D&AD New British Design
Eddie Heitmann
D&AD: New British Design E.A. Heitmann DMD year 3 At first this brief was about creating something for the environment, it could be reused or recycled with minimal cost and resources. Before the final product was finalized it was to be made out of Cardboard so to avoid plastics. It was going to be a design that that fascinated me, folding of paper and designs that I viewed on the Internet and were different, flexible and could be used for a number of different situations. Some of these traits still remained in the design, I still wanted something flexible or could be used for a number of different reasons and to keep the reusing element that we do not need to made more plastic or card, and further I wanted something you could keep forever or keep on redesigning. In the end the final product is something made from materials which can last and stay in style for almost eternity if not longer, but from what I started of with it has changed from stage to stage but almost completely evolved into something new and more interesting. It was to be a design for gigs and local pubs where music was playing or event’s furniture. Soft cardboard that did not need to be cleaned but recycled and cheap enough to replace.
The biggest attraction to this project is it can be recycled, it is simple, flexible for what it can be used for and you can see all that just by looking at it. The following pages are of my sketch booklet showing my thought process and ideas through out the design. Here you will view: Original ideas and sketches, Research into materials, Technical designs, And Graphics At the end of the sketchbook is more showing some other ideas which I would have liked to have worked on but did not comply with what I wanted to do.
Work in progress sketches and original design work Eddie Heitmann
First sketch of a design for a chair. Idea is it can change its form to suit your needs
This is the form of which it can take. Idea is it has foam surrounding some kind of wire. It is fixed to the ground and can use Velcro to attach itself to the crossing point. This way you can sit on it like a swing
This was an idea of what it could look like in a public place. To have a stadium of poll chairs instead of traditional chairs. A refreshing change I thought of it
Some sketches of how tall it has to be in order to take the shapes I would want it to go.
Some more quick ideas of how else we can form it into like a seat.
Main Sketch Book Eddie Heitmann
The idea of the sketches was to have a simple shape worth having to make a series of shapes. The first idea was to make a seat you could hide your drink under
For my idea this is the main influence for making out of card. The way it was folded gave me the idea from the very beginning
Without thinking of practicality I would adjust the sketch from the previous to make room for improvements
Next idea was to make a replica chair (a chair that could be stacked) Would need a lot of work to make stable and fetchers are not necessary. Would not recommend laying back
Surrounding the seat foxing it in for more support
Below was a quick idea how to stabilize the seat. By bending it out so not to bend inwards
From some of the designs they reinforced overlapping the card Was a thought to make shapes using small card pieces (linking them together)
This is a direct sketch from one I saw. An attempt to recreate it for my own use but it seems to complex for the whole idea of simple shapes (which is what I wanted)
Ideas how o make a seat for a blowup cushion. Out of card however, no matter they all appear to long. I want to make it from squarer sheet for manufacturing reasons. (It was so I could make it from one sheet, so it could be made out of any old cardboard
The left is just to make it look interesting (inside) like Tetris and supportive for a see‐through cushion.
Right: Is another design I started playing with. Band art to be displayed during the gig (This was back when I wanted something in public, biodegradable seating for when local bands were playing. Replaceable, cheaper to break and softer)
Bellow I designed how to make a seat from one piece and add a cushion. (It is just to curl up. It was the idea when you pay to see the band or enter you could receive a cushion)
Right: Was an idea to use plastic but covered so it could be reused and not damaged. (the cardboard would be used as a cover and changed every night or when need be, with a card backing to so it could be replaced on occasion.)
Furniture in its setting. At this point I thought this would be good to show about tracking a 3D model in a real setting (this was when I thought I could do a tracking shot to show off the furniture I was making in its environment).
When sketching I used the paper to try and create it in life. Also the bottom was a random thought but for balance would never work not without being too complicated
These were ides on a little seat. You can stop on the base (making it stable). This way you can’t tip back and not spill your drink. Also good place to put it (the drink at the bottom of the base)
One idea was to come up with something different then to all the other. From a single sheet you can just by crumbling it up to make a secure stem to support itself!
I started working on what to put on it and in the end I thought about putting my own sweat onto the product. It’s my own touch and it means something to the work that I put into it (the product). The idea came to me when I was at the gym watching my own sweat dripping down (This would have added a part of me personally to the project as it is suppose to represent us as a person somehow).
The box idea almost no design at all, soft corners and easy flat surfaces to make designs on. Can almost be a toy but no recommended
The idea here was just to look at how making a simple shape as a cube. (Also helped with what shape the card sheets should be and if it could be more compact
(Talking about a long time ago experience) When a rat trap I made , the folds sink creating a nice spree for your seat. The awkward folds make it stable
The picture above is also the model on the right
From the previous page this is the design as made and it worked very well. Based on furniture I made previously
This I feel was the best out of the designs. With a little bending inner support this could be successful but my idea changed (into what is the final product, the inner I was referring too was the seat. Nagle it so it wont bend inwards
Here I started to think how could you make something out of nothing. With a little time you can decorate your home with a personal touch. One way could be new paper to show that you have decorated (The design was to use news paper to paste over the cardboard box rather then just have it bare. Reuse news paper then just throw it away and maybe have something to read that you want to keep)
At this stage I had a talk with Chris Aughton about my idea and its out to be a bit bigger project then just simple a simple way to make event furniture. At this point from the simple box idea it could be used to make any number of items. Boxes of different sizes and patterns not to mention making them different from normal boxes seems complicated. Given the idea to make cheap furniture, what if you could change an empty box into something? They are easy enough to come by even imported. Tax free (maybe) and custom sizes for a look your in control of.
I noticed it can be quiet secure so long as some method is made of invented to make sure they do not fall. However they do very well on their own as anything I put, even helped with heavy object, either way In tight spaces it might even wedge perfect.
Below is what a bed could look like. The one thing you have a lot of hassle with when you move in somewhere is beds and storage. One on the left is a quick example on ordering boxes to fit in with one another. Some heavy‐duty hardback books are easily supported and over look nice when you reverse some of the boxes to give a block effect. Painted or covered could be very convincing. Back to the bed there may be a way to arrange the sized boxes to hack good for your back without damage.
As a product it can be solid at like as simple as anything. Your mainly just paying for packaging. I have heard getting I did have a thought about exporting to third world countries as emergency furniture with great benefits assuming it could be made water resistant. Even though I could not find an award winning 100% waterproof card I had found previously before I know the technology exists, if I continued with the product it could have been researched to see if this or something similar could be used. It could be shipped outwards boxes in boxes, just size down and they wont take up much space at all.
When used as storage, the opening is fragile. So there must be a simple way to support it. This is on way it could be supported inside.
Originally I thought it be good for when using as a bed base was to point them up. Optional so I’m going to try to make it stable on its sides from the weight above
Idea storm. Just today I came up with an idea to add more to the franchise. The outline is you can make cheap furniture for your home or else where being able to have time and money to replace it. Then it just made to be thrown away. What if it could be improved to suit your theme? To decorate it later will cost but still is cheaper then replacing with different furniture. The selling point is you can furnish your home for free. But if you’re ready to make it classier you can buy the improvements, such as patterns to stick on the boxes. The boxes can be black or some colour to start, maybe an undercoat colour to start such as gray and you choose to paint them later on
Then add squares or other shapes to stick on. It can be wood effect panels like tiles and give it a customizable tint to it. Can be any shape or any style and can be made cheap and at minimal cost. (If you really wanted to you could even do all this yourself and use real wood panels)
Some of the previous ideas I believe are still good ideas. Making it out of card is still a very good idea but, I made had another look at the brief and it has changed as far as I can see. So the idea has changed
Charge the material but it can still be recycled.
An idea to make the boxes more like building blocks. But in order make stable the design needs to change (because its heavy and not soft anymore. It needs to be fixed)
In order to prevent a cave, I changed the shapes or added parts to some of the designs
The above is not the shape of the box but pyramids on one side and set in on the opposite side make them match and fit together.
For the bed when weight is on top something on the top could take the pressure off it. This design I added a roof of different shapes like a point or just a thicker surface.
These were the first sketches to check the idea of the roof to help support the top of it.
One idea was to have a section off so that way it wont cave in
Another idea was to arch the front so it wont crash where the hole is
From before just I think by adding a flat plate on, to help support and reduce the pressure for the weight.
Last idea I had was a plank to go across several. The idea was from an episode of Numb3ers. When Eps used ping pong balls in water, when a weight can drag one down, if linked all together they all go down but only by a fraction
Looking into joining them together I started looking at ways on how this is possible
The above are just holes at four points in the corners. This way you can lay them on top or overlap without making it too complex. (I in the end went with the just one hole in the center.)
This one you can adjust fine details
The top idea works too with the weight support design included.
A joining hook so very quickly join. More ways to secure it, both can be used.
I did not want to have a bolt and a nut sticking out so I tried to design a flush cog that could spin into a grove of the same size, tightly.. The idea of this on a thinner cog through both layers and turn through both layers until it is locked in. The sketches to come will explain more.
A small sketch demonstrating how cogs and the hooks keep it together
This is a rough blue‐print on how the cog would work…
These are some more advanced designs of the cog… (Simply put, they are different just to satisfy myself until I come up with something fantastic)
The below is just a nut and bolt just to see
Into shaped hole to fit
Spin to hold in place
Slot into grove
From a vas design of cogs this has the same function and rather then using a nut and a bolt I combined the cog and bolt to make a unique screw fixing for the building set I did not want to use just the nut and bolt because then it would look like just regular furniture for assembly.
An idea for orbiting the 3D model. In real space building but with tracking CGI furniture. (This changed to just a plain white background and made all in Cinema 4D)
This is a more simple idea to make the previous ones ((the cogs) The best one and does much better)
Holes so you can screw in and unlock at will (you can either use a tool or your fingers)
Turn back and it’s something else again
Why not make it a simple advert to show off this new building set?
Spin the camera and it becomes something else
And again but this time the camera spins and when back into view we can see it still being built
A line of different furniture in a row as the camera paces sideways among them. Then doubles back and the final one comes together before you see it again with a hint of movement. Could go along this line and pass then its back to normal (talking about the final object which is in pieces at first then suddenly becomes one piece of furniture) Walking along at 180o with the camera in a plain wide space, we can see as we pass many designs of these blocks. Then we see a pile of blocks not assembled and we look again double taking to see it has turned into something. Might still be just about building when we see it again.
There can be music in the background playing to keep it fun and interesting! And we have the logo at the end with some type saying…
Then the logo comes up at the end of the song. Not sure what song or what it is called but it was an old video with ‘dancing skeletons
The logo on the right is a box as in the box of furniture
The next one is the same but I cant draw a slapper that well so I did the word… The lines are the box but show that you’re not really enclosed by it.
At this point I started seeing if I could make a symbol out of the ‘R’ and ‘B’ maybe even make it 3D using blue and red and the letters being B and R. Thought it fit in alright.
The R on the left was a midway thing to see if I could over lay the R and B as paper. At this point I restarted on other ideas
The ability to turn it at any angle
So I would need to cover the holes. The five way hole system is needed only on the top and bottoms. The rest can just be four (The final design just has one in the center).
While looking at the pile of blocks we just pass it. We double back to check it again and it has only just turned into the one on the right (above)
Idea from, piece to piece horizontal viewing each piece all in a few seconds.
Evaluation The idea for the project I believe was one of the best ones for what I was trying to do. The research for ideas and designs for the final piece from the first sketch I started off with was the main part of my brief. Once I had the idea which I was trying to create it was only ‘how’ was I going to make this ‘cube’. The materials, which could be used as from what, I decided from the very beginning, because I wanted to be a recycled piece, which is why I started of trying to design something from cardboard and make it so you can start off with a very simple sheet. From there I realized that I did not have the skills to develop something in terms of folding paper and from the many designs which inspired me, it was obvious to me that what I was trying to do was nothing special. The project which stuck out to me was my foam idea of making a bendy chair which could take many forms to suit the ‘seater’, Cardboard chair which was just crunched together (I believed this was a very original idea. If a machine was developed to set the card into place, it would be interesting to see an ironic origami chair) and my final design which was the cube. The Cube was designed the way it was because, since I could not design something different in the ways of origami, I decided to go down another road and make it as simple as possible. While most designs for chairs are more complex. After the way of the design has changed it was not suited for what I first wanted it to be and it has become something more. Instead I would like it to be simple multi‐use furniture for public and personal use. Because of this the material had to change. I started looking into how to build it and what materials could be used to do so, such as PVC could not be used, while making the model for the product I was told not to make it out of PVC as it releases gases no living thing should be exposed to. So I was right in my research not to include it but others are proven to be ok as it is used for food packaging and water bottles. A main feature other then the recycled material are the fixings because I did not want to be just another pack set where you bolt it together. So I had designed graphics and fixings for the product as well.
Overall I did enjoy the development of this project. Making the final piece after working on it for so long was very relieving but what did it the most that after so much work into it, what I ended up with has truly amazed me. I do feel that there are some factors I would have liked to explore. If I were to do this project again I would have changed the way I approached this process of working. Even though I have done similar before, I feel that this was still new to me and I was unsure where to go next with my work. I tried something new with the way that I worked, I found it easier to work out of a sketch book and draw more to express my thoughts an ideas rather then looking for as many influences that I could possibly find and dictate them, I searched for the influences and past interesting (but related products and videos) I could find and went straight into working on my project. Also the graphics side of things I am not used to either but I found it interesting coming from a serious, rather then a solemn, design point of view. I come from this viewpoint when I saw this video quiet some time ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atn22‐bmTPU I would have liked to have played with the graphics more and the name and logo, however I am pleased with the basis of what I have produced and the main part which I have been developing I have completed and fulfilled. After I had learned how to use Cinema 4D I was pleased with how the project came together. I had had help on how to get the effects that made it look good, I still was not familiar on what were the best the program could give me but the outcome looks very clean, smooth and real. There were a few details that I did not model such as the holes on the cubes however when you look at the animation you are none the wiser. Overall I am very pleased with my outcome of what I have made, the product looks amazing and I still managed to experience something new and interesting through out the course of my action. I feel I am finding myself on how I to work through my sketches and ideas and how to present them. Alternatively even though this project was not very personal to me, I still feel personally interested in doing this kind of work.
Time plan notes November: Coming up with an idea; after looking at all the photos of all the ideas it came apparent to me what I was trying to design. I was set on the brief that I was to design something environmental. That brief changed as far as I could tell when I looked again online around the beginning of September. It stated that the environment as in a public place and surroundings. I started with cardboard because I wanted o make something different and was inspired by that thought. The fact that it could be a chair or a writing desk and made from card. In the end after so many complex designs I went back and thought to just make something simple and with my tutor he made me realize that for just one public place the idea could be bigger. I was hoping to finish before November and get started on it but there was so much more to think about for this project, I went back and began on something bigger then I had planed. This pushed my progress back a bit and so I had at that time aimed to start making it after Christmas. December: I was hoping to finish much sooner to start the technical side of how it could be made. I started with what materials and I decided to work with plastic after the brief had changed. So my design was partly late because I could expand onto something better and more creative. I also started coming up with brand names and graphics but how to make the shape stable without caving and how to attach them together is still to be thought about. Also I was thinking more about the material of which I can make the models out of which will be done now in plastic.