Career: Computer Programmers develop code that allow computers to do what we want them to. Programmers work from instructions written by software developers or other individuals.
Lesson: This lesson will introduce students to the career of a Computer Programmer, and how computer programming plays a major role in technologies that we see in everyday life.
Grade Level: Elementary Grades
Learning Objectives:
Students will explore the role of a computer programmer and how computer programming is involved in our daily lives.
〉 Students will identify items that depend on computer programming.
〉 Students will identify different ways scenes in games are controlled by programming.
〉 Students will gain an introduction to the Computer Programming profession, including common job tasks, salary, career pathway, and credentials required to perform the job

Materials Needed:
Activity #1: Where in the World is Computer Programming?
〉 Printed handout sheets
Activity #2: Controlling a Game
〉 Printed handout sheets
〉 Glue or tape
〉 Scissors

Lesson Instructions: This lesson plan will help you demonstrate to students common skills and procedures used in the computer programming profession. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended Video Introduction. Afterwards, facilitate discussion with the Class Questions listed.
After the discussion, students will work on the included activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet for students to work with
Familiarize yourself with the student worksheets so you can guide them in completing the activities and facilitate the ending activity discussion.

Class Message: Today we are going to explore the career of a computer programmer. We will discuss some common computer programming tasks, like designing a video game, and identify things around us that depend on computer programming.
Computer programming is everywhere! Many of the things that people use in their jobs and at home depend on computer programming to work.
Let’s watch this brief video to better understand the role of a computer programmer and how computers affect our everyday lives.

Class Discussion Questions:
〉 What are some of the things in our classroom that a computer programmer may have programmed?
〉 What things do you have at home that a computer programmer may have programmed?
〉 What do you think computers may be able to do in the future?
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. Activity #1 demonstrates students’ understanding of items that require computer programming to function. Activity #2 challenges students to identify elements to include when designing an educational video game by creating a storyboard.

Activity #1: Where in the World is Computer Programming?
This activity will demonstrate students understanding of items that require computer programming to function.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out student worksheets.
〉 Facilitate introduction of activity.
〉 Walk students through the instructions for the activity.

〉 Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs.
〉 After completion, facilitate discussion questions for this activity.
Activity Results: Students will be able to identify common things that require computer programming.

Activity #2: Controlling a Game
This activity will introduce the basics skills used in designing an educational computer game.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheets and materials.
〉 Read students the activity introduction and description.
〉 Facilitate the activity discussion questions.

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the skills a computer programmer uses on a daily basis to develop and code new programming processes. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities.
Featured Career: Computer Programmer
Career Descriptions: Create, modify, and test the code, forms, and script that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software developers or other individuals. May assist software developers by analyzing user needs and designing software solutions. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.

Other Names for this Career: Software Developer, Web programmer, Analyst Programmer, Programmer, Application Programmer Analyst, Programmer Analyst, Computer Programmer, Web Applications Programmer, Java Developer, Internet Programmer, Computer Programmer Analyst

ELA Standards:
〉 With guidance and support, express thoughts, feelings, and ideas through speaking.
〉 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking
〉 With prompting and support, speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation
〉 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking
〉 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking
〉 Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification
Science Standards:
〉 Engineering Design 1) Solve scientific problems by asking testable questions, making short-term and long-term observations, and gathering information.
〉 Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society 1) Use appropriate tools to make observations, record data, and refine design ideas.

Understanding the Importance of Computer Programming
Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Student is not able to clearly explain the importance of Computer Programming and incorrectly states examples.
Explaining the Benefits of Computer Programming
Student could not list or explain any of the benefits of Computer Programming.
Student understands what Computer Programming is and the benefits it offers.
Student understands what Computer Programming and can cite detailed examples of benefits it offers.
Team Work Student did not work well in their team.
Student lists the benefits of Computer Programming. Is able to cite a few detailed examples.
Student lists the benefits of Computer Programming. Is able to cite numerous detailed examples and make broader connections to the impact on society.
Student worked will in their team and contributed equally.
Student worked well in their team, contributed equally and exhibited leadership.
Understanding the Career Student is unable to connect the lesson to the career of Computer Programmers.
Student clearly explains the connection of the activity to the career of Computer Programmers.
Student clearly explains the connection of the activity to the career of Computer Programmers and is able to make additional detailed observations on the position.

Introduction: Computer Programmers work with other people to design, develop, and program the operating systems that control an application or technology that runs a video game, toy, iPad, iPhone, or most electronics found in the home.
Activity Description: Today, we are going to identify things we use at home that need computer programming to work
Activity Procedure: Look at your worksheet and check the box for the things you think need computer programming to work.
Activity Results: Record answers on the worksheet where indicated.

Activity Discussion:

〉 Go through the Worksheet item by item and say, “Raise your hand if you checked the _______ as something that needs computer programming to work?” Continue until all items are covered.
〉 Why did you select these things?
〉 Do you have some of these things in your home?
〉 Can you think of other things at home or in our classroom that need programming to work?


Introduction: Computer Programmers create the code that runs apps and software. They also work with a team of professionals to design and create amazing games. Programmers specialize in telling computers what to do in certain situations.
Video games use a lot of computer programming so the computer knows how to draw the graphics on the screen, and where things should move. Computer programming also controls things like sounds and keeping score in the game.
Activity Description: Today, we are going to look at the controls for a game to understand how games are programmed. Students will cut out and paste the scenes from the game next to the buttons that are programmed to do those scenes.
Activity Procedure:

〉 Provide students with printed copies of the activity handouts.
〉 Have students cut out the game scenes.
〉 Student should examine the game scenes to understand what action is going on. (Most of the scenes have an arrow that tells you what’s happening.)
〉 Attach the game scene to the square next to the button on the game pad that controls what is happening in that scene.
〉 Once all of the game scenes are attached, discuss the questions below.

Activity Discussion:
〉 What happens in the game when one of the direction buttons are pressed?
〉 What happens in the game when the action button is pressed?
〉 Why do you have to have computer programmers to make a video game?
〉 What changes would you make to the programming controls to change how the game works?