Flowery Flowers
By Chelsea
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. What Makes Up A Flower? Chapter 2 When Flowers Bloom? Chapter 3 What Is Pollination Chapter 4 Where A Flower Grows? Page 5 Fun Flowery Facts Page 6 Glossary Page 7 Refrences
Introduction Have you ever wondered about a flower ? Well if your flowering with wonders and is sprouting with questions read on !
What Makes Up A Flower?
This is a diagram of the main parts of a flower that include the stamen , sepals , carpel and petals .
A flower is a plant that has all these 4 different parts . A stamen ,sepals ,carpel and petals . All of these parts help out a flower in many different ways . One way that the stamen helps a flower out is because its we're pollen is and pollen makes it easier to reproduce seeds . Another part that's useful to the flower is sepals because it holds the flower up and straight . A carpel is near the stamen and is were necture is . And last but not least the petals . Petals help out a flower because it attracts insects to help pollinate the flower .
When Flowers Bloom?
Summer Spring Fall Winter Sunflowers
This shows a chart of flowers that grow in different seasons .
A flower can bloom in all of the 4 seasons . You might not think at first that flowers can bloom in the winter and fall but there's a couple flowers that do. Those's flowers are the snowdrop flower that blooms in the winter and chrysanthemums that sprouts in the fall . Plus your properly not surprised that any flower blooms in the spring or summer . Just to make sure I'll tell you that one of the flowers that springs out in the spring is tulips and two flowers that grow in the summer are sunflowers and roses .
What Is Pollination?
This is a picture of a butterfly pollinating a flower.
Pollination is a part of a flowers life cycle . It helps a flower out because it allows a flower to grow up into its natural form . To discribe what pollination is I would say it's when a flowers stamens get pollen attached to it . And then an insect comes by the flower and gets it attention from all the bright colored petals . It comes over to the flower and try's to figure out what it is by using a couple senses like taste . What the insect taste is the flowers sweet necture . Near the necture is the stamens covered with pollen so when the insect drinks necture pollen gets attached to it . Then when the insect comes over to the next flower to get more pollen it spreads pollen on it and then keeps on moving on to different flowers until the insect is done . The reason this helps a flower out is because pollen helps reproduce seeds.
Where Flowers Grow?
Ocean Desert Mountains Eegrass
Cacti flower
Mountain flowers
This chart shows flowers in their different environments .
Flowers can grow in all parts of the world like Oceans ,deserts and tall mountains . At first you might not believe that there's any flowers growing in these three places but there is like an eelgrass grows in an ocean . One more flower that grows in tall mountains is snowdrop flowers . Another place flowers also bloom is in valleys , fields and of course in any area that provides either water,sunlight and soil .
Glossary Stamen Sepals Carpel Petals Pollen Necture Pollinate Bloom Pollination Sprout
A stamen is we're pollen is .
Sepals hold a flower up and straight.
A carpel holds up the pollen Petals attract insects to pollenate it . A yellow dust .
A sweet liquid for insects
When an insect drinks a flower and gets pollen on it
When a flowers petals open up . A cycle that helps a flower reproduce seeds . When a flower grows .
Fun Flowery Facts
. Daisy's , pot marigolds , sun flowers , dandelion , violets , clovers , lavender , broccoli and cauliflower are all flowers that we can eat . The smallest flower in the world is the duckweed flower that lives in brazil and is no bigger than a single dot .
The most popular flowers in the s . world are roses , sunflowers and tulips .
. Flowers were discovered in the 18'00 s t . when dinosaurs were alive . . . The largest flower in the world is the rafflesia Arnold . It weighs 7kg and is also r called the corpse flower . .
Ideas from : The book Flowers
Learning about flowers in sc
Looking at pictures of flowers that we
ere interesting