Career: Marketing managers create advertisements to get buyers to buy their products or services.
Lesson: This lesson plan provides activities for students to learn about a data scientist and how they collect and study data and interpret the information. Students will study graphs for sources of electricity and will interpret the data. Students will then research how data scientists affect their everyday life and how their own data is collected and used
Grade Level: Elementary Grades
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will be introduced to the career of a data scientist and how they collect and study data and interpret the information.
〉 Students will act as a data scientist and study graphs for sources of electricity and will interpret the data.
〉 Students will research how data scientists affect their everyday life and how their own data is collected and used.
Materials Needed:

Activity #1: Interpreting Data
〉 Student worksheet
Activity #2: Where are Data Scientists
〉 Student worksheet
〉 Online access for research

Lesson Instructions: The following activities will help you introduce students to how marketing managers create ads to get buyers to buy their products or services. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended career video. Afterwards, facilitate discussion using the Class Discussion Questions listed below.
After the discussion, students will work on two activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to provide assistance when needed, help demonstrate any procedures, and help facilitate the discussion that ends each activity.

Class Message: Today, we are going to learn about data scientists and how they collect and study data and interpret the information. Data scientists study large amounts of data to identify patterns and gain insights from the data.
In this lesson, you will act as a data scientist to study graphs for sources of electricity and interpret the data. You will then research how data scientists affect your everyday life and determine how your data is collected and used.
Let’s watch this short video to learn more about a data scientist.


Class Discussion Questions:
〉 What do you think the word ‘data’ means? - Response Suggestions: information, numbers, details, facts, items, charts, infographics, lists, etc.
〉 What is a scientist? - Response Suggestions: someone who studies and examines things to learn more about them, someone who performs tests and experiments to solve a problem or issue, someone who conducts scientific research to discover or learn new things, etc.
〉 What are the types of things you think a data scientist might study? - Response Suggestions: they study numbers or patterns, collect information on a specific topic, analyze experiment results, etc.
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. In Activity #1, students will act as a data scientist to study graphs for sources of electricity and will interpret the data In Activity #2, students will research how data scientists affect their everyday life and how their own data is being collected and used.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity

Activity #1: Interpreting Data
Students will act as a data scientist and study graphs for sources of electricity and will interpret the data
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.

〉 Introduce the activity and guide students as needed.
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the questions for the activity.
Activity Results: Students learned how data scientists use charts and graphs to analyze and interpret data

Graph 2: Sources of Electricity Generation in the United States
Answer these questions about the graphs.
What information is shown in the two graphs?
In graph 1, the two U.S. maps are color coded to show how individual state’s electricity generation changed over time.
Graph 2, shows the top 5 sources of electricity generation to include the percentages of usage in the U.S. and how they changed over time from 2001 to 2017.
List all of the elements of the graphs:
There are two maps of the U.S. comparing electricity generation in 2001 and 2017.
The second graph shows the changes in electricity generation sources from 2001 to 2017.
Both graphs have a Heading stating what the graph shows and a Legend to understand the color coding on the graphs. In the second graph, there is a time line from 2001 to 2017.
How are the two graphs related?
In graph 2, it shows that Coal was used the most from 2001 to 2015. In graph 1, you can visually see how the majority of U.S. states were generating electricity with coal.
In graph 2, it shows that Natural Gas was used the most from 2015 to 2017. In graph 1, if you compare the map of the U.S. in 2001 to 2017 you can visually see the change from Coal to Natural Gas by several states.
What are the top five main sources of electricity generation in the United States? Coal, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Hydroelectric, and Wind
What is hydroelectricity? List the six states that used hydroelectricity as an electrical source in 2017.

Hydroelectricity is energy converted from flowing water into mechanical energy that can be used to run machinery and generate electricity.
The states generating hydroelectricity in 2017 are Washington, Oregon, Idaho, South Dakota, Vermont, and Maine
How many more states get most of their electricity from natural gas in 2017 than in 2001? List these states.
10 more states used natural gas in 2017 than in 2001: Nevada, Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York.
What happened during the years 2005-06 and 2015-16? What do you think might have caused these changes?
In 2005-06, Natural Gas increased over Nuclear Power because of new technologies in locating and removing the gas from the ground.
In 2015-16, the use of Natural Gas increased over Coal. Natural gas is considered cleaner than coal. It releases fewer toxins into the atmosphere than coal. It emits less carbon dioxide than coal making it more environmentally friendly.
According to the 2017 map, what type of fuel is used to generate electricity in Tennessee? Why do you think the power source was changed?
According to the map, TN currently uses Nuclear power to generate electricity. Nuclear power is better for the environment because it releases less gases into the air, which protects air quality and public health.
To share more information on nuclear power in Tennessee, visit Tennessee and Nuclear Energy (http://tn-caps.com/r/35DS1)

Activity Discussion:
〉 Why do you think it is important for data scientists to study this type of data?Sample answers may include: to determine the positive and negative effects on our environment, to learn from the data and make changes for the future, to provide more affordable electricity options, etc.
〉 Why do you think data is presented in charts and graphs? - Sample answers may include: it’s easier to read and understand the data, summarizes the important data, provides a quick view of the results of the study, etc.
〉 What process do you think a data scientist used to research and prepare the results for the graphs? - Sample answers may include: they analyzed the sources of electricity for all of the states from 2001 to 2017, and then calculated the total percentages of usage for each source over that time period.

Activity #2: Where are Data Scientists
Students will research how data scientists affect their everyday life and how their own data is collected and used.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.
〉 Introduce the activity and guide students as needed.
〉 If needed, online access for research.
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the questions for the activity.
Activity Results: Students learned about the career of a data scientists by researching how they affect their everyday life and how their own data is collected and used.

Activity Discussion:

〉 Why do you think online apps collect data on you? - Sample answers may include: to track the websites you visit, to understand patterns in your purchasing behavior, to target you to purchase things, to provide other apps you might be interested in, etc.
〉 What concerns do you have about the privacy of your personal information?Sample answers may include: information can be used to trick me into buying something I may not need or want, information can be sold to others, people can find or harm me and my family, etc.
〉 What are some things you can do to stay safe online? - Sample answers may include: never give out your home address, do not give anyone your login or password, never give detailed personal information to someone you don’t know especially online, etc.

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the concepts and skills a data scientist uses to analyze large amounts of data to solve a problem or change a business process or product. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities.
Featured Career:
Data Scientist
Career Description: Data scientists use scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and computer systems to extract knowledge and insights from data. Data scientists prepare data for analysis, analyze data, and present findings to inform high-level decisions in an organization. Data scientist incorporate skills from computer science, mathematics, statistics, information visualization, graphic design, and business. Data science is also referred to as data mining and big data.

Data scientists invent and design new approaches to computing technology and business and find innovative uses for existing technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for business, science, medicine, and other fields.
Data scientists write algorithms that are used to detect and analyze patterns in very large datasets. They improve ways to sort, manage, and display data. Computer scientists build algorithms into software packages that make the data easier for analysts to use. For example, they may create an algorithm to analyze a very large set of medical data in order to find new ways to treat diseases. They may also look for patterns in traffic data to help clear accidents faster.
Data scientists typically do the following:
〉 Collect large amounts of data and transform it into a more usable format.
〉 Solve business-related problems using data-driven techniques.
〉 Work with a variety of programming languages, including SAS, R, and Python.
〉 Have a solid grasp of statistics, including statistical tests and distributions.
〉 Stay on top of analytical techniques such as machine learning, deep learning, and text analytics.
〉 Communicate and collaborate with both IT and business.
〉 Look for order and patterns in data, as well as spotting trends that can help a business’s bottom line.
Other Names for this Career: Research Scientist, Computer Scientist, HPC (High Performance Computing) Applications Manager, Control System Computer Scientist, Computer Specialist, Scientific Programmer Analyst, Computer and Information Research Scientist

Activities #1 and #2
Science Standards:
〉 Energy - Recognize that energy is present when objects move; describe the effects of energy transfer from one object to another.
〉 Energy - Describe how stored energy can be converted into another form for practical use.
〉 Earth and Human Activity - Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and that some energy and fuel sources are renewable (sunlight, wind, water) and some are not (fossil fuels, minerals).
〉 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics - Analyze and interpret data about changes (land characteristics, water distribution, temperature, food, and other organisms) in the environment and describe what mechanisms organisms can use to affect their ability to survive and reproduce.
〉 Matter and Its Interactions 1) Analyze and interpret data from observations and measurements of the physical properties of matter to explain phase changes between a solid, liquid, or gas. 2) Analyze and interpret data to show that the amount of matter is conserved even when it changes form, including transitions where matter seems to vanish.
Science and Engineering Practices
Analyzing and interpreting data with appropriate data presentation (graph, table, statistics, etc.), identifying sources of error and the degree of certainty. Data analysis is used to derive meaning or evaluate solutions.
Cross Cutting Concept: Energy and matter conservation through transformations that flow or cycle into, out of, or within a system
School Counseling Standards
〉 Develop skills to locate, evaluate and interpret career information
〉 Utilize internal and external resources to manage transitions and adapt to changing situations/responsibilities
〉 Persevere through challenges to achieve goals

Interpreting Data: Renewable Energy
Where Are Data Scientists?
Does Not Meet Expectations
Student unable to ascertain the answers to the questions about interpreting the data from graphs. Student did not refer to the title and chart labels when answering questions.
Student did not provide detailed answers how they think data scientists use the data they collect.
Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Student was able to ascertain the answers to the questions about interpreting the data from graphs. Student referred to the title and chart labels when answering questions.
Student provided detailed answers how they think data scientists use the data they collect.
Student was able to ascertain the answers to the questions about interpreting the data from graphs. Student referred to the title and chart labels when answering questions. Student answers were detailed and well thought out.
Student provided very detailed answers how they think data scientists use the data they collect. Student used complete sentences when answering the questions and made relevant connections to their life.
Career Connection
Student is not able to talk about the career of Data Scientist in detail with specific examples
Discussion Questions Did not participate in the activity discussions.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of a Data Scientist and can reference specifics about the career.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of a Data Scientists and can reference specifics about the career as well as provide deeper level insight into the varying roles Data Scientists play in our everyday lives.
Participated in the activity discussions. Participated in the activity discussions and made connections to real world experiences and the profession of farming.

Introduction: Data scientists analyze and interpret data to look for meaning that can serve as evidence. Often scientists seek to determine whether variables are related to one another and how much they are related.
Activity Description: This activity challenges students to study the information given and then interpret the information.
Activity Procedure: Study the scientific data in the graphs below, then answer the questions.
Scientific Data:

Answer these questions about the graphs. What information is shown in the two graphs?
List all of the elements of the graphs:
How are the two graphs related?
What are the top five main sources of electricity generation in the United States?
What is hydroelectricity? List the six states that used hydroelectricity as an electrical source in 2017.
How many more states get most of their electricity from natural gas in 2017 than in 2001? List these states.
What happened during the years 2005-06 and 2015-16? What do you think might have caused these changes?
According to the 2017 map, what type of fuel is used to generate electricity in Tennessee? Why do you think the power source was changed?
Activity Discussion:
〉 Why do you think it is important for data scientists to study this type of data?
〉 Why do you think data is presented in charts and graphs?
〉 What process do you think a data scientist used to research and prepare the results for the graphs

Introduction: Data scientists collect data and study the data to understand patterns and trends. This data collection includes information on you! Every time you provide your personal information, whether you are completing a form or logging into an online app, your information is being collected and analyzed by a data scientist.
Activity Description: In this activity, you will identify where and how data scientists collect your data and how that data is used.
Activity Procedure: Complete each section below to determine how and why data scientists are collecting information on you.
List three online websites or apps that you access on a regular basis (i.e. social media, online games, music, videos, etc.).

When using the apps listed above, what information do you think is being collected on you?
How do you think data scientists are using the data they are collecting on you?

Activity Discussion:
〉 Why do you think online apps collect data on you?
〉 What concerns do you have about the privacy of your personal information?
〉 What are some things you can do to stay safe online?