Career: Computer programmers design and create software programs for the companies or clients they work for. They use various coding systems and tools to develop software products. Computer programmers modify and test codes, electronic forms, and scripts that enable software to run as it was designed to do.
Lesson: This lesson plan includes ways to introduce students to the computer programmer career by gaining an understanding the basics of coding. Students will play a game to introduce them to the logic of computer coding. Students will then complete online exercises that take them through different coding exercises and challenges step-by-step.
Grade Level: Elementary Grades
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will explore the career of a computer programmer and learn how computer applications are created.
〉 Through game playing, students will write instructions to navigate past obstacles and find the hidden treasure.
〉 Students will then complete online exercises taking them step-by-step through different coding exercises and challenges in Code.org.

〉 Students will gain an insight into the computer programmer profession, including common job tasks, salary, career pathways, and credentials required to perform the job
Materials Needed:
Activity #1: Treasure Ahoy!
〉 Student Worksheet: Treasure Ahoy!
〉 If classroom space does not allow, draw a grid on the white board, then mark where the Start, Obstacles, and Treasure squares are located
Activity #2: Beginning Hour of Code
〉 Student Worksheet: Beginning Hour of Code
〉 Students will need access to computers for pre-assigned Code.org lessons.

Lesson Instructions: This lesson plan will introduce students to some of the skills and procedures computer programmers use in their work. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended career video. Afterwards, facilitate a discussion using the Class Questions listed below.
After the discussion, students will work on two activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to provide assistance when needed and help facilitate the discussion that ends each activity.

Class Message: Today we are going to explore the career of a computer programmer. We will discuss some of the things computer programmers to, like creating the code that makes the games you play on a phone or computer work. You’ll learn more about computer coding by completing lessons on the Code.org website.
Computers are all around us. A cell phone is a computer. A modern car has computers in its engine, radio, and inside its dashboard. Computer programs tell computers what we want them to do. When you play a game on a phone, think about how the phone knows the rules of the game. Someone programmed, or “coded,” the game, and the phone was given those instructions when the app was downloaded. Programmers also create the code that make web pages and computers in cars, TVs, and appliances in your home work.
The more you learn about coding, the easier it will be for you to understand how coding makes all of these devices work. By understanding coding, you could even create your own game or website.
Let’s watch this brief video about the career of computer programmers and how they affect our everyday lives.

Class Questions:
〉 What are some of the things in this classroom that a computer programmer may have programmed? Possible responses: computer workstations, overhead projector, audio visual equipment, electronic bulletin board, etc.
〉 What things in your home may have programmed by a computer programmer? Possible responses: all smart devices – TV, disk player, laptop, gaming systems, home security system, etc.
〉 What other examples of technology in our everyday life were likely programmed by a computer programmer? the Possible responses: smart cars, drones, smart watches, Bluetooth headphones, etc.
Student Activities: This lesson plan includes two student activities. In Activity #1 students will learn basic computer programming skills by writing instructions to navigate past obstacles and find hidden treasure to win a game. In Activity #2, students will complete basic coding exercises in Code.org.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity.

Activity #1: Treasure Ahoy!
In the Treasure Ahoy! game, students will write the instructions to give to another student to navigate past obstacles and find the hidden treasure to win the game.
This game is designed for the teacher to place the printed Start, Obstacles, and Treasure markers on a carpet or tile floor squares, so the students can physically move around the map. If the floor in your room doesn’t allow for this, this game can still be played. Simply draw a grid with four columns and ten rows on the white board, then mark where the Start, Obstacles, and Treasure squares will be. The students won’t physically move around the map, but they’ll still be able to write their instructions on their worksheets.
Activity Instructions:

〉 Draw a grid of squares on the board, or use squares in your floor if possible. Lay out the Start, Obstacles and Treasure markers in the grid on the floor, or draw them on the board.
〉 Hand out the activity worksheet.
〉 Have students complete the activity individually.
〉 After completion, facilitate the discussion questions for this activity
Activity Results: Finding buried treasure in an unfamiliar area can be difficult. But by using a map, you can follow a set of instructions to find the treasure. How easily you can find the treasure depends on how clear and accurate the map and instructions are written. Computer programming works the same way. By writing a set of instructions, programmers and coders tell computers exactly what they want done. Being a good coder requires giving clear, accurate instructions that a computer can follow.
Activity Discussion: Think about the importance of clear instructions and be prepared to discuss the following questions:

〉 What are some reasons someone’s map might not lead to the treasure? Possible responses: they forget to put in a step, a step may be wrong or incomplete, the step might not be clear.
〉 What would happen if someone tried to follow your map after the arrows in it were moved out of order? Possible responses: they would not be able to win the game, they would not be able to complete the game, they would be confused, they could become frustrated.
〉 What would happen if someone only used the first half of your steps to try to find the treasure? Possible responses: they would not be able to get to the end of the game, they would be stuck in the middle of the game, they could become frustrated.
〉 How could someone who didn’t speak your language follow your map to find the treasure? Possible responses: use pictures instead of words, use arrows for directions – up, down, left, right.
〉 How are the steps you used to map the route to the treasure similar to codes that computer programmers write? Possible responses: codes tell a computer what to do next, just like steps to get to the treasure, the arrows are like the code that computers follow.

Activity #2: Beginning Hour of Code
These activities introduce coding and how it is used in different situations by taking students step-by-step through different coding exercises and challenges. Students can begin by visiting the links listed for each activity. All Code.org lessons are designed to run within most common web browsers, on most operating systems, and on a variety of devices.
Teachers may also wish to use other online Hour of Code activities. Code.org has a list of other online lessons related to coding here: (http://tn-caps.com/r/35LP1)
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out Activity #2 – Beginning Hour of Code
〉 Students will need access to computers.
〉 Facilitate an introduction of the activity.
〉 Walk students through the instructions for the activity.
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion of the questions for the activity.
Activity Results: Students complete the assigned lessons in Code.org to learn the basics of computer programming.
Activity Discussion:
〉 What do you think about using the Blockly method of dragging and dropping to program code? Did you find it difficult to understand? Allow students to share their experience.
〉 What was the most challenging part of using the Play Lab? Allow students to share their experience.
〉 What did you like the most about computer programming in the assigned lessons? Why? Allow students to share their experience.
〉 What did you like the least? Allow students to share their experience.

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the skills a computer programmer uses on a daily basis to develop and code new programming processes. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities
Featured Career: Computer Programmer
Career Descriptions: Create, modify, and test the code, forms, and script that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software developers or other individuals. May assist software developers by analyzing user needs and designing software solutions. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.

Other Names for this Career: Software Developer, Web programmer, Analyst Programmer, Programmer, Application Programmer Analyst, Programmer Analyst, Web Applications Programmer, Java Developer, Internet Programmer, Computer Programmer Analyst

Activities #1 & #2:
English Language Arts Standards
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking.
Computer Science Standards
〉 Collaboratively or individually, students use programming to create simple animated stories or solve preexisting problems using a precise sequence of instructions and simple loops.
〉 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
〉 Identify that various algorithms can achieve the same result and determine the most efficient sequence.
Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and carrying out controlled investigations to collect data that is used to test existing theories and explanations, revise and develop new theories and explanations, or assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of designs under various conditions.
Activity #2:
Science and Engineering Practices
Developing and using models to develop explanations for phenomena, to go beyond the observable and make predictions or to test designs
Computer Science Standards
〉 Contribute, individually or as part of a team, to work to identify and solve authentic problems or produce original works using a variety of digital tools and devices.
〉 Using a block of code or script from a previous program, identify the control structures in the algorithm such as loops, and/or conditionals in the code.
〉 Construct an algorithm to solve a problem that includes control structures such as loops, event handlers, and conditionals collaboratively with or without a computing device
〉 Decompose (break down) complex real-world problems in multiple ways that use variables to develop a solution or procedure based on data.
〉 Create an algorithm which includes control structures to solve a problem using visual block-based and/or text-based programming language both collaboratively and individually.
〉 Create structured processes to troubleshoot problems with computing systems.
School Counseling Standards
〉 Develop and practice effective technology skills
〉 Exhibit creativity
〉 Demonstrate critical thinking and decision-making skills to make informed decisions
〉 Engage and persevere in challenging coursework
〉 Work effectively in diverse groups by developing and employing leadership and teamwork skills

Teamwork Activity #1
Does Not Meet Expectations
Student did not work well in their team.
Independent Work Activity #2
Student struggled to work independently on the Hour of Code lessons. Student distracted others.
Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Student worked well in their team and contributed equally.
Student worked well independently.
Student worked well in their team, contributed equally and exhibited leadership.
Student worked well independently and also showed leadership assisting others.
Coding Artist Level 10
Coding Maze Level 20
Student was not able to complete 5 of the 10 levels of coding
Student completed 7 of the 10 levels of coding
Student completed all 10 levels of coding.

Student was not able to complete 5 of the 10 levels of coding
Student completed 7 of the 10 levels of coding
Student completed all 10 levels of coding.

Introduction: Have you ever read stories about pirates searching for buried treasure? Think about how difficult it would be to find a buried treasure chest years after someone had hidden it. Having a map to follow would certainly make things easier. Maps can help you find the best ways to travel around obstacles to get where you want to go. In this game, use a simple treasure map to write out a set of steps someone else could follow to find the treasure.
Activity Description: Land Ho! There’s treasure nearby. In this activity, you will look for buried treasure, and you’ll mark the map with direction arrows to lead someone from the Start to the Treasure. The direction arrows are kind of like the code that computer programmers write.
Activity Procedure:
Step 1: Look at the map your teacher has setup. Beginning on the Start square, write a direction arrow on your worksheet for each step a person would take to go from square to square to get to the treasure square. Try to find the shortest route to the treasure.
Step 2: When you’re done marking your map, trade your worksheet with another student and follow the route they marked to see if it gets to the treasure.
Step 3: If their instructions work, write “yes” in the “Success” box. If they don’t work, write a “No” in the “Success” box. Give the worksheet back to the person it belongs to.
Activity Discussion:

〉 What are some reasons someone’s map might not lead to the treasure?
〉 What would happen if someone tried to follow your map after the arrows in it were moved out of order?
〉 What would happen if someone only used the first half of your steps to try to find the treasure?
〉 How could someone who didn’t speak your language follow your map to find the treasure?
〉 How are the steps you used to map the route to the treasure similar to codes that computer programmers write?

Land Ho! There’s treasure nearby. In this activity you will be looking for buried treasure, and you’ll need to write down a set of steps to lead someone from the Start to the Treasure.
Your teacher will set up a map containing a place to Start, a Treasure marker, and some island Obstacles to navigate around. Using the direction arrows, mark the directions someone should follow to get from the Start to the Treasure in the blank boxes on the right. You should go around any Obstacles on the map. Try to find the shortest route to the treasure.
When you’re done marking your map, another person will test your route. The will follow your directions to see where they end up. If they end up at the treasure, then your route worked and the treasure was found. If not, then the treasure could be lost forever.
When everyone has had a turn testing the routes, your Teacher may rearrange the island map and have everyone try again. Use the extra sets of blank boxes on the worksheet to mark the directions to the treasure.

Draw a direction arrow in the Instruction boxes on the right to show which direction someone would move to get from the Start to the Treasure without going through any Obstacle squares.

Introduction: In this activity you will learn about coding and how it is used by computer programmers to make software for games and other computer programs.
Activity Description: You will work through lessons on the computer that will walk you step-by-step through different coding exercises and challenges.
Activity Procedure:
To take the lessons, hold the Ctrl key down and click the image or click on the link below the image. Work at your own pace through the exercises and challenges.

Learn the programming instructions needed to guide characters through different mazes.


Activity Discussion:
Draw cool pictures and designs with step-bystep programming instructions.

〉 What do you think about using the Blockly method of dragging and dropping to program code? Did you find it difficult to understand?
〉 What was the most challenging part of using the Play Lab?
〉 What did you like the most about computer programming in the assigned lessons? What did you like the least?

Classic Maze (Beginner Level)
Hour of Code: Artist (Beginner Level)