Career: Electricians install, maintain and repair electrical wiring, equipment and fixtures. Electricians ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes. They also install and service main power sources, home systems, and business and industry electrical control systems
Lesson: This lesson plan includes ways to introduce students to the career of an Electrician through understanding basic electrical circuits and focusing on electrical safety requirements.
Grade Level: Elementary Grades
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will learn aspects of the career of an electrician by being introduced to basic electrical circuits and safety procedures.
〉 Students will complete a strategic planning exercise to research safety issues for electricians and develop ideas for safety procedures to help protect electricians from injury.

〉 Students will gain an insight into the electrician profession, including common job tasks and training that electricians must have. Materials

Lesson Instructions: This lesson plan will help students learn about some of the common tasks, skills and procedures used by electricians. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended Video Introduction. Afterwards, facilitate a discussion using the Class Questions listed below.
After the discussion, students will work on two activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to provide assistance to students when needed and to facilitate a discussion at the end of the activity.

Class Message: Today we are going to learn about the work of electricians. We will learn about what electricians do in their jobs and gain an understanding of basic electrical circuits. Will we also learn about what electricians do to help them stay safe on the job.
Have you ever thought about the where the power comes from when you turn on the lights or TV in your home? Almost every home has electric power for lighting, air conditioning and heating, and for running appliances, computers, and other devices. All of the wiring and electrical equipment that bring and manage power in your home were installed by electricians when it was built. Electric power makes our lives easier and more comfortable. In this lesson, we’ll learn about some of the things electricians must know and do to keep the lights on!
Let’s watch this short video to better understand the career of an electrician and their work affects our lives every day.

Class Questions:
〉 Think about all of the things in your home that are powered by electricity. If the power went out, would you be able to use any of them?
〉 Who would your parents call for help if the power went out in your home?
〉 Do any of you have backup generators in your home if the power goes out?
Student Activities: Students will complete two activities for this lesson. In the first activity, students will create a simple circuit from aluminum foil, batteries, and an LED bulb. In the second activity, students will research and discuss safety hazards that electricians face on the job.

Activity #1: Understanding Electrical Circuits
Before handing out the worksheet and materials for this activity, show this video on electrical circuits: Electrical Circuits: The Basics
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.
〉 Give each group the necessary materials to complete the assigned experiment.
〉 Oversee the experiment.

〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the suggested questions for the activity.
Activity Results: The lights should cut on and off as you touch the batteries to the ends of the foil.
Activity Discussion:
〉 How did this activity demonstrate the flow of electricity through an electrical circuit? – Possible response: Once the aluminum foil connected the batteries to the LED, the electrical current was able to flow.
〉 Which part of your circuit is the power source? – the batteries
〉 Which part of your circuit is the resistor component? – the LED bulb
〉 Which part of your circuit is the switch? – the foil, or touching the foil to the batteries
〉 Why is it important for electricians to understand electrical circuits? - Possible response: So that they can safely create and repair electrical systems and devices.

Activity #2: Creating a Safe Environment for Electricians
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet: Activity #2: Creating a Safe Environment for Electricians
〉 Give an introduction of the activity.
〉 Assign students into groups.
〉 Have each group research existing electrician safety standards and the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) electricians use on the job.
〉 Based on their research, ask groups to think about new or enhanced processes to protect electricians on the job. Each group will present the information it learned about safety and any ideas for improving electrical safety to the class.

Activity Discussion
〉 What common electrical hazards did you identify? Sample Answer: Exposed high voltage wires, enclosed spaces, mislabeled wiring, and falls from high places.
〉 Do you think the solution your team found could actually be used to protect electricians?
〉 Now that you have learned about some of the safety hazards electricians must protect themselves against, would you like to work as an electrician?
Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the basic skills an electrician uses on a daily basis to help maintain electrical currents to homes and businesses. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities.
Featured Career:
Career Descriptions: Install, maintain, and repair electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. Ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes. Install and service main power sources, home systems, and business and industry electrical control systems.

Other Names for this Career: Industrial Electrician, Inside Wireman, Chief Electrician, Mechanical Trades Specialist, Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Maintenance Electrician, Control Electrician, Qualified Craft Worker, Electrician (QCW, Electrician), Journeyman Wireman


Activity #1: Understanding Electrical Circuits
〉 Energy
Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts electrical energy to another form of energy, using open or closed simple circuits.
〉 Energy
Demonstrate Ohm's Law through the design and construction of a simple circuit
〉 Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
Use appropriate tools and measurements to build a model
Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and carrying out controlled investigations to collect data that is used to test existing theories and explanations, revise and develop new theories and explanations, or assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of designs under various conditions.
Activity #2: Creating a Safe Environment for Electricians
Science and Engineering Practices
〉 Constructing explanations and designing solutions to explain phenomena or solve problems.
〉 Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information from scientific texts in order to derive meaning, evaluate validity, and integrate information.
〉 Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) to determine what is known, what has yet to be satisfactorily explained, and what problems need to be solved.
〉 Developing and using models to develop explanations for phenomena, to go beyond the observable and make predictions or to test designs
English – Speaking and Listening
〉 Prepare for collaborative discussions on 8th grade level topics and texts; engage effectively with varied partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing one’s own ideas clearly.
〉 Present claims and findings in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
School Counseling Standards
〉 Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy behaviors
〉 Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy behaviors
〉 Work effectively in diverse groups by developing and employing leadership and teamwork skills

ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Basic Circuit
Materials and Measuring.
Student was not able to complete a basic circuit.
Student created a complete circuit.
Collaborative Effort
Student did not properly measure materials, using much more of the supplies than necessary.
Student tried hard not to use more than the required amount of materials.
Student created a complete circuit. Their work was very well arranged and orderly.

Student did not collaborate well with the group of students
Student collaborated, assisted others, and shared materials.
Student was very precise with their measurements and wasted little or no supplies.
Student collaborated, assisted others, and shared materials while also demonstrating leadership.
ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Career Connection
Student is not able to talk about the career of electrician in detail with specific examples.
Design/Modify/Create a New or Improved Safety Procedure or Solution
Student is unable to create a new idea for improving electrician safety while working and is unclear what PPE stands for.
Presenting the Solution
Career Connection
Students presentation procedures/device lacked preparation and supporting materials. It was unclear how their solution, if any, worked.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of an electrician and can reference specifics about the career.
Student is able to describe an idea for improving electrician’s safety while at work. Student can articulate the need for and differences in PPE.
Student presentation of their solution was clear and contained supporting aides to help in sharing their idea. It was clear how their solution would protect electricians in the workplace
Student is not able to talk about the career of an electrician in detail with specific examples.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of a registered of an electrician and can reference specifics about the career.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of an electrician and can reference specifics about the career as well as provide deeper level insight into the varying and critical roles electricians play across society.
Student demonstrated creativity by expressing an original idea for improving electrician’s safety while at work. They clearly understood the role of PPE in protecting the worker.
Student demonstrated originality and creativity in their presentation. Their solution was well thought out and clearly identified an area of safety that needed strengthening. They made a strong case for why their solutions works.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of an electrician and can reference specifics about the career as well as provide deeper level insight into the varying and critical roles electricians play across society.

Introduction: An electrical circuit is a path for electricity to flow from one point to another. All components in a circuit are connected so the charge travels from a power source (like a battery) into a resistor component (like an LED bulb)
Activity Description: Today, we are going to learn some basics of electrical circuits and create a basic circuit with an LED bulb.
Use the student worksheet to create the basic circuit. All students should help set-up and test the circuit.
Creating a Circuit
Activity Procedure:
〉 Tape two AAA batteries together (positive to negative) and tape them to the activity sheet in the area shown.

〉 Cut two 8” X 1” strips of aluminum foil. Tape the strips into the spaces show. Make sure to leave the ends of each strip near the batteries untapped.
〉 Cut an LED bulb from a string of holiday lights and remove the coatings on the ends of both wires.
〉 Tape the exposed bulb wires to the two strips of foil where shown on the activity sheet.
〉 Touch the loose ends of aluminum foil to the ends of the batteries. The lights should cut on and off as you touch the foil to the ends of the batteries

Activity Discussion:
〉 How did this activity demonstrate the flow of electricity through an electrical circuit?
〉 Which part of your circuit is the power source?
〉 Which part of your circuit is the resistor component?
〉 Which part of your circuit is the switch?
〉 Why is it important for electricians to understand electrical circuits?


Introduction: Safety in the workplace is extremely important. Failure to develop and follow safety standards can cost a company a lot of money and can mean fatal or permanent health problems for employees. Working with electricity can be very dangerous. Electricians must take precautions to avoid getting hurt.
Activity Description: Your challenge in this activity is to identify and evaluate current safety procedures for electricians and think about how those procedures might be improved to make an electrician’s job even more safe.
Activity Procedure:

In teams and using the Internet, research existing electrician safety standards and learn about the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) electricians use on the job. Search for videos or websites about electrical safety, the most common accidents on the job for electricians, and protective equipment for electricians
Here are some internet links to get you started:
〉 Controlling Electrical Hazards
〉 OSHA Electrical Safety
〉 7 Common Electrical Hazards in the Workplace


After completing your research, discuss the following questions in your team:
〉 What safety hazards are present on the job for electricians?
〉 What processes do electricians currently use to prevent accidents?
〉 What special equipment is available to protect electricians?
Have one team member take notes in the space below or on a separate sheet of paper

Using information from your research, think about ways to do one or more of the following:
〉 Design a new or improve an existing electrical safety procedure.
〉 Design a new or improve an existing electrical personal protective device.
Now use the information from your analysis and research to create a solution to improve electrical safety on the job.
Have a team member to write your solution in the space below:
Once you’ve completed the final part of the strategic planning process, assign a team member to present your solution to the class.
Activity Results: In this activity, students created a solution to a problem using Strategic Planning. In this process, they:
〉 Identified a problem
〉 Explored information about the problem
〉 Created ideas to solve the problem
〉 Tested the solution by presenting the solution to others
Activity Discussion:
〉 What common electrical hazards did you identify?
〉 Do you think the solution your team found could actually be used to protect electricians?
〉 Now that you have learned about some of the safety hazards electricians must protect themselves against, would you like to work as an electrician?