eDynamic Learning Course Title: Forestry & Natural Resources

State: AL
State Course Title: Forestry
State Course Code:
State Standards: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Date of Standards:
Percentage of Course Aligned: 94%
1. Identify potential hazards to individuals working in Alabama forests. Examples: topographic hazards, venomous snakes, stinging insects, poisonous plants a. Describe methods of avoiding potential hazards in Alabama forests.
2. Describe historical events that have influenced forestry in Alabama and the United States.
3. Describe the parts of a tree and their functions.
4. Identify common tree species of Alabama by their common and scientific names. a. Compare and contrast characteristics of hardwood and softwood trees, and gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Professional Skills in Forestry
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 1: What is Forestry? Lesson 2
Identifying safety measures to be used in forestry work such as wearing protective gear properly, operating machinery according to instructions, handling chemicals properly, etc.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 1: What is Forestry? Lessons 2-4
Understanding how events in history, such as the rise of Environmentalism, have influenced forestry practices
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 1: What is Forestry? Lessons 2-4
Examining the anatomy of a tree, including functions of roots, trunk, leaves, and processes of photosynthesis
Students are to use an online guide to identify several local tree varieties and then compare findings Discussion 1
Exploring the differences between hardwoods and softwoods covered in Unit 5 Fully Met
Silviculture Practices
5. Compare and contrast artificial and natural reforestation methods. a. Identify sources of tree seedlings. b. Describe proper methods for the handling and care of seedlings. c. Compare methods of hand and mechanical planting of seedlings, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
6. Obtain and share information on the importance of prescribed burning.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 2: All About Ecosystems Lessons 2, 4
Benefits of using seedlings grown in a nursery instead of just planting seeds; benefits of growing seedlings in nurseries before replanting; silviculture methods such as replanting with seeds or seedlings
Review 4, Critical Thinking 5 Basics for handling seedlings also ground in Unit 4 Fully Met
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 4: Forest Management Basics Lesson 2
Using controlled burns to clear undergrowth, encourage new growth, control infestations, and more Critical Thinking 2, 3 Fully Met
7. Compare and contrast habitats of major forest species in Alabama.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 2: All About Ecosystems Lessons 2, 3
Understanding systems and the intertwining facets of different forest habitats, methods of protection, and maintenance; researching different state ecosystems
Review 3, 4, 5, Critical Thinking 3, 4, 5, Activity Fully Met
8. Explain the various management objectives of forest landowners. Examples: timber, wildlife, recreation, aesthetics
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 2: All About Ecosystems Lessons 1-4
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 7: Ethics, Ecology, and Safety Lesson 1
Important factors to consider in forestry, including maintaining sustainability, working well with neighbors, keeping current with science, and more 1, 4, 5, Critical Thinking 3, 5 Fully Met
10. Compare methods of harvesting timber, including clear, selection, shelterwood, and seed tree cutting.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 2: All About Ecosystems Lesson 4
Understanding benefits and drawbacks of such practices as clear cutting, selective cutting
Review 4
Fully Met
Protection of Forests
11. Describe types of forest fires and explain the methods of controlling them. a. Describe the concepts and methods involved in scheduling and conducting controlled burns
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 4: Forest Management Basics Lesson 2
Benefits of controlled burns and back fire, using drip torches and other tools
Review 3, Critical Thinking 2, 3, Lab, Discussion 1
Fully Met
12. Identify the major insects and diseases that damage forest trees in Alabama and explain methods of controlling them.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 4: Forest Management Basics Lessons 4, 5
Examining types and costs of disease and insect invasions and methods for damage control; assignment calls for identifying local diseases and insects
Review 4, 5, Critical Thinking 5, Discussion question 2 Fully Met
13. Identify undesirable and invasive plant species and explain methods of controlling them.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 2: All About Ecosystems Lesson 4
14. Research and share information about conservation easements, land trusts, and other means of preserving forests and other wild areas.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 3: Measuring and Monitoring the Forest Lesson 5
Using silviculture techniques to control what is grown in the forests and how it is grown
Case study of conservation plans and practices employed by government entities and others in the Appalachian mountains
Review 4, Critical Thinking 5
Damage caused by invasive fungus species covered in Unit 4 Fully Met
Review 1, Critical Thinking 1
Fully Met
Forestry Equipment
15. Identify types of tree-harvesting equipment and explain their uses.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 5: Working With Wood Lesson 4
Exploring the wide range of machinery used in felling trees, from early chainsaws through digital tools and cut-to-length systems
Critical Thinking 3, 5
16. Demonstrate the use of forestry hand tools, including pruning saws, bow saws, loppers, and brush cutters.
17. Demonstrate procedures for adjusting, operating, and maintaining a chain saw.
Forest Products and Marketing
18. Describe chemical and physical properties of wood.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 5: Working With Wood Lesson 3
Tracing the development of the chainsaw for use in forest management
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 5: Working With Wood Lesson 2
19. Identify primary and secondary products produced from wood. Examples: primary - lumber, timber; secondary - paper, pine straw
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 5: Working With Wood Lesson 2
Understanding the differences in grain, hardness, and cellular makeup between hard and soft woods
Best uses for hardwoods, such as furniture and wine barrels, and for soft woods, such as plywood and cedar chests
Review 3, Critical Thinking 2, Discussion 1
20. Analyze characteristics of lumber to determine grade.
21. Describe wood treatment processes and discuss environmental issues involved in their use.
Tree Measurement
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 3: Measuring and Monitoring the Forest Lesson 3
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 5: Working With Wood Lessons 2, 4
Examining felled trees for negative factors, such as insect damage, interior defects, pie cuts, etc.
Review 5 Fully Met
Process for making treated lumber out of soft woods; using stains and other finishes Discussion 1,
22. Demonstrate the use of tree measurement tools. a. Describe techniques for measuring tree diameter at breast height (DBH.) b. Describe techniques for measuring total tree height. c. Describe techniques for measuring pulpwood at marketable height. d. Describe techniques for measuring saw logs.
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 3: Measuring and Monitoring the Forest Lessons 2, 3
Using different tools and techniques to measure tree growth, including the caliper; the method for using a DBH tape by measuring at 4 feet 6 inches; using a clinometer to measure tree height and apps that perform the same function Methods of using biometrics to measure a forest's basal area, growth, and volume; measuring felled trees in board feet and processes of scaling
23. Interpret map characteristics and features. a. Demonstrate the use of mapping tools, including direction, elevation, and distance reading tools.
24. Compare and contrast the types and functions of precision and advanced technologies that are used in mapping of the forest. Examples: GIS, GPS, drones
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 6: Getting the Lay of the Land Lesson 3
Forestry and Natural Resources Unit 6: Getting the Lay of the Land Lessons 3, 4
Exploring recent digital mapping tools, and the use of the Geographic Coordinate Database from the BLM, and using GIS tools
Understanding digital mapping and using geographical information systems for better accuracy and data gathering; using GIS to get the best picture of forest growth