Happy Book Of Lists

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HAPPY Irini Sarlis

The random little taking the long island railroad. being excited for something that’s coming up. car rides with the windows down.

conversations that make you FEEL closer to a person. sleeping next to someone. screaming cause you’re so damn happy.

writing people letters.

the beach sand. the moment you realize you like the same exact music as someone.

writing down a memory quick so you never forget what happened. the minute you get home from a good day and you lay down to sleep and think about every good moment over & over & over. looking through old photos, cards, and letters.

making someone smile or laugh just by being yourself. buying new undies. the smell when you buy a new cd and open the album booklet (even though I don’t buy them anymore...). days when you hangout with old friends and it feels like old times ... like you’re just getting to know them. doing insanely embarrassing/quirky things just to make your friend’s day better.

making animals wear silly clothes/hats/ mustaches. seeing someone so often they rub off on you and you start saying their sayings. running to a friend because you don’t understand what just happened in your conversation with someone so you explain it to them so they can tell you what you must be missing. laughing so hard, it hurts. summer.

things I love when someone holds your feet after a long long day; feet need love too! watching movies with someone you can rest your legs on. inventing new food concoctions that you name yours because it is the oddest things to put together but tastes oh so good!

just being; not over-thinking - just living. when someone smiles at you walking down the street and for some reason they make you lighten up.

listening to a song that puts past images in your head and reminds you of times with someone. the strawberry & creme, strawberry shaped gummies. date nights. warm tea.

coffee coffee coffee!!! nature. roadtrips. feeling of grass on your toes.

when you meet someone for the first time but you get along so well it’s as if you’ve known them forever. when you find money in random places! the sun shining in your window to wake you up in the morning.

the scent of pumpkin. baking... and then eating it. funny animal videos.


14 Resolutions

1 . B e l i eve i n y o u r s e l f !

Many others believe in you and they wouldn’t if they didn’t think you could do it. Now it’s your turn to.

2 . C a r r y y o u r s el f w i th c o nf i d e n c e .

You’d be surprised how much more you will be recognized and heard when you show that you are in control of your thoughts and opinions.

3. Wear more sexy undies. You are sexy so embrace it! Why not wear those cheeky undies you own?! Even if no one gets to see them. Only you need to know. Trust me, it’ll make a difference on how you feel that day!

4. Make yourself happy. We spend so much time doing what we are expected to do rather than what we really want to be doing. Find every opportunity to do the things that make you smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

5. Train yourself to think positive. Pessimism slowly kills you inside. If you expect the worst, you will get the worst. Make the most out of any situation life throws at you. Why feel miserable when you can be happy?

6 . D o n ’ t st r e s s t h e s m a l l a n d i n s i g n i f i c a n t t h i n g s. Many others believe in you and they wouldn’t if they didn’t think you could do it. Now it’s your turn to.

7 . Keep g o i n g e v e n w h e n y o u w a nt t o g i v e u p . You may think it will never get better, but trust me it does. The pain may not fully ever be forgotten or go away, but what it will do is fade over time. Push through everyday. Every day is closer to the better days. Just have to get through it.

for 2014

8. Let go.

You know exactly what and who I’m talking about. We all have those people in our lives that we are hanging on to by a string. It’s time to let them go. Let go of the past and embrace the present and those who are still around.

9. Drop the people who do not add encouragement or value to your life. Why keep negative or meaningless people in your life? You are in control of who you wish to keep around you. Keep those worth being around who support you and love you. Stop wasting energy on meaningless friendships. Put effort into those friends who put that same effort in for you.

1 0 . Keep y o u r m i n d h e a l t h y ! Keep your body healthy! Make sure you are taking care of your body and well being. Your emotional being effects EVERYTHING in your life. If you are feeling off, address it before it gets worse. Continue working at developing who you are and take time out of your day to keep your mind and body active. It will pay off in the long run.

11. Stop over-thinking!!

You will drive yourself crazy. Go for the things you want, take chances and don’t over-think it. Obsessing and worrying is like wishing for the bad things you are worried will happen to happen - just stop.

1 2 . L e t s o m e o f yo u r w a l l s d o w n . We are all scared to let people in. But remember that the new people in your life should not be held responsible for what those in your past did to you. Give them a chance. You may find someone worth letting your walls down for.

13. Do spontaneous and crazy things! You’re only going to be this age once, do something crazy! Party more, dance more, plan trips and go wild. The older you get, the harder it will be to be spontaneous.

14 - Live each day to itís fullest. You will never get another today. Each day should be one worth remembering. You are young, LIVE YOUR LIFE!!

ekam stsil

How To Distract Go out and photograph.

Paint a picture.

Call up a friend to chat.

Go for a jog.

Write a short story.

Make a playlist of your favorite music.

Fold clothes.

Bake cookies.

Watch a whole series on Netflix.

Look up and count the stars you see.


Write a letter to a friend.

Take a train to a place you’ve never been.

Make funny faces in the mirror.

Update your facebook status.

daer stsil

Your Mind

Look at old photos

Take a walk in the park Watch a good movie.

Look up do-it-yourself tutorials.

Go through your closet and donate old clothes. Sing.

Make crafts.

Visit a museum.

Make a list of things that make you happy.

Look at the clouds.

Browse through tumblr.

Drink a beer.

Make tea.

Lay in the grass.

Inhale, Exhale, Repeat.

How To Get Over A Breakup: cry. sleep. cry. wakeup. cry. leave bed. cry. deal with the day. repeat. eat ice cream. cry. watch a sad sad movie. cry. look at other happy couples. be miserable. listen to a sad song. cry. realize all the things you still have. think about all the negative things about your relationship. remember all the fights. remember the times they made you cry. get angry. have a few drinks. go out and party. dance. go home and cry. repeat. get out of bed. smile. repeat. embrace being alone. smile. learn to love yourself and be on your own. smile.

things i want get a mac desktop hang lights in my room find more music out there watch more movies & tv shows create workout visit places take day trips away, alone and with a friend cook cook cook! be inspired smile everyday have “_____ nights� with friends where we do certain things every week dance around alone take more candid photos see more live music try out different restaurants eat a bit healthier try as many different teas as i can work harder

All Things Pumpkin! cheesecake! Pumpkin muffins! Pumpkin pie! Pumpkin bread! Pumpkin custard! Pumpkin mashed potatos! Pumpkin salsa! Pumpkin soup! Pumpkin donuts! Pumpkin cookies! Pumpkin lasagna! Pumpkin chicken enchiladas! Pumpkin spice latte! Pumpkin ravioli! Pumpkin

Goals work get driving lessons get away — Miami spring break? save go away for a while‌ somewhere new learn new things meet new people find something meaningful. do something big.

Reasons To Love


pumpkin spice lattes


candy corn hiking

crisp breeze

pumpkin picking


PUMPKIN ANYTHING scented candles

leaves falling

pumpkin pie

get cozy under a blanket


leggings apple cider

warm drinks Being excited for school... for about the first month

Looking for someone to.. cook with go to the gym with try out new things with go on adventures with try out classes (like yoga, kickboxing..etc.) with travel with go on car rides with laugh with sleepover with bake with trade music with watch funny/quirky/independent/dramatic movies with be lazy with share quirky jokes from tv series with complain and be all “wahwahwahh� with contemplate life with

To be with me you must My randomness. through on.

I come up with odd ideas I like to follow

My sudden splurge of hysterical laughter. For no good reason.

My quirky-ness. I can be strange. I can’t help it. My lack of care what strangers may think. You may be embarassed of me, but I promise it really isn’t that bad - just subtle but noticable.

That I can make my own decisions.

your opinion I will ask, believe me!

When I want

That I am my own person. And as much as I love being

a part of something with someone, I am okay with being Irene too. We can’t always be attached by the hip. (and who wants that 24/7 anyways?!)

I am very very very in touch with my emotions. I feel everything! And i’m not scared of them or to tell you.

I speak my mind. I will tell you my honest opinion. I react to how you act. If i’m acting up in any way, look to

yourself why that is.

I do not tolerate lies.

I find out everything eventually. I’m pretty honest with people & I expect the same back. The truth can’t be worse than me finding out later on.

be able to handle My parents.

They will always be there for me. And we are super close. They are ALWAYS welcome.

My sister. advance).

If I have to deal with her, so do you! (I apologize in

I have good intentions.

If you find yourself questioning my reasons of doing something, really think about it rationally.

I rarely start arguments.

I tend to get over things quickly & address problems & try to find solutions. I don’t like playing the “guessing game”.

My little kid voice that creeps out when I’m excited. Deal with it. I get happy over the little things. Be happy with

me or be miserable alone.

My depressing/emotional/crappy/just plain odd choice in music. It will be playing almost 24/7. My need for affection. To me it is an incredibly important part of a relationship. To me, there’s never enough of this.

I like to talk.

A lot, sometimes. About random things. That aren’t always.. significant.


Everyone needs it. Don’t smother me. I have friends. I have family. As do you.



Greece India

Places to VISIT Italy



Grocery quinoa chicken muenster Brownie mix lettuce tomatoEs watermelon cucumber eggs

CRUISE PACKING LIST headphones phone charger book to read sneakers flip flops sandals pair of jeans few shorts undies bras tanks pajamas

lotion deoderant perfume razor shaving cream shampoo conditioner caridigans hoodie hair products small purse bathing suit

towel dress heels socks medicine snacks camera camera charger bottle of wine body wash sunscreen contacts

Bucket List: Visit Mexico Skiing/snow boarding Rent an RV and go on a road trip cross country Try every kind of food Party in IBIZA! See Blink 182 live Get a tattoo Jet skiing See lantern festival in Thailand Go skinny dipping Go on a cruise Rock Climbing Visit every city in the US Backpack through Eurpoe Go to Vegas with best friends Shotgun a beer in a corn field Go to a music festival Hug a palm tree Go to pubs in London Visit Greece and meet my relatives Write a book Learn programming Study abroad Marry someone I freaking love and have babies. Be happy.

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