The Home Theatre System Our Golden Calf - Home & Audio Theatre _____________________________________________________________________________________
By Ving Jono -
The home theatre. The pinnacle of modern domestic achievement. When our ancestors flocked to the initial cinemas to gaze up in awe at the "picture shows," little did they guess that their descendents would one day snub such locations in favor of mammoth flat screen TVs and the latest in home theatre audio equipment.
What Is Home & Audio Theatre
Because after all, why go out for dinner and a movie when you can stay in?The home theatre system is the latest stage in America's ongoing romance with the television. What began as a simple black and white box has evolved into full-scale, no-holds-barred, virtual movie theatre that dominates at least one room in the average American home.
And what is a movie theatre without sound? And not just any sound, but in-your-face sound that blows you out of your chair and makes you feel like you're actually in the building that just collapsed (or the space ship that just took off, or the semi that just jackknifed...). Yes, sound is the key to the home theatre experience, and when it comes to choosing an audio system to grace your den or family room, there is no shortage of options. An integrated home theatre audio system is often referred to as "home theatre in a box," or HTiB. A basic system might include a 2.1 speaker system with left and right speakers and a small, 8-inch subwoofer. The most inexpensive such system will be no more than a few hundred dollars.
Finally, for those truly dedicated to their DVD collections, it is possible to build an entire room specifically designed for watching movies. Such rooms, which can cost in excess of $100,000, will often boast sophisticated acoustical design elements and will doubtless include audiophile-grade sound equipment.
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