Rain Rannu’s new feature Free Money is in postproduction. The film is a comedy-drama that tells three loosely interconnected stories about money, crypto and the investment culture of the last few years, when investing has become a form of entertainment and every Mr Average is trading in stocks and coins.
Rain Rannu on the set of Free Money.
By Maria Ulfsak Photos by Alice Märtin
t’s an ensemble movie that follows three men - a brash crypto entrepreneur Maximillion, a straightforward programmer Taavi, and a conservative banker Erik – and their relationship with money. It is one of the first films that incorporates NFTs (non-fungible tokens) into the screening experience. According to the director Rain Rannu they are exploring a number of different mechanics how to do that. “One very simple one is that
there are QR codes in the movie that lead to hidden websites and web3 services with different “easter eggs” - almost like trying to recreate the excitement we had as kids when playing a computer game and discovering a secret hidden level. Some easter eggs could be exclusive artwork you can own, others could be free tokens you can claim. We imagine some of these to be visible on a cinema screen and available on a first come first served basis, while others require pausing the
movie in a VOD-environment. We imagine some perks to unlock immediately, while others a year, five years, or ten years later. All in all, we’re interested in adding an additional layer to the film for people who are already deeper into crypto, or why not, also for someone as their first web3 experience,” says Rannu. He adds that since they announced the film, the filmmakers have been approached by a number of people with very interesting ideas, which they are still in the process