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Everyday Consideration
Common Courtesies for Time Spent With Strangers
It’s easy to get caught up in our own little world, but even still, we need to spend time out in public. Whether we’re shopping for groceries, walking the dog, or traveling, proper behavior is a must.
By Bill Lindsey
on the Menu
While you may be sitting at your own table in a restaurant, there will be others around you also enjoying a great meal. A good rule of thumb is to act as if everyone hears and sees what goes on at your table. Be considerate of those around you; if your children become rambunctious, take them outside rather than reprimanding them at the table. Acknowledge and thank your server.
Enjoy a Fun Night Out 2
It’s exciting to watch sporting events or attend a concert, but the enforced closeness calls for enhanced etiquette. Avoid blocking the view of those behind you, and be gracious when someone needs to exit the aisle. Loudly singing along at a concert might seem fun, but those around you may not agree, so save it for the drive home. If someone is disturbing your enjoyment, let an usher address it rather than responding yourself.
Happy Shopping 3
While at the grocery or hardware store or exploring the local mall, be aware of other shoppers. Take care not to block the aisle or block access to an item someone needs to reach. When in line to check out, let someone with only one or a few items get in line in front of you. Treat the sales staff with basic respect; if they provide outstanding service, let their supervisor know.
Improve the Neighborhood 5
Manners matter while walking the dog, perusing a yard sale, or even mowing the lawn. Smile and nod at your neighbors; sometimes just being acknowledged can make someone’s day, and you never know who may turn out to be a great friend. When neighbors walk their dog past your house while you’re in the yard, greet them with a smile and a hello; you may discover they had been hoping to meet you.
Make Traveling Fun Again 4
When in a line to check in for a flight or at the hotel, be patient without loudly announcing your “priority ranking.” If you treat the cabin, gate, and hotel staff with respect, you may find yourself upgraded. If you eat or drink at the gate while waiting for your flight, clean up after yourself, and tuck any carry-on luggage under or next to your seat to avoid creating a tripping hazard.