6 minute read
Movie Manners
How to Enjoy a Night at the Movies
The key to having a great time at the movie theater is to focus on the show and your manners
Enjoying the latest blockbuster from Hollywood is a treat, allowing you to lose yourself in the action on the silver screen. But as you enjoy the entertainment, show consideration for those around you.
1 Be on Time
Show up on time, settling into your seat at least five minutes before the movie begins. Walking in while the movie is playing is disruptive to those who managed to get to their seats on time. When the movie ends, you can get up once the credits begin to roll, but consider waiting to see if there are short, new movie trailers after the last credit. Even if there are no trailers, the lobby and restrooms will be less crowded when you wait for everyone else to leave before you do.
By Bill Lindsey
4 Sit, Stay
The appeal of a movie theater is the ability to sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the experience. Frequent trips to the snack counter, bathroom, or lobby are rude to those around you. Pick the perfect seat by arriving a bit early and trying out several to determine which one provides the exact, perfect view. If you bring children, explain to them the importance of staying in their seats and quietly enjoying the movie; if they have phones, take them temporarily, returning them after you leave the theater.
2 Hold That Thought
People go to movie theaters in order to escape from the outside world for a little while, and reasonably expect to be able to focus entirely upon and enjoy the movie they’ve selected—and paid—to see. Accordingly, don’t talk during a movie; there is nothing so important that it cannot wait. Don’t text, either! Continual whispering can also be disturbing to those around you. Apply a slight revision of the golden rule: Don’t behave in a way that would annoy you.
3 No Calls, Please 5 Relax, but Not Too Much
Turn your phone off; the ring of a cellphone during a movie is not only jarring, but also disrespectful to others in the theater. If you are truly expecting an important call, you shouldn’t be sitting in a movie theater! Allow incoming calls to go to voicemail until after the movie. If you insist on taking a call, get up and leave the viewing area immediately, with as little fanfare as possible. Reconsider returning to watch the movie, as doing so may once again disturb the patrons who have better manners than you. Being comfortable with snacks is part of the “going to the movies” experience, but don’t create and then leave behind a pile of trash or spilled food. Similarly, you’re not in the privacy of your home, so don’t put your feet up on the seat in front of you or the seat adjacent to yours. If you are inordinately tall, consider taking a seat at the end of the aisle so as not to block the view of those seated behind you.
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Vanessa Morrison, medical records clerk
Creed Haymond, surgeon Gail F. Sauve, homemaker
Mark Naumann, photographer “It is straightforward, rather than a lot of speculation or pontificating.”
Jan Hamilton, retired professional
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