1 minute read


Thank you for reading The Lost Science of Compound Interest! “An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest.”

Ben Franklin


I once read a definition of success that went something like “success is doing our best; and when we know better, we then do better.”

Now that you know the steps to take to secure your future and that of your family, what will you do? Will you start today? Will you Pay Yourself First? Will you ensure your money is secure? Will you securely leverage?

After that, will you share the investment of knowledge so someone else can also enjoy the freedom you’ve found?

Right now, you probably thought of someone that has struggled—perhaps sincerely believing that life will never give them abundance no matter how hard they work: Give this book to them. Let them have your copy.

Then, as you think of the people in your family, in your circle, and others that look to you for guidance, get them a copy. If you believe, as I do, that being a great friend or family member is about helping others become financially independent, share your knowledge, experience, and belief in the power of Compound Interest. It could change their life forever!


Thank you!

Curtis Ray


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