State: AL
State Course Title: Digital Technology
State Course Code:
eDynamic Learning Course Title: Learning in a Digital World State Standards: Marketing

Date of Standards: 2021
Percentage of Course Aligned: 100%
Foundational Standards
1. Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 2: Online Safety Lab
Student is to create an operations manual for new employees that details online security and privacy standards
2. Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 2: Online Safety Lab
Creating a set of rules for an office setting that ensures employee safety and security, including standards of behavior, privacy settings on social media platforms and avoiding common mistakes and dangers
3. Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate jobseeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 7: Your Learning Process Activity
Creating a slideshow presentation that illustrates the differences in three learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or verbal) and how these styles connect to possible career paths
4. Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.
5. Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 6: Content and Copyright Lessons 1-3
Understanding the types of copyright laws, beginning with the Copyright Act of 1790; proper ways to cite sources; examining the notion of fair use and public domain
Learning in a Digital World Unit 3: Communication and Collaboration Lesson 5
Students learn and demonstrate best practices for effective collaboration Discussion 1
6. Discuss and demonstrate ways to value diversity. Learning in a Digital World Unit 3: Communication and Collaboration Lesson 3
Students define and follow best practices for collaboration Activity
Computer Basics
1. Exhibit proper use of basic computer components, including hardware, operating systems, software, file management, network functions, hardware maintenance, and problem-solving. Examples: changing printer cartridge, replenishing paper, scanning disk, defragmenting disk, clearing paper jam
Learning in a Digital World Unit 3: Communication and Collaboration Activity
After researching different technology tools and digital communication platforms, student will select those they believe work best for the task
2. Describe types and purposes of computer systems. a. Outline the history of computing.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 3: Communication and Collaboration Activity
Research communication apps in order to determine the pros and cons of each's effectiveness in problem solving and collaboration
Software Application
3. Demonstrate data input techniques with speed and accuracy. Examples: touch method , voice recognition
Learning in a Digital World Unit 2: Online Safety Lessons 2, 3
Understanding personal data and passwords, Lesson 3- Avoiding digital threats such as viruses, adware, malware
4. Utilize word processing skills, including creating page layouts, proofreading, editing, printing, and saving.
Learning in a Digital World All Units All Lessons
In each unit students are called on to create assignments using word processing software, presentation software, and more
5. Use spreadsheet software to create, save, open, edit, and print a workbook or worksheet. a. Utilize formulas for problem-solving. b. Create charts to interpret spreadsheet data.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 6: Content and Copyright Lesson 5
6. Create a database file. Examples: tables, reports, forms, queries Learning in a Digital World Unit 2: Online Safety Lab
Students use technology to adapt content to better fit a specific meaning
Student is to research and collect data on online security and privacy standards for employees to follow and then condense the material and communicate it to new employees
7. Demonstrate procedures for creating, saving, retrieving, and delivering multimedia presentations.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 7: Your Learning Process Activity
8. Demonstrate uses of the Internet in business. Examples: purchasing, research and development, publicity, communication, selling Learning in a Digital World Unit 3: Communication and Collaboration Lessons 3, 4
Creating a slideshow presentation that illustrates the differences in three learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or verbal)
Understanding the use of collaborative technologies and appropriate etiquette to connect with both peers and adults Critical Thinking 1, 2, Lab
Career Opportunities
9. Research career and entrepreneurial opportunities, responsibilities, and educational and credentialing requirements in high-demand, entry-level information technology positions and identify opportunities for career advancement to upper-level positions in the field. a. Utilize research and local Workforce Development data to select one high-demand entry-level information technology position of particular interest and identify education and training needed to advance to upper-level positions in the profession. b. Prepare and present a slide presentation outlining progression from an entry-level information technology position to upper-level positions in the profession. Examples: wages, education/training, travel, correspondence, advertisement
10. Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
Learning in a Digital World Unit 7: Your Learning Process Activity
Creating a slideshow presentation that illustrates the differences in three learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or verbal) and how these styles connect to possible career paths
Activity Fully Met
11. Analyze the impact of information technology on society. Examples: mobility, time saving, cost efficiency, innovation, ease of access to information, communication
12. Describe ethical considerations resulting from technological advances. Examples: hacking risks, privacy concerns, restricted sites, copyright, intellectual property rights
Learning in a Digital World Unit 4: Digital Literacy Lesson 1
Evaluating effective research plans and principles, including topics, subquestions, sources, and more; assignment calls for researching a chosen topic
Critical Thinking 1-5, Activity, Discussion 2 Fully Met
Learning in a Digital World Unit 3: Communication and Collaboration Lessons 3, 4
Understanding the use of collaborative technologies and appropriate etiquette to connect with both peers and adults
Critical Thinking 1, 2, Lab
Fully Met
13. Describe positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using technology. Examples: social interactions online, networked devices, email, music, video
Computational Thinking
14. Collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making. Examples: technology trends, online search term data, shopping trends
Learning in a Digital World Unit 6: Content and Copyright Lessons 1-3
Understanding the types of copyright laws, beginning with the Copyright Act of 1790; proper ways to cite sources; examining the notion of fair use and public domain
Critical Thinking 1-4, Activity, Discussion 2
Fully Met
Learning in a Digital World Unit 6: Content and Copyright Lessons 1-3
Understanding the types of copyright laws, beginning with the Copyright Act of 1790; proper ways to cite sources; examining the notion of fair use and public domain
Critical Thinking 1-4, Activity, Discussion 2
Fully Met
Learning in a Digital World Unit 2: Online Safety Lab
Student is to research and collect data on online security and privacy standards for employees to follow and then condense the material and communicate it to new employees
Lab Fully Met