EF Vancouver- Student Handbook 2017

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Student Handbook

International International Language Centers Language Campuses

Welcome to Vancouver Thank you for choosing to study with EF. Whether your course is for one week or one year, we will do our best to ensure that you settle in easily and enjoy your stay in this fantastic city. During your first few days here you will probably have many questions regarding your course, your accommodation and what to do in the city, etc. This handbook is designed to

Table of contents

answer many of those questions and provide you with some useful basic information. If you still have any questions after reading this, please speak to a staff member at school. We are here to help, and want your stay to be a happy one.

School Regulations

Welfare and Comfort

Page 5

Page 16

Have a wonderful stay and don’t forget to speak English at all times!

Your English Course

Health and Safety

Page 6

Page 18

Your home abroad

Activities and Excursions

Page 10

Page 20

General Information

Problems – Complaints Procedure Page 22

Page 14



Opening the world through education

School regulations

EF’s mission is to break down the barriers of language, culture and geography through our products.

To ensure that every student can enjoy and get the most out of their course, we ask all students to follow our School Code below.

We are committed to providing a supportive, friendly and nurturing environment where students from diverse cultural backgrounds are able to study English in the most effective way.

Accordingly, we place great emphasis on effective learning, delivered by a qualified and dedicated academic team and support staff. We also offer professional advice on all aspects of life and culture in Canada. Finally, our school is dedicated to developing a climate where hard work, ambition and self-realisation are expected, and result in the achievement of academic and personal goals.

Please note that in case of a student’s misconduct, or criminal offence, EF reserves the right to terminate the student’s course. Any refund of fees will be at EF’s discretion. School Code The following school code was created together by EF school staff and students. Please follow it at all times. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask a school staff member - we are always here to help. >> To maximize language improvement, please speak English at all times. >> Participate in all class activities and complete all homework. >> Be punctual; attend your classes on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late you will not be allowed into the class. Students arriving within the first 10 minutes of class will be marked late. You will be marked absent for your 3rd late arrival in one week. >> You must attend your lessons. A minimum of 80% attendance is required in order to receive your EF certificate and to sit the EFSET exam. Students


of University Preparation programs are required to attend 90% of their classes. Exam preparation students are strongly recommended to attend 90% of their classes. >> Please inform the school of sickness or absence for other reasons. You will not receive attendance for missed classes. >> Please do not bring food/drinks in iLabs/ classrooms. >> Please turn off mobile phones in class. >> Please treat your fellow students, staff and host families with respect. >> Take care of your own property and the property of EF. >> Work hard and enjoy your experience! Canadian Law It is important to abide by all national and local laws. > The drinking age in British Columbia is 19 years old. > Drinking outdoors is not allowed. > Marijuana is illegal in Canada. > Smoking indoors is not allowed. > It is against the law to smoke within six metres of a building’s entrance/exit. > Breaking laws could result in large fines.


Your English course With EF, you will study English both in a traditional classroom setting, as well as through technologically-enhanced lessons in our iLab classes. In order to maximize your progress, we encourage you to speak English at all times, and to practice outside the classroom in real-world situations. What is your level of English? The results from the English test you took on My EF before you departed, together with an oral test that you will have with a member of the academic team on your first day, allows us to determine your level of English so that you can be placed into the correct class. There are 6 different stages and each stage has 3 different levels (i.e. B1-1, B1-2 & B1-3). >> A1 – Beginner >> A2 – Elementary >> B1 – Intermediate >> B2 – Upper Intermediate >> C1 – Advanced >> C2 – Proficiency Your schedule Your schedule will be made available at the end of your first day, and you can check it on my.ef.com in the “lounge” tab. Lessons are 40 minutes, but the majority of the time you will have double lessons of 1 hour and 20 minutes. You will have lessons alternating between morning and afternoon. 6

Attendance Your attendance is carefully monitored. Please come to the Academic Office if you are going to miss class - if you are participating in an EF trip, for example. If you cannot come to school because you are sick, please telephone the school to let us know. If you are sick for 5 days or more, please bring a doctor’s note to the school. You will be marked absent whenever you are not in school, whatever the reason. If your attendance falls below 80%, you will receive a warning letter from the school. If you receive a letter, please come to speak to the Academic Director. If your attendance does not improve, you will receive further warning letters and your parents/sponsor may be informed. If you miss 2 consecutive days of school and you have not told us why you are away, you will receive a letter or email from us asking you to contact us immediately. If you are in Canada on a Student visa, the Government of Canada requires you to attend a minimum of 80% attendance in your classes.


General English lessons All students will have 10 x 80 minute lessons of general English. 7 lessons are in a classroom using the Efekta course book and multi-media materials. You will have 3 lessons using online courseware, 1 in an iLab and 2 with an iPad. In your General English classes you will study: >> Vocabulary >> Grammar >> Reading >> Writing >> Listening >> Speaking >> Pronunciation Lectures All students will have one lecture per week. They cover interesting subjects such as history, art, local culture and current affairs. The Efekta™ System The EF Efekta™ Learning System is a blended learning approach. This consists of communicative classroom lessons using Efekta course books and multi-media materials. This is blended with


teacher-guided online essons on iPads or in iLabs (computer laboratory). The online lessons have been specifically developed to add to your understanding of the materials and language presented in the Efekta course books. Special Interest (SPIN) lessons To complement your General English classes, you will have a choice of Special Interest (SPIN) classes, depending on your level, interests and availability in school. The number of SPIN classes you take depends on which course you book. Homework Your teachers will give you homework, which is to be completed by your next class. You will have the chance to ask the teacher and your fellow students about anything you don’t understand. If you would like extra homework, please ask your teacher. Testing your progress To check that you are still in the correct level, you will take an EF progress test at

the end of each level. To test how much you are learning, teachers conduct weekly in-class assessment. You can also follow your progress on your iTracker available under the “My Course” tab on my.ef.com. Examinations EF Standard English Test (EFSET) - You will take the EFSET during your final week at school. This test evaluates your language level in accordance to the internationally recognised standard, the Common European Framework of Reference. Cambridge ELA Exams - In addition to taking Cambridge exam preparation classes, you can also take your exam in school as we are a recognised exam centre. Please speak with the Cambridge Supervisor well in advance for exam dates and registration deadlines. Other exams (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS etc.) may also be available off-campus. Students are responsible for registering for these

Outside the classroom Travelling to an English speaking country to learn the language gives you more possibilities to improve and practise your language skills at all times. To really advance your English, you should make an effort to speak English outside the classroom and make friends with students from other countries. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes; practise makes perfect. Computer rooms (iLabs) – Private study and Internet access All students may use the iLabs for private study and for personal internet access. Check the notice board for opening times. Changing or extending your course The Academic team can advise you on all the different courses that EF offers if you would like to change your course. If you would like to extend your course please speak to our Administration Coordinator, who will be happy to help you!

independently. These need to be booked in advance. If you have any questions about exam dates, availability, and costs please see the Academic team. 9

Your home abroad There are two main types of accommodation: Homestay and Residential. Staying with a host family is a great way to improve your English. You will experience typical local life and will be involved in the family’s routine and lifestyle. Living in a Residence helps you meet other international students in your course that you can practice English with. Family Routines Ask your family about their daily routine: when you can use the bathroom in the morning, what to do if you arrive home late, whether you can bring friends home, etc. This information will help you all find a routine that suits everyone. Respect Make sure that you do not treat your family like hotel staff. Make your bed, keep your room tidy and offer to help with small household jobs. Always ask before you bring friends home. Meals and mealtimes Your host family will provide you with breakfast and dinner each day and lunch on the weekends. The food may be very different to what you are used to, you may need to be open about trying new things. 10

Let them know about your likes/dislikes and any allergies. Many families will have set mealtimes which tend to be earlier than most countries. Plan your time so that you are home for dinner. If you are going to be late, or decide to miss a meal, let your family know in advance. Keys All students will be given a key to the front door of the house. You are not expected to share this key with other students or family members. Do not give this key to anyone. Laundry Your family will wash your bed linen and towels but you are responsible for washing your clothes. You may be able to use the family washing machine or the family may do your washing. It’s ok to contribute a reasonable amount (approx. $5) for washing and laundry supplies such as detergent, fabric softener, etc. Alternatively, you can also use the nearest laundromat. Heating Most families will only have the heating on at certain times of the day as it is very expensive. Let your host family know if you need an extra blanket at night.


Telephone Telephone calls are expensive. You must ask the family if you wish to use the phone. Dial 0 to arrange for the person you are calling to pay (collect call). You can also buy a telephone card with pre-paid credit at a local grocery store. Internet You will need to ask permission to access the family’s internet and you may have to pay a fee, or you can use the nearest internet café or the Wi-Fi in the school. If you have an unlocked smart phone, some mobile phone companies offer prepaid sim cards with data plans.


Damages Any damages or breakages are between you and the family, although we can help if needed. We would advise that you offer to pay for any damages you cause or if you have insurance you may be able to make a claim. Keeping things safe Make sure that you keep your passport, return ticket, money, traveller’s cheques and anything else valuable in a safe place (lock them in your suitcase). Inform staff immediately if anything goes missing.

Curfew times for 16 - 17 year olds 16-year-olds must return home by 10 pm (Sunday to Thursday) and by 11 pm (Friday to Saturday). 17-year-olds must return home by 11 pm (Sunday to Thursday) and midnight (Friday to Saturday). Staying out at night and going away Always tell your family if you are not going to spend the night at home or if you are going away for the weekend. If your family is expecting you home and you do not arrive, they may report you as a missing person to the police.

Changing your family If you wish to change your host family, please visit the Accommodation team and explain the situation. It is not possible to change your family based only on the distance from school. At busy times of the year it may not be possible to change your family immediately. Finding a new family available may take from 2 to 4 weeks. Own or Private Accommodation If you are staying in your own or private accommodation, you are required to inform EF of your address and telephone number and update us of any changes during your time with us. Dealing with landlords and letting agents is your responsibility, not EF’s.


General information Being new in a foreign country, you will certainly have many questions regarding life in your host country. In this section you will find some important information to help you get started and feel comfortable in your temporary home. If you have any questions that are not covered here, please feel free to ask a staff member. Changing money You can exchange foreign currency and traveller’s cheques in banks and money exchange houses. Unfortunately we cannot take foreign currency in school, only Canadian dollars. Opening a bank account It is normally only possible to open a bank account if you are staying in the country for more than six months. We can give you a letter of acceptance on request in the Administration office. Banks are usually open from 8.00am until 5.00pm, Monday to Friday and some on Saturday and even on Sunday mornings. If you have a bank account, money can be directly transferred from overseas. If not, then money can be transferred through the Western Union – please ask our staff to inform you where the nearest office is. When you are arranging to have money sent from your home country,


please remember these two very important points: >> Please tell the sender not to send cash, as even through registered mail it very often does not arrive. >> Personal cheques from overseas banks cannot be cashed in this country. Electrical Electrical sockets use 120 volts, so if you come from a country which operates on a different voltage, you will need a transformer before you use your equipment. You might also need an adaptor for any fitted plugs. If you are not sure, check with your host family/residence before you use any electrical items you have brought with you. Insurance It is mandatory to have an accident and health insurance, either bought through EF or from another insurance company. EF works directly with ERIKA Insurance, which can be bought in school within the first 4 weeks of your course starting. Remember: it is too late to think about buying insurance after an accident or theft has taken place! ERIKA insurance covers you for the following: >> Medical & Accident coverage

>> Baggage & Property Insurance >> Delay Insurance >> Program Interruption Insurance >> Liability & Legal Insurance If you do not have insurance, please speak to our Administration Coordinator about how to buy an insurance policy. School letters To join the library, local clubs, the gym, applying for a visa for travel, etc. you may need a letter from the school proving that you are a student with EF, just ask the Administration Coordinator. In some cases, your EF student card may be sufficient. Student mail You can receive letters and packages at the school address. When they arrive, you will be notified by email to pick them up at the Reception desk. Please note that the school takes no responsibility for lost items or duty fees connected with your packages. Post Our post system is relatively inexpensive and reliable. You can buy stamps for letters and postcards at the post offices. Calling locally and abroad In Canada, the telephone number will be made up of an area code and the individual subscriber’s number. Note that telephone rates vary according to the time of day and distance. For long distance calls, dial the full number including the area code. For international calls, you need to dial 011 followed by the country code, area code and subscriber number.

To find out country codes visit: www.countrycallingcodes.com Places of worship You will almost certainly find your faith represented somewhere in the city. Ask your host family or check the school noticeboards for the nearest church, mosque, synagogue or temple. Flight and travel arrangements Before you fly, you might want to check in to your flight online. If you have any questions regarding your ticket, or you need to change your flight date, the school staff will be able to help. If you wish to book a return taxi transfer, please speak to the Administration Coordinator a few days before your departure. Visas For some nationalities, a visa is required to travel to other countries. This might be necessary if you decide to join one of our excursions to the USA, such as a trip to Seattle or Portland. In order to apply for a visa, you will need a letter from the school that confirms your enrolment. Please contact the Activities Office for more information. Sickness Please refer to page 19 of this handbook and contact the school, host family or residence to get a map for the closest walk-in clinic available to you. Keep in mind that you may need to pay a fee upon your visit to the walk-in clinic. Please keep your receipts to claim insurance reimbursement. Hospitals in Canada are only for emergencies! Unless you need surgery, please try to avoid visiting a hospital (you might have to wait up to 5 hours before seeing a Doctor and you will have to pay up to $900 in fees plus cost of tests and medication).


Welfare and comfort Your welfare is our top priority and we have a few special guidelines and tips to ensure your well-being. Please make sure that these are followed. Our Administration Coordinator is there for you if you would like to speak to someone, or if you would like some help with any difficulties or questions you may have. Your conversation will be treated confidentially. If there is another staff member you feel more comfortable talking to, please do so. Students’ responsibility It is the responsibility of our students to cooperate with staff and management of the building to achieve a safe and comfortable learning, working and living environment, and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. Coping with cultural difference Some parts of our culture are very different; some like food, music, art and religion are easy to identify but others such as beauty, status and emotions are more difficult to quantify but may have an equally important effect on our lives. No one culture should be considered as ‘better’ than any other – it is important to remember that ‘different’ does not mean ‘worse’ and you should try to keep an open mind about different aspects of your new culture until you have had time to settle down. 16

Living in a new culture can be an exciting experience but it’s possible that you may suffer from homesickness from time to time. Don’t worry, it’s normal and it will pass as you make new friends and explore the city/country. Anti-bullying policy We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our students so that they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our schools. We are a TELLING school; this means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a member of EF staff. What is bullying? Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying can be: >> Emotional: being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting (e.g. threatening gestures) >> Physical: pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence >> Verbal: name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing

>> Racist: racial taunts, graffiti, gestures >> Sexual: unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments >> Homophobic: because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality >> Cyber: All areas of internet, such as email & internet chat room misuse. Mobile threats by text messaging & calls. Misuse of associated technology, i.e. camera & video facilities If you are a victim of bullying please contact an EF staff member who will address your problem with the strictest of confidence. If a student is found to be bullying the case will be dealt with accordingly by the School Director, in serious cases students may be excluded from school.

by 11pm (Friday to Saturday) 17 year olds must return home by 11pm (Sunday to Thursday) and midnight (Friday to Saturday). >> Independent travel outside the course town: We strongly recommend travelling on EF-organized excursions. Any independent travel will require parental authorization. >> Canada Laws: Students below the age of 19 are not permitted to buy cigarettes, alcohol or enter night clubs (2 pieces of official government I.D. are often requested for confirmation of age).

Guidelines for students under 18 years of age >> Curfew times: 16 year olds must return home by 10pm (Sunday to Thursday) and


Welfare and comfort EF’s policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, students and visitors, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for that purpose. Overall responsibility for health and safety lies with the School Director. First aid Selected staff are trained in first aid or emergency aid in the workplace. If there is an emergency at school, please contact any staff member immediately. Doctor and dentist Your host family or EF staff will help you find the closest walk-in clinic and make an appointment to see a doctor if you feel unwell. For coughs, colds, or a sore throat you can go to the pharmacy for advice on what medicine you need. You should only visit the hospital in case of an emergency or accident, or if referred by your doctor. If you need to pay for your medical treatment at the doctors or the hospital you may be able to claim this back on your insurance, make sure you keep all receipts.


Emergencies If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t feel safe, don’t hesitate in asking for help by calling the free phone number 911 for ambulance, police and fire services. In case the situation requires immediate assistance from an EF staff member (help that cannot wait until next business day), please call EF’s emergency number for further direction: +1 604 889-0608. Fire and emergency procedures Selected staff are trained in fire safety and first-aid. There will be regular fire drills and fire alarm tests taking place in the centre. Please familiarise yourself with the fire safety information on the school notice boards and any instructions in the classrooms. In the event of a fire please follow the directives of an EF staff member or fire officer and exit the building. You will be notified when fire drills and fire alarm tests take place at the school. It is against the law to cover smoke detectors. Please note that EF operates a self-evacuation policy. In the event of an alarm kindly follow the below procedure: Leave the building immediately >> Never use the elevator during an emergency;

> DO NOT take your belongings with you; >> Follow the signs marked “Fire Exit”; >> If using the stairs, please keep to the right; >> Walk to St. Andrew’s Playground Park located one block away from the school

people you do not know. Unless you know a person very well, do not accept an invitation to their house or go with them by car. >> Take care crossing the road. >> If you get lost, call someone; your group

(at 450 Adelaide Street West); >> Check with staff at the park to let them know you’re safe. >> DO NOT re-enter the building until told to do so.

leader, the EF school’s emergency number or your host family/residence. >> If you have items stolen or see a crime take place, then please report it to EF staff as soon as possible.

Premises Buildings are checked regularly to identify any hazards. However, if you see anything that concerns you, please report it to a staff member.

Police Advice: Internet Safety Please read the following important information from the Police concerning chat rooms, instant messaging and social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter:

Personal safety Please follow the below tips to ensure your safety during your time abroad. >> Inform EF staff about any medical conditions or disabilities you have. >> Seek medical attention if you are sick. >> Share your mobile number with your host family, roommate, friends and EF staff. >> Let EF staff know if you are worried about a friend for any reason. >> Do not let strangers into the host family house. >> Do not accept rides from strangers or go anywhere with them. >> Never travel alone at night and always go out in pairs or groups. >> Stay in well-lit areas. >> If you use a taxi, always ensure it is a licensed taxi and make sure the meter has been turned on. >> Leave important documents, such as your passport and airline tickets locked in your suitcase at your host family or residence, and do not carry large amounts of cash around with you. >> Don’t give out personal information to

Be SMART when surfing the Internet. >> Safe: Keep safe; do not give out personal information such as your name, e-mail, phone number, address or school name to people you do not trust online. >> Meeting: Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with the permission of your host family or any member of EF staff - and even then only when an adult can be present. >> Accepting: Accepting emails, IM messages, or opening files, pictures or texts from people you don’t know or trust can lead to problems - they may contain viruses or nasty messages! >> Reliable: Someone online may be lying about who they are and information you find on the internet may not be reliable. >> Tell: Tell your host, teacher or trusted adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried. If you are in immediate danger, telephone the police on 911 or go to the Police Station.


Activities and excursions The Activities Office is responsible for arranging a weekly timetable filled with a variety of day and weekend excursions, events, sports, parties, attractions and museum visits. You can also get advice on what to do in the city and beyond. We highly recommend that you join the scheduled events; you’ll learn more about the country, make friends, practise your English and most importantly have fun and take home great memories. You can find a new monthly schedule in the Activities Office or log into my.ef.com to find out what has been planned. Excursions Day trips are organised throughout your stay to the famous cities like Whistler or Victoria or local attractions. Weekend trips can take you to the famous Rocky Mountains, Tofino, Seattle or Portland. These will be advertised in advance with posters around the school and on My EF and Facebook. To book a place you will need to sign up in the Activities Office. Activities staff will provide you with the terms and conditions of your booking.


Advice and information If you would like to do some independent travel, the Activities Office can give advice and suggestions. There are also guide books, magazines and folders full of useful information about places to visit. 19+ Activities The legal drinking age in this country is 19 years old. EF may advertise and run parties in pubs/bars/nightclubs, but keep in mind that you must be 19 years or older to attend these events. You will be required to show valid two pieces of ID (i.e. passport and national identity card or driver’s license) - an EF student card is not a valid ID. Make sure that you drink responsibly and that you make your way home safely by traveling home with friends. Items for sale You will find EF merchandise, souvenirs and other useful things for sale in the Activities Office Sports equipment If you require sports equipment, check with the Activities Office to see if you can borrow a football, volleyball or camping gear.

EF student card At the reception desk, you can ask for your EF student card. You can use this card to get discounts around the city. Please check with the Activities Office for the places of discount. Please keep it on you at all times, as it can be used to identify you within the school or outside.

My EF and Facebook You will find a lot of useful information about upcoming events, past excursions, photos, competitions and general news on MyEF and the school’s EF Facebook fan page. You will also be able to make friends with past, present and future EF students all over the world.


Problems / Complaints procedure There may be things or situations that concern you or with which you are not satisfied. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. We are here to help and we aim to make your stay at EF a memorable one. Do you have a problem or query? All students complete an initial arrival questionnaire and our policy is that a staff member goes over the questionnaire face to face with each student to ensure comprehension. Students studying for more than 3 weeks also have a mid-point questionnaire, and all students complete a departure questionnaire. Although you should speak to someone in person as soon as possible when you have any questions or concerns, it is very important that you complete the questionnaires when they come up on MyEF. We read each questionnaire carefully and follow up within a day or two. General Concerns We want you to have the best EF experience possible. If you are unhappy in any way, we encourage you to speak with an EF staff member as soon as possible. If you are unhappy with your English lessons, please first speak with your teacher. Your


teacher is here to help and only wants the best for your English education. If you are not comfortable speaking with your teacher, the academic office is always willing to help. If you are unhappy with your accommodation, please speak with the housing office as soon as possible. The Accommodation Coordinator will help you to find a solution to any concerns you may have with your accommodation. If you would like to change your accommodation for any reasons that are not deemed an emergency by the Accommodation Coordinator you will be required to give 2 weeks’ notice if you are a short-term student or 4 weeks’ notice if you are an Academic Year or Semester Student. If you have already moved once and would like to move again for any reason which is not deemed an emergency by the Accommodation Coordinator you will need to give the same notice periods as above and pay an accommodation change fee which is the equivalent of CAN$75. If you are unhappy with any other aspect of your course or feel that you did not resolve your issue with any other department, please speak to the School Director. The school director will talk to you to about your concerns and provide a follow up action plan, to ensure student satisfaction.

Step 1: If you are not satisfied with your program in general at EF in Vancouver, you are encouraged to speak with the School Director as soon as possible. Alternatively, the school director will contact you if you have provided a low score in any categories on the initial questionnaire which you filled out during the first week here. We will try to resolve any problems as early as possible in your program. The school director will ensure that the relevant department (academics, housing, activities) are made aware of your problem. If you have a complaint pertaining to your program, it must be made in writing. Step 2: The department representative or the school director will follow up with you to make sure your problem has been addressed and resolved. Step 3: If you are not satisfied with the resolution at the school, we will contact your admissions office for help in resolving any outstanding issues. If you request a withdrawal from program, EF will follow the withdrawal and refund policy. Step 4: If you do not feel that your issue has been resolved by the School Director, or if the School Director is absent or named in a complaint, you may contact the Vice President for North America, Carl Cronstedt, at Carl.Cronstedt@ef.com. Step 5: EF’s Vancouver centre is a member of Languages Canada, an association for

accredited language schools in Canada. If you do not feel that your complaint has been resolved by EF, you can contact them by post at Languages Canada, 5886 - 169A Street, Surrey, BC, Canada V3S 6Z8. You can phone them on +1 604-574-1532. You can also use their online contact form available here: http://www.languagescanada.ca/en/contact-us. Alternatively, you may contact PTIB, Private Training Institutions Branch if you are unable to resolve your dispute with EF. The contact information is as follows: 203-1155 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 2P4. Telephone +1-604- 569-0033 (within Canada and internationally) or 1-800-661-7441 (within Canada). Email: PTI@gov.bc.ca. Website: www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov. bc.ca. Questionnaires All students complete an initial “Arrival questionnaire” and our policy is that a staff member goes over the questionnaire face to face with each student to ensure comprehension. Students studying for more than 3 weeks also have a mid-point questionnaire, and all students complete a departure questionnaire. Although you should speak to someone in person as soon as possible when you have any questions or concerns, it is very important that you complete the questionnaires when they come up on My EF. We read each questionnaire carefully and follow up within a day or two. Specific concerns: Changing, shortening or terminating your program.


1. If you would like to finish your program earlier than the original date planned, please talk to the Administration Coordinator: The Administration Coordinator will contact the EF admissions office in your home country or representative sales office for your home country. The Administration Coordinator will provide you with a copy of the Refund Policy. 2. If you would like to change your course type please talk to the Administration Coordinator: The Administration Coordinator will contact the EF admissions office in your home country or representative sales office for your home country and you will need to sign a Course Change Notification Form. You also have to pay a course change fee which is the equivalent of CAD$75. Your change will be effective the next Monday. 3. If you would like to transfer to another EF School, please talk to the Administration Coordinator: The Administration Coordinator will contact the EF sales office in your home country or representative sales office for your home country and you will need to sign a Transfer Form and pay a transfer change


fee. The fee depends on which school you are switching to and what course you will be taking. The average transfer change fee will be around CAD$225.

from English language instruction. Therefore, all students 13/16 years of age or older who desire to learn English as a foreign language have met the admission requirements.

4. If you would like to change your level, please talk to your class teachers who will make a recommendation to the Academic Director if they are in agreement that you are ready to move up or down. You may be required to take a level test, and once assessed the decision will be made whether you can advance or not.

Admission Policy General admission policy How to enroll: Students may enroll by phone, online, by mail at an EF office or with an EF representative. The student has to complete the Enrollment Form and send it to the EF office along with the equivalent of $CAN 500

Please remember: if you have any concerns at all you can talk to any of the school staff who are always ready to listen and assist or put you in touch with the member of staff who can help you. Admission Policy Short statement (from Student Enrolment) There are no specific prerequisites or minimum admission requirements for an EF language program, except that the student must be 16 years of age or older (13 years for the junior program). Anyone can benefit

($195 non-refundable Enrollment Fee, $65 non-refundable Cancellation Protection Fee, and $240 deposit toward course). This may be paid by credit card. Please note: students enrolling in a course that begins within 30 days, send Enrolment Form, Enrolment Fee, Cancellation Protection Fee and Course Fee. A non-refund-able courier fee may be charged in order to expedite student enrollment. Age EF is open to everyone aged 16 years and over. Parents and guardians of students under the age of 19 are required to sign a Medical

Release Waiver. >> Students under the age of 19 may be required to pay a guardian fee in Canada. Admission Policy for University Foundation Semester and Year Courses University Preparation courses are long-term courses and have some specific prerequisites in terms of academic requirements; however they are no longer running in the Vancouver location. >> All of the general admission requirements >> High school diploma, official copy and translated into English >> High school transcripts, official copy and translated into English >> Statement of purpose The English language requirement for the 9 months University Foundation Year course is as follows: IELTS 5.0/TOEFL 510 PBT/180 CBT/ 62 IBT minimum or 45 on the free EF UPiBT placement test. For the 6 months course it is IELTS 5.5, TOEFL 525 PBT/ 194 CBT/ 71 IBT or 50 on the free EF UPiBT placement test.


The English language requirement for University Foundation Year Accelerated College Degree Program for the 9 month course is; IELTS 4.0, TOEFL 380 PBT/ 83 CBT/ 26 IBT or the equivalent on the free EF EFSET test. For the 6 month course the requirements are an IELTS score of 4.5, TOEFL 410 PBT/ 103 CBT/34 IBT or the equivalent on the EFSET test. Step 1 If you are not satisfied with your program in general at EF in Vancouver, you are encouraged to speak with the School Director as soon as possible. Alternatively, the School Director will contact you if you have provided a low score in any categories on the initial questionnaire which you filled out during the first week here. We will try to resolve any problems as early as possible in your program. The School Director will ensure that the relevant department (academics, housing, activities) are made aware of your problem. Step 2 The department representative or the School Director will follow up with you to make sure your problem has been addressed and resolved. Step 3 If you are not satisfied with the resolution at the school, we will contact your admissions office for help in resolving any outstanding issues. If you request a withdrawal from program, EF will follow the withdrawal and refund policy. Step 4 If you do not feel that your issue has been resolved by the School Director, you may contact your overseas admissions office or the Operations Manager for Canada, Bev.Garth, at Bev.Garth@ef.com. 26

Step 5 EF’s Vancouver center is a member of Languages Canada, an association for accredited language schools in Canada. If you do not feel that your complaint has not been resolved by EF, you can contact them by post at Languages Canada, 5886 - 169A Street, Surrey, BC, Canada V3S 6Z8. You can phone them on +1 604-574-1532. You can also use their online contact form available here: www.languagescanada.ca/en/contact-us. Specific concerns: Changing, shortening or terminating your program 1. If you would like to finish your program earlier than the original date planned, please talk to the Administration Coordinator: The Administration Coordinator will contact the EF admissions office in your home country or representative sales office for your home country. In all cases the Enrolment Fee and Optional Cancellation Insurance are nonrefundable. You must give at least 4 weeks’ notice before canceling your program and sign a Course Change Notification Form. If your program is 4 weeks or shorter you will not receive any refund. If your program is more than 4 weeks, you will not be refunded for the first four weeks after the date you have signed the Course Change Notification Form. Your remaining refund will be prorated based on the number of weeks left in your program. If you notify us after the half-point of your program that you would like to terminate your program, you will not receive a refund. 2. If you would like to change your course type please talk to the Administration Coordinator: The Administration Coordinator will contact the EF admissions office in your home country or representative sales office for your home country and you will need to sign a Course Change Notification Form. You also have

to pay a course change fee which is the equivalent of CAD$75. Your change will be effective the next Monday. 3. If you would like to transfer to another EF School, please talk to the Administration Coordinator: The Administration Coordinator will contact the EF sales office in your home country or representative sales office for your home country and you will need to sign a Transfer Form and pay a transfer change fee. The fee depends on which school you are switching to and what course you will be taking. The average transfer change fee will be around CAD$225.

4. If you would like to change your level, please talk to your class Teachers who will make a recommendation to the Academic Director if they are in agreement that you are ready to move up or down. You may be required to take a level test, and once assessed the decision will be made whether you can advance or not. Please remember: if you have any concerns at all you can talk to any of the school staff who are always ready to listen and assist or put you in touch with the member of staff who can help you.


EF Vancouver Suite 200 - 750 Cambie St. Vancouver, BC V6B 2P2 Tel: +1 604-633-0505

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