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MAGAZINE Blood Diplomacy
By Venus Upadhayaya
A border county finds new ways to tackle illegal
immigration p.10
How U.S. Funded Wuhan Lab
Timeline reveals how U.S. assisted and funded
controversial Wuhan lab...p.35
AUGUST 27 – 2021
Small landlords are at a loss after the CDC issued a new eviction
moratorium p.11
Inflation Stickier Than Anticipated
Companies raise prices in response to higher labor costs, fanning inflation
further. p.40
The Taliban surprised the world by taking control over Afghanistan in a matter of days. But behind the terror group is a long-lasting and deep support from China's communist party.
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US Involvement in Wuhan Lab

A series of events shows how US was involved in the funding and research of the controversial lab ✒
Text by Jeff Carlson & Hans Mahncke

Taliban fighters sit on a vehicle along the street in Jalalabad Province in Afghanistan on Aug. 15, 2021.
After the taliban took over Kabul on Aug. 15, both the Chinese regime and the Taliban have said that they look forward to friendship with each other. The Chinese however have come short of recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate rulers, whereas the Taliban have said that China can contribute to Afghanistan’s development.
AFTER THE TALIBAN TOOK OVER Kabul on Aug. 15, both the Chinese regime and the Taliban said they looked forward to building a friendship with each other. The Chinese regime, however, has come short of recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate rulers, whereas the Taliban has said that China can contribute to Afghanistan’s development.
While reports continue to come of the Taliban conducting door-to-door searches and killing people, including journalists and women, the Taliban spokesperson has been giving interviews offering amnesty, women’s rights, and media freedom. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying, in a press conference on Aug. 19, seemed to support the Taliban narrative, saying the “Afghan Taliban will not repeat the history of the past and now they are more clear-eyed and rational.”
A source has confirmed to The Epoch Times that the Taliban, since its takeover, has been conducting door-to-door searches for intellectuals and journalists.
Days before the Taliban took over the capital, an Epoch Times Kabul-based source said on condition of anonymity that in the month of June alone, 51 targeted killings by “unknown men” were reported around the country.
The Taliban hasn’t been taking credit for most

of the targeted killings, which are of civilians, since the U.S.–Taliban peace deal was signed in February 2020. The deal limits the kinds of attacks the terrorists can conduct, and the Taliban strategy of not taking credit for the assassinations is linked to peace-talk diplomacy, according to a report in January by news website Gandhara.
In any case, reports of Taliban violence haven’t deterred the Chinese regime from working with the Taliban. Experts say the regime has intensified contact with the Taliban after Aug. 15 and that preparations are in full swing for a marriage of convenience.
Srikanth Kondapalli, professor in Chinese studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, said China is “providing international support to the Taliban and possibly intelligence and logistics support against the United States,” and that “by doing so, it wants to further humiliate the United States and contribute to its decline in the region.”
“In the short term, China is likely to provide all support to the Taliban to overrun Afghanistan and form a stable government,” he said. China is in touch with the Taliban through its own military links as well as Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), he said.
On Aug. 18, China’s Foreign Ministry stated that it had not yet officially recognized the Taliban as ruling Afghanistan, and that recognition would come after a government is formed.
History of CCP–Taliban Friendship
The relationship between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Taliban can be traced back to the 1970s when the Chinese military intelligence trained the mujahideen in their fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Kondapalli said.
“According to Gen. Xiong Guangkai (ex PLA deputy chief of general staff), hundreds of Chinese trainers provided training, arms—AK-47s and Red Arrow missiles—to the mujahideen in Xinjiang and other contiguous areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the post-Soviet years, China consolidated its relations with the Taliban and Al Qaeda, specifically with the Hekmatyar group prior to the 9/11 events,” he said.
Reports of contacts run deeper, as China paid the Taliban for captured, unexploded, and even detonated U.S. arms. An October 2001 Guard-
Chinese state
councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) meets with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, political chief of Afghanistan's Taliban, on July 28, 2021. ian report claimed that China paid bin Laden several million dollars to access an unexploded American cruise missile. About a year before, at the end of 2000, the U.N. Security Council proposed sanctions on the Taliban to force it to close bin Laden’s terrorist training camps located on its territory, but the People’s Republic of China abstained from the vote. Instead, it sent military personnel to support the Taliban immediately after the United States began airstrikes in Afghanistan. “China’s ambassador to Pakistan engaged [Taliban leader] Mullah Omar with the proposal not to aid the Uyghurs, [in exchange for] protection at [the Security Council] for the Taliban. Post 911, China continued its links with the Taliban and its supporter the ISI of Pakistan, and articulated the view that the Kabul government should be broad-based,” meaning the Taliban should be given positions in the government, Kondapalli said. Additionally, in 2004, Chinese intelligence agencies used shell companies in financial markets around the world to help bin Laden raise funds and launder money, according to a report published by the Association for Asian Research.
Asked about media reports on China’s close contacts with the Taliban, a Chinese spokesperson denied them in a press conference
Small Landlords Forced Out of Business
Protacted moratoruums intended to protect renters are hurting small landlords who rely on the income
By Steven Kovac
Extended rent moratoriums and the slow distribution of billions in federal rent assistance are driving many small landlords to
call it quits.
“Nobody wants to become a landlord anymore,” said Diane Baird, executive director of the Lake Erie Landlord Association, which represents landlords in northern Ohio, southern Michigan, and western Pennsylvania.
“And we have very few new people entering into the business.”
“Multiple landlords have told me they are selling out,” Jon Frickensmith, president of the South Wisconsin Landlord Association, told The Epoch Times. “They ask us how to get out of the business and how to get the tenants out of their houses. These are mom-and-pop operators, the kind of landlords that are willing to take tenants with bad credit or a criminal history. This will only add to the housing crisis.”
The vast majority of landlords in the United States are individuals, with most owning one or two rental houses.
In Michigan, more than $500 million in federal pandemic emergency assistance funds remain unspent, with thousands of applications for aid mired in state and municipal bureaucracies.
“Everyone in the process agrees the application process is flawed. The problems created by the system are intensified for private owners,” Greg Stremers, an attorney in Port Huron, Michigan, told The Epoch Times.
“Many property owners are selling off their properties, creating an even deeper shortage of rental properties. When I process an eviction, the tenants are having difficulty finding a new place to live, which is driving rents higher.”
Maricopa County constable Darlene Martinez serves residents with an eviction order in Phoenix, Arizona, in late 2020.


Small Landlords Forced Out of Business

Stimulus Not Paying for Rentals
Stremers said the system is “undeniably deficient,” pointing out that, of the $46 billion allocated by Congress in emergency rental assistance, only $3 billion has thus far been distributed to applicants nationwide by state and local agencies.
According to the U.S. Department of Treasury, states and municipalities have until Sept. 30 to disburse the funds or they may be reallocated.
The latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eviction moratorium is set to expire on Oct. 3.
The National Equity Atlas estimates that landlords across the United States are owed more than $21 billion in overdue rent.
Don James, president of the Florida Landlord Association in Coral Gables, believes the moratorium is detrimental to renters as well as landlords.
“We as landlords cannot enforce our rental contracts and, this being a seller’s market, [it] is forcing landlords to sell their properties. This is going to cause shrinking of rental facilities, thus hurting renters,” he said.
Mike Bodeis, president of the 450-member Port Huron Area Landlord Association and owner of 40 rental houses, told The Epoch Times: “It’s a myth that 3.6 million Americans may soon be made homeless. Two-thirds of them could be paying their rent, but are not because they choose not to. They didn’t choose to pay their rent or utility bills with all the stimulus money they received.
To illustrate, Bodeis said: “In one eviction, in which I personally participated, we took six flatscreen TVs out of the house. It’s all about priorities.”
President of the Flint, Michigan-area Genesse Landlord Association, Ed Constable, said that the rent moratorium has had little effect on some of the members, but has been “devasting” for others.
“Maybe a quarter of residential tenants have signed the eligibility affidavit for the emergency pandemic rent assistance,” Constable said.
“Some instances can be horrible. One woman was in debt to me for a year’s back rent. Rather than go through the process, I ended up writing her a check for one month’s rent. That’s what it took to finally get her out. After that experience, I have zero interest in more residential rentals.”
The terms of the emergency rent assistance application are supposed to preserve the right of a landlord to evict a tenant for committing a criminal act on the premises, damaging property, threatening the health and safety of other tenants, or violating building codes and health ordinances, and for breach of contract other than non-payment of rent.
“Everything depends on the judge,” Constable said. “We had one landlord
with a beautiful, high-end rental home. His tenants moved in, along with six dogs and a potbelly pig! The case came before a liberal judge. It was delayed forever. Ultimately, the landlord could not get a writ to evict.” In Michigan, emergency rent assistance checks for up to 12 months of back rent, and even three months of future rent, are made out directly to the landlord for the benefit of qualifying tenants, but the tenants must apply for the aid. While that may sound like a win-win proposition, Stremers said that only a small percentage of tenants apply. “In fact,” Stremers said, “even the tenants typically don’t apply, and if the owner "We as wants them to, we have landlords cannot to encourage them. The vast majority of the tenants rarely show up enforce for the eviction pretrial, our rental contracts and, this and rarely submit the proper CDC paperwork to start the moratorium process.” being a Included in the paperseller’s market, [it] is forcing work is a requirement for the tenant to provide a government-issued identification card. landlords Stremers said the reato sell their properties." son for the card is that “under a prior federal stimulus for renters to
Don James purchase homes, there president, Florida was fraud by the tenLandlord Association in ants—the money went Coral Gables to tenants, who did not make the payments.” Baird said that in the Lake Erie region, “tenants are not signing up for help.” “They don’t seem to care about paying their bills. They have no reason to care. There are no consequences. The government is letting them get away with it,” she said. One Wisconsin landlord stated in an email: “I don’t know why the government thinks landlords can afford to pay bills when not collecting rent, or why we should be responsible for the tenant’s inability to pay. I think they are taking advantage of the moratorium to not pay on time.” Jannis Falkenstern contributed to this report.
Anchors Aweigh!

Boating 101: How to get started
By Bill Lindsey
Endless months of social distancing have affected the ability of family and friends to enjoy get-togethers at restaurants, movies, concerts, or other entertainment venues, leaving many feeling isolated. Here’s one solution: boats allow small groups to safely enjoy each other’s company while offering fresh air and sunshine.
Most bowrider or center console pleasure boats under 21 feet in size are easy to operate while safely and comfortably accommodating four to six people. An express cruiser featuring more seating areas, as well as an enclosed cabin with a bathroom and kitchen (the “head” and the “galley”), may be more appropriate for larger families or groups, or for extended and overnight cruising.
Don’t own a boat? Not a problem; many marinas have fleets of rental boats available, allowing new boaters to “try before they buy” or to simply rent a boat rather than own, thus avoiding maintenance and storage responsibilities. Rental boats are ready to go, equipped with required safety equipment including life preservers, a horn, and signaling devices; just step aboard and choose a direction. Boat rental companies operate coast to coast, offering a variety of boats ranging in size from 18-foot outboard engine-powered models to 40-foot cruisers. Most can assist with hands-on training, in addition to providing references for local boating safety classes.
A boat allows you to enjoy amazing experiences those confined to dry land can’t imagine. Distant islands in the bay are transformed into picnic sites, warm evenings are prime cocktail cruise dates, and any day is ideal for a leisurely, stress-shedding ride across the lake, up the river, or along the coast. In short, a boat is a veritable portable, personal island, making every day on the water a family reunion and every casual cruise with friends and coworkers a reconnecting adventure. A boat allows you to discover how different a community

While enjoying a day on the water, make sure guests stay safe.

Amid endless months of social distancing, boating allows you to enjoy amazing bonding time with small groups of friends and family.
What to think about when on water
Rules of the Road
U.S. waterways feature navigational markers that may also warn of shallow water, rocks, or other hazards. Keep the boat centered between these markers, staying on the right side just as you do on a highway.
looks from the water and the joys of finding a quiet spot to toss out the anchor, transforming the boat into a waterfront restaurant with no wait or mask mandates.
What to Know
The only thing a boat has in common with a car is the steering wheel; instead of a gas and brake pedal, a lever controls the throttle for speed and engine direction (forward, neutral, and reverse). While most states don’t require special licensing to operate a small boat, it’s always a good idea to have someone experienced at the wheel because every boat cruise is a practical lesson in physics. Wind, water currents, and even the wake from other boats affect speed and direction. These forces have a direct relationship to the comfort and safety of the passengers on the boat. As an example, crossing a large wake from a passing boat or applying too much throttle can cause the bow to unexpectedly rise up, throwing the boat off course while jostling passengers.
Operating a boat is fairly straightforward, but it does require your full attention. In addition to making sure guests are comfortable, they need to stay safe, keeping arms, feet, and hands inside the vessel while underway. Dangling legs over the bow may seem like fun but it could go wrong in an instant if a passing boat’s wake causes one of your guests to fall overboard in the path of the spinning propeller. When the boat is anchored to take a dip, no one should go in the water until the engine is turned off and the key removed from the ignition. And just as drinking and driving don’t mix on the road, the person operating the boat needs to be clearheaded from the time the boat pulls away from the dock until it is safely tied up again at the end of the cruise.

A boat allows you to discover how the world looks from the water and go on adventures those confined to dry land can’t imagine.
Safety Equipment
Ensure there is one PFD (personal flotation device) sized to fit every person on board, as well as a throwable flotation device, all kept within easy reach. If the family dog is coming aboard, make sure it also wears a PFD.
Essential gear for every cruise includes sunblock, sunglasses, hats, medications (in case delays keep you on the water longer than expected), a basic first aid kit, cell phone and charger cable, snacks, and a cooler filled with water.