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History of Christianity
Our Father Abraham
Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
SECOND EDITION Marvin R. Wilson On the vital link between Judaism and Christianity
is new edition of Our Father Abraham features a new preface, an expanded bibliography of recent relevant works, and two new chapters: one that discusses Jewish-Christian relations a er the Holocaust and another that re ects on Marvin Wilson’s own y-plus-year career as an evangelical Christian deeply commi ed to interfaith dialogue. As Christians and Jews feel a growing need for mutual support in an increasingly secular Western world, Wilson’s widely acclaimed book will o er encouragement and wise guidance toward this worthy end.
“ e timeliness of Marv Wilson’s book was evident by its initial reception and growing audience over the years. ree decades later, this second edition shows the timelessness of both the subject and his insights.” — JAMES WHITMAN
Center for Judaic-Christian Studies
“Our Father Abraham is a stunning achievement! Marvin Wilson has wri en a magni cent book that breaks new ground in furthering positive Christian-Jewish relations. His superb scholarship is combined with many concrete suggestions for building a new relationship between the church and the synagogue, between Christians and Jews.” — BBI A. JAMES RUDIN
The American Jewish Committee
“For the rst time someone has given the person in the pew an understanding of just what the Jewishness of Jesus means for his or her everyday life.”
Marvin R. Wilson, a leading scholar on Christian-Jewish relations, is the Harold J. Ockenga Professor Emeritus of Biblical and eological Studies at Gordon College, Wenham, Massachuse s, where he taught for over y years. He also wrote Exploring Our Hebraic Heritage—a sequel to Our Father Abraham—and served as primary scholar of the award-winning national television documentary Jews & Christians: A Journey of Faith, based on Our Father Abraham.
978-0-8028-7733-8 | Paperback | 424 pages | $29.99 US | $39.99 CAN | £23.99 UK Available July 2021
Migration and the Making of Global Christianity
Jehu J. Hanciles
Foreword by Philip Jenkins A magisterial sweep through 1500 years of Christian history with a groundbreaking focus on the missionary role of migrants in Christianity’s spread
“ is fascinating book belongs on the shelf of everyone interested in how Christianity came to be a worldwide religion.” — DANA L. ROBERT
Boston University School of Theology
“ is is must-reading for anyone trying to understand the social dynamics of the Christian past and its contemporary global character.” — DOUGLAS JACOBSEN
author of The World’s Christians: Who They Are, Where They Are, and How They Got There
“ is is a ne book with breath-taking scope that re eshes church history and sheds new light on the global spread of Christianity before the modern era.”
Fuller Theological Seminary
“ is book is a highly important contribution to a more polycentric approach to the history of world Christianity.” — KLAUS KOSCHORKE
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
“No book has shown more convincingly how Christianity in its rst een hundred years spread throughout the globe thanks to migrations.”
Georgetown University
Jehu J. Hanciles is the D. W. and Ruth Brooks Professor of World Christianity and director of the World Christianity program at Candler School of eology, Emory University. Originally from Sierra Leone, he is also the author of Beyond Christendom: Globalization, A ican Migration, and the Transformation of the West and Euthanasia of a Mission: A ican Church Autonomy in a Colonial Context.
978-0-8028-7562-4 | Jacketed Hardcover | 479 pages | $45.00 US | $60.99 CAN £36.99 UK | Available
In Quest of the Historical Adam
A Biblical and Scientifi c Exploration William Lane Craig Was Adam a real historical person? And if so, who was he and when did he live?
William Lane Craig sets out to answer these questions through a biblical and scienti c investigation. He begins with an inquiry into the genre of Genesis 1–11, determining that it can most plausibly be classi ed as mytho-history— a narrative with both literary and historical value. He then moves into the New Testament, where he examines references to Adam in the words of Jesus and the writings of Paul, ultimately concluding that the entire Bible considers Adam the historical progenitor of the human race—a position that must therefore be accepted as a premise for Christians who take seriously the inspired truth of Scripture.
Working from that foundation of biblical truth, Craig embarks upon an interdisciplinary survey of scienti c evidence to determine where Adam could be most plausibly located in the evolutionary history of humankind, ultimately determining that Adam lived between 750,000 and 1,000,000 years ago as a member of the archaic human species Homo heidelbergensis. He concludes by re ecting theologically on his ndings and asking what all this might mean for us as human beings created in the image of God, literally descended from a common ancestor—albeit one who lived in the remote past.
William Lane Craig is professor of philosophy at Houston Baptist University and a visiting scholar at Talbot School of eology. He has authored or edited over forty books—including Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics and On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision—as well as nearly two hundred articles in professional publications of philosophy and theology. In 2016 he was named by e Best Schools one of the y most in uential living philosophers, and in 2011 Sam Harris referred to Craig as “the one Christian apologist who seems to have put the fear of God into many of my fellow atheists.”
Conscience and Ethics
A Century of Catholic Moral Theology Ma hew Levering
How important is the conscience for the Christian moral life? How should it be understood in relation to the teachings of the Bible and of church tradition?
In this book, Ma hew Levering surveys twentieth-century Catholic moral theology to construct an argument for keeping conscience rmly alongside prudence, charity, and the gi s of the Spirit—and for understanding it as something that must be formed by the revealed truths of Scripture as interpreted and applied in the church. Levering shows how conscience-centered ethics came to be—both prior to and following the Second Vatican Council—and how important voices from both the Catholic and Protestant communities criticized the primacy of conscience in favor of an approach that considers conscience within “the broader framework of the Christian moral organism.”
Rather than engaging with current hot-bu on issues, Levering presents and deconstructs the work of twenty-six noteworthy theologians from the recent past in order to work through core ma ers. He begins by examining how the conscience has been dealt with in dialogue with the Bible and in the Catholic “moral manuals” of the twentieth century. He then explores the rebu als to conscience-centered ethics o ered by pre- and post-conciliar omists and the emergence of a new, even more problematic consciencecentered ethics in German thought. Amid this wide-ranging introduction to various strands of Catholic moral theology, Levering cra s an incisive intervention of his own against the “abuse of conscience” that besets the church today as it did in the last century.
Ma hew Levering holds the James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of eology at Mundelein Seminary and is a longtime participant in Evangelicals and Catholics Together. Among his many other books are Dying and the Virtues and Aquinas’s Eschatological Ethics and the Virtue of Temperance.
978-0-8028-7911-0 | Jacketed Hardcover | 420 pages | $38.00 US | $30.99 CAN £50.99 UK | Available September 2021 978-0-8028-7950-9 | Jacketed Hardcover | 368 pages | $45.00 US | $60.99 CAN £36.99 UK | Available October 2021