Estonian Film 2021/2

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KIDS IN In-Between-World Erik Stoneheart is a children’s adventure film directed by Ilmar Raag. The film has today reached the post-production phase, despite the setbacks of the pandemic. By EFI Photos by Priit Grepp and Ann Vaida


rik Stoneheart is a complex international co­production project that is being com­ pleted in collaboration be­ tween Estonia, Luxembourg, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. The main producer of the film is Amrion Productions from Estonia, and the exec­ utive producer of the project is Riina Sil­ dos. The script has been written by Esto­ nian scriptwriters Livia Ulman and Andris Feldmanis. According to Sildos, the post­pro­ duction process of the film is divided be­ tween four countries – mainly in Luxem­ bourg, but the sound design is created in Lithuania, and VFX production is made in Ukraine, Luxembourg, and Estonia. “The editing track is completed by now; and currently we are in the process of creating sound design and special ef­ fects. Due to the COVID­19­related re­ strictions, the whole process has been


Ilmar Raag


certainly more than complicated since all information has to be forwarded via internet, and it is difficult to make artis­ tic decisions via small computer screens. All this is considerably extending the post­production process. Hopefully we can soon travel again in order to com­ plete the film,” commented Riina Sildos. Despite the fact that filming of Erik Stoneheart took place during the com­ plicated conditions of the COVID­19 pandemic, the filmmakers and the crew succeeded without anyone falling ill. “We could complete our first filming pe­ riod in Luxembourg in November 2019, when nobody could forecast what would happen next. However, the next shoot­ ing period, initially planned to take place in April 2020, was constantly postponed. Besides, we had to frequently rearrange both schedules and filming locations – the last version of the shooting schedule was number 41 in a row,” she says. At first, the shooting was planned also in Ukraine and Lithuania, but finally this took place only in Estonia and Luxem­ bourg. “The whole period trained us to be creative and tolerant, even if at some point all this madness culminated in di­ rector Ilmar Raag’s concern for the pro­

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