Career: Nurses assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement care plans and maintain medical records. They also monitor patients’ vital signs, administer medications, advise on health maintenance and disease prevention. Nursing careers include: Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN), and Registered Nurses (RN).
Lesson: This lesson plan highlights some of the skills a Nurse uses on a daily basis to care for patients. Nurses provide and coordinate patient care to include gathering health information, assessing condition, and documenting symptoms prior to a doctor’s examination and diagnosis.
Grade Level: Middle Grades
Learning Objectives:
〉 Students will explore the role of a Nurse and will learn how to protect themselves and patients from the spread of diseases through protective equipment and proper handwashing procedures.
〉 Students will role-play performing some of the daily duties of a Nurse by gathering patient information and symptoms.
〉 Students will gain an insight into the Nursing profession, including common job tasks, salary, career pathway, and credentials required to perform the job.
Materials Needed:

Activity #1: Protecting Against the Spread of Disease
〉 Student Worksheet: Protecting Against the Spread of Disease
〉 Computer for watching the Handwashing video
〉 Access to a sink, bar or liquid hand soap, paper towels
Activity #2: A Day in the Life of a Nurse
〉 Student Worksheet: A Day in the Life of a Nurse
〉 Wall height chart or use a yard stick or tape measure
〉 Weight scale (teacher discretion)
〉 Stethoscope, if available, to check heart beat or take pulse
A Day in the

Lesson Instructions: This lesson plan will help you demonstrate to students common skills and procedures used in the Nursing profession. Begin the lesson by reading the Class Message below to your students, then have them watch the recommended Video Introduction. Afterwards, facilitate discussion with the Class Questions listed.
After the discussion, students will work on the included activities. Each activity has a printable worksheet with student instructions and areas to record their work. Have students read their worksheets before beginning each activity.
You should also familiarize yourself with the student worksheets to help demonstrate any procedures and help facilitate the ending activity discussion

Class Message: Today we are going to explore the nursing profession. We will discuss some common nursing tasks, such as basic patient care and gathering the necessary medical information before the patient meets with a doctor. We will also discuss the importance of personal protective equipment and proper handwashing procedures to prevent the spread of diseases.
A nurse provides and coordinates patient care such as assessing patients’ condition, recording medical history and symptoms, consulting and collaborating with doctors and other healthcare providers, performing diagnostic tests and analyzing results, and teaching patients and their families how to manage illness or injury at home.
Let’s watch this brief video to better understand the role of a nurse and how they work to care for patients. Nursing: A Day in the Life (http://tn-caps.com/r/68VNR)

Class Discussion Questions:
〉 Think about your last visit to a doctor’s office, hospital, or medical clinic. What different kinds of medical workers did you come in contact with during the visit?
〉 Why do doctors’ offices and hospitals need different medical professionals to perform different processes and procedures?
〉 Did you notice what the medical professionals were wearing during your interaction? Did they have on gowns, gloves, or protective masks?
Activities Overview: This lesson plan includes two student activities. Activity #1 demonstrates an understanding of the processes a nurse uses to protect themselves and patients from the spread of communicable diseases such as the flu.
Activity #2 challenges students to step into the role of a nurse and perform some of the daily duties by gathering patient information and noting symptoms.
Read and familiarize yourself with the student worksheet for each activity.

Activity #1: Protecting Against the Spread of Disease
This activity demonstrates how nurses protect themselves and patients from exposure to infections and disease
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.
〉 Facilitate introduction of activity.

〉 Show the video (optional) of Handwashing Steps (http://tn-caps.com/r/68LN1).
〉 Students will need access to a sink area for students to take turns following the handwashing procedure or they can simulate the process in the classroom.
〉 After completion, facilitate the discussion questions for this activity.

Activity #2: A Day in the Life of a Nurse
This activity provides students the opportunity to perform some daily tasks performed by a nurse. If time permits, have each student play the role of the nurse, patient, and the doctor.
Activity Instructions:
〉 Hand out the student worksheet.
〉 Facilitate an introduction of the activity.
〉 Assign students to groups.
〉 After completion, facilitate the discussion questions for this activity.
〉 Have the groups switch roles and perform the exercise again using the product created by the second group.
〉 After completion, facilitate discussion questions for this activity.
Activity Results:

Career Highlight: This lesson plan highlights some of the skills a nurse uses on a daily basis to care for patients. See the Employers in My Area section to contact businesses and organizations in your area about classroom demonstrations, on-site visits, or other additional career exposure opportunities
Featured Career:
LPN/LVN and Registered Nurse (RN)
Career Descriptions: LPN/LVN and Registered Nurses (RNs) provide and coordinate patient care, educate patients and the public about various health conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients and their family members
Nurses typically do the following:
〉 Assess patients’ conditions

〉 Record patients’ medical histories and symptoms
〉 Observe patients and record the observations
〉 Administer patients’ medicines and treatments
〉 Set up plans for patients’ care or contribute information to existing plans
〉 Consult and collaborate with doctors and other healthcare professionals
〉 Operate and monitor medical equipment
〉 Help perform diagnostic tests and analyze the results
〉 Teach patients and their families how to manage illnesses or injuries
〉 Explain what to do at home after treatment
Most nurses work as part of a team with physicians and other healthcare specialists. Some registered nurses oversee Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN), nursing assistants, and home health aides
Other Names for this Career: Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN), Registered Nurse (RN), Emergency Department RN, Staff Nurse, Oncology RN, Staff RN, Director of Nursing (DON), School Nurse, Clinic Nurse, Public Health Nurse (PHN), Charge Nurse, Operating Room RN

Activity #1: Protecting Against the Spread of Disease
READING STANDARDS: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
〉 Read and comprehend a variety of literary nonfiction at the high end of the grades 68 text complexity band independently and proficiently. (6) With a gradual release of scaffolding at the high end as needed.
READING STANDARDS: Craft and Structure
〉 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone, including analogies and allusions to other texts.
Science and Engineering Practices
Planning and carrying out controlled investigations to collect data that is used to test existing theories and explanations, revise and develop new theories and explanations, or assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and durability of designs under various conditions.
〉 Links Among Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science 1) Examine a problem from the medical field pertaining to biomaterials and design a solution taking into consideration the criteria, constraints, and relevant scientific principles of the problem that may limit possible solutions.
〉 From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
〉 Matter and Its Interactions
3) Classify matter as pure substances or mixtures based on composition
Activity #2: A Day in the Life of a Nurse
Knowledge of Language
〉 When writing and speaking, adjust style and tone to a variety of contexts; when reading or listening, analyze stylistic choices to determine context
Comprehension and Collaboration – Standard 1
〉 Prepare for collaborative discussions on 8th grade level topics and texts; engage effectively with varied partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing one’s own ideas clearly.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas – Standard 4
〉 Present claims and findings in a focused, coherent manner with relevant evidence, valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
5) Explain that the body is a system comprised of subsystems that maintain equilibrium and support life through digestion, respiration, excretion, circulation, sensation (nervous and integumentary), and locomotion (musculoskeletal).
Science and Engineering Practices
Analyzing and interpreting data with appropriate data presentation (graph, table, statistics, etc.), identifying sources of error and the degree of certainty. Data analysis is used to derive meaning or evaluate solutions.
Engaging in argument from evidence to identify strengths and weaknesses in a line of reasoning, to identify best explanations, to resolve problems, and to identify best solutions. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information from scientific texts in order to derive meaning, evaluate validity, and integrate information.

Schools Counseling Model and Standards
〉 AA6. Academic Standards Student has evidence he/she used strategic planning in order to complete the assignment
〉 AS5. Exhibit creativity
〉 AS6. Set, evaluate progress toward, and achieve long and short-term goals
〉 AS7. Demonstrate critical thinking and decision -making skills to make informed decisions
〉 SA4. Recognize each person is a part of a diverse local and global community
〉 SK2. Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy behaviors
〉 SS3. Demonstrate empathy toward others
〉 SE2. Work effectively in diverse groups by developing and employing leadership and teamwork skills
ITEM Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Career Connection Student is not able to talk about the career of registered nurse in detail with specific examples
Student understands the career and responsibilities of a registered nurse and can reference specifics about the career.
Student understands the career and responsibilities of a registered nurse and can reference specifics about the career as well as provide deeper level insight into the varying roles registered nurses play in the medical profession.
Roll Playing the Career Student was unengaged or ineffective in roll playing the position of patient, nurse or doctor, impacting the exercise for the others.
Team Work Student did not work well in their team.
Student effectively roll played either patient, nurse or doctor and was convincing and helpful in establishing a successful lesson.
Student worked will in their team and contributed equally.
Student demonstrated originality and creativity in their roll playing. They embodied their designated roll and worked to really get into character.
Student worked well in their team, contributed equally and exhibited leadership.

Introduction: Nurses work with both sick and well patients every day and must be careful in work to keep themselves and their patients safe from the spread of germs.
Appropriate hand hygiene is the number one measure nurses use to prevent catching and spreading pathogens. Nurses are taught to avoid touching their face, nose and hair with their hands to reduce the spread of germs. In addition to handwashing, nurses wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when it is needed to help prevent exposure to germs.
Types of PPE include:
〉 Gloves to protect the hands
〉 Gowns and aprons to protect the skin or clothing
〉 Masks to protect the mouth and nose
〉 Goggles to protect the eyes

〉 Respirators to protect the respiratory system from airborne agents
〉 Face shields to protect the face, nose, mouth and eyes.
Activity Description: In this scenario, you are a nurse in a doctor’s office and must practice the proper steps for washing your hands after each patient to ensure your health and prevent the spread of germs and viruses to other coworkers and patients.
Activity Procedure: Read the handwashing procedure below and then practice washing your hands following the step-by-step visual instructions shown on the next page.
Medical Professionals Handwashing Steps
Show video (optional) Handwashing Steps (http://tn-caps.com/r/68LN1) (This should take 40-60 seconds to be effective.)
1. Wet hands with warm water.
2. Apply enough soap to cover all hand surfaces.
3. Rub the palms of the hands together.
4. Rub the right palm over the back of the left hand and interlace the fingers and vice versa (left over right).
5. Rub palm to palm with fingers interlaced.
6. Rub the backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked.
7. Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa

8. Rotational rubbing backwards and forwards of the fingertips of right hand in left palm and vice versa
9. Rinse hands with water.
10. Dry hands thoroughly with a single use towel.
11. Use towel to turn off faucet. Your hands are now safe.

Activity Discussion:
〉 Where have you seen signs reminding people to wash their hands?
〉 Why does the length of time matter when washing your hands?
〉 Where are some of the places we pick up germs and bacteria?
〉 What can we do to prevent picking up germs and spreading them to others?

Introduction: In most hospitals and doctors’ offices, the first person a patient sees is a nurse. It is the nurse’s responsibility to gather important information from the patient such as medical history, symptoms, and check the patient’s vital signs before they see the doctor. This information helps the doctor diagnose and determine the necessary treatment for the patient if any is needed.
In this activity, you will collect patient data, perform a basic examination, and determine any symptoms the patient is exhibiting.
Activity Description: You are a nurse in a doctor’s office and it is your responsibility to collect information about the patient before the doctor performs the examination
Activity Procedure:

In groups, determine who is going to play the role of the Nurse, Patient, and Doctor. All students will take turns playing the different roles. Review the Patient Information Form and steps below before examining the patient.
Step 1: Gather in groups of three or more students:
〉 One student will be the Patient
〉 One student will be the Nurse
〉 One student will be the Doctor
Step 2: Cut out the Symptom cards and Diagnosis cards below. Place the Symptom Cards upside down on a table. Have the Doctor move far enough away from the patient and the nurse so that he/she cannot hear the initial interview.
Step 3: Have each Patient pick one Symptom Card, which will be used in Step 5.
Step 4: The Nurse will exam the patient and complete the Patient Information Form:
Patient Information:
〉 Write the patient’s name
〉 Check whether the patient is male or female
〉 Write the patient’s age
〉 Measure the patient’s height in inches
〉 Weigh the patient (optional)
Wellness Check/Examination:
〉 Check ears, nose, and mouth/throat visually. – Do not touch
〉 Check patient’s temperature – use back of hand to feel the forehead (optional).
〉 Listen to the patient’s heart beat – if stethoscope is available, if not take the pulse rate – See instructions provided.
Step 5: Next, the nurse will interview the patient, asking how the patient feels. The patient uses the symptom card he or she selected to describe the symptoms to the nurse. The nurse enters the symptoms on the Patient Information Form where indicated.
Step 6: The nurse gives the Patient Information Form to the doctor. The doctor reviews the information collected on the Patient Information Form and meets with the patient to discuss their symptoms.

Using the Diagnosis Cards, the doctor determines which illness the patient has based on the patient’s symptoms and prescribes the treatment plan using the Diagnosis Card that matches the symptoms.
Step 7: Next, compare the Symptom Card to the Patient Information Form and see if the nurse and doctor diagnosed the correct illness.
Step 8: Switch roles and Symptom Cards and perform the process over until all participants have had the opportunity to play the nurse, patient, and doctor.
Your pulse can be found:
〉 On the side of the neck
〉 On the inside of the elbow
〉 At the wrist

NOTE: If you use the lower neck, be sure not to press too hard, and never press on the pulses on both sides of the lower neck at the same time. Doing so can block the blood flow to the brain.
Activity Procedure:
〉 Using the first and second fingertips, press firmly but gently on the arteries until you feel a pulse.
〉 Begin counting the pulse when the clock's second hand is on the 12.
〉 Count the pulse for 60 seconds (or for 15 seconds and then multiply by four to calculate beats per minute).
〉 Mark the patent’s pulse rate where indicated on the Patient Information Form.
Activity Results: Each student will have the opportunity to play the role of a nurse, patient, and doctor to experience some of the duties a nurse performs on a daily basis.

Activity Discussion:
〉 How did this activity compare to your previous visit to a doctor’s office?
〉 Did the nurse or doctor swab your throat or the inside of your nose? Why do you think a doctor or nurse would perform this process?
〉 Did the nurse or doctor perform other procedures? Did the nurse prick your finger or draw blood? Why do you think this procedure is necessary?

3 to 4 years old 80 to 120 beats per minute
5 to 6 years old 75 to 115 beats per minute
7 to 9 years old
10 years and older
70 to 110 beats per minute
60 to 100 beats per minute
Symptom Card #1
〉 Fever or chills
〉 Cough
〉 Sore throat
〉 Runny or stuffy nose
〉 Muscle or body aches
〉 Headaches
〉 Fatigue (tiredness)
Symptom Card #3
〉 Throat pain that comes on quickly
〉 Painful swallowing
〉 Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white patches
〉 Tiny red spots on the area at the back of the roof of the mouth
〉 Swollen, tender lymph nodes in your neck
〉 Fever
Diagnosis/Treatment Card - A
Common Symptoms: Congestion, Cough, Body Aches
Diagnosis: Common Cold (contagious)
Treatment: Most people recover on their own within two weeks. Over-the-counter products and home remedies can help control symptoms.
For a fever, sore throat, and headache, take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). For stuffy nose, use a decongestant nasal spray and cough syrup for cough.
Diagnosis/Treatment Card - C
Common Symptoms: Redness in the white of the eye, yellow discharge, blurred vision
Diagnosis: Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) (contagious)
Treatment: Pink Eye often resolves on its own, but treatment can speed the recovery process. Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with antihistamines. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with antibiotic eye drops.
Symptom Card #2
〉 Runny or stuffy nose
〉 Sore throat
〉 Cough
〉 Congestion
〉 Slight body aches or headaches
〉 Sneezing
〉 Low-grade fever
Symptom Card #4
〉 Redness in the white of the eye
〉 Swollen conjunctiva
〉 More tears than usual
〉 Thick yellow discharge that crusts over eyelashes, after sleep
〉 Green or white discharge from eye
〉 Itchy eyes
〉 Burning eyes
〉 Blurred vision
Diagnosis/Treatment Card - B
Common Symptoms: Sore throat, Fever, Headache
Diagnosis: Flu (contagious)
Treatment: Treated primarily with rest and fluids to let the body fight the infection on its own. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers may help with symptoms.
Some Physicians prescribe antiviral medication, such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu).
An annual Flu vaccine can help prevent the flu and limit its complications.
Diagnosis/Treatment Card - D
Common Symptoms: Severe throat pain, hurts when swallowing, tender lymph nodes
Diagnosis: Strep Throat (contagious)
Treatment: Treatment is important to reduce complications. Oral antibiotics like penicillin, amoxicillin, cephalexin, or azithromycin are commonly used. Other medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help with pain and fever.

Patient Name: ___________________________ Exam Date: _____________
Male Female Age: ________ Weight ______ lbs. Height _______ Temperature ________
Wellness Check (Indicate N=Normal or A=Abnormal) :
Check Heart Rate/Pulse (write the rate)
Nose, Mouth, and Throat
Patient Medical History:
Patient Family History:
List existing symptoms:
Other Notes:
Physician’s Signature: