Among the Wildflowers Table Runner Class Plan

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Among the Wildflowers table runner Class Plan

Class Objectives:

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic techniques used throughout the Flower Farm Sampler book.

In making this runner, students will practice the following skills while making the 4" blocks from the book: Blocks 16, 17, and 18

• Stitch-and-Flip corners

• Stitch-and-Flip rectangles

• Precision piecing and matching points

• Directional seam pressing

The general objective is for students to walk away from class with the top row of the runner pieced.

This course is a great project for confident beginners and the techniques introduced will lay a foundation for making any of the blocks in this book.

Class Length + Size:

This class is formatted as a half-day class with approximately 4 hours of instructional time. The runner most likely won’t be finished by the end of the class, but can easily be finished at home.

The class size is best determined by the comfort-level of the instructor and the students. Groups larger than twelve participants would benefit from the assistance of a teaching aide.

Among the Wildflowers Class Plan, © Michelle N. Cavanna for Cora’s Quilts, 2024.
Among the Wildflowers Table Runner from Flower Farm Sampler by Shelley Cavanna

Among the Wildflowers Table Runner

Class Plan: Supplies + Preparation

Required Text + Supplies:

You can view Shelley’s preferred products, along with her “must-have” and “nice-to-have” tools at

• Flower Farm Sampler book by Shelley Cavanna

• Small rotary ruler (6 ½" x 6 ½"), cutter, and small cutting mat

• thread (in a neutral color), seam ripper, fabric scissors, and small scissors for snipping thread

• ceramic pencil, water-soluble pen, or other temporary marking tool

• pins

• Flatter spray or water spray bottle, if desired

• the materials needed for the Among the Wildflowers runner, as listed on page 84 of the Flower Farm Sampler.

Students should come to class with all of their fabrics starched (if desired) and pressed, with enough fabric pieces cut and labeled to make 4 - Block 15s, 4 - Block 16s, and 8 - (modified) Block 18s. These are enough pieces to make the top row of the runner.

Classroom Preparation

Each student needs a sewing machine, along with small cutting station. Set up 1-2 common pressing station with wool mats (if possible). We recommend pressing with a dry iron and using Flatter spray or a misting spray bottle if needed.

Instructor Preparation

We recommend preparing:

• a finished version of each of the three blocks

• step outs of each row for demonstrating block assembly

Among the Wildflowers Class Plan, © Michelle N. Cavanna for Cora’s Quilts, 2024.

Among the Wildflowers Table Runner Class Plan: Class Agenda

Video Tutorials

Please visit to see all of the techniques used in the Flower Farm Sampler book in action. This resource page should also be shared with your students if they need post-class assistance.

Hour 1 - Block 17 (page 87, steps 3-4), make at least 8 units

This hour is used to introduce stitch-and-flip corners (detailed instruction found on page 10).

• Using a temporary marking tool; lining up your marking tool - not your ruler - with the corners for accurate lines

• Trimming, either by hand or with a rotary ruler and cutter; careful pressing

• Matching points and precision piecing while assembling Block 17; spinning seams (see page 21)

Hour 2 - Block 16 (page 87, step 2), make at least 4 units

This hour is used to practice sewing with triangle units.

• Introduction to bias edges and how to sew with them, avoiding block distortion; the difference between half-square triangles and quarter-square triangles, how to tell them apart, and why they’re used where they are in each block

• finger-pressing the triangles to help line up with the pieces; nesting seams

• how to correctly center and trim each block as directed

Hour 3 - Block 15 (page 87, step 1), make at least 4 units

This hour is used to introduce stitch-and-flip rectangles (detailed instruction found on page 12).

• Using a temporary marking tool; lining up your marking tool - not your ruler - with the corners for accurate lines.

• Using a rotary mat’s grid lines and diagonal lines to help line up units correctly

• Matching points and precision piecing during block assembly

Hour 4 - Runner Assembly (page 87, step 1)

The final hour in class can be used to troubleshoot any problem blocks and then assemble the top row of the runner.

As this is intended to be a scrappy runner, student may opt to wait until they have pieced all of the required blocks before assembly, so that they can balance out the value and placement of their assorted fabrics to their liking.

Among the Wildflowers Class Plan, © Michelle N. Cavanna for Cora’s Quilts, 2024.

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