1.Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
2.Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
3.Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
4.Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.
5.Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
6.Use technology to collaborate with peers and/or experts to create digital artifacts that can be published online for a target audience.
7.Formulate new ideas, solve problems, or create products through the design and engineering process by utilizing testing, prototypes, and user feedback.
1.Describe ethical and legal practices for safeguarding the confidentiality of business-related information.
2.Describe possible threats to a laptop, tablet, computer, and/or network and methods for avoiding attacks related to programming.
3.Explain the consequences of social engineering, illegal, and unethical uses of technology. Examples: piracy, illegal downloading, licensing infringement; inappropriate use of software, hardware, or mobile devices in the work environment
4.Describe computing innovations which have the potential to advance programming or other aspects of computer science. Examples: artificial intelligence, quantum computing, low- or no-code programming
State: AL Percentage of Course Aligned:
Standards Course Title. (a or b), if applicable, e.g. Game Design 1a Unit Name(s) Lesson(s) Numbers How Standard is Taught Open-Assessment Assesses Standard (Critical Thinking question, Discussion question, How Standard is Assessed Standard Rating (Fully Met, Partially Met, Not Met) Foundational Standards
Not Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 8: Skill Spotlight: A World of Programming Lesson 3 Discuss the employability skills needed to obtain a position and successfully work in the field of programming including critical thinking, technical communicating, organization, creativity, handle stress, be an out-of-the-box thinker, and be detail oriented. Lab Students describe necessary employability skills Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 8: Skill Spotlight: A World of Programming Lesson 3 Describe and discuss jobs associated with the field of programming as well as the educational requirements of each including computer engineer, database administrator, software developer, systems analyst and web developer Critical Thinking 3, Lab Describing job options within the programming world Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 6: Legal and Ethical Computing Lessons 1-3 Analyze and explain both laws on privacy and security as well as ethical responsibilities of a computer professional. Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1, 2 Students write about laws related to privacy and security Fully Met
Not Met
Introduction to Programming 1A: Introduction Unit 8: Skill Spotlight: involved and informed Activity Student is to share a risk assessment document with slides to others, meet with them to discuss their comments, and incorporate their feedback Activity Students work with others in risk assessment procedures to create an artifact that captures knowledge gained Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 3: Problems and Solutions Lessons 1, 2 Explain the use of problem solving strategies such as SMART goal process, when breaking a problem down into subroutines. Critical Thinking 2, Lab, Discussion 2 Students discuss problem solving strategies in a lab assignment Fully Met Digital Literacy
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 6: Legal and Ethical Computing Lessons 1-3 Analyze and explain both laws on privacy and security as well as ethical responsibilities of a computer professional. Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1, 2 Examining ethical and legal practices in various assessment pieces Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 7: Safe and Secure Lessons 1-3 Identify and describe the risks that can effect computer facilities, data communications and software applications, privacy and security issues that are connected to the internet. Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity Students describe examples of threats to devices Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 6: Legal and Ethical Computing Lessons 1-3 Describe and explain the components of software licensing agreements including AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) which limits how software can be used such as in schools and businesses,
and what is
personal information,
issues, federal
to criminal
Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1, 2 Students discuss licensing agreements Fully Met
privacy policy
done with
laws pertaining
activities relating to computers, and plagiarism which is the using of other words and claiming it as your own.
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 8: Skill Spotlight: A World of Programming Lessons 2, 3 Describe and explain technology innovations including those that effect real-time communication, cloud computing where employees can share documents with each other and work on these in real-time, and adaptive technology which aids and specifically deals with individuals with special needs. Critical Thinking 3, 5, Discussion 1 Students write about technology innovations and the purposes they serve Fully Met Course Title:
1a-1b State
Date of Standards:
State Course Title:
State Course Code:
Introduction to Programming
Standards: Information Technology
Programming Foundations
5. Describe the flow of data and instructions through computer systems.
6. Explain how data is represented, manipulated, and stored in a computer.
7. Describe the components of the programming development environment (the hardware and software used by programmers). Examples: text editor, compiler, debugging, profiler, IDE, modeling
and discuss the hardware, software requirements such as operating systems as well translator and compiler to run a program including the details of how a
8. Compare and contrast current programming languages utilized by business and industry and determine features, functions, and benefits of each.
9. Identify and explain various kinds of cryptographic algorithms. Examples: hashing, symmetric, asymmetric
Describe and explain first generation, second and third generation programming languages as well as high-level languages FORTRAN, COBOL,C, C+, C++, C#,Objective-C, and Java as fourth generation and which are closer to human language and fifth generation languages which includes AI (Mercury, OPS5, and PROLOG)
algorithms and comparing differences between computer programs and algorithms
10. Explain why any input-processing algorithm must correctly handle all problem variants.
11. Write an algorithm to solve mathematical problems using formulas, equations, and functions.
12. Represent the logical flow of a program graphically.
13. Utilize and explain techniques for code commenting and documentation. Example: inserting meta text in source code
14. Design a program that uses mathematical operations, data, functions, looping and iteration, sequencing, abstraction, lists, and selection. Examples: if-else statements, comparison
a. Design a program using visual modeling software to illustrate abstraction of languages from the solutions.
Examples: Appian, Claris FileMaker, DWkit, Google AppSheet, Looker 7, Mendix, Microsoft PowerApps, OutSystems, Robocoder Rintagi, Salesforce Lightning, Sisense, Skyve Foundry, Temenos (formerly Kony), SIB Visions VisionX, Wix Editor X, Yellowfin 9, Zoho Creator
15.Design a program that passes arguments and parameters (variables).
16.Evaluate algorithms based on given designs to discuss their efficiency, correctness, and clarity. Examples: analyzing and comparing execution times, testing with multiple inputs or data sets, debugging
17.Construct programs that utilize logical algorithms from specifications and requirement statements.
18.Create a model software program which involves coding, testing, and documenting according to industry coding standards and guidelines.
the purpose of using loops and how the use of loops is an aid in testing a program to make sure it works correctly.
the advantages of developing an efficient, consistent and repetitive algorithm which will be essential when converted to a program and carried out by a computer.
and describe simulation, which is a copy or reproduction of the behavior of a system like a video game; and model which is a program that represents the behavior of an object or system and how useful both can be as they are abstractions.
Computer Systems
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 4: The Big Process Picture Lesson 3 Define and illustrate flowcharting to describe both the input and output of data and its processing. Lab, Activity Students develop functional flowcharts of data Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 6: The Data Files Lessons 1-3 Describe and explain how data is stored in memory, how data is analyzed and manipulated when collected by various techniques. Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity Explaining how data is stored in memory Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 1: Designing Programs Lessons 1-4 Describe
program in executed. Critical Thinking 2, Activity Students discuss hardware and software requirement Fully Met Software Design and Programming
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 2: Speaking the Language Lesson 2
Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1, 2 Students compare programming languages Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lesson 1 Understanding
Critical Thinking 4 Discussing different types of algorithms Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lessons 1, 2 Discuss the importance of algorithms in modern society to make decisions
stocks, hiring and firing employees, persuade customers to buy certain products,
criminal offender. Critical Thinking 1, 2, 4, Lab, Activity Students write about the uses of algorithms Fully Met
rapidly such as buying and trading
as well as vote for a particular
likelihood of a person being a repeat
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lessons 1-3 Describe and illustrate how an algorithm is used to solve math problems by using sequence, selection, logical operators, and loops. Critical Thinking 2-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1 Provide examples as to how algorithms are used to solve math problems Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lab Describe the use of visuals in developing an algorithm such as a flowchart or a decision table. Lab Students complete a lab on visuals and algorithms Fully Met
Examples: flowcharts, data traces, input/output charts
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 4: Quality Assurance Lesson 4 Define and explain the term "documentation" as text that describes details about the software such as internal design, technical features and how to use the software. Critical Thinking 4, 5, Activity, Discussion 2 Students define the term documentation Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lessons 1-3 Describe and illustrate how an algorithm is used to solve math problems by using sequence, selection, logical operators, and loops. Critical Thinking 2, 3, 5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1 Provide examples as to how algorithms are used to solve math problems Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 7: Capstone Project Part 1 Lessons 1-5 Describe, explain and illustrate the process
a software application from analyzing the problem to designing a functional algorithm to follow and ultimately solving a given problem. Critical Thinking 1-5, Lab, Activity, Discussion 1, 2 Students explain the design process in a project Fully Met
of creating
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 2: Speaking the Language Lesson 2 Define and explain the term "argument" as a piece of data that the code needs in order to run properly; "parameters which are variables that pass information into functions. Lab Students define the term argument Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lesson 3 Explain
Lab, Activity Applying knowledge of loops in an lab and activity Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 5: All About Algorithms Lesson 1 Discuss
Activity Tracing the advantages of efficient algorithms in an activity assignment Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving through Programming Unit 3: Abstraction Lesson 2
Lab Discussing the use of models Fully Met
19.Explain how strings of 0s and 1s are used in programming.
20.Summarize how numerical values are represented using different bases, including decimal and binary.
Computer Numbering Systems
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 7: Running the Numbers Lesson 1 Explain binary conversions using 0 and 1 in programming as well as the basic rules to know when counting in binary and how to use binary to write a program using Python. Lab Completing binary conversions in programming Fully Met
Introduction to Programming 1a Unit 7: Running the Numbers Lesson 1 Illustrate using a conversion chart, the conversion of decimal to binary as well as binary to decimal Practice within Lesson 1, Lab, Activity Students demonstrate using a conversion chart Fully Met 21.Demonstrate how numbers with decimals can have fixedpoint or floating-point representations in binary. Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction Unit 7: Running the Numbers Lessons 1, 2 Discuss and illustrate decimal to binary conversions and binary to decimal conversions. Activity Exploring and applying knowledge of binary numbers and representations Fully Met
Not Met
22.Compare and contrast quantum and classical computing notation systems. Example: qubits