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Grocery Etiquette
When you head to the store for yogurt and coffee, remember these tips
We all tend to view a trip to the grocery store as a boring, mundane task during which we may tune out a bit. However, manners matter everywhere, so take note of the following tips.
By Bill Lindsey
Grazing Is for Cows 1
An all-too-common sight in the grocery store is shoppers casually munching on grapes or eating chips from the bag as they cruise up and down the aisles. This is OK if the shopper pays for the chips at checkout, but it’s stealing when it applies to grapes or other items with a price that’s determined by weight at the register. If the store has an associate handing out samples, take one— not three—and move along.
Pick a Lane 2
Grocery carts are a handy way to hold multiple items while shopping, but they tend to be big and not all that nimble. For those reasons, take care to not inadvertently block an aisle, and pay attention to avoid accidentally ramming into another cart or, worse, tailgating another shopper and then hitting them. Just as we do while driving our cars, stay on the right side of the aisle and allow plenty of room for the other guy.
Patience Is a Virtue 3
There are always others shopping while you’re at the grocery store, making waiting in line a strong possibility at the deli or meat counter or when it’s time to check out. If you find yourself waiting to be served, be patient and be ready. That means having your credit card, check, or cash ready to pay. And don’t be that person who ignores the maximum items rule in the express lane, even by just one.
Nightly News 4
While grocery shopping alone, resist the urge to take or make calls, except for brief calls home to ask for preferred styles of pretzels or ice cream flavors. No one wants to hear your conversation about your day at the office, especially if you’re using earbuds. If you realize that you’re being overheard, don’t glare at the other person—apologize and get off the phone.
Mirror Image 5
It’s true that the grocery store is hardly the casino at Monte Carlo, where the patrons are expected to be decked out in glamorous outfits, but one should make an effort to be moderately groomed and presentable before heading out. Stop in front of a fulllength mirror before leaving home and evaluate your overall appearance. Ask yourself, “‘Would Mom be OK with this outfit?” and if the answer is “yes,” then you’re good to go.