entered into a Joint Venture with Dangote Group, one of Africa’s leading companies, to create a new company named Saipem Dangote E&C. Saipem Dangote E&C is a significant new player in the Nigerian and Central/ West African market, with high technical and financial capabilities. It aims to secure complex Engineering & Construction projects and ensure a realization capacity focused on efficiency, in terms of costs and timing, and flexibility, in order to respond to different needs related to specific projects, to local content and to the Country’s context. Saipem and Dangote Group have a track record of successful collaboration, drawing on the strengths and competences of both Companies. The new JV will benefit from Dangote’s financial strength, expertise and standing in the sub– Saharan African market, where it has launched a significant oil and gas investment programme, complemented by Saipem’s unique capabilities in E&C, to develop new business. This new partnership confirms the shared commitment of the two groups to both the Nigerian market and sub-Saharan Africa more widely. Saipem has been conducting operations in Nigeria for over 50 years. Saipem Contracting Nigeria Ltd operates principally as an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor for the execution of turn-key projects including oil, gas and water pipelines, oil, gas and industrial plants, infrastructures, fabrication of offshore structures and maintenance services. Saipem operates in the Engineering & Construction and Drilling businesses, with a strong bias towards oil & gas-related activities in remote areas and deep-waters. Saipem is a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services with distinctive capabilities in the design and execution of large-scale offshore and onshore projects, and technological competences such as gas monetization and heavy oil exploitation. •


ILLUSTRATING WELL BARRIERS ACROSS THE GLOBE The use of well barrier schematics (WBS) was first introduced in Norway in 1992. Towards the end of the 90’s the use had developed into 3 different graphical directions and it was realized that there was a need to consolidate the representation in a common direction to ensure consistency and recognition. After this, the engineers were no longer allowed to make their own illustrations, and these were then mandated to be done by the in-house technical drawing office to ensure consistency.


hen the revision work on Norsok D-010 rev. 3 started in early 2000, it was soon agreed that Norsk Hydro would offer a selection of their large well barrier diagram library. This was then included in the standard as examples on how well barriers could be defined for a wide range of well activities. With the publication of the standard, the concept of well barrier schematics quickly caught a lot of interest in the drilling and well disciplines in other companies. A desire to have access to a larger library than what was available in the Norsok standard was sought by many operators, and the company Wellbarrier was set up in 2007 to provide such a service through what is now known as the Wellbarrier Illustration Tool.

The evolution of the Well Barrier Illustration Tool In its early version, Wellbarrier made the diagrams available to the industry as rigidly graphically controlled non-editable illustrations with a barrier element listing that was filled in with well specific details by the user. As new well situations were sought by the users, new illustration were uploaded to the library which eventually reached close to 400 illustrations. Although the initial belief was that this large number would cover the need for barrier configuration it soon became apparent that an engineer will want more freedom and ability to tailor his well barrier description with well specific details. In 2011 the Wellbarrier Illustration Tool was launched as a purpose built web application where the user would select principal components from a library and allow each component to be tailored by a set of user defined parameters that would make the components and the well illustration become 100% well specific. At the same time, functionality was set up to ensure that the components


Modern Well Barrier Schematic

that were shown as barrier elements on the illustration would automatically be listed in a barrier element table together with applicable qualification and monitoring methods. As the client base has been rapidly growing into new corners of the world from Alaska to New Zealand, Wellbarrier’s new clients have requested new features and functionality to the tool to adequately represent situations in their local environment. In this manner the Wellbarrier Illustration Tool is continuously and rapidly expanding and becoming more and more powerful and versatile.

The achievements of Wellbarrier In the few years the company has been operating there has been a continuous distribution of the software to all corners of the world. Despite being a small company, a reputation has been established through the jungle telegraph, more recently through active participation at conferences and advertisements in major industry magazines. Response has been positive and it’s clear that the industry is taking a liking toward the clear message that is conveyed to all stakeholders through the graphical solution that has been developed by Wellbarrier.

both small and super-major companies and is appreciated by employees and investors. It is generally believed that over the next 5 years the use of well barrier schematics for safeguarding the wells will be as common in the well industry as P&ID diagrams are in the process industry.

Current enhancement One recent development at Wellbarrier was the creation of a solution that allows the well barrier illustration to be aligned with the lithology and formation pore and fracture pressure curves. The combination of these graphical elements offers a very powerful insight which sees challenges and opportunities in the well design. The method is beneficial to use at all stages in the life cycle of the well; from selecting casing setting points,

moving on to analysing pressure exposure in annuli following stray pressures and adequacy of plug and packer setting depths. Whereas the discipline engineers will have a good handle on their engineering, the overall picture is often complex and not necessarily easy to convey to other stakeholders who are involved in the decision process. Offering this easy to understand overview will ensure that all stakeholders have an opportunity to better see what is ahead. Appropriate questions may be asked, robustness increased and the safe being of the well can be heightened. This is very much a win-win situation to all involved parties through logical means that everyone can relate to. The illustration is then used as basis and summary when performing and verifying detailed engineering calculations, as part of the onward planning when making detailed programs and procedures.

Well barrier versus pressure diagram

Well integrity and well barriers is an ever important part of the drilling and well business. Major accidents at the turn of the decade have further emphasized the focus on this topic. As a supplier to small, large and super-major oil companies, a reputation and reliability has been built that allows the company to continue to expand its business, and continuously bring forward enhancements and new solutions that will strengthen the well integrity awareness amongst operators across the globe. The company undertakes research and development seeking new approaches that can be added as logical spin-offs to the well barrier illustrations in order to enhance the integrity of the wells.

Worldwide use Wellbarrier currently have more than 30 agreements in 35 countries, 6 of these being corporate global agreements. The use of well barrier schematics is particularly active in countries with strong regulatory bodies, but even small national and regional operators have started using well barrier schematics as a part of their regular well planning and monitoring.

Wellbarrier’s Global Reach

The benefits of well barrier schematics is partially driven by certain standards and legislators recommending their use, but many operator see this as a very practical method to convey to all stakeholders how they are safeguarding their wells. Being able to share knowledge and make all involved parties clearly see what they are faced with gives everyone an opportunity to see situations, raise questions and hopefully make that little change that prevents an accident from happening. Such an approach is beneficial for


The well barrier illustration has a unique role in the documentation of well activities and operations throughout the life cycle of the well. From the moment the target is identified and the first casing program is contemplated, the well barriers have to be considered and defined. This definition is updated as you go through the well construction steps and handing over the well to operations. Thereafter the well will be subject to status monitoring, intervention and work-over and finally it will be plugged and abandoned. During all these stages it will be necessary to relate to the well barrier elements and make sure all stakeholders are aware of these. The well barrier schematic should also constitute a key documentation element when formally doing well handover

Common lifecycle factors

..the overall picture is often complex and not necessarily easy to convey to other stakeholders who are involved in the decision process.

between the different parties responsible for the well activity at any time. Once the well barrier schematic is made, it will be easy to all subsequent parties to pick up on the existing work already done and update this to show current situation. The data base that goes along with the illustrations also ensures that there is consistency in all work that is being done as the sequence of well barrier schematics are prepared to document the well barrier definitions throughout the life cycle of the well. The use of the well barrier schematics will offer a quick method to evaluate the appropriate barrier in the well at any time. It will offer a common language to discuss well activities and it can be applied to a variety of wells throughout the life cycle of the well. Make Well Barrier Schematics – Be Prepared. Stay Informed. By Wellbarrier. •

Wellbarrier AS

ha nd ov er

Stavanger, Norway post@wellbarrier.com http://www.wellbarrier.com/ (47) 51 63 08 00


Well barrier diagrams are used throughout the life cycle of the well


Petrobras Releases Audited Results for 2014 Financial Year. Petrobras presented a loss of R$21.6 billion for the year 2014, mainly due to an asset impairment charge of R$44.6 billion, a write-down of improperly capitalized additional spending within the scope of the Federal Police’s “Operação Lava Jato” anti-corruption probe (R$6.2 billion), a provision for losses from power sector receivables (R$4.5 billion), write-downs related to the construction of the Premium I and II refineries (R$2.8 billion), and a provision for the Program to Encourage Voluntary Severance (PIDV) (R$2.4 billion). • In the third quarter of 2014, a loss of R$5.3 billion was made. The difference in relation to the R$3.1 billion net earnings reported on January 27, 2015 reflects the write-down of improperly capitalized additional spending within the scope of Operação Lava Jato (R$6.2 billion), as well as an extra R$1.6 billion provision for losses from power sector receivables. • The R$26.6 billion loss in the fourth quarter of 2014 reflected the asset impairment. Most of this loss was related to refining activities, due to project planning problems, the use of a discount rate with a higher risk premium, the postponement of expected cash inflow and lower economic growth. In exploration and production, the impairment resulted from the decline in oil prices. • As an operational highlight, Petrobras’ oil and natural gas production (in Brazil and abroad) grew by 5% in relation to 2013, reaching an average of 2.669 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) in 2014. Pre-salt production contributed 381,000 bpd during the year, with record daily oil production of 713,000 barrels achieved on December 21. • During the year, four new platforms came on line and 87 new wells were interconnected in Brazil. • In refining, total production of oil products in 2014 was 2.170 million bpd, up 2% from 2013. The first part of the RNEST refinery began operating in November. • Investments totaled R$87.1 billion in 2014, down 17% from 2013. •The company ended the year with R$68.9 billion in cash. “Operação Lava Jato” and its consequences for Petrobras In the third quarter of 2014, the company recognized a write-down of R$6.2 billion of capitalized spending, corresponding to additional sums paid to acquire fixed assets. According to statements obtained within the scope of the “Operação Lava Jato”


- made public as of October 2014 - construction companies, suppliers and other parties involved organized themselves into a cartel, which between 2004 and April 2012 systematically imposed additional spending in the acquisition of fixed assets by Petrobras. Petrobras believes that such additional spending should not be included in its fixed assets. However, the company is unable to identify the specific amounts of each payment made or the periods when such additional payments occurred. As a result, Petrobras developed a methodology to estimate the total sum of additional spending incurred to determine the value of the writedowns to be made. These write-downs therefore reflect the total overvaluation of its assets arising from the additional spending in question. This methodology is composed of the following steps: (1) Identification of the contract counterparty: All the companies cited as members of the cartel were listed and, based on this information, the companies and business groups involved were individually investigated; (2) Identification of the period: It was concluded that the period was from 2004 to April 2012; (3) Identification of the contracts: We investigated all the contracts signed with the counterparts from step 1 during the period described in step 2, including contract addenda signed between 2004 and April 2012. Following this, the respective fixed assets were identified; (4) Identification of the payments: The total value of the contracts in step 3 was calculated; (5) Application of a fixed percentage: A percentage of 3%, as indicated in the statements, was applied to the total value of the contracts in step 4 to estimate the contracts’ additional spending. In the case of sums charged by companies outside the cartel’s scope, to write down improperly capitalized additional spending Petrobras considered the specific amounts

of improper payments or the percentage of contracts cited in the statements, given that this spending was also used by these companies to finance improper payments. The company has not yet recovered any sum related to the improper payments and is unable to reliably estimate any recoverable amount at this moment. The investigations are still under way, but the company is taking the necessary legal measures with the Brazilian authorities to seek compensation for the losses suffered, including those related to its reputation. Petrobras has carefully considered all the available information and does not believe that further information arising from the investigations may significantly impact or change the methodology used. Nevertheless, the company will continuously monitor the investigations to obtain additional information and it will evaluate its potential impact on the adjustments made. II) Company’s response to issues uncovered in the investigation under way Petrobras does not tolerate corruption or illegal business practices among its suppliers or the involvement of its employees in such practices. The company has been undertaking a series of initiatives to advance the investigation of the irregularities and to enhance its corporate governance system. The main measures taken include the following: • Establishment of several Internal Investigation Commissions and reporting of discoveries to the Brazilian authorities; • Hiring of two law firms to conduct an independent internal investigation; • Full cooperation with the Federal Police, Federal Public Prosecution Ministry, the judiciary and other Brazilian authorities, such as the Federal Audit Court and the Office of the Comptroller General; • Establishment of commissions to analyze the application of sanctions against suppliers and construction companies •


GENCO EEC LIMITED’s Managing Director Stanley Elsmore, on the Primary Uses of Generators for the Oil and Gas Industry The rising name in power generation. The company commenced manufacturing A.C. generators in 1988. Original designs were of the slipring type, but soon after brushless designs were produced to match customer’s requirements. Many of the key personnel in design, production, quality and after sales service have worked for many years within the generator/set industry and their experience has contributed to the final design and reliability of the machines. In 1995 expansion of the company was possible after merging with Electric Engineering Company who had considerable experience in overseas manufacturing and export sales of electrical products. The new company formed was Genco EEC Ltd. OGI: Could you start by explaining North West Support Professional’s credentials and experience in terms of pipe-yard inventory management in the Oil and Gas sector? Could you tell our readers the breadth of your experience, how long you have been active, and your reach? W.S.Elsmore: We are a UK design and manufacturing company for alternators and brushless dc generators covering industrial, marine and agricultural. Although small, the company is efficient with its factory in Ketton, England, which is centrally located within the manufacturing area of the UK. Using the standard power range as a basis of manufacturing the company prides itself on being able to cater for its customer’s individual requirements. We can offer for example such diverse designs to cover not only screen protected and drip proof enclosure but totally enclosed machines for hazardous

environments or tractor driven (PTO Drives) alternators for agricultural markets. Sales are 50% direct export world-wide with many overseas representatives and agents. They also cover after sales services and spares back up for all the product range. It is estimated that 95% of all production is eventually exported, which is accreditation to quality and environmental protection inherently build into all the machines. Because of the individual manufacturing process the company’s products has the highest output ratio of kW/Weight available for industrial type machines. The basic designs have modified to comply with Hazardous area locations resulting in a hybrid range of machines of ratings 5 to 350Kva. to suit zone 2 ExnA/BIIT3 with certification including ATEX 3G.

Gencoeec Offers

regulator control systems

Screen-protected self-cooling generators / alternators

Alternators for CHP system applications need to have a reliable and robust construction with attention to automatic paralleling to the public supply, which is easily arranged with the Gencoeec selection of automatic voltage regulator (AVR) control systems.

Gencoeec offers screen-protected (IP21/23) self-cooling generators / alternators, with a power range of 2kVA-106kVA, 110VAC480VAC one or three-phase 50Hz/60Hz, and two or four-pole 12VDC-220VDC. The alternators have a modern design, and are very compact and robust, utilizing the highest class of winding insulation. They are supplied with an integral automatic electronic voltage control unit, which also provides overload protection. Gencoeec’s screen-protected self-cooling AC generators / alternators are compliant with IEC34 and NEMA specifications. Standard gensets




Gencoeec supplies the most compact alternators, which are manufactured with the greatest power-to-weight ratio. This is largely due to the special coupling design on the single-bearing construction, combined with production techniques to give the maximum winding copper in the laminations. The company designers can arrange to accommodate the customer’s most stringent technical requirements. CHP system alternators / automatic voltage

Safe and secure power alternators Gencoeec provides totally enclosed (IP5465) zone 2 EExnIIA/B T3 self-cooled type alternators, which have a power range of 2kVA-350kVA, 110VAC-480VAC, one or three-phase 50Hz/60Hz, and two or four-pole 12VDC-165VDC . Enclosed, self-cooled alternators for hazardous areas and offshore applications Gencoeec’s totally enclosed, self-cooled alternators are certified for ATEX 3G hazardous areas (potentially explosive atmospheres) in high humidity/temperatures and saliferous conditions. Gencoeec can provide specially designed alternators to suit individual customer requirements. W.S.Elsmore: We supply approximately 75% directly to export markets world wide and in addition about 15% are exported indirectly after the alternator is assembled by our customers into a engine/alternator package [gen-set].

OGI: What are the primary uses of generators and / or alternators for oil and gas related companies? Could you please describe the applications for these types of power sources or small scaled use, and then of course how they are used in a larger scale sense? W.S.Elsmore: Generally our alternators are supplied to the exploration site or platform in genset package for use on cranes ,computers .compressors .air conditioners ,fire fighting equipment ,standby ,cold starts for main platform genset ,radio /radar communications .winches or any other auxiliary power requirement in an potentially hazardous explosive atmosphere. Most oil companies produce there own specification requirement referring always to international safety requirements. •

GENCO EEC LTD Tel: + 44 (0) 1780 721 619 generators@gencoeec .co.uk www.gencoeec.co.uk


Fluorocarbon Goes HPHT Despite the growth in renewable energy, the world’s reliance on fossil fuels will continue for the coming decades and as such, even the recent variability in the price of oil cannot curb the need for exploration and production of fossil fuels to meet these demands. The market frequently suggests “The easy oil has gone” so exploration and production must develop fields in hostile locations and conditions.



Static reservoir temperature °C


Ultra HPHT

10 Ksi







20 Ksi

luorocarbon has many years of experience in engineered seal design 350 and material development to meet the demands of fluid handling in Oil & Gas 600°F applications. However, in recent years our 300 designers and engineers have become even more innovative in addressing the challenges posed by HPHT (High Pressure, High 250 500°F Temperature) applications. HPHT is defined as those wells with a bottom 400°F 200 hole temperature greater than 150oC (300F) and requiring pressure control equipment with a rated working pressure of above 69 150 300°F MPa (10,000 psi) (S.P.E. E&P Glossary, HPHT, 2013). However, further advances in exploration, extraction and production mean 100 some wells are reaching higher pressures and o temperatures, termed as Ultra HPHT (205 C, 138MPa) and even Extreme HPHT (260oC, 50 241MPa). These temperatures and pressures are pushing the workable limits of traditional elastomeric 0 and polymeric materials and our material and 0 seal engineers are working with downhole and fluid control component manufacturers to ensure our products continue to meet these challenges along with the typical requirements of resistance to Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), age degradation, and the hazard of particulates in the media promoting erosion in the seals. Fluorocarbon has a wide range of polymers within its portfolio and continues to develop new grades of high performance polymers, in partnership with raw material suppliers, to create high strength and high temperature grades of material that retain flexibility and energy when combined with springs in the engineered seal design. These materials allow our engineers to be innovative with solutions that include multi-piece assemblies with sealing and support rings, engineered to use system pressures to enhance seal effect yet prevent material flow through clearances. To instill confidence in our contract partners, our solution proposals are verified using sophisticated finite element codes. Our vast experience in material development and engineered seal design, allows us to select and use material models which accurately represent the materials non-linear viscoplastic behaviour under different conditions. As the changing applications and operating environments demand, the profile of the materials, whether microscopic or macroscopic, will require re-configuration and innovation. As an integral part of the final sealing solution design, Fluorocarbon’s ability to develop specific



Static reservoir pressure, MPa




materials, and conduct tensile, compression and other tests, creates a platform for collaborative engagement at all stages of product life cycle from concept to product optimisation. This capability gives Fluorocarbon the flexibility to simulate and experiment with key variables and develop innovative sealing solutions to address the challenges posed in HPHT applications. The API 6A Appendix F PR2 test is undoubtedly the most widespread qualification, combining both the effects of pressure (P), and temperature (T). It is a qualification that has been specifically designed for components which will be commissioned in remote and hostile environments and gives engineers absolute confidence that their components can withstand the most arduous environments throughout their working life. Fluorocarbon has worked extensively with these engineers, and in many cases is required to consider additional functions, providing the optimum package of performance. An example of this is a sealing solution design for a gate valve seat seal which was required to meet the PR2 qualification of 15,000psi (1035 Bar) and 350F (177oc), but to also meet the design function of seat load energy which required upstream seals to provide controlled venting in reverse, without detriment to downstream sealing performance. Furthermore the materials of construction needed to be NORSOK M-710 and NACE M-0175 approved. This required an innovative approach to design allowing reverse pressure to flow around the seal and careful material consideration to reduce creep, all within a small space envelope. Our in depth engagement and understanding of the increasing demands from our customers and from within the industry ensures Fluorocarbon expertise provides multi-faceted solutions to demanding problems

Fluorocarbon has a wide range of polymers within its portfolio and continues to develop new grades of high performance polymers..

..in recent years our designers and engineers have become even more innovative in addressing the challenges posed by HPHT (High Pressure, High Temperature) applications. ..Whilst HPHT conditions only represent a small proportion of the total number of wells in operation, this number is growing.


Whilst HPHT conditions only represent a small proportion of the total number of wells in operation, this number is growing. The developments and innovations in product design and material research, driven by the high temperature and high pressure conditions, have relevance in many of the conventional and alternative production technologies. Moreover, unique demands of each region, field and application, whether in HPHT, Shale gas fracking or use of Liquefied Natural Gas demand unique solutions throughout the oil and gas sector in down-hole, subsea and surface technologies. As technologies advance, international and national standards are reviewed to keep abreast of the changes. Fluorocarbon works with and influences many of the regulatory bodies, standards agencies and associations. This ensures continuity in meeting the innovation demands whilst compliance and acceptance criteria are considered and met accordingly. •


Phone: +44(0) 845 2505 100 +44(0)1992 526 837 E-mail: oilandgas@fluorocarbon.co.uk Web: www.fluorocarbon.co.uk



Well Intervention Market Worth $13.84 Billion by 2019 The report “Well Intervention Market by Services (Logging & Bottom Hole Survey, Tubing/ Packer Failure & Repair, Stimulation, Artificial Lift, Others), Application (Onshore & Offshore) & Region - Global Trends & Forecast to 2019”, published by MarketsandMarkets, defines and segments the well intervention market with an analysis and forecast of the global revenue. Early buyers will receive 10% customization on this report.

of more than 40%, in terms of value generation in 2014.

The well intervention/work-over services market is mainly driven by growing demand for energy and aging of existing brown oilfields. The presence of a large number of oil & gas wells and thriving investment in oilfield developments in deeper waters are the major factors behind the growth of the market in the Americas. The U.S., as a country, is the largest end-user of well intervention services, and the trend is expected to continue during the forecast period.

Offshore Drilling Rigs Market by Type (Jackup, Semi-Submersibles, Drillships), by Application (Shallow Water, Deepwater, Ultra-Deepwater) & Geography (North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific, Africa, ROW) - Global Forecast to 2019

Soaring energy demand is pressurizing field operators to increase the production of hydrocarbons. As existing oil & gas reserves are depleting, the need for well intervention services is gaining its pace. On the other hand, maturity of existing oil & gas wells has also resulted in an increase in the usage of intervention/workover services. This trend makes the well intervention industry lucrative for both equipment manufacturers and service operators. On account of heavy demand for oil and continuous reduction in replacement of depleting hydrocarbon reservoirs, the Well Intervention Market will experience a tremendous increase in demand in the years to come. The presence of mature onshore oil reserves is shifting the focus of operator companies towards deepwater offshore areas. The mount in deepwater and ultra-deepwater activities for oil is now increasing the demand for heavy well intervention applications. The operators are interested in investing more in offshore oilfields to meet energy needs. The market has been estimated from the demand point of view. This report breaks the market into smaller service segments. In order to provide a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape, 15 companies in the Well Intervention Market have been profiled. The Global Well Intervention Market will grow from an estimated $11.31 Billion in 2014 to $13.84 Billion by 2019, at a CAGR of 4.1% during the forecast period. The Americas is expected to lead the global market with a share


MarketsandMarkets is world’s No. 2 firm in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium studies in a year, M&M is catering to multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the “Growth Engagement Model - GEM”. The

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Everlube® Products UK Develops New Subsea Fastener Coating Subsea bolts are crucial components for clamping together high value critical components. Often the failure of these bolts has been a major cause of gas or oil leakage in offshore installations, so along with the access difficulties for maintenance teams, preventing the premature failure of these components is certainly desirable wherever possible. Typical applications include wellheads, Xmas tree flanges, structural connections and flanges.


hen determining the properties required for bolts or fastener coatings, it is important to understand how the bolts function. As the nut is tightened, the bolt becomes stretched. It is this elastic elongation that provides the clamping force. The bolt will continue to extend elastically until its yield point is reached, at this point it will deform plastically, thus when the clamping load is removed the bolt will no longer return to its original dimensions. This plastic yield point therefore represents the top limit of force that can be applied. Three key factors that are important when choosing a bolting system are: 1. The grade/type of fastener 2. Installation 3. Coating system

Choosing the grade of material and also the type of fastener is important in order to match the required operating load performance. The installation of the fastener is equally important, as over tightening or under tightening can lead to potential fatigue failure and loosening of the bolt system. The correct coating system plays a crucial role, as it contributes to many factors affecting the life and performance of the bolt or fastener. Key considerations are: • Consistent torque tension properties (K factor) • Corrosion protection • Chemical resistance • UV stability • Colour coding

Torque Tension Test Equipment (Work Carried out by Bolt Science Ltd) A comprehensive range of corrosion tests have been carried out on Everlube® 1174, with a variety of pre-treatments. The results show that Everlube® 1174 will provide 1500 hours of salt spray protection when applied over a Phosphate pre-treatment, 2,500 hours over Zinc plating and 5000 hours over a Cermet basecoat. We tested two bolts and after 1500 hours in the salt spray cabinet as per ASTM B117, the bolts showed near zero corrosion and easy removal of the nut. Everlube® 1174 also acts as an excellent

insulating shield between dissimilar metals, due to its high dielectric strength. This helps to alleviate the problem of galvanic corrosion. In addition, Subsea bolting systems can come into contact with a wide variety of chemicals, from those present in sea water to those used in various oil extraction equipment. Hydraulic fluids for example are extremely aggressive and can readily breakdown low grade coating systems. Everlube® 1174 has been formulated to resist all current hydraulic fluids used in the oil/gas industry.

Torque values are typically calculated using the following formula: T (Torque) = K (nut/friction factor) x D (bolt diameter) x P (bolt tension). The K factor can be affected by many variables; however one key variable is the Coefficient of Friction of the coating. Everlube® Products has been working with the Offshore industry for many years and has developed a complete range of PTFE based coatings, with CoF values as low as 0.06. Everlube’s® latest coating for subsea applications – Everlube® 1174 has been extensively tested on stud bolts and shows excellent torque tension properties as shown below:

Torque Tension Properties

Coated Bolts after 1500 hrs Salt Spray Testing

UV properties are often overlooked for subsea applications due to the lack of UV light subsea. However, as the bolts are often colour coded, it is essential that the colour remains true, especially as many components will be exposed to UV for several months before they are commissioned subsea. The images below show the level of UV degradation seen in the current market leader for subsea PTFE coatings, in comparison to the stability shown by Everlube® 1174.

UV degradation of current market leader UV stability of Everlube 1174 This UV resistance also leads to improved resistance to the ISO20340 cyclic corrosion test, which is a more appropriate representation of real-world weathering than the standard ASTM B117 salt spray. The mechanical properties of the Everlube 1174 also shows increased performance, with a significant improvement in pencil hardness as well as almost double the wear life on the ASTM 2714 Falex block on ring test.

In conclusion: Everlube 1174 is a low VOC, low friction, load bearing, thin film, resin-bonded, corrosion resistant, thermoset PTFE coating.

Everlube 1174 is shown to meet or exceed the performance of its’ key competitor in all relevant performance tests. Everlube 1174 stands out as having: Lower VOCs Better corrosion resistance Significantly better UV resistance Better chemical resistance

• • • • •

” 15 ISO20340 cycles current market leader – showing widespread blistering and a small level of creep from the scribe.

• •

Greater wear life and hardness Available in standard RAL colours

Everlube® Products are specialists in the development, application and supply of highly engineered coatings. We provide support in selecting the right coating to meet your design challenges, improve performance and extend the life of your components. For more information about Everlube® Products and Services, please email James Cooke on james.cooke@cwst.com or call (44) 1386 421444. •

15 ISO20340 cycles Everlube 1174 – Showing a couple of small blisters and no creep from the scribe.

...UV resistance also leads to improved resistance to the ISO20340 cyclic corrosion test


TITAN Containers Explains How to Manoeuvre Through These Tough Times in the Industry Due to the depressed market conditions for shipping containers (following the 2008 financial crisis) the offshore DNV container market has seen a plethora of new suppliers. This has seen some new innovation in the DNV container market based upon the ISO container industry. A good example of this is the use of well tested mass produced container refrigeration in 10’ and 20’ DNV refrigerated containers. Improved quality and reliability with significant long term cost advantages.

” 38

The combination of the right container specifications with corten steel and an optimal paint protection system will reduce operating costs over the years.


s world trade increases through improved growth and the demand for more ISO containers (for international shipping) recovers, it is probable that some of these new players will reverse their focus to the real area of their expertise. Indeed it is possible this will happen sooner rather than later as demand for more DNV containers falls as a direct result of the lower exploration and production investment levels stimulated by the $ 50 a barrel oil price. Lower revenues for fossil fuels will hopefully also bring a new era to the offshore container business with a greater focus on reducing costs in a structured manner. The adoption by all industry sectors of standard product sizes will lead to reduced manufacturing costs and improved equipment utilisation resulting in lower ownership and rental costs. Using at least some ISO container dimensions has become far more common during recent years. 6’, 10’ and 20’ container lengths (combined with the 8’ ISO standard width) have seen delivery costs from manufacturers reduce significantly. Empty containers can often be moved from factories or between continental markets when they meet ISO 20’ or 40’ dimensions for shipping. The use of tested and type approved locks permits temporary and inexpensive joining of 3 x 6’ or 2 x 10’ to form a 1 x 20’ ISO module suitable for shipping on the worlds many container vessels. 20’ and 40’ DNV containers can also be tested and plated under Container Safety Convention for ISO shipping containers and can then be used just as shipping containers for loaded use on rail and sea container services. 3 x 6’ x 8’ containers shipped as a 20’ container will cost a great deal less than 3 x 6’ x 6’ that would need to be shipped in a regular shipping container! The same ISO dimensions also reduce subsequent road and rail transport costs in the operating areas and make for safer operations as standard container locks can be used to secure containers under transport. A further advantage is that standard container footprints permit safer stacking of containers at depots, terminals, and on supply vessels/platforms. From this perspective there are still some new opportunities to further rationalise container dimensions to the advantage of all the industry players. It is particularly the challenge in the older offshore markets like the North Sea where many of the current standard container footprints are non-compatible with any of the ISO dimensions. One of the unseen advantages of recent design and production is that many offshore containers are now constructed using 100% corten steel. Corten steel has over the past 20 years replaced mild steel in the manufacture of shipping containers. This, combined with improved painting systems, has unquestionably lengthened the useful working life of the containers by at 25% and increased the residual values of the containers when made redundant by the shipping companies. Whilst corten steel will form surface rust

where the paint protection is broken corten steel does not corrode as is the case with mild steel. This reduced loss of material through rusting extends the useful working life of the containers as the material integral strengths remain intact. Preventive maintenance and repairs are a major cost factor for container owners. The combination of the right container specifications with corten steel and an optimal paint protection system will reduce operating costs over the years. However, this is only part of the equation. Greater attention by users to correct handling and operation of DNV containers and especially the significant collateral damage caused by the slings being improperly secured under transport can make a real impact on reducing the industries future repair and maintenance costs and prolong the useful working life of the assets. There are some suggestions that the offshore industry should improve further the paint system on containers through increased paint thickness. Whilst it seems logical that more paint protects better this is actually an incorrect assumption. Despite the rugged construction of offshore containers any paint system needs to flexible to react to stresses and material deformations that are constant. There is also a limit to the weight of paint that can adhere 100% to the SA 2.5 shot blasted profile of the steel components. Modern 3 coat marine containers paint systems with a zinc rich primer provide adequate protection. It is in reality the zinc rich primer that protects the steel from rusting. This requires that the surface profile, material cleanliness prior to painting and the paint application is performed

correctly. It doesn’t matter how much paint is used if these 3 criteria are not met! In some countries the local customs practices and protective legislation discriminating against international container company operations remains an additional expense for the industry in general. As the percentage of ISO container dimensions increases the easy interchangeability between markets becomes an attractive alternative to buying or renting more containers whilst others are under utilised. Similarly non-enforcement of DNV regulations with respect to standards and recertifying containers are also issues that need attention. Reducing the cost of the DNV container business through innovation, standardisation of the container footprints, more efficient international operations, less wastage and the reduced cost of ownership through higher utilisation, lower running costs and better specification containers is highly preferable option to what is the unfortunate reality in some key markets in 2015. •

TITAN CONTAINERS A/S Head Office Denmark. Phone: +45 70231718 E-mail: DK@tcmail.eu Web: http://titancontainers.com/



NEB recommends NGTL’s North Montney Mainline Project The National Energy Board (NEB or Board) today released its recommendations and decisions Report regarding an application by NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) for the North Montney Mainline Project (the Project). The Project includes the construction and operation of new facilities and a 301 km sweet natural gas pipeline, 1066.8mm (42-inches) in diameter, connecting NGTL’s Groundbirch Mainline to the North Montney area in northeastern British Columbia. It would also connect to the proposed Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Pipeline and then to a future liquid natural gas plant on the west coast which will supply global liquefied natural gas markets.


his Project is pending Governor in Council (GIC) approval. The majority of the Board recommends to the GIC that a Certificate be issued to construct and operate the pipeline. In the event the GIC directs the Board to issue a Certificate, Appendix II of the Board’s Report provides all the terms and conditions that the Board considers necessary. The 45 Conditions contain a wide variety of subjects including pipeline integrity, the protection of the environment, and matters of public and Aboriginal consultation. The majority of the Board is of the view that with the Board’s imposed conditions, and with the implementation of NGTL’s environmental protection procedures and mitigation, the Project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. The majority of the Board also granted NGTL’s request to build temporary infrastructure for the Project under section 58 of the NEB Act. One member of the Panel was not of the view that the entire Project should proceed, as a portion of the proposed pipeline and associated facility would traverse land that is of special significance to First Nations. The Board has approved the applied-for rolled-in tolling design during a transition period, on conditions. The conditions include a requirement for NGTL to maintain a separate cost pool and separate accounting records for the Project. When North Montney gas production is first delivered at the Mackie Creek Interconnection, proposed to come into service in approximately 2019, NGTL will have the option of applying to the Board for a revised tolling methodology or will have the option of implementing stand-alone tolling on the Project. The National Energy Board is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada’s energy industry with the safety of Canadians


and protection of the environment as its top priority. Its purpose is to regulate pipelines,

energy development and trade in the Canadian public interest. •


The Flexplate: A Sustainable and Compact Alternative to Conventional Heat Exchangers Whether to generate more profit or to be more energy efficient, increasingly customers ask us to make their existing plant, process and/or factory more efficient. This echoes today’s zeitgeist exactly. It is not only governments that are making ever more stringent demands on industry, but consumers and individual employees too are demanding more awareness from companies. The call is for companies to make their production processes more sustainable, more efficient and more energy efficient. Bronswerk is willing and able to respond to this and, therefore, we are investing time and money in the development of products and solutions to enable our customers in achieving their goals. Examples of this are the case studies we have already reported on: highefficiency cooling using Whizz-Wheel fans, for one.


ir-cooled coolers that are equipped with these efficient fans consume up to 60% less energy and are 4-6 dB(a) quieter than air-cooled coolers equipped with conventional fans. We have also reported on the Compact Header heat exchanger, which enables customers to achieve weight and space savings of up to 70%, resulting in weight reductions for the supporting steel structures, for example on drilling platforms, too. In the same vein, we would like to draw your attention to the Flexplate heat exchanger, a sustainable and compact alternative to the conventional heat exchanger.

What is the Flexplate? Similar to a plate heat exchanger, the Flexplate (see the drawing and photo), consists of a series of stacked stainless steel plates welded together two by two along the outer edges, resulting in a kind of envelope. Advanced spotwelding processing of these two stacked plates makes it possible for the inside of these plates to be used for the liquid medium while the outside is used for the gas medium. Because these sets of stacked plates are very thin and close together, the heat transfer relative to the content is quite considerable, resulting in a compact installation. The Flexplate is an entirely new development in the cooling or heating of various liquids or gases by means of air. Until now, liquid has often been cooled by means of air using conventional heat exchanger tubes, consisting of the familiar finned tubes. Notwithstanding the advantages these finned pipes have - resistance to high pressure, for example - the Flexplate will be a suitable, and in many cases, a better alternative. The Flexplate, which largely resembles a plate heat exchanger (see drawing), has many different applications, such as for condensers,


Flexplate Heat Exchanger

Sustainable Alternative

evaporators, heaters and air cooling, as will be described later in this article. But besides being a suitable alternative to conventional heat exchangers, the Flexplate will - depending on the process - also be suitable for other, and even new, applications. This could include the following process conditions: •

Moist air from which the moisture condenses; here the Flexplate doubles as a demister.

Polluted air; since the surface of the Flexplate is smooth, when combined with high air velocity there is little chance of dirt adhesion.

High air temperatures; the Flexplate is made of stainless steel or Inconel, which makes it very suitable for high temperatures and is corrosion resistant too.

The example in the drawings and photos is our revolutionary Radiax compressor in which, after compression, air is cooled by means of these Flexplates. This Radiax compressor is very efficient and, combined with the internal Flexplate cooling plates package, it creates an extremely compact compressor.

Case Description The installation illustrated here cools process air by means of water and is used in a plastics production plant. The biggest challenges for this design were the low pressure drop and limited installation space. The low pressure

The Flexplate is an entirely new development in the cooling or heating of various liquids or gases by means of air.

drop was necessary, as an existing fan had to be used. The reason for the installation space being limited was that the design was an extension of an existing process, meant to increase the efficiency of the entire process. Additionally, it is essential for the air in this process to be dry after cooling and for it to remain below 10°C. Another requirement was for the installation to have a very long service life (sustainability) despite lots of moisture, which could cause corrosion. The drawing above shows an outline sketch of this process. The air, which enters at 40°C, is cooled down to 10°C with a cross counter flow of water. Since

Moisture separator

Water 5°C

Condensate Water 15°C

the water vapour in the air condenses through cooling, this water has to be drained off, so the plates serve as a demisteras well as heat exchanger (condenser).

Compactness Owing to its compact design, it was possible to fit the unit (Flexplate in combination with built-in demister) into the available space. And owing to the requirement for a low pressure drop, the plate distance had to be correct (not as close to each other as in a plate heat exchanger), so that the pressure drop would remain limited yet capacity be maintained. Condensing water vapour gives an enormous increase in the heat transfer coefficient, but only if the water droplets formed are able to flow away quickly. Due to the shape and vertical arrangement of the Flexplates, this is the case here.

Sustainability The sustainability of this unit could be guaranteed on two points: because the installation is made entirely from stainless steel, it is corrosion resistant – guaranteeing long service life. In addition, owing to the low pressure drop, the existing fan could be used. In short, this unit complies with the sustainability requirements in all respects. •

BRONSWERK BV Heat Transfer http://www.bronswerk.com/en/ info@bronswerk.com



Oil and Gas Mobility Market Worth $18,693.9 Million by 2020 According to a new market research report “Oil and Gas Mobility Market by Application (Asset Management, Data Management, Risk and Regulatory Compliance, Materials Management, Workforce Automation, Mobile Analytics, Others), by Service, by Deployment Type (Hosted, and On-Premises), by Users & by Region - Global Forecast to 2020”, published by MarketsandMarkets, Oil and Gas Mobility Market to grow from $7,007.5 million in 2015 to $ 18,693.9 million by 2020, at a CAGR of 21.7%.


il and Gas Mobility provides automation to various processes of the oil and gas sector. These functions include Asset Management, Materials Management, Mobile Analytics, Risk and Regulatory Compliance, and Workforce Automation. Apart from automating the functions, oil and gas mobility also help in automating the analysis of large chunks of quantified data which is generated in upstream, midstream and downstream process. This analysis helps in establishing a functional digital link among diverse locations, drafting organizational strategies, and ensures quick decision making, thus making Oil and Gas Mobility Market one of the most crucial markets in the world. Oil and Gas Mobility Market solutions help the oil and gas companies to plan their operations in a secured and efficient means. The major vendors of the Oil and Gas Mobility Market are Accenture, IBM Corporation, Infosys, Oracle Corporation, SAP SE, Microsoft, CISCO Corporation, Hewlett-Packard and Wipro. The major forces driving this market are technology up gradation, global market liberalization, market innovation and globalization.

studies in a year, M&M is catering to multitude of clients across 8 different industrial verticals. We specialize in consulting assignments and business research across high growth markets, cutting edge technologies and newer applications. Our 850 fulltime analyst and SMEs at MarketsandMarkets are tracking global high growth markets following the “Growth Engagement Model - GEM”. The GEM aims at proactive collaboration with the clients to identify new opportunities, identify most important customers, write “Attack, avoid and defend” strategies, identify sources of incremental revenues for both the company and its competitors.

M&M’s flagship competitive intelligence and market research platform, “RT” connects over 200,000 markets and entire value chains for deeper understanding of the unmet insights along with market sizing and forecasts of niche markets. The new included chapters on Methodology and Benchmarking presented with high quality analytical infographics in our reports gives complete visibility of how the numbers have been arrived and defend the accuracy of the numbers. We at MarketsandMarkets are inspired to help our clients grow by providing apt business insight with our huge market intelligence repository.

MarketsandMarkets broadly segments the Oil and Gas Mobility Market by regions: North America (NA), Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America (LA); by software: Asset Management, Data Management, Materials Management, Mobile Analytics, Risk and Regulatory Compliance, Workforce Automation and, Others; by deployment types: on-premises and hosted; by service types: professional services, integration services, and cloud services. MarketsandMarkets forecasts the Oil and Gas Mobility Market to grow from $7,007.5 million in 2015 to $ 18,693.9 million by 2020, at a CAGR of 21.7%. In terms of regions, NA is expected to be the biggest market in terms of market size, while Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) are expected to experience increased market traction, during the forecast period. MarketsandMarkets is world’s No. 2 firm in terms of annually published premium market research reports. Serving 1700 global fortune enterprises with more than 1200 premium



A Complete Package Established in 1935 Granzow A/S is one of Denmark’s leading specialists in compressor solutions and automation which focuses on the pharmaceutical and oil and gas markets. The company supplies high quality industrial products, such as screw compressors, compressed air treatment, energy-friendly controls and container solutions in areas where security and safety are priority. Consistently offering state-of-the-art solutions to customers, it recently developed its newest product, the instrument air compressor and dryer package for Offshore Industry. They also provide automation solutions for products such as bursting discs and panels, valves and pneumatic cylinders. Additionally, Granzow has an extensive offer of pumps and a complete line of vacuum pumps.


ranzow A/S are currently building platforms for the offshore industry and since last year, through to the present day, they have been doing the same for FPSO’s. FPSO’s supply to other ships and sometimes need a lot of air from large compressors. Nitrogen generators are used to fill up the tanks for the oil but there must be gas with no oxygen in it. The nitrogen generators use a lot of compressed air to the ISO 8757 3-1 quality standard, so the instrument air compressor and dryer package is equipped to compress air up to 300 kW at minus 40 degrees Celsius. The control of these systems can be complicated because demand for air in the nitrogen generators varies from 100 per cent load to ten per cent load, which means the machines must be controlled in the correct way to prevent unnecessary consumption. In the last couple of years, there have been orders for the utilisation of the instrument air compressor and dryer package for several global projects in for instance, South America and Singapore. So the company has built up a strong know-how in the offshore and FPSO segments of the marketplace.

Offering Denmark’s most complete line of compressors Oil-lubricated, oil-free, high-pressure, piston, screw or rotary vane with + 100 models and variants: Granzow A/S can always find a solution to the most complex of requests. For instance the oil free screw compressor SO series, is designed to produce oil-free compressed air at a level not seen before. Operating at much higher speeds than its oil-injected counterparts, the BOGE oil-free screws special airend and cooling concept provide the highest levels of safety and maximum efficiency, making the product ideally suited for sensitive areas. The CompAir DH-series is also “State Of The Art” in the oilfree compressor technology.


dryer package

Instrument Air Compressor

With 80 years in the business Granzow A/S has developed a strong reputation and scored high in customer satisfaction. The company’s flexibility with requests around the globe, the ability to build up a special designed solution, its 24/7 dedicated service and its department for documentation give it a competitive edge. The building and configuration of the compressors is one integral part of the role, the other is to fulfil the demand for documentation. Documentation can be complicated because each consulting expert has their own way of describing quality electrical demands and Granzow must relate to them. On top of that all too often they must comply to third parties such as ATEX, DNV and Lloyds to ensure that the equipment we deliver will fulfil all requirements. The necessary documents can be up to 400-500 words which need to be understood and this service is an integral part of the company, it is costly and time consuming, but without it, demands simply cannot be met in the oil and gas industry. Documentation costs can be quite high depending on the project, emphasising the importance of adhering to the stringent regulations of the oil and gas industry and requests of the customer. Prior to production, Granzow A/S creates an unconditional release note as equipment cannot be amended once production begins.

...the company plans to further develop its reputation for high quality, competent and cost effective solutions.


The company also has a meeting to confirm all parties are satisfied with the equipment. By the time the machinery are running and having the equipment validated by the Factory Acceptance Test there should be only minor issues, such as wires that need to be rebuilt, to deal with. It is too expensive at that point to change the main equipment, which is why it is so important that the solution for the project has been evaluated and approved up-front.

Case in point A recent project which involved replacing an outdated 40kW compressor solution with more energy efficient equipment. Granzow A/S upgraded the used technology with a 18.5 kW Boge compressor type SF 24-2 and a Boge capacity controlled absorption, with dew point, which saved the client 67,000 kW annually. A current large project is an installation of 16 water injected 37kW and 15kW speed regulated CompAir DH compressors to provide oil-free air to the largest hospital in Northern Europe, which will use this technology in 8 different centres for medical air and laboratory

technical compressed air. The company have seen a clear trend in the past years concerning the awareness of energy efficiency in the pharmaceutical, hospital and oil and gas industry. Saving kW consumption will be a continued focus. Granzow has also designed, created and developed several custom built compressor solutions and pumping stations to Danish power plant specialists.

Lasting tradition, into the future Looking to the future, Granzow A/S has a vision to be among the leading suppliers in the compressor, vacuum/pump and automation market. Also, the company plans to further develop its reputation for high quality, competent and cost-effective solutions. It also aims to continue providing customers with reliable options that will contribute to the profitable growth of their company.

Granzow A/S Telephone: (+45) 43 20 26 00 E-mail: info@granzow.dk Web: http://granzow.dk



Total’s French Refining Roadmap: Upgrade Donges and Transform La Mède Total today presented its French refining roadmap to employee representatives. The plan is designed to give each Total’s refining site in France the means to resist in a volatile environment and perform profitably. Under the plan, Total will invest to upgrade the Donges refinery in western France and transform the La Mède refinery in southern France, to ensure they thrive going forward.


hree of Total’s five refineries in France.

Gonfreville in Normandy, Grandpuits in the Paris region and Feyzin near Lyon demonstrated their ability to withstand the deteriorating economic environment in 2013 and 2014 and generate ongoing income streams. The other two, Donges and La Mède, are struggling and are structurally lossmaking. To address the situation, Total has presented a comprehensive plan to improve both refineries’ performances and secure their long-term future: An investment of €200 million to transform the La Mède refinery and in particular create France’s first biorefinery, which will be one of the biggest in Europe, to meet growing demand for biofuels. Crude oil processing will be halted at end-2016. An investment of €400 million to upgrade the Donges refinery to capture profitable new markets with low-sulfur fuels that meet the evolutions of European Union specifications. “There are three possible responses to the crisis in the European refining industry. The first is to throw in the towel. The second is to do nothing and perish. The third is to innovate and adapt to meet shifting demand trends. The central focus of Total’s plan for our French refining business is to realign our operations and products to changing markets. The plan that we are presenting today offers sustainable solutions for the Donges and La Mède refineries. It gives both facilities a future and strengthens Total’s refining base in France,” commented Patrick Pouyanné, Chief Executive Officer of Total. “As was the case for the project to secure the future of the Carling plant in eastern France, the master words for the plan’s deployment are: anticipation and consensus. Total will implement this industrial transformation without layoffs or imposed geographical transfers for non-exempt employees.” Responding to Industry and Market Trends European demand for petroleum products has declined 15% since 2008, shrinking outlets for the continent’s refining industry. This


underlying trend stems from pursuit of energy efficiency and improved vehicle fuel economy as part of the European Union’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. The European market is steadily contracting, a situation aggravated by the shale oil and gas revolution in the United States, which gives the U.S. refining industry an advantage, and competition from refineries in Asia and the Middle East. These two trends shut European refineries out of some of their domestic and export markets and have exacerbated excess refining capacity in Europe. As Europe’s leading refiner, Total is therefore

continuing to adjust its production base in France, following the shutdown of the Flandres refinery (2010), the upgrade the Normandy refining & petrochemicals platform (2012) with an investment close to €1 billion and the implementation of the project to secure Carling’s future (2015). Including the adaptation plan for the Lindsey Oil Refinery in the United Kingdom announced earlier this year, Total will have successfully adapted by 2017 its European refining base to the market and cut its refining and petrochemical capacity by 20% in Europe in 2017, as announced in 2012 •

Experts in Components in Steel and Metal by Using Advanced Coldforming Techniques

Brdr Jørgensen Components (BJC) specialises in the production and manufacture of steel and metal components by using advanced cold forming techniques. Cold forging and deep drawing manufacturing

Collaborative technology development

BJC implements advanced cold forming techniques while creating its range of components, especially stamping, cold forging and deep drawing processes. The company also actively participates in related EU-research projects. BJC incorporates cold forging and deep drawing manufacturing processes to produce a variety of components, including: •

Complex components

Large components

Multi-stage tooling

The company components.



BJC has a flexible metal production process and is continuously investing in new technology in order to provide high-quality components. Finished components are based on BJC’s in-house technologies, and combined with other technologies supplied by sub-suppliers, which result in tailor-made solutions. These include shaped cutters, plugholes, gears and handwheels.

BRDR hand-wheels


Valve and gear handwheels BJC produces a wide range of metal and stainless-steel handwheels for industrial gears and valves, including steel-welded variants. The company also has customized production lines to manufacture pressed steel handwheels, as well as perform surface treatments on components. BJC offers a large portfolio and flexible, high-quality solutions that are competitively priced. Sheet metal forming BJC is experienced in stamping, pressing and deep drawing of both small and large sheet metal components. The company combines deep drawing technology with the cold forging technology to provide better solutions to its clients.

Additionally, BJC personnel work closely with clients to develop new products with a high-quality service. About Brdr. Jørgensen Components BJC has attained a high level of expertise in the area of cold forming. Our quality control system is certified and in full compliance with DS/EN ISO 9001:2000. We are an experienced player on the international markets with nearly 90% of our production being exported from our facility in Denmark. The company was established in 1935 by the 2 brothers Oluf and Thorvald Jørgensen in Odense, Denmark.

In 1953 Brdr Jørgensen develops the superior B-J Patent Handwheel with a deep drawn hub, which is patented in many countries and in 1973 the company moved to the current location in Holstebro. In 2004 handwheel No. 100.000.000 left the production lines in the handwheel factory and to celebrate this milestone for Brdr. Jørgensen Components, the handwheel was gold plated and presented to the biggest Danish customer Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration. •

Brdr. Jørgensen Components A/S Telephone number: +45 97 42 47 00 Email: mw@brdr-jorgensen.com Web: http://www.brdr-jorgensen.com



Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy Announces 11th Year Today, ExxonMobil announced 155 third- through fifth-grade teachers from across the United States have been selected to attend the national 2015 Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy. The program is a week-long, all-expense-paid, professional development program for thirdthrough fifth-grade teachers that equips them with innovative ways to teach science and math and inspire their students in these critical subjects.


n 2005, ExxonMobil partnered with PGA Golfer Phil Mickelson, and his wife, Amy, to launch the Academy. Today, more than 4,500 teachers have been trained on effective math and science teaching techniques, impacting more than 300,000 students nationwide. “Amy and I understand firsthand the influence teachers have on students,” Phil Mickelson said. “We are excited to see not only the initial inspiration that comes from the Academy week, but also the additional activity from classrooms when teachers apply what they’ve learned to help their students understand, engage and truly be inspired about STEM subjects.” More than 1,500 teachers submitted applications through www.sendmyteacher. com to attend the 2015 Academy at Liberty Science Center in New Jersey from July 27-31. From this group, 155 teachers were selected -- representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia -- based on their qualifications, dedication to inspiring students at an early age and overall commitment to enhancing the teaching profession. View the full list of teachers selected here. Recent test scores from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rank the U.S. 21st in science and 26th in math when compared to other OECD nations. The Business Center for a College- and CareerReady America also reports that almost all of the 30 fastest-growing occupations in the next decade will require at least some STEM background. As a company with more than 18,000 scientists and engineers, ExxonMobil recognizes the need to ignite passion in today’s youth around STEM and prepare them to pursue related careers. “ExxonMobil values the importance of instilling today’s students with a strong foundation in math and science, and we know teachers play a vital role in directly shaping student aptitude—and attitude—in these subjects,” said Suzanne McCarron, general manager of public and government affairs, ExxonMobil. “Through partnerships like the one we have built with the Mickelsons, we’re not only bringing a continued awareness to the


importance and effectiveness of STEM teacher training, we’re also providing a professional development program that helps lay the groundwork for teachers to prepare students for future careers in the STEM field.” During the week-long Academy, participants will work with a curriculum developed by the National Science Teachers Association and Math Solutions. After the program, teachers will return to their classrooms reinvigorated with the passion to teach students how to be science literate, using hands-on experiments that show how math and science surround us daily. “Participating in the hands-on experiments at the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy gave me new and effective skills to ignite a passion for STEM in my students,” said Emily Maki, an Illinois teacher who attended the Academy in 2014. “The Academy helped me renew my confidence in teaching science and math, and it’s been rewarding to see how my students have engaged with my lessons.” An additional 350 teachers chosen from communities around the country near where ExxonMobil maintains significant operations will be attending regional academies this summer in Houston, TX, and Pittsburgh, PA. Since 2005, the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy has provided more than 117,200 hours of math and science training to teachers from across the United States. Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), the largest publicly traded international oil and

gas company, uses technology and innovation to help meet the world’s growing energy needs. ExxonMobil engages in a range of philanthropic activities that advance education, with a focus on math and science in the United States, promote women as catalysts for economic development, and combat malaria. In 2014, together with its employees and retirees, ExxonMobil, its divisions and affiliates, and the ExxonMobil Foundation provided $279 million in contributions worldwide. Since its inception in 2004, the Phil and Amy Mickelson Foundation is focused on supporting a variety of youth and family initiatives including the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy and Smart Start. The Foundation’s mission is to operate exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes; established as a 501(c)3, it is a non-fundraising, private foundation. The Arlington, VA-based National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is the largest professional organization in the world promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA’s current membership includes approximately 55,000 science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in science education. Math Solutions, founded in 1984 has provided a range of professional development services and resource materials to more than 500 districts, in 47 states, helping more than 200,000 teachers and administrators across the country. •

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2015 Oil & Gas Trade Exhibitions and Conferences

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11 Countries Events 17



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GLOBAL OIL&GAS BLACK SEA AND MEDITERRANEAN 23 - 24 September 2015 Athens, Greece


9 - 10 September 2015 Mumbai, India

KAZAKHSTAN OILTECH ATYRAU 14 - 15 April 2015 Atyrau, Kazakhstan

ATYRAU OIL & GAS 14 - 16 April 2015 Atyrau, Kazakhstan

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EAST AFRICA OIL & GAS September 2015 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


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