1 minute read
Cover and Letter from the Editors
Because Emerging Photographer is a submission-based magazine, our jury of editors sees timely themes, trends and topics among the entries. It’s especially true in the documentary category, where we see world events unfold through the eyes of emerging photojournalists. There were many entries submitted for this issue that captured the 2016 election year and subsequent protests, and others that told the stories of those affected by war and global displacement. In these pages, you’ll see Cédric von Niederhäusern’s outsider’s perspective of the American election cycle in his black-and-white series “City Upon a Hill;” Alex Wroblewski’s gripping series “ISIS in Iraq,” for which he embedded with the Iraqi military; and two bodies of work about two different families adjusting to life in Detroit—Salwan Georges’ series follows a refugee family from Sudan, while Ali Lapetina photographs Bangladeshi immigrants who have resettled in the Banglatown community of the city.
There’s also outstanding portrait and fine-art work in this issue, from Kyle Dorosz’s environmental studio portraiture of contemporary artists, to Sarah Bouillaud’s fantastical and illustrative photomontage scenes.
We hope you enjoy the work of these 10 talented rising stars. Read earlier issues at issuu.com/eephotogroup. The next submission period will open in April 2017 at emergingphotographer.com.
–Jacqui Palumbo & Taryn Swadba
Photographers in this issue will receive a Canon EOS M5 camera and lens kit, a Canon PIXMA PRO-10 printer, and a $100 B&H Photo gift card.

ON THE COVER: From the series "ISIS in Iraq." Toxic smoke billows in and Qayyarah, originating from oil wells set on fire by the Islamic State to obscure the view of coalition warplanes.
Photo © Alex Wroblewski