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Show You Care

Essential ‘get well’ etiquette

At some point, friends, family, and co-workers may become ill or even need to be hospitalized. Here are some suggestions to help cheer them up and show that they are in your thoughts.

By Bill Lindsey

We’re All Family 1

When immediate family members aren’t feeling well, it’s important to be there for them in person when possible, or in spirit when distances or other factors leave you unable to visit. Whether the malady is minor or serious, reaching out can make the sick person’s discomfiture a bit more bearable. In-person visits are usually well-received, but if that can’t be arranged, pick up the phone and call—don’t just send a text.

Boost Spirits 2

Providing pleasant distractions can be an ideal way to help lift the spirits of someone on the mend. If he or she can receive visitors and is open to you dropping by, by all means do so. But remember, if the person is in a hospital, step out of the room if any nurses or doctors stop by while you are there to provide your friend with privacy. Keep the stay brief; it’s better to drop by often for quick visits than to linger overly long.

Appropriate Co-worker Care 3

There’s never a good reason to ignore a co-worker who isn’t feeling well or is in the hospital. Even if you don’t have a close relationship with him or her, get together with other co-workers and send flowers and a “get well” card, or send a video via social media wishing the person a speedy recovery. If your boss is sick, call to check in and to see whether you can do anything at the office in his or her stead.

Time Doesn’t Always Fly 5

To a normally active person stuck at home with the flu or hospitalized for even a minor ailment, the hours and days can seem to drag by as if stuck in molasses. If you know that person’s interests, deliver relevant books or periodicals, or consider bringing a tablet he or she can use to browse and thus stay connected to the world and happily occupied. Remember to include a charging cord!

Respect Privacy

It’s important to recognize that not everyone sick at home or in the hospital wants visitors, so don’t show up unannounced. If he or she is convalescing at home, send a card or even a prepaid pizza if you know his or her favorite toppings. Some folks prefer to stay a bit shut off when they are not at their best, but that just means you need to be creative in finding ways to let them know you hope they feel better soon.

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