eDynamic Learning Course Title: Principles of Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources

State: AL
State Course Title: Fundamentals of Agriscience
State Course Code:
State Standards: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Date of Standards: 2020
Percentage of Course Aligned: 90%
Impact of Agriculture
1. Define agriculture and identify major divisions of the agriculture industry. a. Identify major agricultural commodities in the local area, state, nation, and world. b. Describe various agricultural organizations and their roles in the agricultural industry.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 3: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources in Context Lesson 3
Examination of major developments in the 20th century in US agriculture and food availability, including refrigerated transport, wider variety of food imports, biotechnology, and genetic engineering
Review 1; Lab Fully Met
2. Create a timeline listing major changes and accomplishments in the history of agriculture.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 3: Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources in Context
Lessons 2, 3
Tracing food history from times of hunter gatherers through to animal domestication and crop planting, Greek and Roman, technology advances, and the Agricultural Revolution
Review 2; Critical Thinking 2, 3;
Discussion 2 Fully Met
Technology Applications
3. Utilize technology to access, manage, and integrate agricultural information. Examples: spreadsheets, databases, web-based drives, electronic record keeping, Geographic Integration System, Global Positioning System, drones a. Identify technological advances that enhance the agriculture industry.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 4: Recordkeeping and Information Technology Lesson 3
Using key computer programs for success in agriculture and food science fields, including Excel, and effectively employing digital records
Critical Thinking 1, 5; Review 1, 3 Fully Met
Agribusiness Leadership
4. Apply problem-solving and decision-making skills to address agribusiness issues. Examples: supply and demand, financial management, marketing
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 4: Recordkeeping and Information Technology Lessons 2, 3
How to write an effective business plan, bookkeeping and basic financial records, accounting systems, important recordkeeping, such as stock and crop records, etc.
Review 1, 2, 3, 5; Critical Thinking 1, 2, 3, 5 Fully Met
5. Discuss the history and structure of Agriscience education and its three-circle model. a. Examine the history of the National FFA Organization. b. List legislation which mandates or supports agricultural education.
6. Identify components of a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), including manageability, record keeping, availability of facilities, financing, and award opportunities. Examples: award opportunities - Agriscience fairs, proficiency awards, degree applications, scholarships a. Identify financial considerations as factors to be considered in agricultural opportunities and selecting a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).
7. Demonstrate communication skills through Leadership Development Events (LDEs), including prepared public speaking, extemporaneous speaking, creed speaking, conduct of a chapter meeting, and parliamentary procedure. a. Practice listening and speaking skills. b. Refine reading and writing skills.
8. Identify methods and practices for conserving the environment. a. Explain the importance of natural resources.
9. Identify major soil areas in Alabama. a. Identify layers of soil in a soil profile. b. Determine the texture of various soil samples. c. Determine the land capability class for a given plot of land. d. Explain how to adjust soil pH.
10. Discuss forest management practices. a. Identify trees for local, state, national, and global markets. b. Identify potential hazards for Alabama forests and forest professionals. Examples: invasive species; venomous spiders and snakes, poisonous plants, topographic hazards
11. Discuss ethical and legal responsibilities involved in wildlife management. a. Describe state hunting laws and regulations concerning wildlife. b. Explain hunting safety practices.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 2: Leadership, Ethics, and Work Habits Lesson 2
Career development goals as part of FFA involvement outlined Review 1, 5; Critical Thinking 2, 3 Fully Met
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 1: Careers in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Lesson 5
Exploring SAE programs, including creating projects, interning, or working in different agricultural fields Review 1, 4; Critical Thinking 1 SAE also talked about in Unit 2 Fully Met
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 2: Leadership, Ethics, and Work Habits Lesson 2
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 9; Natural Resources Today Lessons 2-5
Planning and running meetings effectively as part of FFA activities; the specialist field of Agricultural Communication Specialist Critical Thinking 2, 3; Review 1, 5 Fully Met
Recognizing the role and impact of hydropower; economic and environmental role of oil, natural gas, and mining
Activity, Review 1, 3, 5, Critical Thinking 1,2 Fully Met
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 4: Plant Structures and Systems Lesson 4 Exploring about how different areas use soil in different ways Lab
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 9; Natural Resources Today Lesson 2 Understanding current forestry practices and resources Review 1, 2
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 2: Leadership, Ethics, and Work Habits Lesson 4
Examining different agriculture legislation and the roles of different regulatory agencies Review 3
Fully Met
Fully Met
12. Identify common fish and wildlife species of Alabama. Not Met
Plant Science
13. Identify characteristics and functions of plants. a. Explain plant processes, including photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration.
b. Identify the essential elements needed for plant health and growth. c. Identify various necessities for producing plants. d. Demonstrate sexual and asexual plant propagation. e. Discuss the use of chemicals in agriculture. Examples: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 4: Plant Structures and Systems Lesson 2
Identifying the biology of plants: plant parts, life cycles, structural functions, Review 1; Critical Thinking 3, 4
Fully Met
Animal Science
14. Identify characteristics of common breeds of livestock including cattle, swine, sheep, equine animals, and poultry. a. Identify species-specific terminology used to identify livestock. Example: bovine- bull, cow, heifer, steer, calf b. Explain practices used to manage livestock, including handling, breeding, vaccinating, and transporting. c. Determine nutritional requirements for livestock, including cattle, swine, sheep, equine animals, and poultry.
15. Differentiate among types of aquaculture enterprises in Alabama, including catfish, crawfish, shrimp, and tilapia.
Industrial Agricultural Technology
16. Apply mathematical, reading, and writing skills used in woodworking. a. Demonstrate procedures for constructing a woodworking project, including completing a bill of materials, calculating board feet, selecting tools, applying measurements, cutting, assembling, and finishing.
17. Examine procedures used in welding.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 6: Understanding Animal Science Lesson 2 Identifying common livestock and poultry found on American farms
18. Explain the theory of operation for two- and four-stroke small engines.
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 1: Careers in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Lesson 5
Exploring SAE programs, including creating projects in a range of agricultural settings and aspects
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 8: Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Lesson 4
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 8: Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Lesson 4
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 8: Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Lesson 4
Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Unit 8: Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Lesson 4
1, 2, 3, 4; Critical Thinking 1, 2, 4 Fully Met
1, 2, 3, 4; Critical Thinking 1, 2, 4 Fully Met
1, 2, 3, 4; Critical Thinking 1, 2, 4 Fully Met