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security can be seen as food self reliance or self sufficiency. Self sufficiency requires that a country produces food that is enough to cater for its consumption. Self reliance refers to domestic availability of food in enough quantities. self sufficiency in food leaves imports as a source of food supply. Self reliance does not emphasize on such a imports restriction.
mostly felt by developing countries. It is mainly in the emerging economies that food security is often an issue. Developing countries are usually endowed with labor, land and natural resources instead of technology and capital. They should have a comparative advantage in agriculture (food security).
has made manufacturing industry more protected while agriculture is heavily taxed. There is bias in the development of better agricultural practices. This is especially in emerging economies. Farmers have therefore broken away from the traditional restrictive practices. They can export their produce abroad. Developed countries create policies that offer better returns for farmers. Quite a number of them shun domestic markets.
leaves the locals with just a small percentage that is mostly low quality. Getting sufficient food to fill in the gap that is created by farmers selling their produce on international markets is quite expensive. They also spend earnings from the sale of their produce on manufactured products that are also mainly from foreign industries. It means more money is ploughed back to the economies of developing nations.
The above chain continues to a point whereby local farmers are left with very little and low quality food. It is definitely not able to sustain the domestic population. This means that trade liberalization hinders food security in developing nations. Developed Nations on the other hand are enhanced in their economies. They have the technology that can be used in proper preservation of food. They can decide to store the food until such a time that there is a crisis.
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