Career: A data scientist studies large amounts of information to look for trends and common elements to use to make decisions. Data science is also referred to as data mining and big data.
Lesson: This lesson plan provides activities for students to learn about a data scientist and how they study information to look for patterns and similarities. Students will analyze pictures of different animals, insects, and reptiles and identify similarities. Students will then learn about patterns by putting different colors and shapes in the correct order and identifying colors and shapes that do not belong in the pattern.
Grade Level: Elementary Grades
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will be introduced to the career of a data scientist and how they study information to look for patterns and similarities.
〉 Students will analyze pictures of different animals, insects, and reptiles and identify similarities to group like items together.
〉 Students will then learn about patterns by putting different colors and shapes in the correct order and identifying colors and shapes that do not belong in that pattern.
Materials Needed:

Activity #1: Identifying Similarities
〉 Student worksheet
Activity #2: Finding Patterns
〉 Student worksheet
〉 Shapes cutout sheet
〉 Optional: use multi-colored candy (like M&M’s or Skittles) instead of the shapes cutout sheet, or combine both

Lesson Instructions: The following activities will help you introduce students to how data scientists organize and analyze information to determine trends, make predictions, and solve problems. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended career video. Afterwards, facilitate discussion using the Class Discussion Questions listed below.
After the discussion, students will work on two activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to provide assistance when needed, help demonstrate any procedures, and help in facilitating the discussion that ends each activity.

Class Message: Today, we are going to learn about data scientists and how they study information to look for patterns and similarities. Data scientists study large amounts of data to identify patterns and gain insights from the data.
In this lesson, we will analyze pictures of different animals, insects, and reptiles and identify similar features and group like items together. We will then learn about patterns by putting different colors and shapes in an order and identifying the colors and shapes that do not belong in the pattern.
Let’s watch this short video to learn more about a data scientist

What is a Data Scientist? (

Class Discussion Questions:
〉 What do you think the word “data” means? - Response Suggestions: numbers, information, details, facts, an item, etc.
〉 What is a Scientist? - Response Suggestions: someone who studies things, someone who performs tests and experiments, someone who examines things, etc.
〉 What are the types of things you think a data scientist might study? - Response Suggestions: animals, plants, cars, planets, everything, etc.
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. In Activity #1, students will analyze pictures of different animals, insects, and reptiles and identify similarities and group like items together. In Activity #2, students will learn about patterns by putting different colors and shapes in the correct order and identifying colors and shapes that do not belong in that pattern.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity.

Activity #1: Identifying Similarities
Students will learn about the career of a data scientist by analyzing pictures of animals, insects, and reptiles and identifying similarities and group like items together
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.

〉 Introduce the activity and guide students as needed.
〉 Project student worksheet on the board – discuss each image – Ask, “What is this image?” and “Describe the image?”
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the questions for the activity.
Activity Results: Students learned how data scientists analyze data to identify similarities and group like items together.

Which ones have four legs? Dog, Cat, Bear, Tiger, Turtle, Lizard
How many have a protective shell? 3
Which ones have a protective shell? Turtle, Snail, Ladybug

Activity Discussion:
〉 Did you recognize all of these brands? How many of you have these brands at home? - Allow students to share their experience.
〉 What could a marketing manager do to get you to buy these products? - Sample answers may include: give away samples for free, give out coupons to buy the products, reduce the cost of the product, offer new designs/flavors, etc.
〉 Think about some of the things you use every day, what are some of these products? - Sample answers may include: a specific type of cereal, toothpaste, clothing, lunch item, etc. (i.e. Fruit Loops, Crest for Kids, Converse shoes, Jell-O, etc.)

Activity #2: Finding Patterns
Students will learn about patterns by putting different colors and shapes in the correct order and identifying the colors and shapes that do not belong in that pattern.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Print out the shapes cutout sheet, enough copies for each student to have at least two of each shape.
〉 Cut out individual shapes or have the students cut out the shapes as part of the activity.
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.
〉 Optional – distribute multi-colored candy (M&M’s or Skittles) to use for making a pattern. Instruct students to NOT eat the candy.
〉 Introduce the activity and guide students as needed.

〉 Create a pattern using the cutout shapes and/or multi-colored candy and project the pattern on the board.
〉 Direct students to create the same pattern using the same media as the example (i.e. if you use the cutout shapes, students use the shapes, etc.)
〉 Continue to change the pattern or add to the pattern and have students repeat the process. Ask, “What color would be next?”
〉 Add one item in the pattern that is different – this item is random. Ask students, “Where did this item come from? Does it fit our pattern?” Explain that when analyzing data, there is not always a single clear pattern. There will be data that is different than the pattern you have created. This data is referred to as random data or an outlier. Since outliers don’t typically reflect reality, they are usually removed and not considered a part of the data.
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the questions for the activity.

Activity Results: Students learned about the career of a data scientist by putting different colors and shapes in a specific order to create a pattern.
Teacher Note: Have students look at the first series in each pattern, then complete the second series.
Pattern #1:
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?
Pattern #2
What are the missing colors in this pattern?
Teacher Note: The Second series begins at Red (middle), Green, Yellow, and then back to the first color Orange then Blue.

Pattern #3
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?
Teacher Note: The Second pattern begins at Pink Cross, Green Circle, Orange Rectangle, Purple Star, and Red Box.
Pattern #4
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?
Teacher Note: The Second pattern begins at Green, Purple, Red, Blue, and Orange. Pattern #5
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?
Teacher Note: The Second pattern introduces a new color – Yellow, then starts at the beginning Orange, Blue, Red, and Green.

Activity Discussion:
〉 What is a pattern? - Sample answers may include: a pattern is a series of information that repeats, information that has a connection, information that is similar, etc.
〉 Why do you think it is important for data scientists to look for patterns in information? - Sample answers may include: to identify things that are alike/similar, to identify things that are different, to understand how the things compare to one another, etc.
〉 How do you think data scientists use patterns? - Sample answers may include: to better study things that are alike/similar, to focus on only the things that match the pattern, etc.


Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the concepts and skills a data scientist uses to analyze large amounts of data to solve a problem or change a business process or product. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities
Featured Career:
Data Scientist
Career Description: Data scientist use scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and computer systems to extract knowledge and insights from data. Data scientist prepare data for analysis, analyze data, and present findings to inform high-level decisions in an organization. Data scientist incorporate skills from computer science, mathematics, statistics, information visualization, graphic design, and business. Data science is also referred to as data mining and big data.

Data scientists invent and design new approaches to computing technology and business and find innovative uses for existing technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for business, science, medicine, and other fields.
Data scientists write algorithms that are used to detect and analyze patterns in very large datasets. They improve ways to sort, manage, and display data. Computer scientists build algorithms into software packages that make the data easier for analysts to use. For example, they may create an algorithm to analyze a very large set of medical data in order to find new ways to treat diseases. They may also look for patterns in traffic data to help clear accidents faster.
Data scientists typically do the following:
〉 Collect large amounts of data and transform it into a more usable format.
〉 Solve business-related problems using data-driven techniques.
〉 Work with a variety of programming languages, including SAS, R, and Python.
〉 Have a solid grasp of statistics, including statistical tests and distributions.
〉 Stay on top of analytical techniques such as machine learning, deep learning, and text analytics.
〉 Communicate and collaborate with both IT and business.
〉 Look for order and patterns in data, as well as spotting trends that can help a business’s bottom line.
Other Names for this Career: Research Scientist, Computer Scientist, HPC (High Performance Computing) Applications Manager, Control System Computer Scientist, Computer Specialist, Scientific Programmer Analyst, Computer and Information Research Scientist

Activity #1 and Activity #2
Mathematics Standards
〉 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
〉 Add and subtract within 10 to solve contextual problems using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
〉 Fluently add and subtract within 10 using mental strategies
〉 Apply properties of operations (additive identity, commutative, and associative) as strategies to add and subtract.
〉 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By the end of 1st grade, know from memory all sums up to 10.
Science Standard
〉 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes 2) Obtain and communicate information to classify animals (vertebrates-mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, invertebrates-insects) based on their physical characteristics
Science and Engineering Practices
〉 Analyzing and interpreting data with appropriate data presentation (graph, table, statistics, etc.), identifying sources of error and the degree of certainty. Data analysis is used to derive meaning or evaluate solutions.
〉 Using mathematics and computational thinking as tools to represent variables and their relationships in models, simulations, and data analysis in order to make and test predictions.
School of Counseling Model and Standards Policy
〉 Display positive attitude toward work and learning

ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations
Identifying Similarities
Finding Patterns
Student was unable to find many similarities in the pictures. Student did not attempt all questions.
Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Student was able to find many similarities in the pictures. Student completed all questions and had accurate answers on many questions.
Student struggled to find the patterns in the any of the various questions asked.
Student was able to accurately complete most of the patterns in the various questions asked.
Student was able to find many similarities in the pictures. Student was able to think creatively about similarities. Student completed all questions and had accurate answers on most/all questions.
Student was able to accurately complete all of the patterns in the various questions asked.
Discussion Did not participate in the activity discussions. Participated in the activity discussions. Participated in the activity discussions and made connections to real world experiences and the profession of farming.

Introduction: A data scientist studies large amounts of information. They look for things that are the same or similar, and then note their findings.
Activity Description: You are a data scientist and must find the things that are the same or similar to each other.
Activity Procedure: Look at each image and find the things that are the same or similar to each other. Then answer the scientific questions below.
Scientific Data:

Scientific Questions:
Questions Answers
How many have fur?
Which ones have fur?
How many can live in water?
Which ones can live in water?
How many are common pets?
Which ones are common pets?
How many have four legs?
Which ones have four legs?
How many have a protective shell?
Which ones have a protective shell?

Activity Discussion:
〉 Did you recognize all of these brands? How many of you have these brands at home?
〉 What could a marketing manager do to get you to buy these products?
〉 Think about some of the things you use every day, what are some of these products?

Introduction: Data scientists collect data and study the data to understand patterns.
Activity Description: You are a data scientist and must study the patterns to select the next color or shape in the pattern.
Activity Procedure: Determine the next color or shape for each of these patterns.
Pattern #1:
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?
Pattern #2
What are the missing colors in this pattern?
Pattern #3
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?
Pattern #4
What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?

What are the missing colors/shapes in this pattern?

Activity Discussion:
〉 What is a pattern?
〉 Why do you think it is important for data scientists to look for patterns in information?
〉 How do you think data scientists use patterns?