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Icy Etiquette

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Skating is a winter tradition made better when everyone behaves

Strapping on skates and sailing across the frozen surface is as close to a superpower most of us will ever experience, but with power comes responsibility, so take care to ensure everyone has a great time.

By Bill Lindsey

1 Ice Rules

One of the most important unwritten rules of skating says that more-seasoned, experienced skaters are expected to do whatever it takes to avoid collisions. When coming up on slower skaters, pass them on the outside by a wide margin, saying “excuse me” if you’re unavoidably close to them. Don’t rocket past slower skaters—besides being rude, it could be dangerous if they unknowingly get in front of you. When approaching skaters coming in the opposite direction, pass to your right of them. An ice skating rink or frozen lake isn’t a substitute day care facility, so don’t simply turn the kids loose while you look for hot chocolate or check your email. Being a good parent, older sibling, or responsible babysitter means keeping an eye on your kids. This includes safety concerns and proper behavior; if they are having problems skating, make sure they don’t get hurt.

Also make sure they politely share the ice with other skaters and don’t get rambunctious.

4 Control the Kids

2 Be Helpful

If you see a skater struggling to stay upright, or who has fallen, carefully approach them and offer a helping hand to get back up. They may well be embarrassed, so think twice before offering unsolicited advice or technique suggestions, making sure to phrase whatever you say so that it comes across as friendly, like, “It took me forever to learn to skate until a friend showed me this trick.” If they are receptive, give them a few pointers.

3 Be Respectful

Not everyone on the ice has spent many years perfecting their skills, so it’s important that those with wellhoned skills take care to not look down on those who are new to the ice or simply less talented. Just as sound travels across water, so too does it travel across ice, meaning that any less-thanflattering comments about awkward skaters might be heard by them and others. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

5 Share the Ice

You may well be the next Wayne Gretzky, and yes, hockey is played on ice by folks wearing skates, but that doesn’t mean you should skate aggressively or in a manner that might intimidate those around you. That goes for budding Olympians who want to practice spins and leaps as well as coaches who are giving lessons. If you’re practicing a routine that requires you to cover a lot of ice, plan ahead to skate when the rink isn’t crowded.

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