Career: Marketing managers create advertisements to get buyers to buy their products or services.
Lesson: This lesson plan provides activities for students to learn about marketing managers and how they target buyers to purchase their products and services. Students will view ads and determine what they are trying to sell the buyer. Students will then act as a marketing manager by creating a marketing plan promoting an event
Grade Level: Elementary Grades
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will be introduced to the career of a marketing manager and how they promote their products and services to buyers.
〉 Students will view ads and determine what they are trying to sell the buyer.
〉 Students will then act as a marketing manager by creating a marketing plan to promote an event.


Lesson Instructions: The following activities will help you introduce students to how marketing managers create ads to get buyers to buy their products or services. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended career video. Afterwards, facilitate discussion using the Class Discussion Questions listed below.
After the discussion, students will work on two activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to provide assistance when needed, help demonstrate any procedures, and help facilitate the discussion that ends each activity.

Class Message: Today, we are going to learn about a marketing manager and how they get us to want and buy their products and services. Do any of you know what an advertisement or a commercial is? You would usually see them on tv, online, or hear them on the radio trying to get you to buy a toy, food item, or go somewhere fun like an amusement park!
Marketing managers spend a lot of time creating ways to get you to want and buy their products. In this lesson, you will learn how marketing managers target buyers to buy their products and services. You will view ads and determine what they are trying to sell you. You will then act as a marketing manager and create a marketing plan to promote an event. Let’s watch this short video to learn more about a marketing manager.

Marketing Manager - What Are They Selling Us? (http://tn-caps.com/r/35MMV)

Class Discussion Questions:
〉 What do you think a commercial or ad is? - Response Suggestions: a commercial is trying to sell you something, it is showing you something you may need or want, it is trying to get you to want to buy their product, etc.
〉 When you watch tv or online, what are some of the commercials you remember seeing? - Allow students to share experiences. Response Suggestions: toys, video games, cell phones, cars, bicycles, etc.
〉 What types of shows were you watching when you saw these commercials?Response Suggestions: cartoons, tv series, educational shows, etc.
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. Activity #1 challenges students to view advertisements and determine what they are trying to sell and why they are being targeted as a buyer. In Activity #2, students will act as a marketing manager by creating a marketing plan to promote an event.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity.

Activity #1: What Are They Selling Us?
Students will learn how marketing managers target buyers to buy their products and services through advertising to their age group and demographics.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.

〉 Introduce the activity and guide students as needed.
〉 Optional – provide online access.
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the questions for the activity.
Activity Results: This activity introduces students to the career of a marketing manager and how they market their products and services to target specific age groups and demographics.

Activity Discussion:
〉 Did any of the advertisements include a social message, for example, that the product is good for everyone? - Sample answers may include: The Coca Cola commercial had a message of including all people – “Together is Beautiful.” The McDonald’s commercial shows famous people eating at McDonald’s. The Nike ad says, “The shoe works if you do!” and “Just Do It!” meaning that wearing the shoes will help you if you choose to be active. Barbie’s message, “If you can dream it, you can be it!” encourages young women to follow their dreams. The Crash Team Racing video game promotes social interaction online. The iPad + Apple Pencil image encourages creativity.
〉 Why do you think companies sometimes include social messages in their advertising? - Sample answers may include: to attract all people, to be inclusive (everyone is a customer, so everyone will buy their product), to sell more products and make more money!
〉 Can you think of other commercials or ads you have seen that used stereotypes (age, gender, physical characteristics, race, family, income, educational level, etc.)? - Sample answers may include: clothing stores, baby products, household cleaning supplies, clothing for women, products for the elderly, etc.

Activity #2: Creating a Marketing Plan
Students will learn about the career of a marketing manager by creating a marketing plan to promote an event.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Assign individually or in groups.
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.
〉 Provide materials for creating event promotion materials.
〉 Introduce the activity and guide students as needed.
〉 Optional – provide online access for research.
〉 After completion, facilitate a discussion using the questions for the activity
Activity Results: Students learned about the career of a marketing manager by creating a marketing plan to promote an event.

Activity Discussion:
〉 Why do you think it is important for a company to advertise on many platforms (TV, radio, online, social media, billboards, etc.)? - Sample answers may include: to include everyone, everyone is a possible customer, to reach the most people possible to buy their product and increase profit.
〉 Why do companies directly target individuals? - Sample answers may include: because the product is designed for that demographic, to advertise directly to their customer base, to get the most value from their advertising.
〉 Besides advertising, what else can a marketing manager do to get people to buy their products? - Sample answers may include: give away samples for free, give out coupons to buy the products, temporarily discount the price of the product, provide demonstrations on how to use the product, etc.

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the concepts and skills a Marketing Manager uses to get buyers to purchase their products and services. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities
Featured Career: Marketing Manager
Career Description: Plan, direct, or coordinate marketing policies and programs, such as determining the demand for products and services offered by a firm and its competitors, and identify potential customers. Develop pricing strategies with the goal of maximizing the firm's profits or share of the market while ensuring the firm's customers are satisfied. Oversee product development or monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services.
Marketing Managers typically do the following:

〉 Work with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as budgets and contracts, marketing plans, and the selection of advertising media
〉 Plan promotional campaigns such as contests, coupons, or giveaways
〉 Plan advertising campaigns, including which media to advertise in, such as radio, television, print, online media, and billboards
〉 Negotiate advertising contracts
〉 Evaluate the look and feel of websites used in campaigns or layouts, which are sketches or plans for an advertisement
〉 Initiate market research studies and analyze their findings to understand customer and market opportunities for businesses
〉 Develop pricing strategies for products or services marketed to the target customers
〉 Meet with clients to provide marketing or related advice
〉 Direct the hiring of advertising, promotions, and marketing staff and oversee their daily activities
Other Names for this Career: Business Development Director, Business Development Manager, Commercial Lines Manager, Market Development Executive, Marketing Coordinator, Marketing Director, Brand Manager, Product Manager, Account Supervisor, Marketing Manager, Advertising & Promotions Manager

Activities #1 and #2
English Language Arts Standards:
〉 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. i. Interpret figurative language, including similes and metaphors, in context. ii. Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms and proverbs. iii. Use the relationship between particular words to better understand each of the words.
〉 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language with emphasis on similes and metaphors; analyze the impact of sound devices on meaning and tone.
〉 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as a basis for the answers
〉 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Read gradelevel text with purpose and understanding.
〉 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. Activity #2: Hydroponic System
School Counseling Standards
〉 Develop and practice effective technology skills
〉 Work effectively in diverse groups by developing and employing leadership and teamwork skills
〉 Communicate effectively using oral, written, and listening communications skills
〉 Research and appraise characteristics of a variety of traditional and nontraditional occupations

ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Student did not evaluate two different advertisements and /or their answers to the questions about each advertisement were lacking in detail and clarity.
Student’s marketing plan did not cover all the assigned areas of the marketing plan and/or the sections that were answered lacked detail.
Student evaluated two different advertisements and their answers to the questions about each advertisement had sufficient detail and clarity.
Student’s marketing plan covered all the required sections and included detailed responses to each section.
Student did evaluate 3 different advertisements and their answers to the questions about each advertisement had excellent detail and clarity.
Student marketing plan covered all sections and was both unique and creative. Students questions contained both specific questions and open-ended questions.
Did not participate in the activity discussions.
Participated in the activity discussions.
Participated in the activity discussions and made connections to real world experiences and the profession of marketing.

Introduction: Today, you are going to learn how marketing managers target buyers to buy their products and services by advertising to different age groups and demographics. In marketing, demographics such as age, gender, race, family, income, and educational level are used to create ads to target a particular group to purchase their products or services.
Activity Description: In this activity, you will view some ads and determine what they are trying to sell and who they are trying to sell it to.
Activity Procedure: Select any two of the online commercials or print ads listed below, and then answer the questions for each advertisement.
Online Advertisements
〉 2019 Coca Cola - A Coke is a Coke (http://tn-caps.com/r/35MM1
〉 2020 McDonald’s: Famous Orders (http://tn-caps.com/r/35MM2
〉 2018 Crash Team Racin g Nitro-Fueled - Reveal Trailer (http://tn-caps.com/r/35MM3
Print Advertisements


Advertisement #1
Which advertisement did you select?
What is the advertisement trying to sell?
What is the message the company is trying to express?
Is the advertisement trying to sell a product, service, or something else?
What demographic group is it trying to reach?
Advertisement #2
Which advertisement did you select?
What is the advertisement trying to sell?
What is the message the company is trying to express?
Is the advertisement trying to sell a product, service, or something else?
What demographic group is it trying to reach?
Activity Discussion:
〉 Did any of the advertisements include a social message, for example, product is good for everyone?
〉 Why do you think companies sometimes include social messages in their advertising?
〉 Can you think of other commercials or ads you have seen that used stereotypes (age, gender, physical characteristics, race, family, income, educational level, etc.)?

Introduction: In this activity, you will create a marketing plan to promote an event at your school. But, you ask, what is a Marketing Plan? A marketing plan is a document outlining everything you need to do to successfully organize and promote an event.
To create a marketing plan, you need to focus on the following:
〉 Define your event? What is the purpose and goal?
〉 Who do you want to attend your event and why?
〉 What is your budget for the event? Compare event costs to funds available.
〉 How do you want to promote/advertise your event?

〉 Create promotional materials/advertising for your event?
Activity Description: You have been selected as the Event Coordinator for your school. Your task is to select a fund-raising event and create a marketing plan to promote the event.
Activity Procedure:
Choose one of the events listed below or create your own event:
〉 Movie Night
〉 Bake Sale
〉 Yard Sale
〉 Celebrity Basketball Game
〉 Spring Carnival

〉 What is your event?
〉 What is the purpose and goal of the event?
〉 Who do you want to attend your event and why?
〉 What is your budget for the event? Compare event costs vs funds available.
〉 Who can you contact to secure donation items for the event to reduce costs?
〉 What other sources are there for donations?

〉 What is the best way to reach the biggest audience for your event?
〉 What methods do you want to use to promote your event? (i.e. fliers, posters, newspaper, social media, tv, radio, etc.)
〉 Design your event promotional materials to include art work and written message you want to communicate for each advertising method.
〉 Create your event promotional materials. Be creative!

Activity Discussion
〉 How is growing plants in water different from growing plants in soil?
〉 Do you think that hydroponics is a good way to produce food?
〉 Do you think hydroponics could feed the world in the future?
〉 What do you think are some of the benefits of having a hydroponic system? What are some downfalls?