Edwin Goh - Architectural Portfolio 2013

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edwin goh hua hong

ARCHITECTURALPORTFOLIO. design studios . conceptual . renderings . architectural documentation





E ducati on a l Q ua li fi cati on s 2012

20 0 8 - 20 11

University of Melbourne, Australia Bachelor of Environments (Architecture)

Taylors University, Malaysia

Diploma in Architectural Technology

Work E x pe ri e n c e 2013

Pancake Parlour, Melbourne


MMN Design Sdn. Bhd


Garis Architects Sdn. Bhd

Jan - Mar

July - Nov

May - June

Kitchen Hand

Architectural Assistant

Internship - Draughstman

S oftw a re Kn ow le d ge Rhinoceros 3d, 3ds Max, Google SketchUp 8, Vray 2.0, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, In-Design, Acrobat X Pro, Grasshopper, AutoCad 2012, Microsoft Office.


Design Studio works, Exploration works & Working Drawings


JHT Cultural and Learning Center


DKNY Retail Proposal (Interior)


Automobile Center for Aston Mar tin


Neon Signage


Wyndham’s Western Gateway


Matrix Or thodox


Museum Of Film


Expressive Hub for the Homeless


Construction Design Drawings

P E R S O N A L S T AT E M E N T Preface & Personal Goal

My profound interest for architecture has inevitably grown during my pursuasive engagement of the course from my early to later study years as well as in professional practice. Architecture is not only the practise of designing and constructing a form that shelthers human beings but also the creation of space that evokes and stimulates our sense of touch, smell and sight. As Architects we do not only design but thrive to inspire our generation to pursue towards a more contemporary and modern style of seeing and living life. That I am inspired to create a better world for us Malaysian with my architectural knowledge.

After obtaining the Part I equivalent from the University of Melbourne, I intend to involve myself into the real or professional world to gain a more indepth insight of how the built environment works before pursuing for Masters. Furthermore, I wish to help serve my country, Malaysia towards pursuing the 2020 vision as a first world context by further aiding in the development of engineering, construction and ultimately built design. Growing up in a third world country has given me comprehension of the lack of design education and technology in many areas of the world. I am therefore determined to gain as much experience and exposure to the trends and issues in design.

I am currently developing an understanding of the design dicipline that emphasizes the different approaches to the design process. My goal is to explore new methods of designing as well as cultivating sustainability as part of the process. My recent study in Australia was a fruitful one as it gave me a deep perception of current and future design tendencies. I wish to apply my expertise and knowledge to the firm that gladly accepts me.

DKNY Shop front Interior Proposal Free Lance Project

UNIMELB studioworks

PER SONAL projects


JHT Cultural and Learning Center Competition C ompetition Entry


Aston Mar tin Auto Mobile S er vice Center Design Studio Fire (4) Neon Signage for Barlow Motors Design Studio Interim

Wyndham Gateway Design Studio Air (3)

Matrix Or thodox Design Studio: Parametric Architecture

TAYLOR S studioworks


Museum Of Film Design Studio: Final Year

Expressive Hub for the Homeless Design Studio 3

Construction Design Working Drawings Architectural Document


JHT Cultural and Learning Center Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur

URBAN INTERVENTION January 2013 12,500 Sq meters

My most recent project is a revitalization of an overdue competiton entry, however this is just to have a brief and design guideline to proceed with the project. This was solely done individually without the assistance of university tutors nor peers. The aim of the JHTC is to host various forms of local culture that finds expression through environmental means as well as encourge learning amongst the less fortunate and promote sustainability as the anchor in the proliferation of Kuala Lumpur. Green Architecture has been a trend and tendency in contemporary environments as our World becomes plagued with global warming, pollutions and other enviromental indignation. I am intrigue by the methods of advancing sustainable architecture where the design compliments the use of the building and my 4 month study on the building services where materialityand building facade play an important role in garnering efficiency. As for Malaysia, it is important for the younger generation to learn and understand the need to be efficient and save energy, hence would be greatly achievable with the establishment of green urban centers in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.. To add, this project has also led me to the understanding of GBI (Green Buillding index) and (IEQ) indo or environment quality.

Mock-up study

Go ogle Sketchup 8

We s t E l e v a t i o n

East Elevation

VARIED PERFORATION Ventilation | Site Context

Disregarding convention, the design uses steel for cladding and shuttering as well as the internal structure. Perforated steel shades over the mixed use building provide a sustainable solution to air conditioning by allowing air to pass into the ro om with operable glazed windows and providing shade from the glaring sun thus co oling the building naturally. The orientation of building is crucial as the co ol breeze would promote displacement and stack ventilation into the building.

City Lights, dusk to dawn The building to o incorporates photovoltaic panels to allow storage of energy for the use during the night. It is proposed to have the building open 24/7 as a public study forum for students as well as working adults. The office block is a satiation for the deficiency of leasable units for the corporate due to the densely congested and populated capital city. The mixed use developement would be a respectful integration into the city fabric of Kuala Lumpur.

I. U rban Noise Str at u m

II. A cce s s t o s i t e

Road access noise level gradient

monorail tracks

III. Outdo or parkin g s pac e vi c i ni t y

IV. C o m m e rci a l & R e s i d e n t i a l v a r i a tio n

site boundary

Commercial buildings

parking lots

Residential / hotel buildings

Section A - a’

Section B - b’


DKNY Shopfront and Interior Developement Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur

DKNY Interior proposal with Goh Siew Jean (KBU International University).

FUNCTION & FLUCTUATION March 2013 500 Sq meters This is an interior architecture proposal for a design competition at KBU International college and the brief is to design a clothes branding outlet without comprimising its theme colors. I have chosen the site to be located at the building complex Berjaya Times Square due to the highly celebrated shopping extravaganza at the district. DKNY was my choice of brand due to the minimalism and I wanted to create something evokingly useful. The clothes display area is fiscally divided into zig-zag partitions which overlaps each other and the tinge of cubic by adding varying sizes of anodised steel boxes as mannequins and clothes support. The overlapping walls serve as a clothes rack as well as a divide, thus creating sections for the retail shop. However to uphold the minimalist approach, the use of stairs was dismissed to ascertain the the overlapping structures. Black and White were also used as the main contextual colors due to its austerity, fortunately it is also the brand’s theme colors. In other words, there would be contrast between the shop’s theme colors and clothes being displayed.

Juxtapositional dimensions Architectural design has a unique juxtaposition between and within art, sculpture, engineering, humanities, science and a whole lot of different fields. Much of the work we call architecture has an inherit sculptural aspect to it, sometimes the architecture is lost within the sculpture itself, but I aim to produce an interior that portrays that dogma.

First Floor Plan Electrical layout: nts

Ground Floor Plan Electrical layout: nts

Section A - a


Automobile Center for Aston Mar tin 20 - 28 Latrobe Street, Melbourne


August 2012 5,800 Sq meters Designing a building to host automobiles is a challenging but unique one. Automobile centres have known to be teratogenesis of design trends right after the World War when cars became the main means of moving from one place to another. Thus, the mass production of cars leading to the rapid developement of car factories and centers. The brief was to design a car center for an unscrupulous and enthusiastic client which led me to propose a concept of character through architecture, where the building becomes a representation of the client’s colourful charisma. The building would include a bachelor’s apartment for the client which was radically distinctive because to integrate an apartment into a car center was intriguingly fun. Nevertheless, privacy was also an essential aspect when laying out the planning of the building.

Site map

The site is located adjacent to the intersection of Victoria and Latrobe Street which is relatively the vicinity of the business district and middle class businessmen area. Aston Martin became the chosen Automobile to be solely displayed and sold at the center.. As the site is naturally inclined from the northern axis, the main exhibition area and the corridor spaces becomes a folded carpet connecting the different height levels of carpark. The offices are located ate the mezzanine levels of the showro om and the staff amenities are organized between the carpark and exhibition space. The exhibition area becomes an atrium sheltered by a glass ro of with an integrated funnel to accentuate natural light into the hall. The carpark is shaded by a series of undulating steel louvres which casts light variably according to the time of day.

i. Site boundary

ii. Folded ground

v. P r o g r a m m e l a y o u t

i v. S h a d i n g m e t h o d s

iii. spatial functions

vi. Passive atrium

The main facade becomes the focal point of the building fabric where the ascension of light is evident. The frontage is built upon a large opaque glass and steel structure to speak about its purpose as a car showro om. During the night, luminous light tubes ignites to articulate the current amount of visitors in the showro om. This project has developed my apprehension on the programmes of a car centre as well was design methods of using colour as an expressive mechanism. Psychological influence, communication, information, and effects on the psyche are aspects of our perceptual judgment processes. Hence, the goals of color design in an architectural space are not relegated to decoration alone.


Neon Signage for Barlow Motors 31 Victoria Street, Melbourne

VISUAL ERGONOMICS September 2012 400 Sq meters

Color is an integral element of our world, not just in the natural environment but also in the man-made architectural environment. Color always played a role in the human evolutionary process. The environment and its colors are perceived, and the brain processes and judges what it perceives on an objective and subjective basis. One of the most striking results concerning color connotations and color mo od associations is its consistency cross-culturally from one individual to another and group to group. This project illustrates the ad hoc of a neon sign which was to solely be a glowing title for the car park during the night. However I became a staunch user of color during this studio and I wanted to denote its purpose rather than just the aesthetic. Hence, color was used to quantify the availability of car park lots available at hindsight. Dark red meant low amounts wheres bright green represented 90% vacant spaces available. It was undoubtedly a winner as color was the perfect manifestation for the concept of quantifying car park spaces, where color became the ‘m o od’.

North & West elevations

Probably one of the least known factors of appropriate color specification is its role in safeguarding visual efficiency and comfort. Color is a sensory perception, and as any sensory perception, it has effects that are symbolic, associative, synesthetic, and emotional. This self-evident logic has been proven by scientific investigation. Although this project has not purely investigate the poetics and utile of colors, it has proven to be a vital element in design.

PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE May 2012 2800 Sq meters What is different and new today is the unique opportunity that the advent of digital technology presents to the architect: the ability to codify a design as an algorithmic expression of purely geometric and mathematical constructs, allowing a precision of formgeneration and a speed of its exploration that were previously unimaginable. This studio studies the potentiality of computation in architecture where we explore countless possibilities of design processes. Parametric modelling systems has allowed designers to model classes of design and parts of the editing process where as using them, designers design both their work and how it can change in its context further simplifying the process. My studio was asked to design a welcoming gateway for the city of Wyndham and we were restricted to only use a parametric software ‘G rasshopper’. Each and every inch of the design was manipulated and structured using algorithms and mathematical functions. It was the most challenging but eye opening studio I have ever done yet in my entire architectural education. Conclusively, the form produced was done parametrically.


Wyndham City Gateway Wyndham City, Geelong, Australia

The structure is made entirely of interwoven and rotation rebar meshes, rusted intentionally to give a more rustic feel. Almost invisible form a distance, the structure reveals itself with different densities of steel mesh, transparencies, and vision lines, forming stunning visual effects and experience of space by very simple means. Each angle of rotation was driven by the number of rural districts in Melbourne and population of Wyndham. Rebars were chosen where ‘The use of common materials to create an uncommon feature.’ In other words, to use a common material to represent an uncommon outcome. Orthodoxly, rebar is an interesting element to be explored due to its high tensile strength and light weight.

Images courtesy of The University of Melbourne

GENERATIVE DESIGN May 2012 700 Sq meters

This was an introductory research project to encapsulate and diversify the grasshopper learning process. Research on case studies and precedence were also done to understandparametric design better. In groups of three, we were advocated to experiment with countless of matrices to stimulate the design process and later on proceed with several fabrication methods. Our studio were asked to produce 90 matrix by manipulating 10 different definitions parametrically and then shortlist the matrices to finalize the design process. Data driven extrusion, arbitary points, surface diagrid, orient curve and voronoi were the few grasshopper definitions [GH] we restricted ourselves to exploring and analysing. The next section documents the more detailed process of my matrix exploration.


Matrix Or thodox

University of Melbourne, Australia

Matrix Combinations V.2.1

Relatiing indentities with the Wyndham Gateway Project

Wyndham Logo

City Skyline

Generative Patterns

C loud/Air

Base Pattern [Image Sampler]

















Inversi on [Inversing O bjects]

Acc entuation [Data Multiplication]

Resolution Enhanc ement [Surface Frames]

City Skyline

Base Pattern [Lofting Surfaces]

Wat e r Wav e s

Cloud Patterns

Honk Frequency

















Height Differentiation [Scale Axis]

S u r f a c e Va r i a t i o n [Edit Points]

Geometr y C larity [Extrusion]












Generally, for this section, a combination of matrix is explored briefly before moving to the next. Each group member was assigned a few input definitions to start off with, which was then combined with association and output definitions. All combinations were decided independantly, allowing us to explore in different directions, whichever we feel is more relevant, hence producing a range of results. In regards to Architecture’s New Media by Kaylay, this would be catagorised as a breadth first search method. My group narrowed down to the data driven exrusion and arbitary points defnition to come up with the resulting design.

MOTION RESPONSIVE The aim is to invent an intelligent structure that regulates itself in the same responsive ways when motion is detected at it’s vicinity. The modular perspex sticks would ascend varyingly depending on the speed of motion per say a vehicle that drives past it. This research project has definitely highlighted my knowledge in grasshopper which was at the rudimentary level during the start of the semester. The process of experimenting with digital to ols themselves, rather than fabricating any specific outcome, has personally been of the most value as they rely on the student to consider why they are using definitions a certain way.


Museum of Film

Jalan SS21/10, Taman Seapark, Petaling Jaya

The museum of film is located at the cultural district of petaling jaya, Taman Seapark, mainly to replace the old cinema that has been abandoned for almost a decade. Science fiction was chosen as the genre due to its popularity among the young and working adults in the 20th century. Coincidetally, the cinema museum would also serve as a gateway and a connecting point between Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya due to its strategic location, hence the flo or plan is articulated to allow convenient public access diagonally through courtyard and patio.

THE JOURNEY THROUGH TIME On this path, you will experience the evolution of science fiction starting from the early years of film making


B 12




4 5

6 3







15 16







18a 18



P h ot omonta ge of Ta ma n Sea pa r k Site Ma p

Unconventionally, the museum’s facade is coated with liquid display panels to act as a public screen for all as well as reflect th e cultural ethnic of the context. The design is the physical manifestation of a determined response to Sci-fi movies., harnessing the power of this especially dynamic form of cinema by responding to its layered expressions of emotions. At night, the museum acts as an open air cinema.


Expressive Hub for the Homeless

Jalan Pudu Raya, Kuala Lumpur

EXPRESSIVE CONCEPTION August 2011 50 Sq meters This project is intended to produce a visual link that allows the homeless to convey their story by writing on the walls of the structure. Situated at the heart of Kuala Lumpur the hub is located along Jalan Pudu under the LRT tracks. The irregularity of the form is used to signfy the scars and burden of a homeless person - the amount of pain and sorrow each being have to go through. The materials used are perspex and rough concrete.

We tend to judge homeless people before we even know what their past story is about. Hence the sole function of this structure is to allow te homeless to express and consolidate their contnuum of events throughout their life, so the public gets to grasp their life experiences and background. In the other hand allow the unfortunate to tell their stories or imprint a memory before they leave this very world.


ARCHITECTURAL DOCUMENTATION University of Melbourne, May 2012

www.issuu.com/edwinngoh www.facebook.com/edwinn.goh edwingoh1 8@gmail.c om

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