EWC Strategic Plan 2009-2014

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EWC founded in



EDWARD WATERS COLLEGE “Reinventing Itself for the 21st Century”

A Message From the President At Edward Waters College, we are re-inventing a rich tradition in academic excellence! Over the years, much has been accomplished even in the midst of significant challenges. With a sense of purpose and an unyielding focus on ethics and effectiveness principles, we have tightened fiscal controls, strengthened corporate partnerships, increased student enrollment and developed new academic programs. However, we can do more. Re-inventing ourselves implies that we must make changes to become more relevant and productive. This strategic plan reflects what we can and will do over the next several years to engineer an “extreme makeover� designed to benefit our students, the city of Jacksonville and greater Northeast Florida communities. The plan provides a framework for guidance and will allow us to better respond to external shifts. The specific initiatives developed to support the advancement of our goals are bold expressions of the core values of this historic institution. Many different perspectives, both internal and external to the College, can be heard through this document. Members of the faculty, staff, student body and community met to grapple with the larger issues and questions from which this document emerged. I am very pleased with the collaborative efforts of these working groups and I am eager to pursue the exciting work of bringing our goals to life. We have an extraordinary student body. I am always amazed by their determination and persistence to complete their studies against all odds. It is my intention to create an educational environment that is even more nurturing, and one that will prepare and equip students with the knowledge, skills and dispositions they need to be meaningful contributors to society. What students learn and demonstrate at Edward Waters College is indeed the foundation for their professional careers and life journey. We owe them an educational experience of the highest quality and this plan allows us to honor that obligation. I invite you to review this planning document and join us as we transform ourselves for the 21st Century. 3

Nathaniel Glover, M. Ed.

President, Edward Waters College

Lee Cousins Building




Edward Waters College (EWC) is, distinctively, Florida’s oldest independent institution of higher learning as well as the state’s first institution established for the education of African Americans.


In 1892 the school’s name was changed to Edward Waters College in honor of the third Bishop of the AME Church. In 1901 the City of Jacksonville was destroyed by fire and Edward Waters College was reduced to ashes. In 1904 the Board of Trustees purchased the present site of the school on Kings Road with the imperative from Bishop M.B. Salter that Edward Waters College must be rebuilt.

Edward Waters College began as an institution founded by blacks, for blacks. In 1865, following the Civil War, the Reverend Charles H. Pearce, a presiding elder of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, was sent to Florida by Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne. Observing the fast-paced social and political changes of the Reconstruction era, Rev. Pearce immediately recognized the need for an education ministry, as no provision had yet been made for the public education of Florida’s newly emancipated blacks. Assisted by the Reverend William G. Steward, the first AME pastor in the state, Pearce began to raise funds to build a school.

Under the continued visionary leadership and direction of great Bishops of the AME Church and twenty-eight focused presidents, Edward Waters College was indeed “rebuilt.” In February 2011 the Edward Waters College Board of Trustees appointed Jacksonville native and alumnus Mr. Nathaniel Glover as President. As the 29th president, Glover continues the work of his predecessors by focusing on training students to be successful in the 21st century global economy and ensuring that they matriculate in a safe environment.

This school, established in 1866, was to eventually evolve into Edward Waters College. From the beginning, EWC was faced with both abject poverty and widespread illiteracy among its constituents resulting from pre-war conditions of servitude and historical, legally enforced non-schooling of African Americans. However, the school met the needs of its community by offering courses at the elementary, high school, college, and seminary levels. Construction of the first building began in October 1872 on ten acres of land in Live Oak. Further support for this new educational institution came from numerous friends, including railroad magnate General M.S. Littlefield, state Treasurer Simon Conaber, and Lieutenant General William Gleason.

With a history beginning in the dark yet hopeful days of Reconstruction, today’s Edward Waters College is living, thriving proof of the power of education and the resilience of deeply rooted educational institutions. The College continues to experience the triumphs and challenges characteristic of its rich history and the bold dynamic future to which it aims.

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Strategic Planning A T




The Strategic Planning process at Edward Waters College was an intense and participative process that spanned a two-year period. A Strategic Planning Committee comprised of stakeholder representatives was formed and charged by President Claudette Williams to engage the College community in a variety of research and review processes that provided information on internal and external factors affecting the College, its mission, and its ability to respond to the needs of dynamic global society. The Committee reviewed and revised the mission and vision statements, established core values and generated seven strategic goals. These items were ultimately approved by the board in keeping with the College’s policy approval process. The Strategic Planning Committee was assisted by subcommittees which served to engage a wider cross-section of the College and its community in the planning process. These subcommittees focused on the development of objectives, strategies and resources needed to operate the strategic goals and fulfill the mission of the College. The Strategic Plan is a living document designed to guide the College through the next five years of operation. The annual review of progress toward goal attainment will determine modifications required to ensure the organized and data driven decisions resulting from continuous assessment.


Vision Statement Edward Waters College will become a national model for a dynamic, globally-diverse learning-centered community that champions academic excellence through innovative teaching and learning strategies under-girded by a spirit of servant leadership.


Mission Statement Edward Waters College is a small private, Christian, Historically Black, Urban, Liberal Arts College that offers quality baccalaureate degree programs. The College strives to prepare students holistically to advance in a global society through the provision of intellectually stimulating programs and an environment which emphasizes high moral and spiritual values in keeping with the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Edward Waters College seeks to develop excellence in scholarship, research and service for the betterment of humanity.


Core Values Edward Waters College values sustaining the principles of academic excellence, scholarship, research and community service by exemplifying integrity and accountability in our scholarly and human service pursuits. We dedicate ourselves to sustaining values that uplift and ethical principles that edify as demonstrated by the following directives: Christian Principles –Ethics and doctrines predicated on the AME Church theology “GOD our Father, CHRIST our Redeemer, MAN our Brother”. Excellence – Superiority, eminence, distinction and quality in scholarship, leadership and citizenship. Social Responsibility – Embracing a burden of obligation to collective society, both the immediate as well as the global. Civic Engagement – Dedication to addressing issues of public concern. Cooperation – Fostering the concept of teamwork as a means to success. Professionalism – Practicing proficiency, skill and expertise in all that we undertake. Student Engagement – Cultivating within our students a thirst for education, a desire for higher level thought processes and a willingness to persevere despite challenges. Scholarship – Creating a culture of erudition through a nurturing spirit. Diversity – Endeavoring to celebrate the uniqueness of all cultures with appreciation and understanding.





Institutional Strategic Goals Goal I

Increase recruitment, retention and graduation rates

Goal II

Goal III

Improve the effectiveness of the College through research, planning and assessment

Maintain fiscal and physical infrastructures, including information technology, that strengthen academic programs, business operations and student life

Goal IV

Optimize philanthropic support and advance college image, resources and relationships

Goal V

Goal VI

Improve the academic standards and competitiveness of the College

Strengthen and support the social, culture and spiritual development of students

Goal VII

Identify EWC as an African Methodist Episcopal Church-related institution of learning 11

Goal I

Increase recruitment, retention and graduation rates

GOAL I Edward Waters College has learned many lessons in its efforts to honor its commitment to provide opportunity to students who are less-well prepared academically. When an institution admits a student, the implied message to the student is “Given your promise and our institutional supports, we believe you can succeed here.”

3. Provide pre-college programs to prepare students to meet institutional entry requirements and expectations Strategies: • Develop a bridge program for high school students to acquire the knowledge and skills required to enroll in the College • Partner with Duval and other neighboring public school districts to identify students who would participate in the program • Write grants to support the operational cost of the bridge program • Require mandatory participation in academic support services for marginal achievers

Edward Waters College will increase recruitment, retention and graduation rates through the following:

1. Utilize more discriminating screening strategies to increase compatibility between student and College expectations

4. Improve academic student support services for all students

Strategies: • Hire qualified staff with demonstrated success in recruiting students in keeping with established standards and goals • Develop appropriate policies and procedures that state entry and enrollment requirements • Develop attractive and informative website and print documents that state clearly the expectations and requirements for enrolling at EWC • Control the applicant pool by increasing minimum entry requirements

Strategies: • Institutionalize a comprehensive First-Year Experience program • Institute two-tiered academic advising program • Provide independent self assessment and academic improvement tools • Monitor, assess and provide feedback to students on their progress • Provide tutoring services

2. Increase the level of student engagement across curricula and co-curricula programs

5. Increase resources to provide student success initiatives

Strategies: • Use the NSSEE indicators to inform student engagement activities • Provide professional development workshops on student engagement for faculty and staff • Modify course syllabi to incorporate student engagement requirement • Establish student engagement as a requirement for curricula and co-curricula programs

Strategies: • Increase scholarships for high achievers and need-based scholars • Strengthen the quality of the faculty • Increase access to current technology for students, faculty and staff • Increase opportunities for internships • Implement mentoring program


6. Improve institutional operations that foster student satisfaction


Strategies: • Recruit and retain competent staff • Implement operational systems in keeping with effectiveness practices • Implement a technology-driven work environment


Goal II Improve the effectiveness of the College through research, planning and assessment

GOAL II The goals we have set for the coming years are bold. In order to be effective, we must engage in a process that enables us to gather accurate data, determine what it means, make the necessary adjustments in our policies and practices, and then assess the impact.

• Utilize SACS requirements and standards to determine compliance with accreditation preparedness • Utilize assessment data in making decisions for institutional planning and operations • Utilize at least three standardized assessment tools to determine and compare College performance with peer and national averages • Provide ongoing training for faculty, staff and students in institutional effectiveness practices and requirements • Infuse the requirement for compliance with institutional effectiveness practices as part of performance management

We are committed to operating in a manner that will incorporate effectiveness practices, thereby improving the overall operation of the College and the fulfillment of its mission. To ensure the institutionalization of effectiveness practices, Edward Waters College will:

4. Infuse technology into effectiveness practices departmental and program activities

1. Provide the resources to operate a competent Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness

Strategies: • Create and utilize a template for responding electronically to SACS’ reaffirmation requirements and standards • Purchase software that will allow detailed monitoring and input for operational planning requirements • Utilize Campus Web for data collection and reporting in the offices of Admissions, Financial Aid and the Registrar • Provide ongoing training for users of the programs • Provide computers that can accommodate systems and programs

Strategies: • Recruit and retain knowledgeable and competent staff • Provide technology to be used in planning, research and effectiveness activities • Provide standardized assessment measures to evaluate and compare institutional effectiveness • Develop an operational manual to guide effectiveness practices in the institution

2. Educate the College community about institutional planning, research and effectiveness

5. Utilize assessment data for improvement in curricula, co-curricula and operational programs

Strategies: • Conduct workshops on research, planning and assessment for faculty and staff • Develop four monthly publications per annum to disseminate facts to the College community about accreditation requirements • Provide board training on accreditation requirements and standards

Strategies: • Identify data collection instruments and requirements in operational plans • Include the collection and use of data in planning and assessment policy • Require the use of data for curricular , co-curricular and operational programs in performance management • Use the Office of Institutional Research to monitor, collect and report institutional data • Require the use of data and findings in decision making activities

3. Institutionalize effectiveness practices in departmental and program activities Strategies: • Implement institutional planning and assessment cycle in all departments



Maintain fiscal and physical infrastructures, including information technology, that strengthen academic programs, business operations and students

GOAL III Our 21st Century students need 21st Century facilities and technology. They also need to know that they are safe and in an environment which embraces sustainability and energy efficient practices. The College understands that technological advances have “flattened” the world and thus, expanded our opportunities to engage other students across the City of Jacksonville and across the world.

manner • Develop and utilize a budgeting process that involves budget managers • Distribute monthly, quarterly, and annual performance and budget status reports to appropriate departments and individuals • Decrease institutional discounting as part of financial aid

The College is committed to the expansion of its physical space and technological reach. We understand that more efficient business operations and stronger academic programs will facilitate expansion.

Strategies: • Develop and utilize a campus master plan • Develop and utilize a deferred maintenance plan to address the systematic up-keep of the campus • Establish a defined contiguous 21st century college campus • Conduct workshops and drills for faculty, staff, and students to increase their knowledge and understanding of operating in a safe and secure environment • Develop and educate the campus in the College’s comprehensive disaster and emergency management plan • Acquire and implement tools for evaluating the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors • Implement an online work order system

To maintain fiscal and physical infrastructures, including information technology, that strengthen academic programs, business operations and student life, Edward Waters College will:

1. Increase the financial strength of the institution Strategies: • Develop a plan for addressing inflationary demands through increasing net tuition income • Systematically reduce institutional tuition discounts through acquisition of externally funded scholarships • Decrease loan default rates through increased monitoring and regular contact with students • Develop and share models for monitoring Institutional Advancement progress in fund raising • Use ratio analysis to monitor the progress of increasing the financial strength of the institution

2. Improve financial accountability and strengthen internal controls Strategies: • Develop and utilize operational manuals to guide the effective and efficient operation of the Business and Finance division in-keeping with best practices and accreditation requirements and standards • Utilize 21st century technology to meet accounting, reporting, and operational demands • Implement audit recommendations in a timely


3. Develop and maintain a safe, secure, and aesthetically pleasing campus

4. Provide a 21st Century technology environment that meets the needs of a dynamic business and academic climate Strategies: • Develop a Campus Technology Enhancement Plan • Establish a campus technology committee to monitor, review, evaluate and make recommendations to maintain a 21st century technology campus • Protect the technology environment in keeping with accreditation requirements and best practices • Provide ongoing training in all facets of the College’s administrative software management system for faculty and staff • Develop redundant personnel resources to ensure continuous technology operations


5. Provide financial support services that will enable students to achieve their educational goals Strategies: • Provide superior customer service • Maintain full compliance with accreditation, federal and state requirements and standards • Establish and maintain strategic timelines to meet the business process demands of the college • Increase students’ access to opportunities and resources to meet their financial needs • Employ strategic financial aid awarding to meet the financial needs of students • Increase communication to students and parents through scheduled targeted correspondence

F.A.M.E. Computer Lab


Goal IV

Optimize philanthropic support and advance college image, resources and relationships

GOAL IV Though Edward Waters College has an incredible story to tell about its history, there is even more to tell about its re-invention and the dynamic future which will follow. By improving relationships with our beloved alumni, accomplished benefactors, state and federal agencies, and corporations and foundations, we will secure the necessary resources for future success.

2. Increase fundraising and friend raising activities to support the operations of the college Strategies: • Hire knowledgeable and competent staff to advance the college’s fundraising and friend raising agenda • Develop a manual to guide and sustain fundraising activities • Utilize traditional and nontraditional fundraising strategies • Develop and maintain comprehensive electronic donor database • Host three major fundraising events per year • Increase volunteer pool to support college activities • Significantly increase alumni donation to the college • Increase alumni participation in the college • Develop and utilize major solicitation databank • Increase communication with stakeholder groups • Create systems to recognize donors at established levels of giving

As the following strategies suggest, there is much to be done. We must re-invent the advancement office and build our internal capacity such that we engage our external audiences more effectively. As the first institution to provide private higher education in Florida, Edward Waters College has long been synonymous with providing the access to a quality education for thousands of students who would otherwise be denied the opportunity to go to college. It is on this rich tradition that we stand. It is also on the strength of this tradition that we will advance our mission and realize our extraordinary vision by attracting broad-based support.

3. Create a culture of giving within the college Strategies: • Develop a tiered system of donating to the college among constituent groups • Create fundraising competitions among individuals and homogenous campus groups • Develop a seamless transition system from pre-alumni to alumni participation • Create systems to recognize donors at established levels of giving

Edward Waters College will optimize philanthropic support and advance college image, resources and relationships through the following:

1. Increase the visibility of the College

4. Support and facilitate the work of the EWC Foundation

Strategies: • Hire knowledgeable and competent staff to promote the college • Consistently inform the public about college activities and achievements • Utilize multimodal marketing tools to promote the college • Participate in local, regional and national initiatives that support the college’s mission

Strategies: • Provide prospect database to the Foundation’s board • Follow up and maintain contact with solicitations • Maintain accurate and current data on fundraising and friend-raising activities by board members • Generate scheduled reports to meet board requirements • Keep the board informed about compliance issues and requirements



Improve the academic standards and competitiveness of the college

GOAL V Major technological advances, demographic shifts, and economic challenges suggest that the world is changing right before our eyes. Edward Waters College must also change to ensure that it prepares graduates who are critical thinkers, problem solvers and socially conscious.

• Offer majors that respond to local, regional and national workplace needs • Expand majors being offered through the CLIMB program • Provide alternative program configurations for accelerated degree programs • Offer curricula for students to build individualized majors

To accomplish this goal, the College must improve academic standards and competitiveness. The college must find “middle ground” between the liberal arts and sciences, which teach us valuable lessons about the nature of the human experience, and career-directed professional programs, which teach us how to apply these lessons to the emergent needs of our region and nation.

2. Improve the quality and rigor of the academic programs

As the following strategies suggest, the College commits to focus on teaching excellence and strengthening student learning outcomes. Increasing professional development opportunities for our current faculty and recruiting a new cadre of talented faculty are top priorities. We also plan to improve both the learning environment and learning opportunities for our students. Through student research, study abroad programs, and experiential education, we believe our graduates will indeed enjoy the benefits of a liberal education while being responsive to the needs of the global economy and international workforce. Edward Waters College will improve its academic standards and competitiveness through the following:

1. Create an academic program niche that will attract students from diverse backgrounds

Strategies: • Recruit and retain talented faculty who utilize 21st Century pedagogy and engage in research, scholarship and service • Develop student learning outcomes that align with the College’s mission, liberal education and major fields outcomes • Seek employers’ input in the development of the academic curriculum • Utilize survey data from graduates, professional schools and employers to improve the curricula • Continually monitor and assess the quality of the curricula in keeping with the College’s assessment cycle • Compare student performance with that of peer institutions and national norms • Use data and feedback for continuous improvement

3. Establish the infrastructure to support research, teaching and scholarship for faculty and students Strategies: • Increase resources to provide a 21st Century higher education environment • Utilize technology in the delivery of curricula • Develop honors programs/societies • Provide incentives for participation in research and scholarly activities • Pursue grants that support research and scholarly activities • Establish partnerships with institutions with successful research programs

Strategies: • Offer unique academic majors


4. Improve student academic performance


Strategies: • Monitor student academic achievement • Require participation in academic support services by academically challenged students • Improve the academic grading and assessment system • Engage students in study abroad and student exchange programs • Establish an internship requirement for graduation • Engage students in intercollegiate academic competitions



Strengthen and support the social cultural and spiritual development of students

GOAL VI Edward Waters College seeks to develop students holistically to enable them to better assimilate into a global society. Consequently, the College accepts its responsibility to expose and immerse students in programs and activities that will broaden their experience, expand their world view and strengthen their belief in a spiritually based set of core values that will guide their life choices. To strengthen and support the social, cultural and spiritual development of students, Edward Waters College will:

1. Acquire resources to provide a relevant and appropriate program for students’ social, cultural and spiritual development Strategies: • Solicit funds through grant writing and donor solicitation • Develop a volunteer pool with the required expertise to assist with programs development and operation • Develop partnerships with local organizations and business to help acquire the resources needed to support programs to improve the social cultural and spiritual development of students

2. Develop a comprehensive program that addresses student social, cultural and spiritual development Strategies: • Establish a committee of students, faculty, staff and supporting partners to develop a program to address the social, cultural and spiritual development of students. • Develop an advisory council to support and improve student activities • Use the findings from the NSEE survey and student focus groups to develop activities that will provide quality relevant social, cultural and spiritual activities for students • Develop and publish an events calendar for student activities

3. Provide personal and professional development opportunities for students through curricula and co-curricula activities Strategies: • Develop a student leadership training program for student leaders to complete during the first two months of their appointment • Develop and maintain partnerships with corporate entities which will provide opportunities for personal and professional development • Develop an intergenerational mentoring program • Develop a career development resource center for students • Provide seminars on preparing for personal and professional success in a competitive global environment

4. Integrate the social, cultural and spiritual program into the college experience Strategies: • Develop policies and procedures that require student involvement in social, cultural and spiritual as a curriculum requirement • Develop policies and procedures that require the involvement of Pan Hellenic organizations in social, cultural and spiritual activities as a requirement for operating on the campus • Offer a variety of social, cultural and spiritual activities as part of student orientation and the First Year Experience • Develop a policy for student participation in social, cultural and spiritual events as a requirement for graduation



Identify EWC as an African Methodist Episcopal Church-related institution of learning

GOAL VII In 1866, the African Methodist Episcopal Church recognized the need to provide quality education for newly emancipated slaves and for underserved generations then unborn. They established Edward Waters College to meet that need, and today, the AME Church continues to support Edward Waters College in fulfilling this purpose.

3. Develop an AME Church student organization that strengthens and retains association with the Church and its practices Strategies: • Create a registered student organization with selfidentified AME student leaders • Provide links to local AME Church youth groups and activities • Schedule one AME student-led chapel service at least three times per semester

Edward Waters College operates under the Christian principles which guide the AME Church. It recognizes the importance of upholding the philosophy which undergirds the AME Church and will continue to support the advancement of the AME Church through programs at the College.

4. Increase student recruitment and financial support from the AME Church

Strategies: • Increase communication with AME churches in the 11th Episcopal District • Schedule recruitment visits to AME churches • Solicit students and scholarship funds from churches • Request increased funding from the AME General Education Board

In promoting Edward Waters College as an AME Church related higher education institution, we will:

1. Infuse the AME Church heritage and mission into the Edward Waters College experience Strategies: • Identify EWC as an AME Church related institution in its printed materials • Utilize the AME Church principles as under-girding principles in the college • Involve AME Church pastorate in college activities

2. Promote AME Church related religious, social and cultural activities on the College campus Strategies: • Celebrate at least one AME Church related activity on the college campus each semester • Provide a link to the AME Church’s General Board website on the EWC website • Publicize neighboring AME Church activities on campus bulletin boards and Campus Ministries web page




“The Best Little Choir this Side of Heaven.”


Triple Threat

EWC Marching Band



Adams-Jenkins Sports & Music Complex

Centennial Building

George N. Collins Student Center

Hatcher Stewart Building

EDWARD WATERS COLLEGE “Reinventing Itself for the 21st Century”

1658 Kings Road | Jacksonville, FL 32209 | 904.470.8000 www.ewc.edu

designed & printed by Demetric Lynch . photography by Japhus Baker & Demetric Lynch | EWC Print Shop

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