Career: Electricians install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures. Electricians ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes. They also install and service main power sources, home systems, and business and industry electrical control systems.
Lesson: This lesson plan highlights skills an electrician uses, and shows how these skills are used with solar energy technology.
Grade Level: High School
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will explore aspects of the career of an electrician in the context of alternative energy sources in manufacturing.
〉 Students will perform calculations and submit a proposal for reducing energy costs in a factory.
〉 Students will explore solar power by disassembling and identifying the parts of a solar light.
〉 Students will gain an insight into the electrician profession, including common job tasks, salary, career pathway, and credentials required to perform the job.


Lesson Instructions: This lesson plan will help you demonstrate to students common skills and procedures used in the electrician profession. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended Video Introduction. Afterwards, facilitate a discussion with the Class Questions listed below.
After the discussion, students will work on two activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to help demonstrate any procedures and help facilitate the discussion at the end of each activity.

Class Message: Today we are going to explore the career of an electrician. Whenever you have turned on the lights or an appliance in your home, have you ever thought about the power source and technology it takes to supply power to your home? Almost every building and structure has electrical power for communications, lighting, and heating and air systems that were installed by electricians during construction. Electrical systems power the lights, appliances, and equipment that make people’s lives and jobs easier and more comfortable.
In this lesson, we will learn about solar power technology by examining the components of a solar light and learn how solar power can save businesses and manufacturers significant money on energy costs.
Let’s watch this brief video to better understand the career of an electrician and how electricians affect our everyday lives.

Electrician: Keeping the Lights On (http://tn-caps.com/r/92VEL)

Class Discussion Questions:
〉 Think about all of the things that are powered by electricity in your home. If the power went out, which devices would you still be able to use? Which ones would you not be able to use?
〉 Do you have backup generators in your home in case of an unexpected loss of power? If so, how does the generator operate? Does it require fuel or other power source?
〉 What are some other sources of power that can be used to generate electricity?
〉 Do you have solar technology or other alternative power sources in your home?
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. In Activity #1, students will perform calculations and submit a proposal for using solar panels to reduce energy costs in a factory. Activity #2 challenges students to disassemble and identify the different parts of a solar light to better understand solar technology.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity.

Activity #1:
Reducing Costs Through Solar Energy
This activity uses math skills to make realistic calculations of energy production from solar power panels.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Handout the student worksheet.
〉 Facilitate introduction of the activity
〉 After completion, facilitate discussion questions for this activity.
Activity Results: Individually, students will perform the calculations necessary to reduce the electric consumption in a small appliance factory using solar technology. Students will then write a recommendation to management outlining their proposal to reduce the overall energy costs in the factory.
Question 1

If the average solar panel produces 300 watts, how many panels will be needed to make up 40% of the electrical demand of the new line? Assume that a 1-horsepower (HP) motor is equivalent to 746 watts.
〉 Electrical demand of the line:
〉 4, 2-HP motors = 4 x (2 HP x 746 watts/HP) = 5968 watts
〉 1 drying oven = 2000 watts
〉 Total demand = 5968 + 2000 = 7968 watts
〉 40% of total demand = 3187 watts
〉 Number of panels needed = 3187 watts / 300 watts/panel = 10.6 = 11 panels
Question 2
If each panel is 5 feet long and 3 feet wide, is there enough room on the roof of the building if there is an empty space on the roof that is 30 feet long by 20 feet wide?
〉 Space needed per panel = 5 ft x 3 ft = 15 sq. ft.
〉 Total space needed = 15 sq. ft. * 11 panels = 165 sq. ft.
〉 Space available = 30 ft. x 20 ft. = 600 sq. ft.
Yes, the electrician has enough space on the roof for the 11 solar panels that are needed.

Activity #2: Exploring Solar Technology
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheets.
〉 Facilitate the introduction of activity.
〉 Show student video (optional)
〉 Assign students into groups.
〉 Hand out supplies for the experiment to each group.
〉 After completion, students will present their findings to the class.
〉 Facilitate a discussion of the questions for this activity.
Activity Results: Students will explore solar power by disassembling and identifying the parts of a solar light. Each group will then describe the function of each part of their solar light in a presentation to the class.

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the skills an electrician uses on a daily basis to help maintain electrical currents to homes and businesses. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, onsite visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities.
Featured Career: Electrician
Career Descriptions: Install, maintain, and repair electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. Ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes. Install and service main power sources, home systems, and business and industry electrical control systems.
Electricians typically do the following:
〉 Read blueprints or technical diagrams

〉 Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems
〉 Inspect electrical components, such as transformers and circuit breakers
〉 Identify electrical problems using a variety of testing devices
〉 Repair or replace wiring, equipment, or fixtures using hand tools and power tools
〉 Follow state and local building regulations based on the National Electrical Code
〉 Direct and train workers to install, maintain, or repair electrical wiring or equipment.
Other Names for this Career: Industrial Electrician, Inside Wireman, Chief Electrician, Mechanical Trades Specialist, Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Electrician, Maintenance Electrician, Control Electrician, Qualified Craft Worker, Electrician (QCW, Electrician), Journeyman Wireman

ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Writing with Focus and Organization
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing: contains no or an irrelevant introduction and demonstrates an unclear organizational structure. Ideas are hard to follow most of the time, and the writing fails to clarify relationships among ideas and concepts.
Language The writing illustrates little to no use of precise language, domain-specific vocabulary and literary techniques, illustrates little to no syntactic variety, and utilizes no or few transitional words and phrases. The writer does not establish or maintain a formal style and an objective tone.
Development In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing inadequately or inaccurately explains the evidence provided, demonstrating little understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing contains a relevant introduction, utilizes adequate organizational strategies to create a mostly unified whole to aid in comprehension, and clarifies most relationships among ideas and concepts.
The writing illustrates consistent command of syntactic variety for meaning, utilizes appropriate and varied transitional words and phrases and establishes and maintains a formal style and an objective tone.
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing utilizes relevant and sufficient evidence from the stimuli to adequately develop the topic.
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing contains an effective and relevant introduction, utilizes effective organizational strategies to create a unified whole to aid in comprehension, and effectively clarifies relationships among ideas and concepts to create cohesion. Contains an effective and relevant concluding statement.
The writing illustrates consistent and sophisticated command of precise language, domainspecific vocabulary, illustrates a sophisticated command of syntactic variety for meaning and reader interest, effectively establishing and maintaining a formal style and an objective tone.
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing thoroughly and accurately explains and elaborates on the evidence provided, demonstrating a clear, insightful understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.

Inspect and Describe Solar Light
Does Not Meet Expectations
Student lacked attention to detail in their inspection and description of the solar light.
Disassemble Student was unable to disassemble the light without breaking it. Student did not document the parts of the light in detail.
Development In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing inadequately or inaccurately explains the evidence provided, demonstrating little understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.
Using a Volt Meter Student was unable to properly operate and gather data using a voltage meter.
Meets Expectations
Student had appropriate attention to detail in their inspection and description of the solar light.
Student safely disassembled the light without breaking it and clearly documented the different parts of the solar light.
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing utilizes relevant and sufficient evidence from the stimuli to adequately develop the topic.
Student was able to operate and gather data from different lighting scenarios using a voltage meter.
Exceeds Expectations
Student had appropriate attention to detail in their inspection and description of the solar light and included excellent scaled diagrams.
Student safely disassembled the light without breaking any parts and clearly documented the different parts of the solar light including excellent scaled diagrams.
In response to the task and the stimuli, the writing thoroughly and accurately explains and elaborates on the evidence provided, demonstrating a clear, insightful understanding of the topic, task, and stimuli.
Student was able to operate and gather data using a voltage meter. Student collected and tabulated data from different lighting scenarios.

Introduction: Manufacturing uses different processes in producing products, such as repetitive production lines that create the same product, discrete layouts that require a range of setups and changeovers depending on the product being produced, and specific production areas that assemble a part of a product. These are often performed using robotics or computer numerical control (CNC) machines. All manufacturing processes require some form of power, whether it is electrical, solar, wind, hydro, natural gas, or other energy source.
In this activity, we are going to focus on the use of solar energy to reduce the operating costs of adding a new assembly line to a small appliance manufacturer.
Activity Description: An electrician is working to install a new assembly line for a small appliance manufacturer. The electrician is concerned about the additional electrical demand that the line will create for her company.

The electrician recently installed solar panels at her own home to help reduce her electric bills and her family’s carbon footprint. She believes her company could use solar panels to help offset the cost of additional electric demands for the new assembly line. She believes solar panels could provide as 40% of the additional electricity needed to run the line and decides to propose her plan to plant management.
Activity Procedure: Using the information provided below, determine how many solar panels would be needed to meet the power consumption of the additional production line and whether or not there is enough space available on the roof to install the panels.
The assembly line is powered by four 2-horsepower (HP) electric motors. It also has a 2000 watt drying oven at the end.
Question 1: If the average solar panel produces 300 watts, how many panels will be needed to make up 40% of the electrical demand of the new line? Assume that a 1-HP motor is equivalent to 746 watts. Use the space below to make your calculations.
Question 2: If each panel is 5 feet long and 3 feet wide, is there enough room to install them if there is space available on the roof that is 30 feet long by 20 feet wide? Use the space below to make your calculations.

Next, document your findings by writing and submitting a recommendation to the Plant Manager about your ideas.

Activity Results: Individually, students performed calculations to determine the feasibility of using solar panels to provide power for a new line in a small appliance factory. Students prepared a written recommendation to management outlining their proposal to install solar panels to power the new line. Doing so would likely save the company money over time:
Activity Discussion:
〉 What recommendations did you make to management and why?
〉 What other cost factors should be considered before approving the use of the solar panels in the factory?
〉 Do you think the use of solar panels to operate an assembly line would be profitable to the manufacturer? Why or why not?
〉 Why would electricians need to know about alternative power sources?

Introduction: Solar power is the conversion of energy from the sun into electricity. Solar power is generated by solar panels that the energy from sunlight in cells that convert the light into an electric current that can then be used to power devices. Some of the first solar cells were used to power small and medium-sized devices such as calculators.
Today, solar electricity is rapidly becoming an inexpensive, low-carbon technology to harness renewable energy from the sun to power homes, industries, and other buildings.
Activity Description: In this activity, you will explore solar power by disassembling and identifying the parts of a solar light.
Activity Procedure: In groups, examine the solar light and then disassemble and identify each part of the solar light.

Step 1: Inspect and write a description of the solar light in the space below.
〉 Is the solar light an indoor light or an outdoor light?
〉 What are the visible parts you can see?
Step 2: Using a screwdriver, disassemble the solar light and identify and list each part of the solar light in the space below.

Step 3: If available, use a voltmeter to measure the voltage of the solar light. Measure the voltage in dim light, in the classroom, and outdoors. Write your findings in the space below. How does the voltage vary with the amount of light?
Measuring Voltage of a Solar Cell with a Voltmeter (if available)
To measure voltage, the black probe should be in the black voltmeter port (usually labeled COM), and the red probe should be in the red voltmeter port labeled V.
Attach the probes to the wires of the solar light. Make sure the meter is set to DC volts, not AC volts. If you get a negative number in the display, reverse the probes.
Step 4: Select a member of your group to describe each part of the solar light and to report the results of your voltmeter tests for different lighting conditions to the class.

Activity Discussion:
Separate into groups and discuss the following questions:
〉 Did you know a solar light contained this many components?
〉 How does the voltage of the solar panel vary with the amount of light it is exposed to? How would this effect the amount of energy a solar panel can produce on days with different weather conditions?
〉 Did you think there would be a battery in the solar light? Why do you think a solar light needs a battery in addition to its solar cell?
〉 Do any of you have solar panels or other solar devices in your house? If so, what are they used for?
〉 What are the benefits of using solar technology in a home or to power a manufacturing plant?
〉 What are some of the negative aspects of solar technology?
〉 Would you be interested in a career in solar technology? Why or why not?