bredent group days | SKY MEETING 2014 | Berlin

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Perfect implant prosthetic solutions, thanks to innovative materials and technologies

22 to 24 May 2014 Maritim Hotel Berlin

International Podium 22 May 2014

Preliminary Programme

Conference on implant prosthetic solutions 23 to 24 May 2014

Health begins in the mouth

On holidays and birthdays, people all around the world exchange best wishes and wish each other luck and, of course, a long and healthy life. Similarly, billions are invested in allegedly health enhancing fitness and sport activities and in nutrition every year. However, hardly anyone thinks of the teeth that we use every day in so many different ways, for chewing, biting, speaking or laughing. Moreover, beautiful, white teeth are a symbol of attractiveness and beauty! It is scientifically proven that having healthy teeth and gums and especially good oral hygiene is an essential part of keeping in good general health, as caries and periodontitis can lead to serious general illnesses. Recent studies have shown that more and more adults are suffering from moderate to severe periodontitis with a pocket depth of more than 3 mm. This is triggered by pathogenic bacteria in the biofilm. This presents the dental team, consisting of dentists, dental technicians and industry partners, with new challenges to overcome. The principle remit, therefore, is clear: to develop therapy concepts and systems that, on one hand, support established methods for maintaining good oral health and particularly good oral hygiene, while on the other hand providing a long-term restoration solution in the form of easy-to-clean, functional and aesthetic dental implants. Innovative and facilitative partners outline

new materials used for this purpose, such as the highperformance polymer BioHPP and also new composites that are being developed. If we, the dental team, succeed in finding the perfect balance between maintenance and restoration in oral health, then before us lies endless potential for achieving botox-free beauty, youthful self-confidence and, above all, healthy and satisfied patients. Consequently, the dental team play a crucial role in giving patients back their quality of life. Enabling patients to once more have a fully functional set of teeth, whether implant supported or conventionally treated, gives them the ability to once again take in vitamins and protein from food, and gives the body the chance to take in the nutrients that are important for general good health. On the bredent group days, we, as a competent partner and expert with 40 years of experience in the field of implant prosthetics, will show you the beneficial opportunities available. With effective and innovative therapy concepts and system solutions, we support you, as dentists or dental technicians, in preserving and restoring your patients‘ oral health. Best regards

Peter Brehm CEO bredent group


Perfect implant prosthetic solutions, thanks to innovative materials and technologies

The two areas of the bredent group are summarised under the motto „Perfect implant prosthetic solutions thanks to innovative materials and technologies“ and also underline a leading position in the market for implant prosthetics through their symbiosis. Patient satisfaction is the result of synchronisation of the service you provide and the service your patients feel that they have received. Patients generally base their assessment on the implant prosthetic restoration, as they can evaluate its quality on the basis of aesthetic, haptic and functional characteristics. Thanks to innovative materials and technologies, the bredent group offers you adequate and complete solutions for various indications in surgical implantology, implant prosthetics and conventional prosthetics, which will make your patients happy and satisfied in the long-term. Dental technicians and dentists find perfect implant prosthetic solutions corresponding to their everyday problems and issues through innovative materials and technologies:

Easy surgery | Pioneering implant prosthetics Exemplary prosthetic solutions Avoidance of augmentations | Aesthetics for everyone Reduction of complications | Economic feasibility | Prophylaxis Packaging | Customisation | Digital workflow anywhere, any place


Thursday 22 May 2014 International Podium

Afternoon 1 pm-6 pm International Podium 4:30 pm-6 pm International Workshops consecutive translation in Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

Evening after 8 pm Get Together

International Podium Programme Thursday 22 May 2014 International Podium International speakers present striking cases. International Workshops Specially tailored to international demand, selected speakers from the fields listed will be available for discuss issues with you and to answer your questions in intensive workshops. The workshops are offered in Arabic, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish. Biofilm management and regeneration Everybody is talking about biofilm and it affects everybody – it‘s not only the cause of periodontitis and periimplantatitis, but it also influences general health and can be a trigger for heart disease. The following questions will be discussed in lectures and workshops: • How can we effectively control infections? • How can biofilm management be effectively integrated into practice? • What benefits does biofilm management offer in practice with regard to economic efficiency and patient satisfaction? In addition, experienced clinicians will show you practical techniques and methods for preserving and/or building up lost bone, which in many cases is the basis for the success of an implant therapy.


Perfect aesthetics thanks to innovative materials and technologies Innovative prosthetic materials and production processes are enabling new clinical therapy concepts to provide patients with high-quality and aesthetically pleasing implantprosthetics. Individual monolithic crown abutments and definitive direct abutments are expanding the horizons of treatment. Experienced clinicians will demonstrate the possibilities and limitations of these materials in daily use and answer questions such as: • How can patients easily be provided with adhesive gap free abutments in tooth-form? • Can definitive abutments be used directly after implantation without jeopardising osseointegration? • What options are there for avoiding complications with the prosthetics? What can be done if complications such as chipping do arise? • How can an optimum aesthetic result be achieved even in difficult situations? Immediate restoration: SKY fast & fixed More than 20,000 satisfied patients worldwide are evidence of the success of SKY fast & fixed. Experienced users will show you how this treatment concept is successfully implemented in everyday use and how it can become the driving force behind the growth of your practice. Based on their own experience, the following questions will be answered: • Who is the typical SKY fast & fixed patient and how can we convince them to use it? • How are new prosthetic materials integrated into the treatment? • Transversal or occlusal screwing? When would each be used?

Friday 23 May 2014 Saturday 24 May 2014 Conference on implant prosthetic Conference on implant prosthetic solutions solutions Morning 9 am-1 pm Keynote speeches Keynote speeches

1 pm-2:30 pm Lunch Lunch Afternoon 2:30 pm-6 pm Workshops (Concentration of the Keynote speeches) Workshops (Concentration of the Keynote speeches) 2:30 pm-6 pm

Excellence in Reconstruction Excellence in Esthetics Dr. Georg Bayer Dr. David Garber Chairman of the DGOI*, Landsberg am Lech/DE Atlanta/USA DT Stephan Adler Landsberg am Lech/DE

Excellence in Biofilmmanagement Excellence in Technology and Regeneration Dr. Domenico Massironi Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean Melegnano/IT Bern/CH

Evening after 8 pm Gala Evening

Programme subject to change

Conference on implant prosthetic solutions Friday 23 May 2014 Saturday 24 May 2014 Digital Workflow Digital techniques are becoming increasingly established in dentistry and dental technology and are thus enabling the restructuring and reorganisation of therapy processes. This enables the integration of a digital workflow, treatment steps are often shortened and the number of patient sessions reduced, without affecting the quality of the treatment results. Furthermore, with the digital networking of practice and laboratory, a reduction in the rate of complaints can also be achieved through the digital processing of data records – this in turn saves time and money to the benefit of the patient. Experienced experts from dentistry and dental technology will answer questions such as: • How can difficult patient situations be better planned and simulated using 3D animations? • How does the digital workflow support communication and monitoring in the interdisciplinary team? • What advantages does digital networking offer patients? • What opportunities are there for dental laboratories? • How can process chains be better coordinated and/or optimised?

*DGOI = German Society for Oral Implantology

Keynote speeches Through individual and team presentations, you will obtain a complete overview of the ground-breaking treatment methods in dental medicine/implantology, as well as those for the dental technical laboratory. This will be broken down into the following four topics: Biofilm management and regeneration, Aesthetics using innovative mate-rials and technologies, Immediate restoration: SKY fast & fixed and Digital workflow. Workshops (looking in greater depth at the topics from the keynote speeches) The workshops will offer you the opportunity to explore the knowledge acquired from the keynote speeches in greater depth and in smaller groups, and to establish a tar-geted dialogue with the speakers. Excellence courses Excellence in Reconstruction Dr. Georg Bayer, Chairman of the DGOI [German Society for Oral Implantology], Landsberg am Lech/DE DT Stephan Adler, Landsberg am Lech/DE Excellence in Biofilmmanagement and Regeneration Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean, Bern/CH Excellence in Esthetics Dr. David Garber, Atlanta/USA Excellence in Technology Dr. Domenico Massironi, Melegnano/IT


Perfect aesthetics thanks to innovative materials and technologies Prof. (C.A.) Dr. Andrea Borgonovo (IT) DT TOPIC

Dr. Vittorio Giannelli (IT)

Dr. Giovanni Ghirlanda (IT)

PD Dr. JĂśrg Neugebauer (DE) DT TOPIC


The use of BioHPP in implant-prosthetic rehabilitation: clinical and experimental evaluations. For many years, PEEK (polyetheretherketone) has been used in medicine as an implant material with great clinical results. BioHPP (High Performance Polymer) is a new material based on PEEK which presents excellent quality for use in dental field due to stability, mechanical properties and low plaque affinity. In these work microbiological aspects, clinical behaviors and aesthetic results of BioHPP abutments are presented and compared to titanium in implant–prosthetic rehabilitation. BioHPP is showing after 1 year of follow-up a successful clinical performance. For this reason, BioHPP is a suitable material for the realization of healing abutments and prosthetic abutments and can represent a valid alternative to titanium. Aesthetical and functional management of atrophic bone crests. Old and new perspectives. The implantologist is frequently called to manage different anatomical conditions during the insertion of an implant. In presence of atrophic bone crests, reaching an optimal aesthetical and functional result is always a big challenge for the dentist. Bone regeneration, sinus lift, soft tissue management etc. have been proposed during the last years to regain an ideal bone anatomy with a consistent amount of patient mobility and costs of the treatment. Recently, the development of new devices and new materials has offered new perspectives of treatment with a a reduction of costs and complexity. The authors will illustrate different clinical approaches in presence of atrophic bone crest, including the prosthetical solutions, utilising old and new criteria of treatment. Modern polymer materials for definitive implant prosthetics. Implant restoration is generally considered as high-quality treatment for lost tooth structure. Therefore, restoration on the prosthetic side with ceramic-veneered frameworks and the correspondingly high level of work involved by dental technicians will be routinely addressed here. It is however shown that complications, such as chipping, poor capacity for repair and lack of acceptance in biting behaviour, as well as high costs, may arise. Clinical possibilities for BioHPP structural material are presented alongside the theoretical foundations. Furthermore, dental technology aspects of veneering using the visio.lign veneer system as well as the experiences in follow-up checks with patients will also be presented.

Dr. Domenico Massironi (IT)

Excellence in Technology (tbc)


Dr. Domenico Massironi (IT) DT TOPIC

DT Antonio Lazetera (IT)

Dr. Helmut Steveling (DE) DT TOPIC

DTM José de San José González (DE)

Aesthetic and clinical comparison of ceramic and polymer-based prosthetic materials (tbc) Zirconium dioxide is one of the established ceramic materials used in prosthetic restorations. Ceramics but also composites are available for aesthetic veneering. The comparison of the various material properties of the two veneering materials reveals the options and applications available, and defines new standards in the aesthetic design of dental prostheses. Clinical experiences, for example various patient cases, show how durable these restorations are. As well as aesthetic considerations, precision during the manufacture of the dental prosthesis has a crucial influence on clinical success, but so do preparation and casting. The factors for success with zirconium dioxide, a comparison with gold alloys and the possibilities of new polymer framework materials demonstrate the complexity, and show the relationships between the material, the instrument and processing, which is explored further in the „Excellence in Technology“ course. Implant prosthetics for different indications – the integration of dental prosthesis into the biology of the oral cavity. The prosthetic possibilities offered by modern implant systems are intricate and extensive. Clear prosthetic goal setting and precise implementation with appropriate positioning of the abutments are essential. Complicated initial anatomical situations are generally associated with increased diagnostic effort. Three-dimensional imaging procedures are a standard feature of modern day surgical and prosthetic treatment planning. Some failures can be avoided by using these technologies. Failures in implant prosthetics may be multifarious. The following may be perceived as failures: Chipping of the ceramic, insufficient fit of the superstructure, susceptibility to repairs of the plastic parts, fractures, phonetic and aesthetic problems, incorrect occlusion, poor hygiene-friendly design, abutment fractures, screw loosening, peri-implantitis and recessions. The resulting patient dissatisfaction with the treatment process may be added to this list - this may lead to unsatisfactory results and additional costs in the long term. The indication for implant-supported dental prostheses today ranges from replacement of individual missing chewing units to restoration in edentulous jaws. Prosthetic restoration concepts are broadly based and are of course always dependent on the financial resources of the patients. Finding the solution which is optimally suited to the patient is becoming increasingly important, and this must be agreed with the patient prior to the start of treatment. The dentist and dental technician aim to select a suitable prosthetic solution, providing a positive and long-lasting treatment result for each patient. A precise fit and attractive appearance are basic prerequisites for dental work. In order to achieve an optimal result in the long term, the shape and material properties of the replacement must also be customised to suit the biological requirements of the oral cavity. Only the combination of suitable materials, appropriate functional design and sound aesthetics can elevate a manufactured implant prosthetic reconstruction to an outstanding product.

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants. Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Perfect aesthetics thanks to innovative materials and technologies DTM Philipp von der Osten (DE) DT TOPIC

DT Lars Osemann (DE)

DTM Oliver Heinzmann (DE)

Chipping! What now...? Chipping is one of the most common complications in fixed and implant-supported dental prosthetics, in particular with ceramic veneers, where existing repair options frequently require the definitive restoration to be removed. The oral repair of veneer fractures thus avoids high consequential costs and leads to a satisfied patient, which prevents serious damage to image and loss of patients in the long term. The presentation will demonstrate the different forms of chipping and their correct oral repair on various structural and veneer materials.

High-performance polymers incorporating digital assessment of a maxillomandibular relationship in daily laboratory use.


This presentation will introduce and explain modern high-performance polymers in everyday laboratory practice. This starts with single tooth restorations and works up to complex implant-supported superstructures, incorporating a digital maxillomandibular relationship assessment.

ZA Muzafar Bajwa MSc. (DE)

BioHPP – CAD / CAM and pressing procedure – two systems for maximum achievement.


The manufacturing processes for BioHPP materials vary widely. Analogue and DIGITAL worlds collide. As demonstrated in the presentation, in many cases, the solutions are also very often mixed. Both components, such as a scanner for designing the work and polishing from a wax blank, are presented exactly the same as classical modelling.

DTM Jürgen Freitag (DE)

All of the cases described are patient cases which have also been incorporated. The diversity, which makes BioHPP possible, is impressively presented.

Dr. Takahiko Sugiyama (JP) DT TOPIC

DTM Tomonari Okawa (DE) DT TOPIC


The friction retention system A method placing a single crown supra-structure without cement. The friction retention system is a method placing a supra-structure without cement. The author has applied it for over 15 years. The main benefit is the easy removal of the supra-structure whenever necessary. This brings a number of other important advantages, for example it enable us to observe the mucosal condition in detail at the sub-gingival area and perform a thorough clean-up. The author would like to present the history and the advantage of the friction retention system. Individuality in the field of implant prosthetics: Does it always have to be ceramic? In his presentation, the speaker demonstrates the concepts and materials used to achieve optimal patient satisfaction. The aesthetic options possible with new and modern materials, such as modified composites, are demonstrated on the basis of fixed and removable restorations on implants. The speaker poses the provocative question, „Is ceramic still the material of the future?“

Prof. Dr. Aslan GĂśkbuget (TR) DT TOPIC

Prof. Dr. Selim Pamuk (TR) DT TOPIC

Dr. Boris Hrala (AT)

Immediate implantation at aesthetic zon: Is it Predictable? Today, the objective of dentistry is not only to eliminate the disease but also improve the patients’ esthetics and function. The success and predictability of dental implants have change the philosophy and practice of dentistry during the last two decade. A lot of new technologies and techniques have been used in order to improve implant success and predictability i.e. CT computer aided guides, surgical tools immediate loading etc. The concept of Immediate implants and loading is anything but recent. Patients receiving implants today are often unaware of the original loading protocols of 3 to 6 months of load-free healing prior to restorative therapy. Often, when patients require extraction of an anterior tooth, they do not accept even the shortest period of partial edentulism. Traditionally, these situations were addressed with either removable or provisional restorations. When these solutions were unsatisfactory, implant therapy was often rejected in lieu of traditional fixed partial dentures or resin-bonded bridges. In recent years, the option of immediate placement performed in conjunction with temporization has become popular. Lots of factors are effecting the success and predictability of immediate implantation. These factors will be discussed with the cases during the presentation. Learning objectives; - Scientific background of Immediate Implants, - Why treatment planning is so important, - Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Immediate Implants, - Why protecting extraction socket with immediate temporization is important, - How the understanding of clinical cases helps into clinical practice. Selecting the correct abutment in anterior implant supported restorations. The use of immediate implant placement and immediate temporary techniques are paramount to the maintenance of hard and soft tissue structures. This is particularly important when implant-supported restorations are utilized in the aesthetic zone. Several kinds of implant abutments are offered by implant manufacturers. Selecting the appropriate abutment can be both complex and confusing with the ever-increasing number of abutments and material availability. A choice must be made between standardized and customized abutments. As an alternative to metal abutments that may compromise the appearance of tissue colour in the aesthetic zone, zirconia abutments or alternatively new generation PEEK abutments (BioHPP) can be used. This presentation will describe the various abutments available and how to select the correct one for a given clinical situation in an organized, systematic fashion. New esthetic options with monolithic crown abutments without adhesive gap (tbc)


All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Perfect aesthetics thanks to innovative materials and technologies DT Masaichi Tsuchiya (JP)


Nowadays the implant restoration is getting very popular and the implant treatments are clinically operated daily as one of the general oral treatments. However, as are pointed out recently, many unexpected clinical complications are occurring now. And these unexpected clinical complications are usually not able to be handled by only one of the all related expertise. Therefore, it is very important to find a new approach against these clinical complications, which should be treated by all related expertise as a team with mutually unified treatment concepts against the complications concerned. The dental technicians should have more responsibilities for the implant treatment, as one of the treatment team members, and should contribute to the treatment concerned with their knowledge and technologies. Needless to say, it is necessary to use the CAD/CAM technology and new dental materials and technologies for the suitable clinical indications. I would like to share with you our treatment concepts and our team approach, and would very much appreciated, if this may help you as one of your treatment concepts especially against implant complications.

Dr. Bernd Siewert (ES)

Long-term results of whiteSKY and its use in clinical practice.

Dr. Luca Cantoni (IT)

Rational to implant supported rehabilitation in edentulous or potentially edentulous patients.



How to achieve a long-lasting stability of implant supported superstructure Team Approach, to overcome implant complication.

The results of the ClĂ­nica Somosaguas six-year study into cervical bone behaviour with zirconium implants will be presented. Which protocols have proven their worth during the healing phase, and when does the one-piece implant reach its limits?

Nowadays patient’s quality of life has significantly increased the demand of function and aesthetics. This issue is common to all fields of medicine, but mostly stressed in the dental practice: considering new materials properties and benefits of modern surgical techniques, it seems like immediate permanent rehabilitation has become an imperative and a routine for the clinician. However, before dealing with patient’s wishes, it is necessary to carefully establish the treatment plan for each individual case, assessing his physical and mental problems: expectations of the patient must be clearly understood and it is important to verify if they match with therapeutic possibilities. Undoubtedly, rehabilitation of edentulous or potentially edentulous patients with a fixed implant-supported prosthesis represents first choice in most cases: the patient will have the perception that his new dentition will very similar to his natural one. Patients also appreciate the fact that these new rehabilitations are performed very fast, allowing to shorten the time and often avoiding removable prosthesis, However, to reach these goals, oral surgeon, dental technician and prosthodontist must be perfectly coordinated: treatment plan that has its apex during surgery and immediate loading must always be preceded by rigorous protocols; nevertheless, all the information must be provided to the patient: this will enable a success and build a gratitude spread over time.

Dr. Vincenzo Musella (IT) DT TOPIC

Dr. Frank Kistler (DE) DT TOPIC

Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Wagner (DE)

The aesthetic preview: The real communication in simple case and complex case. Aesthetic rehabilitation of the anterior zone has always been considered one of the biggest challenges of our profession. If it is true that “aesthetics does not exist without health”, it would be useful to pause a while, regard the situation from a biological point of view, bearing in mind materials and dental technique, in order to plan a restoration that is reliable, efficient and easy to maintain over time. The aesthetic mock up provides the possibility of demonstrating the planned treatment and verifying the project in a concrete manner. This not only illustrates our project, but also offers the patient the possibility of visualizing the final result before any irreversible professional action is taken; this also gives the patient the possibility to express his opinion and assent regarding the treatment.

Effective single tooth restorations – experience with new materials. Implant prosthetic restoration of an individual side tooth, particularly where the teeth would not otherwise require treatment, may be highly cost-intensive due to the work required by dental technicians in structure customisation and crown restoration. A monolithic artificial crown, which is mounted axially, can be manufactured using BioHPP materials on a prefabricated structure. Therefore, there is only one connection surface between the implants and the structure. The contact zone between the gingiva and the artificial crown can be created using high density BioHPP, thus preventing any negative soft tissue reactions. Designing the veneer using high density composite may simply lead to occlusal adjustment, and complications, such as chipping, are rarely observed. Precise implant positioning supports optimal soft tissue management as a preventative measure in aesthetic implantology. The literature contains much lively debate about the significance of preserving fixed gingiva and, in particular, avoiding physiologically mobile mucosa at implant insertion points. From a periodontology perspective, this academic discussion contradicts clinical experience - particularly with respect to patients injured in accidents or those with tumours, who present with largely intractable soft tissue problems involving retraction, pockets, and, in particular, therapy-resistant hyperplasia - when it proves impossible to achieve stable soft tissue conditions. At the front of the upper jaw in particular, the breadth of the keratinised gingiva is of critical aesthetic importance in terms of both texture and colour. Similarly, in the areas around the side teeth in the upper jaw, a narrow strip of fixed mucosa can help ensure long term stability. Clinical examples of the problems encountered, and the techniques used for preventive or corrective purposes can help exploit the significance, in terms of prevention, of a sensible approach to soft tissue management, especially for guided transgingival implant insertion.

Dr. David Garber (USA) DT TOPIC

A beautiful smile – Symbol of beauty! The critical pink and white interface in implant dentistry. (tbc) Excellence in Esthetics The critical pink and white interface in implant dentistry – options, limitations and solutions. (tbc)

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Biofilmmanagement and Regeneration Dr. Sigurd Hafner (DE)

Successful implantation, augmentation and treatment of bone necrosis by efficient disinfection. The lecture will show different indications of antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT) in the treatment field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. An adjuvant antibacterial therapy is one of the key strategies in the treatment of Bisphosphonate related necrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). Latest scientific research and the resulting clinical workflows will be discussed and show the success of aPDT. Postoperative disorders in wound healing and pain can be significant reduced. Immediate implantation of dental implants after tooth extraction and also different techniques of bone augmentation become more safer by using special treatment protocols in combination with aPDT disinfection.

Prof. Dr. Rafael Delgado Ruiz (ES)

Prof. José Luis Calvo-Guirado (ES)


Narrow Implants for Narrow Ridges. A Clinical and Experimental Study BACKGROUND: The development of narrow diameter implants (<3.75mm) may be the solution for receiving implant-suported prostheses without the need for advanced bone graft procedures. They may also be used as transitional implants. Recent data on narrow implants demonstrated different cumulative survival rates (CSR) between 100% to 95,5%, variations depends on follow-up time, type of prosthesis and implant and patient characteristics. However a lack of experimental data on the effect of different narrow-implant diameter on crestal bone loss (CBL) and bone to implant contact (BIC) in healed or post-extraction sockets still remains. AIMS: To evaluate the CSR of narrow implants with different diameter in healed bones and post-extraction sockets and to evaluate by histomorphometry the CBL and BIC values of miniSKY VS narrowSKY implants in healed and in post-extraction sockets. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After the bilateral extraction of lower premolars and molars in six beagle dogs, 48 implants were inserted randomly in healed bones and in post extraction sockets and divided into two groups of 24 implants as follows: Group A with miniSKY implants (3.2mm diameter x 8mm length) and Group B with narrowSKY implants (3.5mm diameter x 8mm length. After a 6 months healing period the animals were put to sleep. Histological data of BIC and CBL were recorded. RESULTS: The CSR was similar in healed bone for both groups (99,1 %;p>0.05), however in post extraction sockets the CSR was reduced in both groups (93.2 % group A, vs 96.4 % group B; p < 0.05). The CBL in post extraction sockets was 2.2mm±0.5mm and was, with 0.2 mm ±0.1mm lower for healed bone (p < 0.05). The BIC was higher for the healed bone in comparison with the post extraction socket (p < 0.05) and was higher for group B (75,1 % ± 1.4% ) in comparison with group A (66,7 % ± 2.2% ). CONCLUSIONS: Between the limitations of this animal study we can conclude that narrowSKY implants are recommended for post extraction sockets and for healed bone. miniSKY implants are recommended for healed bone and, using them in post extraction sockets should preferably be avoided.

Dr. Enes Hodzic (HR)

Dr. Dmitry Bulgin (HR)

PD Dr. Dr. Daniel Rothamel (DE)

Bone formation using autologous bone marrow derived mononuclear cells combined with biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic (ossceram nano) and absorbable atelocollagen (angiopore selective permeable membrane) in dental technology: practical tools for bone regeneration. Replacing missing bone or adding mass to existing bone is often essential to the success of a dental implant. An implant needs a minimum of bone surrounding it in order to bind to it and deliver sufficient strength and stability. If, in the location where the implants are intended, there is low mass of bone (width or height) a bone graft must be applied in order to maintain this minimum of bone. A large variety of graft materials have been used for maxillary and mandibular atrophy. To date, there has been no graft material which can be regarded as completely satisfactory. The autologous application of human bone marrow cells which are not expanded ex vivo, has medico-legal advantages in bone healing disorders. Bone marrow derived mononuclear cells (BMMNCs) are a huge source of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) and represent a potential key component in autologous graft for bone regeneration. BMMSCs are multipotent and secrete many kinds of growth factors to regenerate tissues. Modeling of synthetic material for filling bone defects with autologous BMMNCs as a source of the BMMSC cells has shown to be effective in bone tissue regeneration. This shows our experience with freshly isolated, based on autologous bone marrow, mononuclear cells combined with synthetic biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic and absorbable atelocollagen for augmentation of extreme maxillary and mandibular atrophy. The techniques are based on stimulation of natural events continuously present in living bone, that is, the process of bone remodeling and offering both osteoinduction and osteoconductive features.

Limits and possibilities of bone substitute materials and membranes One oft the most challenging procedures in implantology is the predictable and safe regeneration of bone and soft tissue defects. Besides autogenous bone, different biomaterials such as bone substitutes, collagen scaffolds and membranes have shown predictable results in jaw augmentation procedures. In contrast to the patients own bone, the use of biomaterials is not accompanied by donor site morbidity. However, available bone substitutes differ significantly in terms of biochemical aspects, influencing the volume stability, speed of bone formation, graft remodelling and patients acceptance. Also the quality of the recipient site, the osteogenicity of the graft, a transmembraneous angiogenesis of the barrier and the selected healing time are affecting the regeneration outcome. Depending on the defects shape, careful selection from different graft materials and techniques should be aimed to achieve the best regeneration outcome.

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Biofilmmanagement and Regeneration Prof. Dr. Arthur Novães (BR)

Prof. Aleksa Markovic (SRB)

Scientific data base for Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy in dentistry. aPDT is based on the principle that a photoactivatable substance, the photosensitizer, binds to the target cell and can be activated by light of a suitable wavelength. During this process, free radicals of singlet oxygen are formed, which produce an effect that is toxic to the cell. When first reports emerged on light-absorbing properties and fluorescence of various dyes, it became clear that dye excitation by light exerts destructive action in biologic systems. This so-called ‘‘photodynamic action’’ was described as a process in which light, after being absorbed by dyes, sensitizes organisms for visible light-inducing cell damage. Therefore, in recent years aPDT is being used in clinical situations where antimicrobial therapy is indicated, such as Aggressive Periodontitis, type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and peri-implantitis. In the treatment of Aggressive Periodontitis or in patients with periodontitis and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, antimicrobial therapy is recommended as adjunct to scaling and root planning. The benefits, type of drugs, dosage and side effects are questionable issues, therefore if effective, aPDT would solve these problems. Similarly, the various proposed treatments for periimplantitis has not predictably shown the ability of obtaining re-osseointegration, with the main reason been the inability of predictably decontaminating the implant surface. Perhaps aPDT is able to decontaminate the implant surface and achieve re-osseointegration? This presentation will show the results of clinical and pre-clinical studies done by our group addressing all of these clinical conditions.

Effect of photodynamic therapy on pain, swelling and trismus after third molar surgery. After surgical trauma, an inflammatory reaction results in common postoperative discomfort involving pain, facial swelling and trismus that decrease quality of life during the first weeks following operational third molar removal. Several therapeutic approaches have been recommended in order to reduce postoperative discomfort: analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids used locally or systematically, long term anesthetics and low level laser therapy (LLLT). One of the biggest benefits of LLLT as a physical method in the reduction of postoperative pain and swelling over the pharmacological method is the absence of side effects. Its analgesic effect is achieved by stabilization of nerve cell membrane whereas an increase of lymphatic vessels and decrease in the permeability of blood vessels contribute to its antiedema effect. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of photodynamic therapy on pain level, degree of mouth opening and facial swelling following surgical removal of impacted third molars. The planned study was randomizing, controlling, single blind, clinical trial of 150 patients. Patients were randomly divided into 3 groups of 50. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) was applied in the first group, nonsteroid antiinflammatory drug diclofenac and dexamethasone systematically in the second group and only the usual postoperative recommendations (cold pack, soft diet, etc.) in the third (control) group.


Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun (DE)

Biofilm management: a precondition for long-term success in periodontics and endodontics. Many different sorts of microorganisms are present in an oral biofilm that forms on periodontal root surfaces and in root canals. The removal of this biofilm is a fundamental aspect of systematic periodontal and endodontic therapy. However, bacterial reservoirs can remain on the tooth surfaces and affect healing following treatment. Adjunctive procedures such as locally delivered and systemic antibiotics have been evaluated. However, with respect to the possible development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, the use of these agents should be restricted to specific groups of patients, for example those with highly active disease or a specific microbiological profile. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) could be an adjunctive antimicrobial approach for preventive and therapeutic treatment concept without the disadvantages of antibiotics. Development of bacterial resistance has not yet been proven and could not be generated in an experimental study protocol. The treatment concept can be used for periodontal and endodontic biofilm management. The therapy utilizes a photosensitizing agent, which is irradiated with a light source tuned to a wavelength that matches the absorption spectrum of the agent. The subsequent photochemical reaction results in oxygen-mediated reduction of pathogenic bacteria. The main cytotoxic agent in aPDT is widely accepted to be singlet oxygen, a highly reactive oxygen subspecies that oxidizes biological substrates. Critical sites of action for singlet oxygen include mitochondria, DNA and lipid membranes. Sustained exposure of the treated tissue results in breakdown of cellular microstructures and cell death. Several photosensitizers have been shown to be effective against target microorganisms without inducing damage to the host tissues. It could be proven aPDT can eliminate oral bacteria such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Streptococcus mutans in a planktonic biofilm model and effectively eradicate planktonic and biofilm cultures of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In general, the adjunctive use of aPDT procedure was reported to have a positive effect on treatment outcomes. Thus, by adding antimicrobial photodynamic treatment procedures to anti-infective approaches, it might be possible to improve conventional treatment regimens to improve the prognosis for clinical long-term success.

Dr. Ulrich FĂźrst (AT)

Photodynamics in dental surgery – successful treatment in combination with disinfection. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy used in the HELBO process exhibits outstanding results for adjuvant use in periodontitis treatment. This is demonstrated in relevant studies by renowned universities. Inspired by this success, and because the PDT is effective against all bacterial infections, appropriate use is also particularly indicated in dental surgery. The complex-effect mechanism and underlying theoretical foundations are presented in detail. In clinical examples of use, such as for root resection, vestibuloplasty, implantation and augmentation, as well as in the treatment of peri-implantitis, many and varied applications of PDT are demonstrated within the framework of the workshop. Our aim is to achieve successful treatment and improved patient satisfaction using PDT.

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Biofilmmanagement and Regeneration Prof. Dr. Hakan Ă–zyuvaci (TR)

Advanced surgery in oral implantology: necessary or not?

Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean (CH)

Photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections. Excellence in Biofilmmanagement and Regeneration. Recent data suggest a potential clinical benefit following the use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of periodontitis and peri-implantitis. Therefore, the aims of this lecture are: a) to give a critical overview on the available evidence related to the use of PDT in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections and b) to point out the clinical indications for the use of PDT. The available data from preclinical and randomized controlled clinical studies indicate that the use of PDT may result in a significant reduction of periodontal inflammation and improved wound healing in patients with chronic periodontal diseases. In patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis, nonsurgical periodontal therapy followed by systemic administration of Amoxicillin and Metronidazole or application of PDT resulted in significant clinical improvements compared to baseline, but the systemic administration of antibiotics resulted in significantly higher improvements in terms of probing depth reduction (i.e. less number of pockets < 6mm) compared to the application of PDT. Results from a recently performed randomized controlled clinical study indicate that the use of PDT may represent a valuable alternative for local antibiotics in patients enrolled in maintenance program diagnosed with incipient peri-implantitis. The study has for the first time shown that the use of PDT in conjunction with nonsurgical therapy may lead to comparable clinical, microbiological and immunological outcomes than nonsurgical therapy followed by application of Minocycline. These new data appear very promising since the use of PDT is not associated with an increase in resistance, a major critique against the use of antibiotics. Based on the available evidence it can be concluded that in patients enrolled in a maintenance program, the use of PDT in conjunction with nonsurgical periodontal therapy may lead to significant clinical improvements and may represent a valuable alternative for local antibiotics.


Prof. (C.A.) Dr. Gianpaolo Poli (IT)

Dr. Pier Paolo Poli (IT)

Associate Prof. Dr. Rola Al Habashneh (JO)

Clinical outcome evaluation of SKY implants placed in atrophied jaws reconstructed with autogenous bone block grafts. The replacement of missing teeth with dental implants in the treatment of totally and partially edentulous jaws has become a reliable treatment. An adequate amount of bone for a complete circumferential coverage of implant surfaces is mandatory for obtaining long-term success of implant restoration, as well as an adequate aesthetic outcome and a proper biomechanical support of the prosthesis, as requested by the latest guidelines of the prosthetically guided implant treatment planning. According to the literature, while xenografts, alloplastic bone grafts and allografts have been proposed for alveolar ridge augmentation, autogenous bone grafts has always been considered the golden standard procedure for the reconstruction of severely resorbed jaws, thanks to its capability to stimulate bone healing and fill bone defects after a rapid incorporation and consolidation with a lack of immunologic considerations. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the survival and success rate of SKY implants placed in atrophied edentulous jaws previously reconstructed with autogenous endochondral bone block grafts harvested from iliac crest, in order to highlight the possibility to use this material for bony augmentation procedures in the treatment of severe alveolar atrophies prior to a proper implant placement. Furthermore the peri-implant bone resorption has been retrospectively measured. Results from this work seem to demonstrate that SKY implants may successfully integrate in atrophied jaws reconstructed with autogenous bone block grafts, with similar results of those reported in literature in terms of survival and success rate. Clinically, autogenous bone block grafts were found to be firm in consistency and well-incorporated to the receptor bed, providing an adequate bone height and width after the reconstruction that allowed a prosthetically guided implant placement. Photodynamic therapy and dental implants in partially edentulous patients treated for aggressive and chronic periodontitis-Prospective study.

Dr. Zafer Abu Huwaij (JO)

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Digital Workflow DTM Roland Pardeller (IT) DT TOPIC

Dr. Guillaume Reys (FR)


Guided implantology carried out in combination with new technologies? Familiarisation with guided implantology and its benefits - in connection with the use of new technologies. Progress should mean that implantation can be carried out ever more precisely and quickly, and with increasing consideration for the patient. New technologies enable us to satisfy these requirements. What do the participants expect from implantation? What does it mean these days to have an implant? What benefits are there for the patient and the treatment team – dentist and laboratory? Implant planning will be simulated using the SKYPlanX planning programme - in the meanwhile casting a brief glance at the significance of DVT and computed tomography. State-of-the-art technologies are demonstrated in connection with implantation, then put to the test and reviewed on the basis of case reports. What do these new technologies give us? How reliable are they? This workshop will provide participants with an overview of what is feasible on the basis of guided implantology documentation in combination with new technologies. Guided surgery with 3D animations: one case report. The global rehabilitation of a very reduced jaw, with a screw-retained prosthesis on 4 implants, is a technique that allows the patient to find a comfortable mastication. It is sometimes difficult to realize good quality photos cause of the needs of concentration required by the medical stuff. The case shows a total toothless patient with a very thin alveolar crest in front of mental foramen requiring a very important osteotomy for the placement of 4 implants and put in immediate load of a screw-retained prosthesis. We reconstructed, with 3D animations, all the surgical procedure, that allows to conceptualize the treatment in educational interest.

Dr. Henriette Lerner (DE) DT TOPIC

DTM Sebastian Schuldes MSc. (DE)

DT Andreas L端dtke (DE)

Minimally invasive with maximum aesthetics: Digital planning parameters for immediate implantation and restoration. Immediate restoration in the aesthetic zone using definitive abutments is expected to provide major clinical benefits over the long term. At the same time, digitallyassisted planning offers a significant benefit, in that individual abutments and temporary restorations can be prepared prior to the operation. The presentation demonstrates implementation of digitally-assisted work-flow in the external dental laboratory as well as parameters clinical planning and shaping of soft tissue during the operation.

Zirconia frameworks veneered with visio.lign in the digital workflow. (tbc)


All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Immediate restoration: SKY fast & fixed A peek at BioHPP – innovative materials in implant-prosthetics for SKY fast & fixed restorations.

Dr. Neil Cooper (UK) DT TOPIC

Innovative therapy concepts on the basis of SKY fast & fixed – eight year application.

Dr. Georg Bayer (DE) DT TOPIC

The therapy concept for edentulous patients or patients who have exhausted all forms of periodontal treatment with immediate implantation and immediate restoration, according to the SKY fast & fixed therapy concept, has been used successfully in the upper and lower jaws for over eight years. The surgical procedure has been optimised particularly through the use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy for alveoli disinfection following dental extraction. Within the framework of definitive prosthetic restoration, particular emphasis can be placed on the patient‘s expectations by means of immediate restoration. Cemented or removable restorations can be used alongside screw-fastened super-constructions. Prosthetic complications have been reduced through targeted material selection using acrylic veneered frameworks, so that masticatory functional loading has been adjusted in such a way that chipping is rarely observed. Excellence in Reconstruction SKY fast & fixed – safe & successfull dental office.

Dr. Georg Bayer (DE) DT TOPIC

DT Stephan Adler (DE)

DT Stephan Adler (DE) DT TOPIC


This talk aims to describe the author experiences using BioHPP. Being a novel material in the UK, both technicians and clinicians have needed to be both open minded and clear, concise communicators. Learning from each other, we are pleased to show how our work has developed to achieve aesthetically beautiful and functional results.

Step-by-step, detailed presentation of the SKY fast & fixed concept: • Simple surgical and prosthetic approach • Temporary restoration which is both reliable and quick to create • Variability of the definitive restoration according to the wishes of the patient and the clinical requirements • Integration of new prosthetic materials, such as BioHPP and visio.lign, in definitive restoration

A temporary bridge – the key to success! Immediate temporary bridgework on the day of implantation will correspond to the patient‘s wishes and may be essential for implant-supported dental restoration. Timely manufacture requires meticulous preparation by the dental technician as well as the use of prefabricated components to ensure a standardised procedure. A temporary bridge provides useful information for definitive restoration. How can this data be transferred? And which design, manufacturing process and materials for the framework and veneer are the best choice in this case?

Dr. Stefan Wentaschek MSc. (DE) DT TOPIC

SKY fast & fixed at the Clinic for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Mainz University Medical Centre. In our presentation, we would like to provide an account of the results of an investigation carried out by our clinic, in which the patients were treated according to the Sky fast & fixed protocol. Which patients, for whom augmentation should be avoided, are particularly suited to an implant protocol? What benefits arise from the angulation of distal implants in edentulous jaws, how do the biomechanics of restoration change, and are there any particular risks? How the RFA stability parameter and the perio test value of angulated and axial bredent implants change under immediate loading, and how these parameters are capable of detecting implants which do not osseointegrate under immediate loading.

Dr. Stephan Ryssel MSc. (DE) DT TOPIC

SKY fast & fixed - the drive towards economic success in practice. A patient-friendly therapy like SKY fast & fixed can only become a drive towards economic success in the practice if it is communicated effectively. Dr Stefan Ryssel explains in his presentation how innovative therapy concepts can win people over.

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Immediate restoration: SKY fast & fixed Dr. Michael Weiss (DE) DT TOPIC

Limitations and possibilities of proven and innovative prosthetic materials in definitive restoration for immediate implantations. Today‘s patients want fixed teeth and, ideally, immediate restoration using implantation procedures - particularly if they are limited in terms of time or are highly exposed in a professional or social capacity. In this context, older patients who are edentulous or on the verge of becoming edentulous also constitute an interesting patient group for the economic success of the dental practice. The SKY implant system and SKY fast & fixed treatment concept offer ideal treatment concepts for these patients. Aside from anatomically determined restrictions, comprehensive therapy planning, extensive consultation and consistent, the implementation of systematic treatment (and definitive restoration in particular) play a decisive role in achieving long term patient satisfaction. The reason for this is that the quality of a definitive restoration is evaluated by patients on the basis of aesthetic, tactile and functional characteristics, and a successful treatment result therefore leads to positive recommendation marketing. In this respect, the potential of BioHPP and visio.lign will be represented in comparison to established framework and veneering materials. At the same time, patient expectations and perceptions will be compared and discussed.

Dr. Martin Hackenberg (DE) DT TOPIC

DTM Karsten Krause (DE)


SKY fast & fixed: Three teams - one objective. Interdisciplinary collaboration between the prosthetic technician, the surgeon and the dental technician.

Prof. Dr. Aslihan Üşümez DDS PhD. (TR)


Associate Prof. Dr. Ashraf Abu Karaky (JO)

Evaluation of stress levels at the bone around the implants when angled and straight locator attachments are used to support removable dentures with finite element analysis method. Edentulous patients frequently experience problems with conventional mandibular dentures. Implant-supported mandibular overdentures offer edentulous patients a better-retained and more stable prosthesis, resulting in improved oral function and patient satisfaction compared to conventional complete dentures. Various numbers of interforaminal implant along with different attachment types can be used for implant-supported mandibular overdentures, depending on the clinician’s preference and financial capability of the patient. Usually, two implants are considered sufficient to support the implant-supported mandibular overdentures. However, the use of more than two implants is recommended in certain cases. These include patients with advanced atrophy, cases requiring higher retention because of high muscle attachments or prominent mylohyoid ridges, and cases where forces on the anterior implants need to be minimized because of poor posterior ridge form, in the presence of large or V shaped anterior ridges or increased occlusal forces. In this presentation the stress levels at the bone around the implants when angled and straight locator attachments are used to support removable dentures with finite element analysis method will be presented in the light of current research. Clinical aspects of immediate loading. (tbc)

All courses and workshops are limited in terms of participants.Rooms will be announced on site. Programme subject to change.


Softskills Prof. Dr. Christian Rauch (DE)

Hypnosis in dental practice – a path to gentle treatment. According to a German study into the stress factors experienced in dental practice, over 70% of dentists feel highly stressed when treating phobic patients. In international studies, over 60% of dentists felt that their activities were particularly stress-intensive compared with other occupations (Moore, 2001). With reference to patients, dental treatment remains a very unpleasant event for most people, despite all of the technical and pharmacological advances. According to the author and study, up to 11% of all dental patients suffer from a manifest dental treatment phobia prompting a severe psychological reaction which dominates the personality of the patient (Jöhren 2002, Eitner et al., 2006, Enkling et al., 2006). „Clinical hypnosis“ is one possible method for reducing stress, leading to a relaxing treatment for both the patient as well as the treatment team. The psychological process uses hypno-suggestive communication to activate specific modification of the patient‘s consciousness during treatment. The possibilities and limitations of modern medical hypnosis in dental practice as well as indications and contraindications are demonstrated in the presentation.


Do you want to continue the success story?

10 years of the SKY Implant System summarised in the Scientific Book 2012 International, future-oriented, scientific and practical

International Podium 26th April 2012 Congress for Implantology and Dental Technology 27th-28th April 2012


Podium Implant prosthetics 27th April 2012

Immediate Loading Planning

Challenges and Opportunities for the Implantology Team



Aesthetic Regeneration vs. Functional Rehabilitation - is this a contradiction?

Dental Technology Implant Prosthetics

Scientific Book 2012 | SKY Meeting 2012 |

26th-28th April 2012 | Sofitel Munich Bayerpost

SKY Meeting 2012 26th-28th April | Sofitel Munich Bayerpost


Scientific Book 2012

2 | 89250 Senden | Germany +49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 Subjects to change 10/12 992974GB 1

At the end of April 2012, the company bredent, which was established 38 years ago, celebrated the ten-year anniversary of the creation of the SKY Implant System with an impressive conference in Munich. The response was tremendous: almost 1,000 participants and representatives of the trade press from 45 countries travelled to the conference and were impressed by the high performance of the implant prosthetic solutions offered by the bredent group, which was illustrated by the many prominent international and national figures who took the floor and gave practical and scientific presentations. The 2012 Scientific Book provides a clear summary of the results of the conference 2012 on scientific and clinical posters. This book offers the opportunity to gain a comprehensive picture, not least with regard to the interdisciplinary possibilities of the SKY Implant System and the prosthetic options with the bredent materials, and alongside tips and tricks for everyday practice by dentists and in dental technology, it also contains practice-relevant studies.

Subjects to change 10/12 992974GB 1

for the Implantology Team Challenges and Opportunities

- is this a contradiction? vs. Functional Rehabilitation Aesthetic Regeneration

26th-28th April | Sofitel Munich Bayerpost SKY Meeting 2012

Scientific Book 2012


latneD y g o l o n h c eT tnalpmI scitehtsorP gninnalP

26th April 2012 International Podium

etaidemmI gnidaoL

27th-28th April 2012 and Dental Technology Congress for Implantology

Please turn the page!


27th April 2012 Podium Implant prosthetics

| S N O I TA C I L B U P | R E T S O P C I F I T N E I C S | S T C A R T S B A |

tsopreyaB hcinuM letfioS

| 2102 lirpA ht82-ht62 | 2102 gniteeM YKS | 2102 kooB cfiitneicS +49) 0 73 09 / 8 72-4 44 2 | 89250 Senden | Germany

S c i e n t i f i c B o o k 2 01 2 German: REF 9929740D | English: REF 992974GB



The topic areas

Easy surgery | Pioneering implant prosthetics Exemplary prosthetic solutions Avoidance of augmentations | Aesthetics for everyone Reduction of complications | Economic feasibility | Prophylaxis Packaging | Customisation | Digital workflow anywhere, any place offer you a multitude of possible interpretations for your poster presentations. Please find some examples for the interpretation of the topic as follows: • Immediate implantation with HELBO treatment as the basis for aesthetic restoration • Implantation planning as the basis for aesthetic success • Implantation in the augmented alveolar ridge for optimal prosthetic results • The crown abutment from SKY elegance with BioHPP and visio.lign – economical aesthetics • Comparison of different individual zirconium abutments with SKY elegance As you can see, there are no limits to your fantasy. The poster abstracts can be submitted online from 1st June till 30th November 2013 The authors will receive confirmation whether the poster has been accepted by 31 December 2013.


You can also find the guidelines for the poster online: New posters and posters already published from the years 2012 and 2013 will be accepted. For each accepted poster, the congress fee as well as the gala evening ticket for the bredent group days SKY Meeting 2014 will be exempted for one of the submitting authors. Our graphics department would be pleased to support you with producing the poster; we would provide a poster sheet. You can simply send us text and pictures and we will prepare the layout of your poster - subject to your approval. On request you can take your poster with you after the meeting or have it sent to you in printed form free of charge. Following the SKY Meeting 2014, the posters will again be published in the Scientific Book. A specimen copy and further copies for friends and acquaintances will be provided to the authors. With their participation in the poster competition, the authors declare their agreement, subject to specification of sources and names, with the General Terms and Conditions for Poster Presentations. In case of queries, please contact Roland Benz by e-mail

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Congress hotel Get Together

Gala evening

Thursday 22 May 2014, from 8 pm in the Maritim Hotel Berlin – meeting point in the foyer and 1st floor

Friday 23 May 2014, from 8 pm

To round off the first day of the conference, or rather as a prelude to the days to come and the bredent group days SKY Meeting 2014. Use the “Get-together” to en-joy a relaxed chat with colleagues and friends, as a place to make new contacts or as the first opportunity for some “shop talk”.

Celebrate bredent‘s 40th anniversary with us. As befits the occasion, we have cho-sen a framework that is somewhat out of the ordinary. International artists and a band who you will recognise as „old friends“ make up the social programme for the evening. The concept for the evening will remain our secret for the moment, as the preparations have not yet been finalised and we do not want to spoil the highlight. You will receive more detailed information with the „final programme“.

We would like to invite you to join us for delicious food, drinks and lounge music in the “Art Deco” foyer of the Maritim Hotel Berlin.

This celebratory evening we would kindly ask you to dress elegantly informal.


Congress hotel Communication Bar Thursday 22 May 2014 Friday 23 May 2014 in the Maritim Hotel Berlin – ground floor The hotel bar „Le bar“ – set out entirely in the style of the 1920s to 1940s – offers refreshing cocktails, snacks, live music and a dance floor, and invites you to drop in for a quiet break or a relaxing start to the evening. There is also an outdoor terrace available for the warm spring nights.


Overview of hotels The hotels listed below, from a range of price categories, are situated in the direct vicinity of the conference (no more than one to three kilometres away). Please book your selected hotel directly.

Congress hotel MARITIM Hotel Berlin The Maritim Hotel Berlin is situated at the heart of the buzzing capital, between Kur-fürstendamm and the Brandenburg Gate. With its exclusive location in the diplomatic quarter, by the picturesque Tiergarten park, it is the ideal base for sightseeing and shopping trips. The luxurious building, decorated in the style of the roaring ‚20s, of-fers business travellers, tourists and conference guests all the amenities of a 4-star superior hotel. The interplay between the classical ambiance and the very latest fa-cilities ensures that every stay is truly an experience to remember. Single room: EUR 170.00 including breakfast Double room: EUR 190.00 including breakfast Children staying in their parents‘ room: free of charge up to the age of 12, EUR 30.00 per child/night + breakfast from the age of 13 (4.80 EUR) Charges for additional rooms: 50% of the cost of the parents‘ room up to the age of 12, full price from the age of 13 Breakfast for children: free up to the age of 6 ages 7-13, EUR 1 per year of life from the age of 14, EUR 25 (full price)

MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin In the heart of Berlin, between the Brandenburg Gate and the Gendarmenmarkt, you will find the 4-star superior design hotel located right on Friedrichstrasse. Modern ar-chitecture, harmonious design and expressive art create a unique ambiance. The stunning boulevard „Unter den Linden“ with its elegant boutiques is just a few steps away. Comfortably explore the „real“ Berlin on foot, with its traditional pubs, fashion-able restaurants and cultural highlights. Single room: EUR 170.00 including breakfast Double room: EUR 190.00 including breakfast Children staying in their parents‘ room: free of charge up to the age of 12, EUR 30.00 per child/ night + breakfast from the age of 13 Charges for additional rooms: 50% of the cost of the parents‘ room up to the age of 12, full price from the age of 13 Breakfast for children: free up to the age of 6 ages 7-13, EUR 1 per year of life from the age of 14, EUR 25 (full price) Distance to the congress hotel: 2,9 km Scan this QR Code with your

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Motel One Berlin-Tiergarten From Hamburg to Munich and from Frankfurt to Berlin, the low-budget design hotels from Motel One currently offer „a lot of design at a low cost“. The trendy non-smoking hotels win over guests with their chic design, high-end facilities and central locations. All rooms in the hotel are equipped with a comfortable double bed, flat-screen TV, WLAN and air conditioning, as well as having a bathroom with an elegant granite/glass design, a relaxing rain shower and a hair dryer. The hotel lobby, the „One Lounge“, is a lobby, breakfast café and bar rolled into one, where you will find a great deal of space and light, modern designer furniture and hot and cold snacks and drinks around the clock. In addition, here we can offer you free WLAN access within the hotel. Single room: EUR 66.50 including breakfast Double room: EUR 89.00 including breakfast (The room prices are based on the terms and conditions from 2013 and will be ad-justed slightly for 2014!) Children up to 6 years old stay free, including breakfast Children from 6 to 12 years old stay free, excluding breakfast Distance to the congress hotel: 1,5 km

Hotel Berlin, Berlin The Hotel Berlin, Berlin lies right in the beating heart of the capital city: Thanks to its central location in the BerlinMitte/City West area, close to Kurfürstendamm, Berlin Zoo and Potsdamer Platz our establishment is ideal for your trip to Berlin . Whether it is an extended visit to the city, a spontaneous short break in Berlin or a business trip: Our 701 rooms, in six categories, offer you all the benefits that you would expect from a modern 4-star superior design hotel – free WLAN is always included. At the Hotel Berlin, Berlin you will stay in a real Berlin legend, in the heart of Berlin: Our establishment embodies a skillful and perfect mix of the classic and modern, of per-manence and movement, of tradition and future. Dignified architecture comes to-gether with a modern ambiance, inspired designs and an unlimited supply of fresh ideas. Here you are at the beating heart of the city and will experience many of the capital‘s best aspects – from chic and elegant to wacky and strident! Single room: 129.00 EUR including breakfast Double room: 159.00 EUR including breakfast Children up to 6 years old stay free Children up to 6 years old EUR 30.00 per child/night, excluding breakfast Distance to the congress hotel: 1,7 km

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Overview of hotels

Wyndham Grand Berlin Potsdamer Platz Hotel If you really want to experience Berlin up close and personally, the Wyndham Grand Berlin Potsdamer Platz Hotel is the ideal option for you: the Berlin hotel‘s central lo-cation and optimal transport connections are ideal for trips to the German capital. The hotel is situated close to the Berlin Tempodrom, near Hallesches Ufer, and only around 10 minutes walk from the lively Potsdamer Platz with its theatres, cinemas, shopping opportunities, restaurants, bars and clubs. At the same time, the fact that the hotel is located in a quiet side street means you are guaranteed peace and quiet and a superb night‘s sleep. The Wyndham Grand Berlin Potsdamer Platz Hotel has even more to offer than its optimal location with great transport links, namely Berlin zeitgeist and a metropolitan attitude to life. The former Berlin Postpalais is a listed building and exudes the upperclass elegance of the bohemian 1930s. Wide corri-dors with natural stone floors, high ceilings, wood panelling and an open fire in the hotel lobby convey the impression of sophisticated Berlin city life. Art Déco elements and a well-thought-out design bring freshness and modernity. In all respects, the Berlin hotel is very generously equipped: 19 hotel suites of more than 40 m2, an ele-gant restaurant with a display kitchen and the stylish, bright hotel bar set new benchmarks for Berlin‘s hotel industry. Single room: 179.00 EUR including breakfast Double room: 199.00 EUR including breakfast

Grand Hyatt Berlin Hotel The Grand Hyatt Berlin Hotel in the Berlin Mitte district is situated within the newly-created city centre on Potsdamer Platz. Our Grand Hotel in Berlin will captivate you with trendsetting architecture courtesy of the architect José Rafael Moneo, spectacu-lar interior design and contemporary art. The 5-star hotel enjoys an ideal location in Berlin Mitte. The Tiergarten park, the Reichstag parliament building and the Bran-denburg Gate are close by and the Philharmonie with the Kulturforum is directly op-posite. The design hotel at the heart of Berlin City offers 342 luxurious hotel rooms and suites. With 5-star comfort, WLAN and Bang & Olufsen flat screens in every room, the Grand Hotel Berlin is the perfect base, whether for a weekend in Berlin or a business trip. Moreover, the Grand Hyatt Berlin Hotel offers exquisite restaurants and bars: the Vox restaurant with a show kitchen and sushi bar, the Tizian lounge serving regional and international dishes, the relaxed mesa restaurant with German cuisine for sharing and the Vox bar with more than 240 types of whisky and a smok-ers‘ lounge. Single room: 270.00 EUR including breakfast Double room: 270.00 EUR including breakfast Price for children sharing their parents‘ room upon request

Price for children sharing their parents‘ room, EUR 35 per child/night Distance to the congress hotel: 1,0 km Distance to the congress hotel: 2,4 km Scan this QR Code with your

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Ganz entspannt

mit der Bahn

anreisen bei M tagen mit der Bahn abreisen

Mit der Bahn ab 99 € zu Ihrer Veranstaltung bei Maritim und zurück Genießen Sie mit der Bahn eine entspannte An- und Abreise zu Ihrer Veranstaltung in allen Maritim Hotels in Deutschland. Schonen Sie Ihr Reisebudget und schützen Sie die Umwelt. In Kooperation mit der Deutschen Bahn bieten wir Ihnen attraktive Sonderkonditionen. Bundesweiter Festpreis Ganz gleich, von wo aus Sie innerhalb Deutschlands anreisen – für die Hin- und Rückfahrt zu Ihrem Veranstaltungsort zahlen Sie immer den gleichen Festpreis*: 1. Klasse 159 € 2. Klasse 99 € Die Tickets gelten längstens zwei Wochen in einem frei wählbaren Zeitraum vom 1. Januar bis 31. Dezember 2012.

* Vorausbuchungsfrist mindestens drei Tage. Mit Zugbindung und Verkauf, solange der Vorrat reicht. Gegen einen Aufpreis von 30 € erhalten Sie auch ein vollflexibles Ticket mit freier Zugwahl und ohne Kontingentierung. Diese gelten nur Montag bis Donnerstag (nicht an Feiertagen). Umtausch und Erstattung vor dem 1. Geltungstag 15 €, ab dem 1. Geltungstag ausgeschlossen. Die Benutzung des ICE-Sprinters, railjets oder des DB Nachtzugs in Verbindung mit dem Veranstaltungsticket ist nur mit einem Aufpreis möglich.

Room allocations

Blocks of rooms have been held for guests – under the key word “bredent group days” – in the “MARITIM Hotel Berlin” where the conference is being held (Telephone +49 (0) 30/2065-0), in the “MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin” (Telephone +49 (0) 30/2033-5), in the “Motel One Berlin Tiergarten” (Telephone +49 (0) 30/2363129), in the Hotel Berlin, Berlin (Telephone +49 (0) 30/26050), in the Wyndham Grand Berlin Potsdamer Platz Hotel (Telephone +49 (0) 30/8010660) and in the Grand Hyatt Berlin Hotel (Telephone +49 (0) 30/25531234). These can be reserved at special rates. If you have any questions or requests regarding hotel reservations during the confer-ence, please contact us – we will be happy to help you. Reserving rooms online At, the „MARITIM Hotel Berlin“, where the conference is being held, and the „MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin“ offer the option of reserving the rooms you require for the conference period online, directly and simply.

Congress hotel MARITIM Hotel Berlin

MARITIM proArte Hotel Berlin singleShopper.jsp?acctid=54595 35&promocode=BRE220514 singleShopper.jsp?acctid=54595 38&promocode=SKY2014

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Arrive in relaxed comfort with the train

By train to your event in the MARITIM and back again. Enjoy a relaxed journey to and from your event with the train. Go easy on your travel budget and protect the environment. In cooperation with Deutsche Bahn, the MARITIM Hotelgesellschaft offers attractive special conditions. No matter where in Germany you are travelling from – for travel to and from your event location you will always pay the same fixed price. The offers for 2014 will be available from September 2013 – if you are interested we will be delighted to advise you.

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Programme of excursions (all excursions available in German and English) Depending on group requests other languages will be offered.

Tour of the city A journey through time around reunified Berlin, with live guide. During this tour, dis-cover the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church and New National Gallery, the Philharmonie concert hall, Potsdamer Platz, Jewish Museum, Checkpoint Charlie, Gendarmenmarkt, Alexanderplatz, Nikolaiviertel, Rotes Rathaus, East Side Gallery, Fernsehturm, Berlin Cathedral, Berlin State Opera, Brandenburg Gate, Holocaust Memorial, Berlin Central Station, Reichstag, Government quarter, Bellevue Palace, Victory Column, Charlottenburg Palace, Olympic stadium, Radio Tower and Kurfürstendamm. The tour can be supplemented with one of the following elements: Special tour of the Philharmonie concert hall An organic building as the new home for the Berlin Philharmonic – in the 1950s, this stirred up heated debates, yet today the Philharmonie Berlin is indisputably one of the emblems of the city. With the new Philharmonie building, completed in 1963, the architect Hans Scharoun created a new type of concert hall. Instead of the traditional frontal view of the orchestra, Scharoun positioned the players in the centre of the hall. The folded and inclined walls and the tentlike ceiling, together with pyramid-shaped sound resonators on the ceiling, contribute to unique acoustics. As is their custom, Berlin locals soon found their own name for the unusual concert hall, dubbing it „Zirkus Karajani“ – in reference to the shape of the building and to Herbert von Karajan, who was conductor at that time. Founded in 1882, the Berlin Philharmonic is today one of the most indemand orchestras anywhere in the world. Alongside Herbert von Karajan, the conductors Hans von Bülow, Arthur Nikisch, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Sergiu Celibidache and Claudio Abbado shaped the development of the 128-piece orchestra. At present, the British conductor Sir Simon Rattle holds the post of Artistic Director. Special tour of Berlin‘s Fernsehturm At 368 metres, Berlin‘s Fernsehturm is Germany‘s highest structure and the fourth-highest free-standing structure in Europe. In the


year it was completed, it was the second highest Fernsehturm in the world. The tower, designed in the international style, was constructed at the centre of East Berlin during the mid to late 1960s and is significantly higher than the Berlin Radio Tower. It stands in an open area between the Marx-Engels-Forum park and Alexanderplatz, at the centre of the Berlin „Mitte“ district, and characterises the skyline of Berlin as a landmark that is visible from a great distance, as well as being an emblem of the city. As well as transmitting radio and television programmes, the Fernsehturm also serves as a viewing tower and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Germany, with around 1.2 million visitors each year. From being a symbol of the GDR with strong political overtones, in the reunified Berlin the striking structure which shapes the face of the city underwent a transformation and became a symbol of the united city. In 1979, the tower was awarded listed building status in the GDR, and this was upheld following reunification. Special tour of the Neues Museum Between 1841 and 1859, the Neues Museum (New Museum) was constructed as the second museum on the Spree island, in line with plans drawn up by Friedrich August Stüler. The museum was badly damaged by bombs during the Second World War, and restoration work led by the British architect David Chipperfield began in 2003. The Neues Museum now forms a new home for the Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection, as well as for the Museum of Prehistory and Early History and artefacts from the Collection of Classical Antiquities. The collections are not strictly separated from one another, but rather merge into an innovation form of presentation that offers visitors a fascinating insight into the origins of human history. Renowned archaeological treasures, such as the bust of Nefertiti and the Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection‘s entire collection of Armana Art, combine with worldfamous exhibits from the Museum of Prehistory and Early History, such as the skull of the Neanderthal from Le Moustier or Heinrich Schliemann’s collection of Trojan Antiquities, to form a unique panorama of the early history of humankind. Duration: 4 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin

Price: City tour 20,00 EUR (minimum 30 participants per tour) City tour + Philharmonie 25.00 EUR (minimum 30 participants per tour) City tour + Fernsehturm 35.00 EUR (minimum 30 participants per tour) City tour + Neues Museum 40.00 EUR (minimum 30 participants per tour) Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 9 am - 1 pm (one bus per special tour) Saturday 24 May 2014, 9 am - 1 pm (one bus per special tour Brückenfahrt (Bridge Cruise) The Bridge Cruise is the longest boat trip through the centre of Berlin. 23 kilometres of waterways, including the Spree, will pass by in a diverting 3 hours, while you enjoy the trip in onboard comfort - in good weather it‘s a wonderful opportunity to combine sightseeing and sunbathing. By boat through the centre of Berlin... The Bridge Cruise passes in a large circle through Charlottenburg, Moabit, Mitte, Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg, past numerous sights. In the centre of Berlin, historical and modern architecture stand cheek by jowl. The government quarter, the Ger-man Chancellery and the new Central Station are just a stone‘s throw away, as is the Reichstag parliament building. From the water, the Museum Island, Berlin Cathedral and the Nikolaiviertel show off their most beautiful aspects. Duration: 4 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin

Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 3 pm - 7 pm Dating back more than 1000 years Trip to Potsdam, the regional capital Brandenburg‘s regional capital Potsdam, situated on the banks of the Havel river at the south-western edge of Berlin, has always drawn all visitors under its spell due to its numerous attractive castles built by the Prussian rulers, as well as many other architectural jewels in the old town. Visitors generally visit Potsdam primarily to see the legendary Sanssouci Palace. Main attractions of the old town During the journey to Potsdam, the guide will provide you with some historical background information on the town. You will discover many of the sights and, for example, will have the opportunity to marvel at the Dutch quarter and the Russian colony Alexandrovka. The visit to the Sanssouci Palace forms the highlight of the excursion. The Sanssouci Palace was the favourite retreat of the important Prussian king Friedrich II. Don‘t miss this opportunity to make an excursion to the town that was formerly home to the court of the Prussian rulers and is steeped in history. Your tour guide will lead you through the beautiful interior of the rococo palace, which is of almost unrivalled beauty. Duration: 4 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: EUR 45.00 (minimum 30 participants) Tour guide/bus, including special tour of the Sanssouci Palace* *Potsdam Palaces and Garden Foundation will only confirm a special tour as of November 2013, therefore this element is subject to change.

Price: EUR 55.00 (minimum 60 participants) You may order food and drink on board (not included in the price)

Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 9 am - 1 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 9 am - 1 pm


Programme of excursions (all excursions available in German and English)

The Magic of the Yards: Backyards in Berlin-Mitte We will show you Berlin-Mitte as only insiders know it: history, art, culture and the trendy scene make up a special mix here. A lively neighbourhood and a colourful scene have grown up around Oranienburger Strasse with its New Synagogue which is visible from far and wide. Exciting sites are hidden in backyards and former factories. We will introduce you to the mix of Berlin‘s backyards: the Hackesche Höfe, the Sophie-Gips-Höfe, the Kunsthof and the Heckmann Höfe have an unmistakeable flair. Duration: 3 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin

Price: EUR 49.00 (minimum 15 participants) Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 9 am - 1 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 9 am - 1 pm Culinary tour in Mitte: The taste of Berlin

Price: EUR 25.00 (minimum 15 participants)

Berlin‘s cuisine is as diverse as its inhabitants and guests. Come with us on a culinary world tour. You will take part in tasting sessions in delicatessens, snack bars, restaurants and cafés and will discover interesting facts about the neighbourhood - a culinary experience.

Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 3 pm - 6 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 3 pm - 6 pm

New premises are opening every week: oriental restaurants and Asian snack bars, Chinese tea shops and exquisite confectionery stores.

Fashion in Mitte

Even those who are part of the scene find it difficult to keep up with the latest developments. In between the tastings, you will learn some entertaining and informative facts about the neighbourhood.

In recent years, Berlin has increasingly established itself as a city of fashion. Our stroll through the fashion scene will show that no other German city is as colourful and experimental as Berlin when it comes to fashion trends. Interesting fashion ateliers such as „thatchers“ and „Lisa D.“ have made the Mitte district their home. The exclusive boutiques of Claudia Skoda, Herr von Eden and Kaviar Gauche in Neue Schönhauser Strasse can be found close by. The young labels „Urban Speed“, „To die for and Glamourgirl“ and „LaLa Berlin Store“ produce head to toe fashion and are meeting with an enthusiastic response. The Berlin labels „Nix“ and „Hut up“ can be found in the Heckmann-Höfe.


Duration: 3 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin

We will showcase the fashion innovators and designers. You will be there while they are working – you can watch as they cut the fabric, can touch the materials and can view the work benches of the jewellery designers...

We will show you Berlin-Mitte as only insiders know it: history, culture and the trendy scene make up a special mix here. In the triangle formed by Auguststrasse, Sophienstrasse and Oranienburger Strasse, with its synagogue, a lively neighbourhood scene has sprung up. We‘ll pass the former Imperial Post Office and enter the Heckmann Höfe. In the confectionery production facility we‘ll try the latest batch of the tasty sweets, before skirting Monbijou Park, discovering the Strandbar beach bar and watching the passing ships. Clärchens Ballhaus is a „must“ and should not be missed on any tour. Passing the New Synagogue, through alleys and backyards in the former Jewish quarter, we‘ll now come to the Hackesche Höfe. The famous Art Nouveau Hackesche Höfe were built around

1910, and house commercial premises (cafés, galleries, fashion), residential flats and culture. A tour that‘ll put you in a good mood! Duration: 3 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: EUR 49.00 (minimum 20 people) Tour including culinary delicacies Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 3 pm - 5.30 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 3 pm - 5.30 pm Visit to the me Collectors Room Berlin The exhibition premises „me Collectors Room Berlin“, the brainchild of Thomas Olbricht, showcase the Olbricht Collection and other international private collections in changing exhibitions. Existential themes such as life, love, Eros, transience and death form programmatic focal points. The collection encompasses works from the early 16th century, which are shown in the permanently installed „Wunderkammer Olbricht“, through to the latest contemporary art. Duration: 2 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: EUR 35.00 (minimum 20 participants) Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 3 pm - 5 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 3 pm to 5 pm Reichstag* The Reichstag building was constructed between 1884 and 1894, based on plans by Paul Wallot. With the proclamation of the German Empire in 1871, Berlin became the Imperial Capital. The newly created parliament then also required a seat of government. In his design, Wallot drew together elements from

the Renaissance, Baroque and Classical styles in order to ensure that his building appeared appropriate representative and monumental. The inscription on the gable remains to this day and reads „Dem Deutschen Volke“ (For the German People). This was only added in 1916. After the war, the badly damaged Reichstag was initially not used. In 1957, the cupola had to be demolished for structural reasons. Initial renovation work commenced in 1957, under the leadership of Paul Baumgarten. Among other things, he glazed the Plenarsaal and repressed almost all historical features of the building. A second renovation phase then began in 1994 and culminated in the first session of the Bundestag in the new Reichstag building on 19 April 1999. The British architect Sir Norman Foster realised his drafts and a functional parliament was created. The most striking new element was the glass cupola. The steel and glass structure, which weighs 800 tonnes, has a diameter of 40 metres and is 23.5 metres high. Inside the cupola, two spiral paths lead to the viewing platform at the top and then back to the roof terrace. During the special tour, the tasks, working methods and composition of the parliament will be explained to you, along with the history and architecture of the Reichstag building. Subsequently you can visit the cupola. *The offer is optional. The special tours can only be confirmed from early November 2013, as the session plan for 2014 will not be published until this point. The house rules of the German Bundestag shall apply. Due to security or weather issues arising at the time, visits that have already been confirmed may be cancelled on site at short notice. We will require: SURNAME/FIRST NAME/DATE OF BIRTH of the participants. (We will send you a standard form at the appropriate time!) Duration: 2 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: expected 40 EUR Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 3 pm - 4.30 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 3 pm - 4.30 pm


Programme of excursions (all excursions available in German and English)

KPM Royal Porcelain Manufactory/KaDeWe department store Special tour of KPM World The KPM WORLD exhibition invites you to take a 500 m-long tour through the workshop. Starting under a starry sky, you will learn about how the brand‘s logo, the cobalt blue sceptre, has changed over the course of time. You will be taken back in time to 1763 and will see the development of the Berlin-based factory, illustrated through unique exhibits, from the early days right up to the present. After this, you can view the original kilns in the historic ring kiln hall. The model store houses the work of all the designers and the important moulds. It forms the very core of the factory. After passing through there, you will enter the show workshop, where em-ployees demonstrate their craft. To round off the tour, you will visit the Boccherini Saal with its imposing covered board and the Modern Living Room where the latest design developments are showcased. KaDeWe special tour Visit the legendary KaDeWe department store and discover many interesting facts about its establishment and development through to the present day. We would like to accompany your guests on an individual tour and thereby offer them an introduc-tion to an unforgettable shopping experience. After the tour, we would like to invite you to partake of a glass of champagne in the world-famous „Schlemmeretage“ food court on the 6th floor of KaDeWe. Duration: 5 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: EUR 57.00 EUR (minimum 20 participants) Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 2 pm - 6 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 2 pm to 6 pm


Mercedes-Welt Berlin & Formula 1 simulator We are pleased to be allowed to tempt you into the fascinating world of cars, experiences and events at Salzufer road. Discover the diversity of one of the world‘s most impressive automotive manufacturers and let our passion for vehicles feed your enthusiasm. By drawing together a car dealership, brand centre and event centre, Mercedes World at Salzufer road has become a public meeting place, covering an area of 35,500 m2. Each year since it opened, more than 200 events from various areas of culture have united people across social classes; people from the spheres of culture, politics and industry. Elegant yet functional structures incorporating a great deal of glass and steel underline, by architectural means, our claim to openness and transparency. Large halls provide space for special attractions and events. As the particular highlight of this tour, you will be able to enjoy the feeling of racing first hand, thanks to an F1 simulator. After a short briefing on how to race, you will compete against one another and at the end the fastest competitor will win a prize. Duration: 4 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: EUR 100.00 (minimum 12 participants/maximum 20 participants) EUR 80.00 (minimum 40 participants) Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 9.30 am - 1.30 pm Saturday 24 May 2014, 9.30 am - 1.30 pm

Ladies Afternoon JeanLuc Paris – stylist to Harald Glööckler and other national and international celebrities – would like to invite you to an exclusive „Ladies‘ Afternoon“ in his salon. Enjoy the atmosphere of the salon and the services of JeanLuc Paris‘ team, and spoil yourself with the exclusive catering, including champagne and caviar, in preparation for the Gala Evening. French-style „haute coiffure“ in Berlin-Mitte. Experience the masterful and varied skills in cut and colour, and emphasise your personality with soft lines and shapes, an eye-catching and elegant classic look or visionary creations. A highly professional team of hairdressers and stylists will be on hand. Très charmant. Duration: 2 hours including transfer from/to the Maritim Hotel Berlin Price: EUR 100.00 (with exclusive catering) Dates: Friday 23 May 2014, 2 pm - 4 pm

Enclosed to this Preliminary Programme you will find an registration form to the bredent group days SKY Meeting 2014. In case of missing this registration form, please call (+49) 0 73 09 / 8 72 - 6 13 or send an e-mail to


You will receive vocational training points for participating in the bredent group days SKY Meeting 2014. The number is dependent on your participation in the individual programme aspects. Coffee breaks, lunch, drinks and the get-together are included in the conference fee.

Early-Bird-Fee fee until 31 October 2013 Registration Thursday 22 May 2014 10 am to 6 pm Friday 23 May 2014 and Saturday 24 May 2014 7.30 am to 6 pm Events times Thursday 22 May 2014 1 pm to 6 pm Entry from 12.00 midday Friday 23 May 2014 8.30 am to 6 pm Entry from 7.30 am Saturday 24 May 2014 8.30 am to 6 pm Entry from 7.30 am Conference location MARITIM Hotel Berlin StauffenbergstraĂ&#x;e 26 10785 Berlin

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The conference language is English and there will be simultaneous interpretation into up to five languages, as required.

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