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Arts of Survival Documentaries

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is a part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 main programme. The Arts of Survival is the artistic concept of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024. Arts of survival are the knowledge, skills, and values that will help us lead a good life in the future. These are the knowledge, skills, and values which we endorse, cherish, share with, and learn from Europe. The four most important Arts of survival featured in the Tartu 2024 programme are uniqueness, sustainability, awareness, and co-creation. Arts of Survival Documentaries is a part of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024’s main programme and embodies the values of the Arts of Survival concept that is its thematic touchpoint. The stories these documentaries tell will reveal the people, both extraordinary and ordinary, and the locales that are important for the existence of a place. The project will collect eight short documentaries that are the result of collaborations between Estonian directors and their international peers. Expressing the uniqueness and diversity of the region of Southern Estonia, the films will be screened in cinemas, on television, and in small villages throughout Estonia — and viewers who are more comfortable in evening gowns and suits will be able to enjoy these films at some of Europe’s most prestigious film festivals.

Andrey Paounov

Viesturs Kairišs Maria Aua

Carl Olsson

Andris Gauja

Jaan Tootsen

Eva Kübar

Ülo Pikkov

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